Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 91 Sheep also have tempers?

With the harvest, Gu Siwei's mood was like the clouds in the sky, and he hummed a ditty happily. This time he still sang loudly, but there was no old unlucky guy like Tao Yisheng who fell off the cliff.

After returning to Yinsong Cliff, Gu Siwei climbed up the cliff and stretched his head to see if Sicui was near the cliff. If Sicui was there, he had to pretend to climb up. If Sicui was not there, then he Naturally, I went straight up.

Sicui is not at the edge of the cliff, nor in the house. The little figure is currently working in the vegetable garden opposite the big house. In addition to Sicui, there is also the black bear that sneaked into the house, and naturally the little guy Younui is also indispensable.

Yousui can't be seen now because it is too small, but the distant wind carries its cry to Gu Siwei's ears.

In addition to these two animals, there are naturally a lot of monkeys in the house, but they are still afraid of bears. As long as there are bears nearby, monkeys big and small don't dare to land, and all of them stay on the trees.

Just like now, a group of monkeys are knotted on the trees near Sicui.

Seeing that Sicui was far away, Gu Siwei naturally went straight up the cliff.

He took out a backpack from the space, containing two small wild boars and three small lambs, which he planned to raise at home. There was also a large lump of mutton, about fifteen or six kilograms. Gu Siwei had peeled off the skin and innards and threw them into the space. It was just a lump of mutton lying across the basket.

"Sicui! I'm back."

Gu Siwei, who was in a very good mood, shouted loudly to Sicui as soon as he passed the field stalk.

When Sicui heard Gu Siwei's voice, she immediately straightened up, looked in the direction of her brother, and waved her hands happily: "Brother, I'm back. You had a hard time on the road. I'll get you some water."

With that said, the girl put the things in her hands on the ground and ran towards the big house with Xiao Run.

Just when Gu Siwei wanted to say no, the little girl had already started running away.

At this moment, Gu Siwei felt that he was a little thirsty, so he asked Sicui to pour some water.

After waiting for the Sicui water to be poured and walking out of the house with the bowl in hand, Gu Siwei happened to come to the door of the big house and put the basket behind him on the ground with a tilt of his shoulder.

Ang~~! Ang~~~!

What! What!

The cries of the pigs and lambs immediately attracted Sicui's attention.

After handing the bowl to Gu Siwei, Sicui stretched his head to the mouth of the basket and looked into the basket.

"Ah, brother, you are really good. You caught a few more little wild boars and little yellow sheep," Sicui said happily.

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "What's the matter? I also brought some mutton back. Let's stew the mutton for dinner in the evening. We will raise these lambs first. Then in winter, we will stew a pot of mutton every day. Then we can It’s called a beauty.”

Gu Siwei began to draw cakes on Sicui.

After hearing what Gu Siwei said, Sicui said: "There is hope for pork, but it is difficult to raise this little yellow sheep. If this thing leaves the flock, or is locked up, it will starve to death without eating or drinking."

Gu Siwei was stunned when he heard this, and asked: "Are you talking about sheep or sparrows? Are there any sheep that can starve themselves to death?"

Regarding Sicui's statement, Gu Siwei didn't want to believe it, but he believed Sicui, because Sicui, a girl, wouldn't talk nonsense. If she didn't know and wouldn't say she knew, then most likely she knew what she was going to say. That's it.

"Yes, you don't know?" Sicui didn't raise his head and continued to look at the little yellow sheep in the basket.

Hearing the screams of the sheep and piglets, the black bear who was eating and drinking in the garden came over with its big butt, stretched its head and looked into the mouth of the basket, and immediately frightened the piglets and began to crowd them together.

The lamb's side wasn't much better, and its bleating was even more joyful.

When Sicui saw it, she stretched out her hand and pushed the bear's big head: "Da Mao, you scared the pigs and lambs."

It seems that the bear has a name. Gu Siwei thinks that the name Da Mao is okay. It is just a name anyway. As long as it can be called and understood, it is better to rest while doing any tricks.


The bear turned his head obediently, but he seemed to be a little willing and did not go far, but sat down directly.

After a few days of getting along, both the brother and sister, Gu Siwei and Sicui, accepted the bear. At least so far, this guy is quite obedient. To be honest, if it wasn't so scary in size, Gu Siwei would definitely like this pet.

Oh, there is another thing that makes people have a headache, that is, they eat too much of this thing, and it’s a pity that Gu Siwei has the space and many piglets to raise, otherwise... Hey, the old Gu family could be ruined by this guy.

"You are so timid that you still have the guts to wish for death?"

Gu Siwei had finished drinking the water at this moment, put the bowl on the table next to him, came to the basket, and looked at the lamb in the basket with his sister.

Sicui said: "What does being able to wish for death have to do with fear?"

"By the way, this thing really doesn't eat or drink?" Gu Siwei thought that a lamb so afraid of death would want to die? This is a bit...well, given that Gu Siwei has lived so long, it is a bit confusing.

Sicui didn't say anything to Gu Siwei. She pulled some grass from a nearby place and put it directly into the basket.

The lamb really didn't eat it.

"Look, it really doesn't eat. This thing won't eat anything as long as it's trapped," Sicui said.

"It just saw you, and it's not familiar with you, so it won't eat it. When it gets familiar with you and adapts to the surrounding environment, it will eat it naturally." Gu Siwei thought for a while and decided to cheer himself up.

Sicui shook his head: "It's useless. They can't survive tonight. How about this? Brother, I'll kill them all later and pickle them first. I'll serve them out when Mr. Fulin and the others come tomorrow." them".

After hearing this, Gu Siwei felt that his own views were a bit broken, and asked Sicui: "Slaughter such a small sheep?"

These words should not come out of the mouth of a little girl. A teenage girl should burst into tears as soon as she hears about killing a lamb. If there is a sentence: Why do you want to kill a sheep, it would be more in line with Gu Siwei I can imagine what the little girl looks like.

Sicui looked at her brother with a strange look on her face and asked: "What if I don't kill them? If I don't kill them, these sheep will be stiff by tomorrow morning. It's better to kill them today and pickle them to taste better."

"Who did you learn this from?" Gu Siwei asked.

Sicui thought her brother was asking her how she learned these methods of handling sheep, so she opened her mouth to explain.

When Gu Siwei heard this, she finally understood. Given the environment in which Sicui originally lived, how could she think about the survival of the lamb? She had problems with her own survival, so she still thought about the sheep?

That is to say, only children who have a good life can react like Gu Siwei imagined. It is really a remote place, and there is no next meal after the last meal. How can the child think about the lamb that cannot be eaten?

Not to mention Sicui, none of the children in Shimo Village thinks that lambs are cute and cannot be killed. Every child knows that sheep are for eating meat, not for playing. They don’t know but they understand. I am not qualified to pity a sheep. If I have the time, I might as well pity myself.

"Not killing?" Sicui asked.

"One day earlier and one day later will not be short of this amount of time. Even if you die tomorrow morning, it will just be a stew," Gu Siwei said.

Gu Siwei decided to take a look to see if these lambs would die on their own tomorrow.

There was no other way. Although Sicui said they would die, Lao Gu was still very curious about the matter and determined to see with his own eyes whether these lambs would die.

We don’t know yet whether the sheep will die, but if the mutton brought back is not processed, it will definitely taste worse tomorrow.

Although the weather is not very hot now, it is impossible for Gu Siwei to put fresh meat in the space like he did when he was alone.

Sicui helped to chop and wash the meat, while Gu Siwei took turns chopping the bones, making the mutton bones crackle.

Some of the unnecessary ones were of course cheap wool and oil mud. One of the two guys was holding the sheep's head and the other was holding the sheep's tail bone, and they were walking around the edge of the table.

The monkeys were also greedy, but they really didn't have the courage to wander around Da Mao. Their deep-rooted fear of bears made them stay on the trees as hanging decorations.

How could Gu Siwei bring food to the monkeys if they didn't come? So the monkeys sniffed the fishy smell in the air, scratched their ears and cheeks one by one, and hummed and chirped from time to time. They just didn't have the guts to come down, even the always bold old monkey king. The four horses were all staying on the branches of the tree, staring at Da Mao, as if the fruits in their hands were no longer fragrant.

The flattering pony was quite calm. He would lie on a tree branch and pick his nostrils from time to time, and sometimes even pick his buttocks in a disgusting manner. He was really not very hygienic.

Chop the mutton, put it in a basin and soak it in water. Prepare to soak out the blood before proceeding to the next step.

Next, Sicui continued to play with the vegetable garden, while Gu Siwei rested for more than half an hour, and then began to stew the mutton. After the mutton was stewed, it was time to have dinner again.

Of course, it was mutton in the evening. The brother and sister steamed a pot of rice, poured it with mutton soup, and mixed it with the hair and oil mud.

Even the monkeys got a bargain and were given a small bucket of mutton soup to serve with their rice.

After dinner, the sky darkened, and it was time to go to bed. Gu Siwei didn't care about lighting the lamp, but Sicui was used to it. Now the way the brother and sister get along has changed a little, and Gu Siwei has the final say in major matters. , but Sicui slowly began to take charge of these small matters.

In fact, it means that Gu Siwei increases revenue and Sicui reduces expenditure.

Wanting to know if the lamb would starve to death, Gu Siwei didn't sleep well that night. Whenever he opened his eyes, he had to go to the small room where the lamb was kept to take a look.

By midnight, the lamb was still fine. However, when Gu Siwei came to look at it at about three o'clock in the morning, there was a lamb already lying on the ground with its legs stretched out, and its air intake was not as good as its air output.

“It turns out there really are stubborn sheep!”

Gu Siwei really believed it now. It was obvious before his eyes. It was obviously unreasonable not to believe it.

What should I do if the sheep dies? Of course it had to be dealt with, and he could really just leave it and wait until tomorrow morning, so Gu Siwei picked up the one that was about to die, and didn’t let go of the other two that were starting to look bad, and slaughtered them all together.

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