Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2797: Nightingale aria (10)

Chapter 2797 Nightingale Aria Ten

Boom! ! The opponent used a high-speed collision and his own incredible hardness, forcibly smashed the crystal wall of the tiger-shaped kitten for the body protection, and reached out to the crystal wall, intending to catch Mutter!

However, it was caught empty, and the tiger-shaped kitten was not in the place, and did not know where to go! ——

It is the bottom!

Mutter's crystallization ability is actually the ability to extract the crystallizable substances in the surrounding objects (and even the air), resulting in crystallization. Strictly it is an efficient alchemy, probably a special alchemy magic from the abyss. Since the crystal can be extracted from a substance, it is naturally possible to "empty" the surrounding matter. The tiger-shaped kitten just used this principle to hollow out the soil under his feet, and the ground became a deep pit, and Mutter (the kitten became a hidden pit)!

When Mutter was sensible, he could not do this kind of thing. Is it that when his mind is sleeping and his body becomes a kitten, the consciousness of this kitten has awakened the ability to crystallize? !

And no matter what. In the moment when the geek who seemed to be a golem was going to make a fuss about Mutter, Albert had already circled the geek. In the middle of the grotesque moment, the tiger's young man's storm blade has been drawn, and it is a wide-ranging sweep, which has the meaning of yelling at the opponent. Since the opponent is not a person and intends to work with Mutt, it is not necessary for Albert to give mercy to the enemy. First cut him (or it) again! ——


It was an extremely dull percussion. Albert's blow was not missed, or even hit it beautifully, kneeling on the other's belly. But the blade can't be cut.

so hard! The other person's body is as hard as a big shield with strong enchantment! The blade part of the storm gun blade actually has a good enchantment. It can easily cut off the thick armor, but it can't help with this magic image. It only cuts into the waist of the other side and is embedded. It can't continue to expand the damage, even Can't do it when you pull it out!

Although this situation is rare in the war, Albert is a Warcraft hunter, often encounters Warcraft wearing this heavy scale, he knows how to deal with it. He didn't even think about letting the body follow the instinct in action, kicking out and trying to kick the other side and use that reaction to pull back his own blade!

Although the opponent's body is unreasonably hard, it is also unreasonably light and light. It was directly opened by Albert, and the tiger youth successfully recovered their storm blade. However, he also felt a slight tingling on the footboard. He immediately glanced at it and had two needles on the footboard!

How did the guy attack Albert in such a short time?

wrong! The poison needle was not shot from the guy at all, it was directly from some of the launching mouths of it. If it is a golem, it will all pass.

There was an anesthetic sensation on the footboard, and Albert shocked the needle immediately. Therefore, this poison is not a lethal poison, but it has a strong narcotic effect. It should be a neurotoxin! He handled the wound very quickly, but when he pulled the needle, his right foot was completely numb, and he felt no feedback when he stepped on the ground. His right foot was like being sealed by cement!

This is quite bad. Along with numbness, Albert's right foot flexibility is drastically reduced, and his opponent is the one who is fast and agile. It’s not good to not concentrate on defending opponents, but his opponent did not intend to face him from the beginning, just want to take the opportunity to escape!

Although very unwilling, in this case, only the opponent can escape.

Anyway, it was just a magical figure. Even if you grasp the cross-examination, it is estimated that you can’t ask why. In this way, Albert was fired continuously in the same place, using the bullets of the storm gun to force the opponent to move, let the guy escape to the exit position. And his two avatars have not been lifted until now, while moving and moving to meet with Albert's deity. Because the deity of Albert has already got the equipment, the avatars also have equipment (a copy), and they are also bombarding their opponents with large-caliber steel balls. These steel **** do not have much killing effect, and the other's body is too hard. The steel ball hits it and only splashes Mars continuously, but it has almost no damage to its body. However, the suppression of steel ball shots is still very obvious. The opponent only takes care of the position and escape, so there is no space to fight back. Even the poison needles that come to Albert are no longer there!

Because the poisoning was in a disadvantageous situation, the tiger youth had intended to drive the other party away, but did not expect that the tiger-printed kitten ran out extremely uncooperatively and chased the enemy in a deadly manner.

"Hey! You are this!!" Albert was both surprised and angry, almost yelling, but the kitten suddenly screamed and formed a huge crystal wall on the ground in front, blocking the enemy. The way to go!

The other side wants to break through the crystal wall by brute force, break through and escape. But this time the crystal wall seems to be a little different from the previous one, it is harder. The first impact of the Golem could only break a large crack in the solid crystal wall and failed to break it. The Golem had only one chance. When it stepped back and opened a certain distance and planned to make another impact, the ground under his feet suddenly appeared deep! That's right, exactly the same technique that the kitten used before. Just concentrate on one place and take away the minerals on the ground. Not only does this create a solid crystal wall in front of the enemy, but it also creates potholes behind the enemy, allowing the enemy to fall into it! As long as it falls, the guy can no longer escape, because there are countless sharp crystal clusters under the potholes. The ordinary people will naturally be penetrated by the whole body!

Of course, the enemy is still hard and outrageous. It falls on the crystal cluster, not only is not penetrated, but also directly crushes the crystal cluster. As a result, it lay in the innumerable pieces of crystal, and failed to get up for a while.

"Hey!-" The tiger-shaped kitten screamed again. The crystal around it seems to have life, and it began to grow fast and eroded everything in the pothole. They melted, merged, and connected to each other, and immediately became an extremely complicated network structure, tightening the statue. Tightly locked in it!

The guy was arrogant, and he had previously slammed the sturdy crystal wall by brute force, and obviously could rely on his own brute force to get out of trouble. But it has been struggling for a long time, there is no way to get rid of this increasingly solid crystal network.

"Yes." Elbert looked at it and suddenly understood something: "Because it is a golem, there is no [absolute field] bodyguard, just a simple [hard] and awkward."

That's right, it's not a creature, it's just a magical figuratively made. It is different from living things. There is no [absolute field], and its body is so strong that it is easily eroded and controlled by magic.

Mute (becoming a kitten) does not need to compete with the opponent for brute force, but the ability to [crystallize] is enough to subdue the golem. As long as the command of [crystallization] is transmitted to the body of the magic image, its body will begin to crystallize from the inside, and the crystal that grows in the whole body will merge with the surrounding crystal, and then there will be no way to escape. !

The guy struggled wildly, barely stretching out an arm from the crystal cage, using the arm that was growing rapidly to beat the surrounding crystals, trying to escape.

"Little white!" Albert yelled.

The Holy Spirit white tiger appears, the claws of the animal are caught, attacked with powerful twisted space, and the enemy's arm is cut directly.

The arm flew out and landed at the foot of Albert, even though Albert was still able to see the magical metal arm on the metal arm growing on it!

The golem in the pit is almost completely swallowed up by crystallization, trapped in the complex structure of the clusters, and can't move.

"Do you win?" Albert could not believe his eyes. As a result, he and the powerful opponents have been hard-pressed, and they have always suffered from the wind. The kitten that Mult has turned into is easily won by the side-clicking method. Is it the brute force that means nothing but the means?

But when I saw the magical image that was trapped in the pit and almost completely crystallized, Albert also knew that it was impossible to grab the guy and ask again. The process of crystallization is the process of extracting the minerals in the material to crystallize. The whole process will destroy the original molecular structure of the object. This magic image is crystallized to this point. It is impossible to recover its core. There is even no way to get any useful information from it. As a result, Albert chased for a long time and spent half a day, only to execute a golem, but the hunter's inner ghost was not found.

Still, this golem is the inner ghost? Or, the real behind-the-scenes black hand controls this magic image to do things, but the Lord is not here at all?

No, I always feel that something is wrong. It’s strange that a magical image of a district sneaked into Albert’s room for surveillance.

At the moment when Albert wanted to understand everything, suddenly a series of poisonous needles came from him in the grass behind him!

That's right, that's it! The Golem was placed here from the beginning, just a substitute. The guy who was really monitoring Albert was really a real person. He fled to this place all the way to meet the Golem and then hid in the grass! Albert just attacked the grass with a high-pressure water cannon, and it was only a golem placed behind the scenes, but the real black hand behind the scenes crouched in the grass on the other side, no secret, sneaked at it all. !

The number of poison needles is over one hundred, and it is coming from the rear. It is a lightning-fast sneak attack.

Albert turned and continuously launched the Luna Steel Scimitar and Storm Blade's plug-in system, which produced two large-scale vacuum shock waves, trying to resist the impact of the needle rain. But he still made a mistake. Although his deity can block the attack, the avatar on the side is not so lucky. There were dozens of poison needles in the two bodies, and they were groggy by the powerful anesthetics, and then fell to the ground!


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