It felt like he was being used as a weapon by Xiaoma and the monkeys, but with the four-dimensional space in his hands, Xiao Guer couldn't get any fatter. Even when he heard the roar of the beast, he still didn't think about turning back, but rushed directly. He rushed towards the direction of the beast's cry.

Gu Siwei jumped up and ran, frightening the roaring beast.

Wild beasts are afraid of humans. Generally speaking, they only have to do so. They rarely choose to prey on humans. Under normal circumstances, they will avoid humans as soon as they smell the scent of humans, unless you are unlucky and encounter one with cubs in person. Mother beast.

It was precisely because of this that the beast lying on the tree and looking at Gu Siwei saw that Gu Siwei was so brave. He shouted two warnings but it was in vain. Not only was it useless, the human also rushed towards him.

This troubled the beast a little, but it quickly made a decision, that is, to throw away its four legs and not have a head-on conflict with humans.

"This...ran away?!"

Gu Siwei stood under a tree, looked up at the half monkey hanging on the tree, and said with a puzzled look on his face.

The old monkey king next to him was naturally unable to answer Gu Siwei's question. He was highly nervous at the moment and was constantly looking around to make sure that no terrible natural enemy was lying nearby, waiting for him to come when he relaxed his vigilance. all of a sudden.

Seeing half of a monkey on the tree, Gu Siwei guessed that this thing was most likely a leopard or a tiger... Forget it, he didn't know whether a tiger could climb a tree or carry its prey into a tree to eat. Judging from many years of experience in watching the animal world, this is a leopard, and not even a little leopard.

Howl! Howl!

Maybe he lost some prey, which made this guy a little unwilling. Even though he was far away, he still roared.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei asked the old monkey king: "This guy seems to be a little unwilling. Fortunately, he ran away quickly, otherwise I wouldn't peel off its skin and make a vest for myself. You know, I only have the same clothes." ".

The beast was unwilling to give in, and Gu Siwei felt that he could not fall too low. Although he was still a little scared in his heart, he was still very firm on his lips.

Of course, the most important thing is that Gu Siwei has someone to rely on. If there is any danger, he won't need to rely on him. The space will draw him in directly. You're not afraid of this.

The beast ran away, and Gu Siwei started to look around the tree. There was half a monkey hanging on the tree. Gu Siwei didn't know if this monkey belonged to the pony community. It looked like the missing four horses, but he touched it. The monkeys didn't live long, so how could there be enough room for so many monkeys?

In addition to half a monkey, there is also a sheep head.

It turns out this guy is a good hunter.

If you think about it and your mouth is unclean when you eat, you must have some skills on your hands.

Let’s take a human analogy. Gu Siwei’s eating is definitely different from that of the folks in Shimo Village. For the same steamed bun, Gu Siwei can eat half of it and sprinkle half of it. The folks in Shimo Tree are afraid of the crumbs of the steamed bun falling on the ground. You have to carefully pick it up and stuff it into your mouth. This is the difference between different abilities.

As he was watching, a group of squeaks came to his ears.

I turned around and took a look, and found that at this moment, the pony, the two horses, and the three horses had arrived in a flash.

Gu Siwei was a little angry when he saw them. The performance of these guys just now really disappointed Gu Siwei.

So they kicked them one by one.

"Now the status of the four horses has improved."

In view of the bravery of the old monkey king, Gu Siwei decided to praise him. For comrades who are courageous and determined, oh, no, they are monkeys, they always have to show their skills.

As a result, the old monkey king, who was originally at the bottom, has now had a very high status. Although he has not returned to the position of monkey king, he can be regarded as entering the core decision-making level.

They are already called Four Horses, what else do you want to do?

Obviously, the old monkey king is now very satisfied that he can be allowed to stand beside Gu Siwei. When the monkeys are all there, the status of the monkeys surrounding Gu Siwei is not comparable to that of ordinary monkeys.

Xiao Ma was a little unhappy, but Gu Siwei didn't take his feelings into consideration at all. What he did just now was too disappointing to the leader. Gu Siwei had to give it a beating, otherwise there would be danger in the future for his boss, who would be so petty. What is the use of a horse?

Anyway, no matter what the monkeys think, Gu Siwei used all the crooked tricks of human sociology on the monkeys.

squeak! squeak! squeak!

Si Ma, who had just been promoted to Si Ma, wanted to express himself, so he pulled Gu Siwei's pants and screamed.


Si Ma wanted to take him away, so Gu Siwei followed.

Soon Gu Siwei followed the four horses and the monkeys to a cliff. The cliff was very high, almost twenty meters high, and the surroundings were smooth. Most people would definitely not be able to step up.

There is a fault halfway up the cliff with a tree growing on it, and you can vaguely see what seems to be a cave under the tree.

squeak! squeak! squeak!

The four horses let go of Gu Siwei's trousers and began to climb up the cliff.

Gu Siwei tried it here and found that he really didn't have that ability. There was nothing he could do about it. This cliff was really too smooth. Maybe someone who had practiced rock climbing could climb it, but Gu Siwei really didn't have this ability. ability.

"Get the stuff off me."

Gu Siwei felt that if the four horses came by themselves, there must be something there. There was a high probability that the thing was hidden in the cave on the cliff.

Not to mention, Gu Siwei really guessed it right.

After the four horses got into the hole, something soon fell from above.

Gu Siwei stepped aside and looked up at the four horses pushing things out at the entrance of the cave.

When the pile formed a small pile, Gu Siwei took a look and found that all the fallen fruits were fruits. Some fruits fell on the rocks and broke into pieces, while some fell on the dead leaves on the ground, but they were intact.

"I have a lot of fruits!"

Gu Siwei picked up a wild fruit that looked like a small apple, squeezed it gently with his hand, and found that the skin of the fruit was broken, and the broken fruit gave off an unpleasant smell, and it seemed to contain a little wine. taste.

There was a strange smell on his hands when he pinched it, so Gu Siwei directly turned aside a branch next to him and started to pick up the fruits on the ground.

Almost all the fruits were inedible, and some were almost pulpy.

Gu Siwei didn't recognize many fruits, and he couldn't recognize almost most of them. However, he still recognized a few kinds. He knew hawthorn, and he also knew hawthorn, which is a kind of fruit that looks like It is about the size of a finger, with white spots hanging on its green skin. When ripe, it tastes not bad but not good either.

But there is one kind that Gu Siwei really likes, Cherry.

When some people encounter this, they may wonder why these fruits from different seasons can be stored for such a long time. Is there some mystery in the cave, or is there some special chemical reaction between these fruits when they are put together.

However, Gu Siwei did not expect this at this time.

Now that he saw the cherries, he was a little greedy.

Although I live in a third-tier city, my salary is not bad, and my life is half-off, but in the future, foreigners gave cherries the fancy name of cherries, and they were so expensive to sell.

The money Gu Siwei earns is really not enough to survive, weighing dozens of pounds per pound, which is really beyond what ordinary people can afford.

So when he saw this thing, Gu Siwei couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Of course, most of it was caused by greed in his stomach.

He was not interested in anything else, so he took the cherry and peeled off the bad pulp on the outside, leaving some seeds.

There is nothing much to say about the cherry seeds. They are just a small pit and they were planted when they turned around and entered the space.

The fruit has grown, but it is not very tasty, and it is not as black and red as he remembered. This peach is pink, not big in size, and the taste is not good.

But Gu Siwei had a way. He picked up the blackest and largest fruit on a tree and continued to plant seeds.

After going back and forth several times, the fruits on the tree were obviously larger than at the beginning, but they were still a little sour and the color was not good enough.

But these are not problems anymore. If you have time in the future, you can just plant them slowly. No big deal.

With all this fussing, a lot of time has passed.

"Come down, go, go, do it again later."

The four horses in the cave were still busy digging for the roots of the monkeys, but Gu Siwei was no longer interested in the rotten fruit and called out to the four horses to come down.

Just as he said this, the four horses came down, and it turned out that everything in the cave had been pushed out by them.

The pony and the whole monkey are in trouble, because what the four horses pushed down is the monkey group's small treasury of food. To be precise, it can only be enjoyed by the middle and upper classes of the monkey group. If the brew is good, this thing is called monkey. If the wine is not brewed well, as it is now, it can only be called Monkey Sour Soup.

But at least it tastes like alcohol. Maybe even primates can't stand the temptation of alcohol. Monkeys also like this drink very much.

Of course Gu Siwei didn't know about this. With his poor knowledge of nature, he couldn't tell a male monkey from a female without two small lychees growing under the monkey's tail.

Besides, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care whether the monkeys had wine lees or other things to eat.

Looking at the four horses coming down, Gu Siwei praised them fiercely. When the four horses arrived, he immediately rewarded them with a persimmon, which made the four horses squeal with joy.

Next, Gu Siwei was going to catch hares or something.

Gu Siwei has already gained some experience in catching this thing. If you want to catch them, you need a place with lots of grass and a place where it is easy to make holes. With both of these things, you can find them easily.

Usually, these guys live at the bottom of cliffs, and river banks are also good places for them to make nests. Once they find the right location, they just wait at the entrance of the cave.

Relatively speaking, the pheasants at this moment are easier to catch. Of course, this kind of ease is only for Gu Siwei. It is still quite difficult for ordinary people to catch pheasants in a bush of thorns.

As for wild boars, it's even simpler. These fools don't avoid people at all. If they lived on the plains, they would have been eaten to extinction by the hungry people.

But this time, Si Ma clearly understood Gu Siwei's intention. With Gu Siwei, he easily found five rabbits and a dozen pheasants, several times more than Gu Siwei's usual harvest.

As for the wild boar, naturally I still need to get one. It’s not big, weighing about thirty pounds.

First, it was too big to carry, and second, Gu Siwei felt that people who wanted so many wild animals were not ordinary people. If you get a big wild boar weighing more than 100 kilograms, what would they eat? You can't chew old pig skins, right? The wild boar of thirty to forty pounds is in season, and the meat is also tender.

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