Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2691: Trial of flames (12)

Modern (AD 526), ​​Twilight continent, Lviv.

"Well?" Albert squinted openly. He was woken up.

It seems to be fighting outside. But this is strange. If the [Great Hunting Festival] is about to begin, Nina will definitely inform Albert in advance. He didn't get any notice, and when he woke up, he heard the fight, which was obviously a bad omen.

"Nina? In the Nina!" The tiger youth shouted, hoping that the other party could hear. Nina, who can use a telepathic approach, should theoretically be able to hear Albert's call and respond.

However, there is no answer. In addition to the strange fighting sound, there is a suffocating atmosphere in the air.

Albert hurried out of the waterbed. At the time, the water in the waterbed was slightly cold, in stark contrast to the sultry air surrounding it. The amount of frozen turpent that Albert added to the water before sleep is expected to last only about half an hour. If the effect of turpentine is not completely small, it means that the tiger has slept for less than half an hour.

It is impossible to start a big hunting festival in less than half an hour unless there is any sudden change. I think that the young man of the tiger can't help but be more impatient. He can't even wear his clothes. He is wearing only his pants and wearing his tactical belt. He throws his arms and runs out.

Hey, hey.

That's right, it's really a fight, and it sounds like a knife-crashing cross. But this is even more strange, [Great Hunting Festival] should be a decisive battle between the hunters and the prey (Warcraft). How can Warcraft as a prey hold a weapon and fight against Warcraft Hunter?

Unless this is a battle between [people] and [people]. Who attacked the [Central Temple], and now these attackers are fighting the hunters. This is the only reasonable explanation!

Deeply feeling that the situation is not good, Albert has speeded up the pace to the collection of the hall rushed, and he is most concerned about the kitten that was entrusted to Nina to take care of ------ lost self, changed Mute into a cat.

The child is now a normal kitten, and has no self-protection ability. If he was accidentally injured...!

The floor of the Central Temple Corridor is hotter than before, and the temperature of the entire building in the Central Temple is rising. The hot stone floor kept burning the pads on Albert's feet, and the tiger could only bite his teeth.

"Mut? Nina?!" He rushed into the hall, trying to find someone he knew. However, there is a mess in the hall. The two sides in which they "combat" are not others, but they are the hunters of the Hunters Association!

The hunters vomited their mouths and madly waved their swords to attack their compatriots. The scene was extremely chaotic! When Albert saw the scene, he was shocked and trembled. He also took a step back and went back to the hall to launch [Shen Yin], hiding his position first. Before he figured out what it was all about, he didn't want to join this big fight.

Hey, hey.

The group of beasts who are slashing their swords, all seem to be suffering. The eyes are bloodshot, the mouth is foaming, and the body is steaming with steam, as if it is heat stroke. But heatstroke alone won't make them crazy like this. It seems that they are either illusory, or have eaten any psychedelic food and are poisoned, and are disturbed by hallucinations.

They waved their swords with powerlessness, clumsily and slashed their opponents thousands of times, but they did not have [killing] nor [will]. This kind of offensive is like a child playing in a family, but the weapon in their hands is replaced by a sharp blade that can kill. Even if this kind of sword without killing is still able to hurt people, because both sides of the sword are sluggish, the physical strength reaches the limit. Many Warcraft hunters are suffering from dozens of stab wounds. The bleeding speeds up their heatstroke and dehydration symptoms. They fall down one by one because of physical strength. But in such a chaotic battlefield, no one can help save these fallen orcs.

bad. Albert scanned the hall. The Warcraft Hunters who had been in the lobby before had at least a hundred people, probably a third of the Warcraft Hunter army left in Lviv. If this group of people fell before the start of the [Great Hunting Festival], wouldn’t the [Great Hunting Festival] tonight become more difficult?

Every time Albert is hesitating for a second, more orcs will fall. In short, we must act decisively now, let these cool-headed guys calm down!

Think about it! The tiger youth first forced themselves to calm down. There must be a way!

and many more. calm?

Suddenly opened up, Albert pulled out a whole bag of frozen turpentine and lifted [Shen Yin]. His deity does not use this bag of rare frozen turpent, after all, it has more uses. But he can change his body indefinitely, let the avatars use frozen turpent.

"The light bursts!" Albert has hundreds of arms behind him, fifty arms on one side holding a bag filled with frozen turpentine, and fifty arms on the other side holding a storm gun blade. .

Hey! ! With the rumper bag being thrown out, the storm blade also fired continuously, and the bags in the air were scattered. Numerous frozen turpentines in the bag are naturally used as powder to fly around. Moreover, they collided with the large-caliber steel **** that Albert launched. The magic was stimulated, and the air was filled with an extremely cold ice fog! The ice mist was shocked by the vacuum wave of the storm gun blade, and it spread very fast, but it was filled in the hall in five seconds. "Calm down!" Albert also summoned the Holy Spirit White Tiger and opened hundreds of small portals to the deep Mediterranean sea.

These portals are small as pinholes and face the ceiling. Like a thin line, an amazing number of high-pressure water columns hit the ceiling, and then fell weakly!

It was a rain, ice rain falling indoors. It was cold and wet, just neutralizing the atmosphere of the scene.

Even if Albert doesn't know the real cause of the group of orcs, he can stop the guys from continuing to fight. The ice rain not only quickly took away the physical strength of the remaining hunters, but even thickened frost on the walls and people's bodies, so that their actions almost completely stopped.

There were also a few tenacious warriors on the scene who were holding the cold and trying to continue the sword fight. Unfortunately, their actions were delayed due to fatigue and cold. Albert and his dozens of avatars had already surrounded their opponents, aiming at the beast’s head and making a knife and knocking the hunters in the fight. .

The tiger looked at the Warcraft hunters who fell in the frosty snow. No one should be fatally wounded. Although they all fell in the snow, cold and straight, and even fell asleep like hibernation, but this cold can not really kill the beasts with strong vitality. After a few hours, when the cold is gone, the hunters will probably climb again like nothing, continue the big hunting festival.

By that time, I only hope that they will not be in a state of violent.

After dealing with the violent hunters in the hall, there was still a voice of swords and singers coming from other places. Listening to the sound, the main source seems to be the upper level, probably at the top of the pyramid in the upper part of the central sanctuary. Nina and Mutter were not seen in the hall, and Nina probably had taken Mute to the top of the pyramid.

Albert ignored the other odds of the orcs in the building and rushed to the outer layer of the central sanctuary. From there he can easily reach the top of the central sanctuary.

"Well?" Albert, who had just arrived outside and spread his wings, saw the [crystal] of the top of the Central Temple.

The crystals, like fences, surround the top of a huge building in the shape of a pyramid, forming an impenetrable, indestructible circle. The fence is at least twenty yards high. From this angle, it is impossible to see how thick it is, but it must be super thick, and Albert can't even see the scenery on the other side of the fence through the crystal.

Outside the fence, at least a hundred mad beasts are battling and beating. Unfortunately, they are "hot crazy" and they only know how to wield a melee weapon. Those melee weapons that are not powerful can't destroy the fence, and even a trace of scratches on them can't be done.

This crystal fence cannot be produced out of thin air. Albert is convinced that the crystal fence is made by Mutter.

The tiger youth was happy and annoyed. Did Mutter have recovered? But that kid! He has repeatedly smashed his ability to use the crystal stab sword four times, why he just doesn't listen!

The young tigers flapped their wings and accelerated their flight. They planned to meet with Mutter and others in the crystal fence.

"Hey! Here!" He just crossed the crystal wall and saw an old rabbit waving at him. The old rabbit was naturally the head of the World of Warcraft Hunter, and President Nitrow.

Nina and Castro are also beside the old rabbit. There are also a few special G-class hunters ------ bow and arrow masters [Sui Sui Su Shanna], weapons master [Wan Lie Kriripov], assassination master [stinged Pikman], blasting master [Didara of the ash off], the trap master [Caucasus of annihilation].

The best elite of the World of Warcraft Hunters Association and the top fighting power, all of them are forced to retreat and stick to this place ------ really shameful!

Albert didn't have time to feel it. He quickly crossed the crystal fence and entered the protective wall. Just landing, he was anxious to find Mutter's figure, his mouth shouted: "Mut, are you crazy? You are abusing your strength!"

However, no one responded to him. But someone screamed, as if joking with the tiger youth.

"Amount, are you looking for Mute's little brother?" The black rabbit girl Nina originally held Mutter in her arms, and when she heard Albert's shouting, she took the kitten up and said: "He is here."

Albert looked at the gray tiger-printed kitten and decided to settle. Mutter did not change back to the human form, still the appearance of a kitten. Only a large number of crystal clusters that can be seen on his forelimbs.

They are like tiny crystal wings attached to the kitten's arm.

The crystal fence is indeed what Mutter did, but Mutter did not change the crystal fence in a human form and in a state of consciousness. This fence is created by the kitten Mutter after "beasting."

Mutter has been eroded by the Holy Grail to a rather serious level. He doesn't even need to crystallize the sword, he can make the power of crystallization.

And lame

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