Life With You

Chapter 606: She loses her temper very hard

Song Xi shed tears in the bed, only Qixi was with him, and Coke was taken to the princess to raise Coke. Han Chunmeng said that he could see him nearby every day. The two cats stayed together for a long time, unpredictably separated, and Qixi was also very melancholy recently. , In a pair of blue eyes, there is always the loneliness of missing a friend, so now there is a cat nest together, so pitiful.

The phone was placed by the bedside, and it rang several times. Song Xi took the phone over by pulling paper, and opened WeChat to find out that it was George Sheng looking for her.

Wife, I'm sorry, but today you are wronged.

When she saw the first sentence, Song Xi suddenly felt sad. She immediately shed more tears and blurred her vision. She raised her hand to wipe it off and continued to look down. George Sheng said: I don’t know that Yu Jingyao dared to be in front of you. If someone told me earlier, I would have made her regret it in public. As for Sheng Qianyu, how she thinks I can’t control, I have already told her clearly that it’s impossible between me and her, the one I love It's you, I know that you are not only angry with her, but also angry with me. I don't deny what I have done before, and there is nothing to justify, and the grievances that have made you suffer today are all my fault.

Wife, you say, how can I forgive me?

Don't be angry, okay? Don't shed tears, I will really feel distressed.

George Sheng didn't necessarily say these things in reality. Instead, he said them all while typing. Song Xi shed tears while holding the phone. He was not confused and should not forgive him. It was just uncontrollable jealousy and sadness. It turned out that he and Sheng Qianyu were also involved. A time like that.

It’s not impossible to have a predecessor. It’s just that for people like Song Xi and George Sheng who are very jealous, they hope that they have the highest status in the hearts of their favorite people. Better than yourself, the sanity of the inner world would collapse instantly, and Song Xi even regretted being too kind to Sheng Qianyu at the dinner table.

Not long after, George Sheng called. Song Xi looked at the caller ID on the screen, but he did not answer.

Okay, even if Sheng Qianyu and Yu Jingyao's singing and singing are not his business, he is always true in front of Sheng Qianyu, right?

Thinking of this, Song Xi put the phone aside, completely dispelling the idea of ​​connecting.

Song Xi didn't answer the phone after a few calls. He didn't check WeChat and he didn't know. After a while, George Sheng's voice came from Song Xi's door: "Wife, open the door."

Song Xi lay on the bed and reached out her hand to turn off the light.

The room was instantly dark, and Song Xi opened her eyes in the dark. There was a weird shadow in front of her. For about five seconds, the sound of the key being inserted into the hole came, and George Sheng opened the door from the outside.

Song Xiping lay down, unable to stop him, so he closed his eyes.

In the dark, George Sheng walked towards the bed. The trash can next to her was filled with tissues she used to wipe tears. Although she closed her eyes, her eyelids were still slightly swollen.

Standing by the bed, George Sheng leaned over to touch her, Song Xi immediately turned to face the bed, not letting him touch.

George Sheng's hand stopped in the air, slowly retracted, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Song Xi heard the familiar low voice of the man behind him: "I'm sorry."

Song Xi secretly said in her heart: What's the point of saying sorry now? What's wrong?

George Sheng said: "There are so many people today. I did think of saving some face for Sheng Qianyu. I don't know if she said that, or I will definitely stand up for you."

Song Xi began to feel sad again, closing her eyes tightly, for fear of shedding tears in front of him.

He admitted that, in fact, he still cares about Sheng Qianyu's feelings.

George Sheng said: "I want to be separated decently. I don't want to meet each other and I am as jealous as my enemies, but the premise is that she can't touch my people. If she goes against you, then she is my enemy."

George Sheng’s character makes him destined to suffer emotionally. Not to mention his reluctance to talk about his ex. He doesn’t even comment on his friends in front of Song Xi. Song Xi still admires his gentleman very much. When it comes to feelings, predecessors, women will be conflicted and jealous, so George Sheng must give her an explanation today.

His last sentence, if she is against you, then she is my enemy. Finally, it is said to Song Xi's heart. In fact, women are complicated. In many cases, women are only childish and want to compete.

Sheng Qianyu is to George Sheng what Shen Zhaoyi is to Song Xi. Time determines that they met early. This is a fact that cannot be changed, and the only thing that can be compared now is who loves others more.

Song Xi didn't turn around or open her eyes. Her lips opened in the dark, and her voice calmly said, "Are you willing to be an enemy with her?"

George Sheng said, "If Shen Zhaoyi wants to be my enemy today, who are you standing with?"

Song Xi frowned. It was obvious that he was wrong, and he was against the army.

George Sheng is indeed such a black-bellied person, even if it is a coaxing pawn, he wants to give the most appropriate example.

"I didn't want to pull you into the water, just want you to understand that the most important thing is not who likes us, but who we like. You didn't choose Shen Zhaoyi, and I didn't choose Sheng Qianyu. Now I am with you and who touches me. Wife, first ask me if I agree."

Men are destined to think differently from women. Men are less entangled in the process and pay more attention to the results, so he has become more aware of what is most important, not the past, but the present and the future.

Song Xi could agree with her intellectually, but she was still injured emotionally, so she didn't say a word and returned to silence.

George Sheng did not rush to speak, and opened the quilt to come in. Song Xi said in a cold voice: "You go downstairs to sleep."

George Sheng has never eaten closed doors in his life. He has been locked up several times before, and now he is not allowed to sleep.

After a short pause, he suddenly speeded up his movements, opened the quilt directly and lay in, separated from Song Xizhi by a hand-wide distance, his thin lips opened, and he said in a low voice, "I will not touch you."

Song Xi didn't know if he acquiesced or was too lazy to talk to him, and did not say anything. In the quiet night, the two of them lay on a bed, but they never met.

Song Xi lay on her side and George Sheng lay flat. This night was destined to be no one to sleep. George Sheng waited for a long time. Song Xi's breathing was still sober. George Sheng turned sideways and took her into his arms. Song Xi didn't stop it, and didn't make a sound. The words of indifference were already expressed through physical movements.

George Sheng's lips pressed against the back of her head, and he whispered: "I haven't been asleep for so long with my breath, aren't you sleepy?"

Song Xi said nothing, George Sheng said again: "It's small to be angry with me, and it's big to make yourself angry. If you are angry, what should I do by myself?"

No matter what he said, Song Xi just kept silent. George Sheng finally knew how horrible her jealous jar was falling down. Now let alone lying on a bed but can't do anything, he couldn't do anything about it.

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