Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 52 Congenial Characters

"Why does the house smell so good today?"

Pushing open the door to his home, Hu Shunkai smelled an alluring aroma, which made him take a few more breaths.

“My sister’s friend’s cooking!”

Hu Yanping, this little kid, was already very greedy, but if his father didn't come back, everyone would definitely not start the meal, so when he saw his father coming back, the little guy suddenly became energetic.


Hu Shunkai also knew that it was definitely not his wife's craftsmanship that could make such a taste. When he heard that it was his daughter's friend, he knew that the young man named Gu must be the one he was talking about.

Hu Shunkai knew that Qiao Yitong would come together. He had watched Qiao Yitong grow up. He didn't know whether this boy could cook, so the cook must be the young man named Gu.

"How can we let guests do this? Don't you mean to invite them to your home for dinner..."

Hu Shunkai became polite as he walked into the house.

Hu Shunkai was back, which meant that dinner could be served, so when he heard his father's voice, Hu Yanqiu began to put the dishes on the table.

Since Gu Siwei showed his skill at stir-frying chicken, Lu Yihui officially gave up the kitchen and helped Gu Siwei start the fight.

In this way, the six or seven dishes on this table, except for one soup, were all made by Gu Siwei.

The food was served and everyone sat around the table.

Hu Shunkai mentioned it, and Gu Siwei and other adult men all followed him to have a drink.

There was nothing much to say next, so everyone chatted while eating.

At the beginning, I mainly praised Gu Siwei's craftsmanship. It was really not flattery, but sincere praise.

Hu Shunkai said: "Xiao Gu, your skills are really good. Even the chefs in the small restaurants in our factory may not have skills like yours. Who did you learn from?"

"I am..." Gu Siwei almost blurted out, saying that he learned it from short videos. It would be so easy to learn a dish decades later. He turned on his phone and searched at random, and he didn't know how many recipes there were, or even on-site teaching. Unless you are extremely stupid, you can always learn it by reading a few more recipes and practicing a few more times.

But things are different now. Now if you want to learn a craft, you have to learn from a master. Even if the master teaches you, he still has to retain his skills. He won't tell you the secrets of what ingredients to use and how much to use.

So from Hu Shunkai's point of view, if Gu Siwei has such good skills at his age, he must have been taught by a famous teacher.

"Learned from others."

Gu Siwei could only mention it casually at this time, but fortunately Hu Shunkai didn't ask any more questions.

"Xiao Gu's skills are so good, Lao Hu, I think you might as well recommend him and let Xiao Gu work as a chef in your small canteen," Lu Yihui said jokingly.

Hu Shunkai laughed and said: "How can I do this?"

Gu Siwei didn't understand. If he was really discerning, he would have to explore the wind or something at this time, because in the eyes of modern people, being able to enter a factory, even as a temporary worker, is better than digging in the soil.

Lu Yihui really liked this young man Gu Siwei. He was not good as a son-in-law, but he was a good boy, so he thought that with such a good craftsmanship, it would be good to work in her husband's factory to make a living.

It's a pity that Gu Siwei didn't understand it at all. Even if he did, he wouldn't work as a helper in the factory's kitchen.

Lao Gu, a dragon crossing the river, didn't live in a factory kitchen. He just walked through it and had a good leisurely life. But what's the matter, do you still want to cook for others?

Qiao Yitong understood it when he arrived, but he and Gu Siwei had just met, so it was hard to remind Gu Siwei.

As for Hu Yanqiu, he was holding out his chopsticks to pick up a piece of fried chicken and stuffing it into his mouth. He couldn't think of talking. What's more, she didn't understand either.

"It's not that my craftsmanship is good, it's that your seasonings are too complete," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Hu Shunkai looked at Gu Siweile and said, "Okay, I'll take some with you when I leave."

"Thank you very much." Gu Siwei was overjoyed upon hearing this.

There are only a few kinds of spices sold in factory stores, and as for the shops in towns, there are even fewer. Nowadays, most people use so many kinds of spices. Normally, when cooking at home, adding MSG is enough to taste. Where? There will be some grass fruits, cardamom and so on.

Therefore, Gu Siwei couldn't buy it even if he had money. Gu Siwei was naturally happy when he heard that he would be given some spices later.

"It's because he's so good at craftsmanship that he's so happy to give some spices." Hu Shunkai couldn't help but become happy when he saw Gu Siwei's appearance.

Lu Yihui also smiled and nodded.

Originally I was a little wary of Gu Siwei being a farmer, but now I see that this young man is not pretentious at all, and he is not shy at all when he comes to the house for the first time. He is a person who can let go. And look at the good food this young man cooks, Invisibly, it added a little more points to Gu Siwei.

Of course, these are ordinary friends to their daughter. If Gu Siwei said at this moment that I want to be your son-in-law, their faces would immediately fall.

As Gu Siwei who came here decades later, he knows, but it is difficult to understand, the gap between farmers and workers. Let alone now, even in a few decades there will still be a word called migrant workers. This is not a compliment. word.

Gu Siwei was talking and laughing freely and didn't think about anything else.

He was originally an old bachelor in his early thirties who liked to sit back and do things by himself. Now even if he has turned into a seventeen or eighteen-year-old, his temperament cannot change. He has never thought about that.

It is precisely because of this that Hu Shunkai and Lu Yihui feel that Xiao Gu has a good personality. If he reveals a little bit: I want to bring trouble to your daughter, I'm afraid he won't be treated like this.

The meal was lively, and Gu Siwei also answered all questions. In addition to his own secrets, he even made up a life experience for himself, which Liu Fulin had also heard of.

So everyone knows that Gu Siwei has lived in seclusion with an old man since he was a child. In short, Gu Siwei, who has read too many novels, told this lie. It can be said that there are almost no mistakes. Even if there are, he can't explain that he didn't know that he was young at that time.

So everyone felt a little more sympathetic towards Gu Siwei. This was not what Gu Siwei wanted, but there was no other way. We couldn't say that we were descended to earth as a child under the Jade Emperor. You should sympathize with yourself first and then sympathize with us. So, isn't that just looking for trouble?

After a lively meal, Gu Siwei had no chance to help clean up the dishes. Lu Yihui and Hu Yanqiu did the work.

After chatting with Hu Shunkai for a while, he looked at the clock on the wall and it was almost half past eight. Gu Siwei, Qiao Yi and the two of them stood up to say goodbye.

"Let me see you off," Hu Yanqiu said.

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "Don't give it away, oh, I forgot."

After speaking, he turned to Lu Yihui and said, "Aunt Lu, can you give me the basket with eggs? It's best to give me the sack from last time."

Hu Yanqiu laughed and joked: "You are really stingy if you still want this."

"Hey! This is considered a big piece of furniture in our house. We don't want to come back," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Hu Yanqiu was even happier when he heard that Gu Siwei described the two items as big furniture.

After hearing this, Lu Yihui went to the kitchen and took out the basket, folded the sacks from last time, and finally put some things in the basket. In addition to seasonings, there was also a pack of snacks, wrapped in oil paper and cushioned on top. A piece of red paper with peanut cake written on it.

"Aunt Lu, this...".

"Take it if it's given to you," Lu Yihui said with a smile.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei said directly: "Then I'm not welcome."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands and bent down to take the things. Then Hu Yanqiu and Qiao Yi walked out the door.

When they arrived at the door of the family area, the two asked Hu Yanqiu to go back.

"Where are you staying tonight?"

Hu Yanqiu then remembered that Gu Siwei didn't have a place to stay at this late hour.

"Me? I have to go back and catch wild boars. You forgot what I promised Wu Daorong at night." Gu Siwei made an excuse for himself.

Qiao Yitong opened his mouth and said, "Why worry? Since you don't have a place to live, you can just come to my place!".

"Forget it! I really have something to do."

Gu Siwei originally thought that Qiao Yitong also lived at home. For Gu Siwei, it would be better to run back overnight to squeeze in with Qiao Yi's family. How embarrassing.

Hu Yanqiu said: "That's okay, he lives alone anyway."

Qiao Yitong took Gu Siwei's arm at this time: "No, don't leave tonight. What will you do if you encounter a wolf when you go back at this late night! It's too unsafe. It's a big deal and we'll leave tomorrow morning."

Hu Yanqiu looked at Qiao Yitong and asked with surprise: "Qiao Yitong, when did you change your temper? Are you so enthusiastic today?"

Hu Yanqiu wanted Gu Siwei to stay in Qiao Yitong's dormitory for one night, but she also knew that Qiao Yitong looked enthusiastic, but in fact he was a bit aloof, liked to be clean, and didn't like living with others.

In later generations' words, he was a bit mysophobic.

Who would have thought that Qiao Yitong would actually bring it up on his own initiative.

Qiao Yitong smiled and said, "Lao Gu and I hit it off right away."

This was really what Qiao Yitong thought. Qiao Yitong was a bit aloof, but after meeting Gu Siwei, he felt like he was meeting an old friend.

In fact, it's very simple. Qiao Yitong is the kind of middle-aged person who doesn't want to trouble others and lives in his own little world. Gu Siwei is almost the same. People of the same temperament will naturally attract each other. This is why there is a saying that birds of a feather flock together. People are divided into groups.

"I really don't have time. Let's go tomorrow morning..." Gu Siwei really didn't want to trouble Qiao Yitong.

Qiao Yitong was really afraid that something might happen to him while walking at night, so he said with a straight face: "You look down on me and don't treat me as a friend?"

"It's not true, something happened."

After pushing several times, there was nothing he could do, so Gu Siwei had no choice but to follow Qiao Yi.

Qiao Yi lived in a single dormitory with average conditions. It was either a building or a bungalow, and the space was very small, about twenty square meters.

There are more than ten houses in a row of bricks and concrete. There are seven or eight rows of houses like this in front and back. The distance between rows is less than ten meters. With this distance, some people have built houses on top. , leaving only an aisle more than two meters wide at the narrowest point.

Anyway, this is the family area of ​​​​the factory. Don't be picky about such conditions. There is a family of five or six crowded here.

Qiao Yitong can be assigned a single room, but he is afraid that his family will not be ordinary.

The dormitory is very simple, with a single bed, a writing desk, a bookcase, and a wardrobe. In addition, there is a washbasin shelf.

Although there were few things, they were all arranged neatly. It looked like a girl's room, not quite like a current gentleman's dormitory.

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