After eating, Gao Xiang returned to the dormitory and searched for some relevant information on the Internet.

Starting a business is not as easy as you might think.

However, Gao Xiang did not intend to give up, but strengthened his confidence in starting a business.

Because Shenhao not only has money, but also social status is very important.

Now is the era of rapid economic development, and the most important thing is... rich people, especially many people who went to sea in the 90s have transformed themselves into big bosses.

But in this world, you can do whatever you want if you have money. If you have money, no background, and no status, you will become a leek that is slaughtered by 30 people in minutes, and it is simple to go bankrupt in minutes.

To give a simple example, for example, the world's top custom clothing brand Ralph Lauren does not have money to customize clothes, but also requires a certain social status.

Otherwise, if you are only rich, this proud world brand bird will not bird you.

In addition, Gao Xiang founded his own industry, which can also reassure his parents, and it is logical to

Otherwise, there is no way to keep going like this.

At about eight o'clock::, Gao Xiang turned off the Alienware computer, stretched his waist, moved his muscles and bones, hesitated for a moment, and then began to change into a set of sports clothes and sneakers.

Night running is one of Gao Xiang's favorite sports.

At the beginning of the school year, many tedious things were involved, which delayed a lot of night running.

Now that I have time, I decided to go for a night run to relax.

"Gao Xiang, where are you going so late?"

Long Zhenhua looked up and down... Gao Xiang dressed up like this, and said, "Aren't you going to run at night?"


Gao Xiang nodded: "Move your muscles and bones."

Long Zhenhua sighed: "What a waste of time!"

He shouted "Demacia", and then continued to indulge in the game.

There is such a famous saying, life is like a series of numbers, health is 1, money, status, career, love, family... is the 0 behind.

If there is no 1, there are no more 0s after it.

This is quite reasonable, so Gao Xiang is still very concerned about his physical health.

Not far from the dormitory area, Yun Gaoxiang happened to come to the sports field, and there were many students of both sexes. It was very lively.

After a simple warm-up exercise, I started running at night, the speed changed from slow to fast, and the footsteps were very light.

Don't look at this night running is very simple, but a lot of it can strengthen the body, improve immunity and promote brain development.

Gao Xiang's physical fitness was not bad. Although he was panting after a few laps, he didn't feel too tired.

I was sweating profusely, and occasionally a cool summer breeze blew, which made people very comfortable.

Cool! This feeling is very cool! After three laps, Gao Xiang slowed down, but he didn't stop, he was still jogging.

One step at a time! Night running can feel freedom and block.

And can quietly enjoy the beauty you see, it seems that the world is open for you.

All the unpleasant emotions of the day will slowly dissipate with the alternating movement of the feet and with each breath.

Gao Xiang really enjoyed this pleasant night running feeling.

Running and running, Gao Xiang suddenly felt a figure beside him, looking sideways, it was an acquaintance.

Girl with mask.

The girl was wearing a mask, covered in sweat, and dressed in very professional sportswear.

As the girl walks and trots, her short hair flutters and shakes.

"What a coincidence!"

The mask girl looked at Gao Xiang next to her while running and said, "You also like running at night."

When he was in Zhuming Caohai, Gao Xiang met the mask girl.

The two talked about everything, but they didn't ask each other's name, contact information, etc...

"Yeah, what a coincidence!"

Gao Xiang was really surprised when he met the mask girl here.

This sports field is near the dormitory area. There are not only male dormitories, but also female dormitories nearby.

But what kind of professional girls live in this dormitory area, Gao Xiang has not inquired about it, nor does he know.

The mask girl had seen Gao Xiang's face, so she recognized Gao Xiang during the night run.

"First Night Run"

The mask girl asked again.


Gao Xiang said: "This is the first time I ran in this stadium, and it was also my first night run in the university."

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