Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2694: Trial of flames (fifteen)

Chapter 2694 Trial of Flames

At the same time, Great Britain, Edinburgh's old town, in a dark corner.

The middle-aged man ordered a cigarette and waited quietly in the damp and chilly night. The red light from the cigarette **** is the only source of light in this dark alley, looming the decay and defeat of the surrounding.

There is another shadow appearing above the alley, quietly. However, the black iron knight Petrus has already noticed the closeness of the other side.

"How?" asked Uncle.

"A reaction was detected in the seven districts half an hour ago." The mysterious figure responded: "Although we can't measure the exact position, we have surrounded the whole area and closely monitored it. I believe it will be found soon."

"Very good. Go ahead." Petrus whispered: "When this is over, the amount that is given to you will not be less. But be sure to pay attention to low-key behavior. The singer is an extremely important person. This involves the diplomatic relationship between Great Britain and Iceland. You must not hurt her half of the hair, do you understand?"

"Follow the fate." The shadow disappeared instantly.

Petrus took a deep breath, and the cigarette in his mouth burned fiercely, instantly eliminating a big cut. He exhaled, smog filled, covering the corruption in the alley.

Then he said to himself: "Then next... since you have come to Edinburgh Binger, just go and visit."

Ten minutes later, a hospital in the city of Edinburgh.

"Hey, Uncle!" A peter was reading a picture book while Petrus was pushing in. She looked very happy and waved to Petrus.

"Hey, Sophia." The Black Iron Knight replied: "Is there a recent sputum? Is there a medicine on time?"

"Of course!" the little girl replied. At this point she has put down the picture book, and she is still subconsciously sorting out her double ponytail scorpion. It seems that this action can make herself more feminine.

"Hehehe." Uncle laughed and put down the fruit basket, the basket is full of apples, and a bunch of nineteen, pink carnations. He took the flowers into the vase at the bedside, and the flowers radiated a faint aroma, floating in the ward.

"Then the uncle should go back, and come back to see you. I want to marry." Petrus said.

"What? Is this going to go?" The little girl grinned. "Can't you stay a little longer? Sophia is going to let the uncle read the story in the picture book."

"Next time." The middle-aged Black Iron Knight shrugged: "I have been busy recently, but I still came to Edinburgh Binger because of my work needs."

He looked at the little girl affectionately: "Patience and wait for a while, Sophia. If the uncle saves enough money, you can have an operation. Then you can play around like an ordinary child. Don't be wronged to stay in this ward."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded. "Sofia will be patient. Uncle should also pay attention to the body, don't be too hard."

"Nature." Black Iron Knight Petrus touched the gold-plated fake medal on his chest and smiled: "Uncle is a golden knight, nothing can stump me."

In the eyes of others, he may be just a shameless nephew, a greasy middle-aged uncle. But in the eyes of this little girl, Petrus is a brave.

------ Even if he is just a gold-plated brave.

I don't know how long it took, and Albert opened his eyes and only felt refreshed, as if he was sleeping until dawn.

wrong. He was shocked when he was just awake. Why is it "clear and refreshing". He was only going to sleep for about ten minutes. It’s so refreshing, it’s not going to oversleep, how many hours have you slept?

"Well?!" The tiger youth jumped in panic: "Oops! What time is it?"

"Noisy." Castro, who closed his eyes and raised his eyes, replied with a fist in his face, as if he wanted to punch Albert's head: "Just just take a break and jump right away." Go, are you not tired?"

"Ha?" Elbert bowed and didn't understand Castro. He saw that the sky was still dark, and he hurriedly asked: "Wait. What time is it? How long have I slept? Is it a day when the days have passed? How was the big hunting festival yesterday?"

"Are you sleepy?" Custer slammed a punch on Albert's head: "How long can you go? You are not quiet enough for an hour. It's still nine o'clock in the evening."

"Are you kidding?" The tiger touched the swollen bag on his head and checked his body.

He feels refreshed and should not be an illusion. And the body with sore muscles gradually returned to normal. This does not look like the recovery effect that can be achieved with a one-hour break. However, Castro does not have to lie to him, and the sky is still sprinkled with the artificial ice rain that Albert made before, and the cool feeling is still there. The ice rain created by the tiger people themselves naturally knows that the rain can only last for two or three hours. Since the rain is still down, it proves that Albert really didn't sleep for a long time.

it's wired. too weird. I’ve been running around for a long time, and Albert hasn’t had a good night’s sleep. But now he just slept for an hour, but his body was restored to the original, full of energy, as if sleeping for eight hours or even ten hours, it is unscientific. After he was dismantled, has his resilience increased to an incredible level? But the recovery of the body can still be justified, and the recovery of mental power will really be affected?

"So you can't sleep?" Castro looked at Albert, who was alive and kicking in the rain. He couldn't help but vent: "If you don't want to sleep, don't yell at others to rest. You have to prepare for the rest." Give this to you, then give me a roll."

What he threw to the tiger youth was a bag of water. This water is naturally freshly picked up in the container of Lviv, which is the drinking water formed by the falling rain in the sky. The leather bag filled with water lingered in Castro's arms for a while, changing from the original cold to the warmth. But it is such a water that it is not easy to stomach pain when drinking.

Because Castro is another pair of people who want to beat people, and several other G-level hunter masters are still sitting around the meditation of President Nitrow, it is really inappropriate for Albert to be noisy here. He had to take the bag of water and go outside.

"Hey~" Albert just stepped away, and Nina’s kitten, Mutter, vacated a hand and scratched it in the air, as if she wanted Albert to stay.

"I will come back when I go." The tiger youth said, "Mut, you are honest, don't make trouble."

"Hey!" The kitten screamed dissatisfied. It was a beast, and its actions did not encour the will of Mutter himself.

Mutter became a cat. He was refreshed when he slept for an hour. Lviv was almost completely destroyed by the betrayal of a traitor. I always feel that everything that happened recently is too bizarre, so that Albert can't figure it out. In short, let's go back to the lobby and check it out. Maybe there is anything he can do to help.

"Well? How are you..." I haven't walked to the lobby of the Central Temple. A hunter passed by Albert and looked at the tiger curiously.

"What happened?"

"Amount, nothing. Don't care." The other party did not explain, and went on. After all, he had his own business to be busy.

Ancient and strange. The tiger frowned and walked into the hall.

At the moment he just entered, there were dozens of Warcraft hunters who turned to look at him with a strange look.

"What?" Albert is even more strange.

The hunters did not answer, shrugged and went to work. So there were several blue veins that appeared in Albert's forehead. Everyone is mysterious, what the **** is it? ?

However, it does not take long for him to find the answer to the mystery. People’s reactions are so strange because ------

There are seven "he" who are asleep in the hall.

These seven Alberts are naturally all of Albert's avatars, and they are still asleep at the moment, the color of the body is very strangely faded, including the clothes they wear. Probably lying in the hall and sleeping is very inconvenient. Others removed the seven Alberts and stacked them on the side of the hall like goods. They lay there and screamed and slept, looking so shameful...

How is this going? Albert is wondering. Those are his avatars. But his avatars are sleeping, his body is awake, and he is not controlling these avatars.

It seems that these avatars were left when he last summoned the avatar to clean up the battlefield. At that time, he used the avatar in the case of extreme fatigue, let these avatars come to the hall and be knocked down here. Hunters antidote. At the moment of the completion of this mission, Albert's deity was too tired to fall asleep. Probably he forgot to let all the avatars disappear before he completely lost consciousness, so these avatars stayed.

It is reasonable to say that the avatar is a kind that must be used and maintained when he is conscious. When he loses consciousness, the avatar should be lifted.

However, is this really the case? Is it true that Albert's understanding of the avatar is completely wrong? What is the big misunderstanding?

The tiger youth used to touch one of his avatars. Those who were sleeping were as if they were in another dimension, and Albert's hand penetrated through the cheeks of the body and could not be touched.

it's wired. too weird. The tiger began to confuse.

The essence of Albert is. He used his own existence to expand, and then used Elbertra in other parallel worlds for his own use. The avatars created in this way are controlled by the deity of the deity within the control of Albert, and the avatars are not self-conscious. He is like controlling a group of "chess pieces" that look exactly like themselves, and the appropriate commands are given to the avatars to perform.

However, he did not give these orders to him now. They are sleeping without receiving the order. And it is very likely that it is because the avatars are sleeping, and the deity of Albert has become so refreshing, as if he has been resting for a long time.

He is now in a state of being both, and his avatars are sleeping instead of him.

------ There is nothing more strange than this in the world.


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