Life master in the last days

Chapter 91 New uses of collection techniques

Ling Xue reacted immediately after hearing Li Xiao's reply. Yes, if they didn't get accurate information, Li Xiao and Zhang Qiao would not come here to mine like this.

She was also confused, why didn't she think of this?

At this time, Li Xiao sent another message:

"There are indeed mines, but the mineral content of the energy minerals in this mountain is really too low, especially in the periphery, which is particularly difficult to mine."

Ling Xue thought about it and understood. If it weren't for the uneconomical outcome, the official wouldn't have given up on this place.

Just because the officials don't like it doesn't mean that ordinary people don't like it. As long as you mine an energy mine, you can make a lot of money. There are definitely more people who are interested.

This is just like the large number of collectors who came swarming to mine in the past few days. However, after they were busy for a few days, only one lucky person dug up a piece, and the others got nothing.

Such labor that is out of proportion to the rewards naturally cannot attract anyone. Wasting a few days is not as cost-effective as picking wild vegetables, so most of the people who come to mine have gone elsewhere.

"I know, let's try our best. If it doesn't work, let's withdraw!" Ling Xue also felt that it was impossible for her to get the energy mine here by ordinary means, because the stone surrounding the energy mine was too hard. , it is difficult to dig out.

However, Ling Xue has now found a suitable location, and she plans to try to see if she can dig out these stones wrapped with energy minerals.

Now that she had a clear plan, Ling Xue stopped procrastinating. She had already spotted a place and was waiting to start mining.

Needless to say, Ling Xue was really excited at the thought of mining energy mines. After all, she had never been exposed to mining before.

Although Ling Xue has never been exposed to mining, she often listened to her father telling her various mining stories when she was a child. Now she can also have a good feel for the life of a miner!

The place that Ling Xue was interested in was just above the gentle slope. It was a slightly concave mountain wall. There is just enough room for one person to stand in front of the mountain wall. This is a shallow gap.

Of course, because the place is relatively small, only a relatively thin person like Ling Xue can stand in it, not a slightly larger frame.

However, Ling Xue chose this place because of this.

Most people would not come here. Apart from anything else, the concealment is absolutely top-notch.

No one else would be able to mine here, except Ling Xue. That is because Ling Xue can use the gathering technique, otherwise there would be no way to use any mining tools in such a small place.

Lingxue climbed over the gentle slope and reached the gap in front of the stone wall. She felt it and could hardly move her body.

However, Ling Xue is not worried. As long as she uses the collection technique a few times, she will have enough space to move around.

Ling Xue stood in the gap and calmed down for a while, then began to use the collection technique.

"You collected 1 cubic stone and obtained stone 1"

The sound of the system announcement sounded, and Ling Xue immediately understood that no energy ore had been collected this time.

But it doesn't matter. She can always collect energy minerals by using the collection technique a few more times.

After the collection technique was upgraded, Ling Xue could control the type and scope of collection. Therefore, she only collected 1 cubic meter this time.

Since there was no energy ore, Ling Xue simply collected the stones.

Even if it was a stone, Ling Xue still carefully collected it. Such a hard stone has many uses!

After having the first experience of collecting stones, Ling Xue continued to use the gathering technique to collect energy minerals.

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