"Old man, don't be so cruel to your son!" Seeing this, Chen Xiuzhi scolded Gao Lijun in a low voice, looked at Gao Xiang with a calm expression, and said, "Xiangzi, tell us where did you get the money!"

Gao Xiang stopped hiding it, took out the prepared lottery ticket from his wallet, and said, "Dad, mom, old sister, don't worry, I won't do anything illegal!"

"Maybe it's because God favors the handsome and hard-working me. I just bought a lottery ticket two days ago and actually won the lottery. I won the second prize of the two-color ball. Look!"

Said and handed the lottery ticket to Gao Yiyi!

This lottery ticket has a stencil that says 'Claimed' and the stamp of the Welfare Lottery.

Gao Yiyi looked at the lottery ticket in his hand, quickly took out his mobile phone, and searched the lottery numbers for this issue on the Internet.

After careful comparison, I found that the numbers of the first six red balls are exactly the same!

second prize!

Two-color ball second prize.

Looking quite shocked.

Can it be different?

This lottery ticket is a lottery ticket that Gao Xiang asked a printing shop to modify after the lottery was drawn.

[-]% winning!

Chen Xiuzhi and Gao Lijun had never bought lottery tickets, so they didn't know anything about lottery tickets, so they hurried to Gao Yiyi's side and couldn't wait to ask, "Yiyi, how are you?"

"Dad, Mom, you really won the lottery!" Gao Yiyi looked in disbelief, squeezed the lottery ticket in his hand, and forgot to forget Gao Xiang: "Xiangzi is the second prize of the two-color ball!"

With a smile on his face, Gao Xiang said calmly, "Do you believe me this time?"

"People have three bad lucks and six lucks. When luck comes, you can't stop it. This time I won the second prize of the two-color ball. There are a total of 25 prizes. After the tax is deducted, there is still 20 left!"

Indeed, for Gao Xiang, the Heavenly Descendant System was the beginning of luck.

"I thought that my parents are getting old and their health is not good. They always have backache and backache, so I spent 5 to buy a massage chair to relax the second old man."

"At the same time, I spent more than [-] yuan to buy a set of painting materials for you. Your painting materials have been used for several years, which affects your singing performance."

"Buy some fruits and supplements for the remaining few thousand. You have worked hard to raise us as adults. After working hard all your life, it's time to make up for it."

"In the end, there is still [-] to help the family."

When Gao Xiang finished explaining the source and purpose of the money, Gao Yiyi, Gao Lijun, and Chen Xiuzhi were all silent, their expressions were stunned, and their eyes were full of emotion!

From the looks, they seemed to believe Gao Xiang's explanation.

Gao Xiang felt that he was really too smart!

It can not only be filial to the family, but also reasonably explain the source of funds, saving a lot of trouble.

A little bit of pride.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded in my mind: "Ding Dong, the host is full of filial piety, congratulations on getting the short-term gain buff!"

PS: This chapter is a revised version, please ask for a wave of flowers and evaluation tickets, thank you.

Chapter 20 System Level lv3 (for collection)

Chapter 19 has been revised and reworked. If you feel confused, you can re-read Chapter 19.


[Short-time gain buff: Increase the experience value of the host's consumption of money in a short period of time, the rate of increasing the experience value is doubled, and the gain experience value does not accumulate to the next system level, and it is a one-time buff].

Gao Xiang is a smart man.

According to the system, I immediately understood the meaning of [Short-time gain buff]: the 10 experience points that were given to subsidized households were originally 10 experience points, but after the [short-term gain buff], 20 experience points could be obtained. .

At this time, the experience bar of the system is [68335/200000], and the experience value of 20 is [268335/200000], which is completely out of the table.

Exceeded the 20 experience required to upgrade the system.

That is to say, more than [-] experience points are added, but the experience gained by [Short-time gain buff] does not accumulate to the next system level.

It's a pity to have more than [-] experience... The system should learn from the three major operators, and now the traffic can be accumulated until next month.

Although the three major operators are still pitiful, at least they have a little conscience.

However, Gao Xiang still made a profit this time.

After all, under normal circumstances, Gao Xiang could only get 168335 experience points, but now he is directly full of 20 experience points!

Earn more than [-] experience points!

not bad!

One should still be content.

Contentment is always happy.

Gao Xiang quickly checked the situation of the system.

Host: Gao Xiang.

Age: 18 years old.

Skills: None.

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