Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2706: One hundred years of loneliness (3)

Chapter 2706, a hundred years of loneliness

May 31, 1431, France, Rouen.

A girl dressed in men’s clothing was detained in a prison car and moved towards the old market in Rouen. She was embarrassed because she was tortured in the previous trial and eventually signed a public renunciation book and confessed her crimes under the threat of being sharpened against the neck.

Ironically, she didn't even understand the terms written on the open renunciation book, and she pressed the blood on it.

This is certainly not a fair trial. However, how many times have the fair trials conducted by the Holy See been fair?

The people of France who were on the lookout did not understand anything. They only knew that they were drinking for the girls outside the trial court. These stupid and superstitious mobs believe that the church is absolute justice. As long as the church believes that a girl is guilty, she is guilty. People can ignore the evidence of the church's hard work, can ignore the testimony of logical confusion, can ignore the church's unreasonable torture against the girl, and even ignore the girl's innocence from the beginning to the end.

The fools ignored all of this. They even forgot that this girl was the heroine who led the entire French counterattack against the British invaders and eventually restored the deep-rooted French heroes. They also forgot all the efforts that the girl had made to defeat the British army, every drop of blood.

They don't understand anything. They only know the gods who believe in them. The church is the only spokesperson of God. The church is the truth. The church said that this girl is a witch, and the church believes that this witch is abusing the name of God to do evil. The church said that the girl was guilty of sin and should be sentenced to death, so she must die.

And the way to kill is to burn the witches commonly used

Fire penalty.

On the way to the execution ground, there were countless onlookers, some of whom also insulted her by throwing the rotten vegetable rotten eggs in the hand to the girls in the prisoner. And girls habitually close their eyes and pray, as if they could isolate the world.

lb! ! However, the sudden loud noise on the road ahead attracted everyone's attention. The soldiers who escorted the prison cars also warned to take out the blade to prevent someone from robbing the prisoner. The forward speed of the van has naturally slowed down.

About half a minute later, a knight headed to the knight of the prisoner. "Reporting the chief, there is no abnormality in front. The reason for the loud noise is the collapse of an old building. Now the soldiers have speeded up the obstacles caused by the collapse of the collapsed building. , we can pass immediately."

"Very good." The Cavaliers nodded, "transfer. Keep alert and move on!"

The knight who ordered the order took off his helmet and shouted, "Keep alert, move on! Keep alert and move on!"

The knight who took off the helmet was a young blond man who was about twenty years old. He blinked at the girl in the van, and the girl interrupted the prayer because of the incident, and naturally opened her eyes to see the boy.

However, she was indifferent, and closed her eyes again as the prisoner continued to move, and began to pray.

"Yeah." The blonde teenager sneered, and at the same time went to the back of the squadron, while pretending to be a mess, while staying away from the prisoner.

The prisoner continued to move forward, and the blond boy was separated from the queue and eventually mixed into the crowd. It is obvious that soldiers have left the queue of escorts, but other soldiers are indifferent, as if this is a matter of course.

After being mixed into the crowd, the blond teenager carefully crossed the crowd and eventually entered the alley. After leaving people's sight, he was wearing a knight suit and he has become an ordinary citizen wearing civilian clothes. A white parrot fell on the teenager's shoulder and whispered at a volume that few people could hear. "The test was successful. It seems that the illusion is perfect."

"Yeah. Thank you for your blood." The blonde teenager whispered, "Go to the execution ground now."

"When do you start?" the white parrot asked again.

"Huh." The blond boy did not answer, crossed the alley and went straight to the central market, the scheduled execution.

Inside the square is a huge wooden shelf with a straw around it. Everything is set to be extremely flammable to ensure that after a fire is ignited, the prisoner can be thoroughly burnt into coke, which is sure to die.

The weather is clear and cloudless, and there is no sign of any rain in the middle. Probably there are people who specialize in predicting the sky. From the very beginning, they will judge the weather today and will choose to do it on this day. In any case, the girl can't escape. She was escorted to the center of the square and was quickly tied to the stake by the soldiers. The soldiers also lined up in a circle to ensure that no one could rob the execution ground.

On the execution ground, the priest was arranged to make a final prayer beside the girl, in the hope that the soul of the girl after her death would ascend to heaven. However, this priest only prayed in a casual manner. His prayers were full of perfunctory, and the voice was easily covered by the snoring of the citizens on the square. After this round of unintentional prayer, the girl is ready to die. She asked the priest for a small wooden cross and hung it on her chest.

The blonde teenager was mixed in the crowd and looked at it quietly.

An executioner brought a torch and began to ignite the straw in the middle of the square. The straw was circled around the fire column, but there was no ignition at the center of the fire column, so the fire wall of that circle slowly rose and surrounded the girl in the center of the fire column from all directions. The girl began to whisper. She will not be swallowed up by the fire immediately, but will be slowly cooked in the middle of a circle of fire walls and die in extreme pain. This is the practice of the Holy See, the customary method used by the heretical judge to burn the witch. The soldiers stepped up their vigilance, and in the outer circle they held shields and spears to guard against anyone who might be close. The citizens looked at it from ten yards away. Once someone dared to get closer, the archers would be alert immediately.

This is simply a drowning ground, and no one can rescue the fire-browed girl from this configuration. The blonde teenager is still looking at everything and is indifferent.

The flame burned even harder. The fire rose into the sky, and even the soldiers subconsciously moved forward, fearing that the heat would be affected. The teenager turned and left, as if it had nothing to do with him.

After he walked to an unmanned alley, the white parrot on his shoulder finally couldn't stand it. He asked, "The one you are going to save is burning up? Isn't it really okay to save her?"

"You haven't understood it yet? The girl is just a pretender, not Jude himself," Arthur said.


"I just used the illusion brought by the dragon's blood to approach her. She and I looked at it. The real woman should recognize my face and must react when I see it, but she is indifferent. "Knight" That is to say, this Jude is pretending to be someone else. Well, the Holy See is really amazing. There is such a professional makeup artist who makes an ordinary girl look like Jude. I almost can't recognize her. If she didn't look at it. When I arrived, I was indifferent. If I didn't see her shaking slightly on the firearm, I am afraid I have to go all out to save people."

"Isn't it really normal to tremble?" White Parrot asked inexplicably. "After all, she is also a human being. How can human beings be brave, and they will be afraid of death at a critical moment."

"I don't know Jude," Arthur replied confidently. "The true Jude is the kind of person who can give everything for his own ideals and go forward. Even if he is betrayed by his own faith and his own country, She will never back down, even if she only has the last breath, she will not back down. The money-collecting service, only for the sake of money, is the girl of Jude’s sinister ghost, no matter how superb the acting is, it is absolutely impossible to show her. Let's wind."

lb! The city’s concentration of loud noises should be the sound of the collapse of the firearms in the heat. Arthur could hear a woman screaming and screaming, and she should be swallowed up by fire. However, all this Arthur did not care, the woman is not a true Jude, Arthur will not care about her life and death.

The question is, where is the real Jude? Is she now in the hands of the Romans, in the hands of the French, or in the hands of the British?

Arthur frowned and thought about what to do next. The amount of intelligence is decisive. We must find a way to get more information to save Jude from the unfavorable situation. If you want to get information in this world, it’s absolutely impossible to rely on Arthur alone. Merlin’s support is absolutely necessary.

However, Merlin was ordered by Arthur to help Elaine from the beginning. The time and place where Elaine came to this different world could not be determined. Merlin could only take care of the lost confused, and even failed to get in touch with Arthur.

Can you wait patiently?

Just as the Cavaliers wondered, the roof suddenly jumped off the crow. The crow watched Arthur with his big red eyes and suddenly turned and jumped to the depths of the alley.

The Cavaliers then stepped up to keep up. The crow jumped and began to flap his wings and flew up, leading Arthur to move somewhere in the east.

Arthur followed the crow and soon arrived at an old barn that was isolated from other buildings. The citizens of Rouen are still busy watching the death penalty of the "Witches" at this time. There is no semi-personality near the barn. Arthur then boldly pushed the door in. When he first entered, he was almost irritated by a strong taste.

"The table and table next to it have masked fabrics that can be worn and worn to cover off the smell." A voice in the barn said.

Arthur frowned slightly, thinking without hesitation to the table next to him, taking a piece of cloth. It is a detail that is applied to a special deodorant powder. The fabric itself is quite delicate and is considered a qualified filter cloth. Arthur tied it to his face as a mask, and the special smell in the air was immediately neutralized.

"Do you need it?" Arthur knew that the dragon's sense of smell was particularly strong and couldn't help but ask Hyosung.

"No, I interrupted the respiratory system," Hyosung said. Dragons will not die if they don’t breathe for a few days.

"It's worth it." Arthur then ventured into the dark barn.

There, a big man in black is fiddling with something. The human remains, which had begun to smell and neatly arranged on the table, were being processed by the black man with black gloves. He trembled a little, and skillfully cut open the bodies, took out the organs, and put them in a dark green liquid, which seemed to be used for research.

When Arthur walked close enough, Dahan stopped his hands and feet and turned to look at the teenager.

"What are you doing here, Elaine?" asked the Cavalier.

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