Walked out of the store and returned to the oil press.

The oil mill was already at work, and the noise from the diesel engine was deafening.

Before it was Liu Fulin's turn, he happened to meet Dou Ren again, and everyone stretched out their heads to watch.

No one spoke, everyone looked at the green crowd coming from a distance and passing by.

After a while, most of them withdrew their gaze and continued to line up at the entrance of the workshop. Those waiting to grind flour were waiting to grind flour, and those waiting to squeeze oil were waiting to squeeze oil.

Almost no one mentioned this group of Hong guards.

In a big city, even a county town, there will be huge crowds of people for this kind of fight. Is there nothing wrong with pushing the family in a small town? Isn't there a time when loosening the soil is better than just watching the fun?

Students can make trouble, but why should farmers make trouble?

Why don’t we have to pay public food in summer and autumn?

Gu Siwei was not interested in watching either. He was wandering around in the team at the moment. There was nothing interesting about the oil extraction team. Except for his own side, the oil crops were walnuts, and everyone else was just rapeseed.

After looking at several companies that were transferred to the flour grinding team, Gu Siwei discovered that the flour grinders were all wheat, and some of the wheat still had husks, which had been threshed.

Seeing the wheat, Gu Siwei became interested and opened his mouth to chat with the old man who was grinding the wheat.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly heard a hello coming from behind him.

Turning around, he saw a young girl standing not far from him. The girl was quite tall, about 1.6 meters tall. At this moment, she was not considered short.

The girl is not fat either, that’s for sure, there are almost no fat people on the road now.

Malnutrition is common nowadays, unless someone in your family works in a place such as a grain station or a grain depot where there is a lot of oil and water.

Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to become a fat person. Even if you work in these places, most families will just have a few dishes missing.

The girl is thin, but not good-looking. She has a big face, a small nose, and a few freckles on her cheeks. Her nose is quite big and slightly upturned, but not too obvious. Her lips are quite thick, which makes her most stand out. It's a pair of eyes. In the words of Gu Siwei's hometown, they are a pair of dead goldfish eyes, with the eyeballs protruding outward.

The girl is not ugly, but she is not good-looking either.

"Well, which faction are you from? Do you have a faction? If not, come and join our team."

Seeing Gu Siwei turn around, the girl started talking casually.

Gu Siwei frowned slightly. The girl's tone made Gu Siwei a little unhappy, because the girl seemed to speak with a kind of charity and a condescending look.

Gu Siwei is the most annoying person. Anyone who dares to put money in front of him will not be tolerated by Lao Gu.

"Not interested in!"

Gu Siwei replied.

He has no interest in hanging out with this group of people.

The girl obviously did not expect to hear such an answer from Gu Siwei. She looked at Gu Siwei with a little anger in her eyes.

"I am Zhao Minglan!"

"None of my business."

Zhao Minglan's attitude made Gu Siwei a little angry, because in his eyes, Zhao Minglan was almost like a thug. It would be strange if he had a good face.

As a person from later generations, how could Gu Siwei agree with the actions of people like Zhao Minglan.

Besides, he doesn't want to have anything to do with these people.

The good life that Lao Gu thought of was: having a house and fields, spending half the day in the fields, and half the day relaxing!

If you let him be full of blood all day long and fight about this and that, he will be interested in it.

When Zhao Minglan heard this, she immediately wanted to put a big lid on Gu Siwei's forehead, and thought to herself: If you hadn't looked at how handsome you are, do you think I would have said a word to you, my aunt?

Zhao Minglan is lustful, yes, she is lustful.

The so-called sailing faction must be led by restless people. In the process, they tasted the sweetness of power, and the desires in their hearts were stimulated.

Zhao Minglan is such a person, but she can disguise it. Except for those who are very close to her, no one else knows the little darkness in her heart.

Just when Zhao Minglan was thinking about how to slap Gu Siwei, a young man of about the same age suddenly ran over. The young man was a young man. Although he was thin, he had some "pinky" air about him.

The young man came over and stood firm. He poked Gu Siwei's eyes out without doing anything, and then said to Zhao Minglan: "Commander Zhao, it's time for us to have a meeting."

Hearing this, Zhao Minglan yelled, turned around and walked away. After walking a few steps, he stopped again and said to Gu Siwei: "Young people have no energy at all. Are you a bastard?"

Gu Siwei was stunned. The young man who had just come over was looking at Gu Siwei. He couldn't hide the jealousy in his eyes, and couldn't help urging Zhao Minglan.

Gu Siwei really didn't think about anything else. He just thought that Zhao Minglan wanted to get him to join the gang. This man is hostile to him because he is ostracized in the small gang.

He was originally 1.65 meters tall, but now he is taller than 1.8 meters tall, especially someone with good looks who can compete with Tang Guoqiang and Zhu Shimao in their twenties. In fact, I still default to being in my early thirties. The hanging silk man.

Some things are difficult to change psychologically.

He didn't realize that his face was causing him trouble.

"Uncle, can you give me a few pills?"

Gu Siwei asked.

"A few grains don't matter, take it, take more, grab a handful."

When he heard that Gu Siwei wanted a few grains of wheat from him, the old man was quite generous. Although he only weighed four or five kilograms, he still asked Gu Siwei to reach out and grab a handful.

Although he is poor, he has a generous character.

Naturally, Gu Siwei didn't know how to grab a handful, but only took four or five pills.

Then I wanted to see if anyone came to machine rice. Unfortunately, after looking around, no one came to machine rice.

This is understandable. If rice is grown, it is impossible for no one to want it. All the rice grown by farmers is handed over every year. There is no leftover for the family to keep for their own consumption. This is not after the reform.

Not to mention rice, most of the grain that comes here to be ground using machines is given away to others. If you don't know how to eat it yourself and are not willing to come to the town to use a big machine, you can just grind it directly in the village with a grinding plate.

At this time, the bankers really wanted to break a penny into several petals and spend it.

After getting a few grains of wheat, Gu Siwei was naturally planning to plant them. He had had enough porridge with corn noodles and dried sweet potatoes these days, and he didn't even want to take a look at it.

He just wants to eat white rice and noodles.

After waiting for a while, when he heard Liu Fulin calling him, Gu Siwei knew that it was his turn to squeeze the oil, so he ran over.

Extracting oil is very simple. Crush the shell of walnuts, take out the kernels, and fry them in a machine. After frying, the oil is officially squeezed. The residue must be returned to the machine and squeezed a second time.

Go back and forth several times to squeeze out the oil in the walnut kernels to the maximum extent.

In the end, Gu Siwei got almost two kilograms of oil, as well as pancakes left over from the oil extraction.

Of course, the oil is pressed together, that is, Gu Siwei's oil is connected to the village, and the villagers' oil is pressed together, and when they go back to be divided, they will be divided according to the weight ratio.

After the oil is pressed, Gu Siwei and Liu Fulin have nothing else to do and go home!

The two of them carried their things and went home. When they rested on the way, Liu Fulin was still nibbling on the stick dough, which made Gu Siwei, who originally wanted to eat the dough, too embarrassed to eat it.

It was true that Gu Siwei was stingy and reluctant to take out the pancakes. He was happy to take them out, but how could he explain so many pancakes? Besides, even if they were given to Liu Fulin, he would not be willing to eat them. He would definitely take them back to his grandson Liu Dezhu.

But when you think about it, it’s only the journey of a dozen or so children, so it’ll be over with a little patience.

As a result, Gu Siwei felt that he was walking and walking, as if there was no end. He felt tired when he came, and even more tired when he went back. It always felt like this journey would be endless.

Finally, when my feet almost lost control and I could hardly stand up, I finally arrived at the entrance of the village.

By this time, it was already late at night.

"Here we are, it's okay this time. It's almost two o'clock." Liu Fulin raised his head and looked at the sky.

After speaking, he turned around and looked at Gu Siwei.

At this moment, Gu Siwei's eyes were straightened. He was no longer walking, but subconsciously following Liu Fulin. His tired mind was a little unruly.

"Hey, hey, Siwei, we're home."

Seeing Gu Siwei's appearance, Liu Fulin smiled. Originally, when he looked at Gu Siwei, he thought that this child must be a rich and wealthy young man with a certain temper.

There is nothing you can do about it. Think about an old farmer. If you ask him to stand next to a car that costs hundreds of thousands of yuan, he will definitely be nervous because he only makes a few dollars a year. If you let him get close For such an expensive thing, he kept thinking that I should stay away and he couldn't afford to pay for it if it was damaged.

But after this back and forth, Liu Fulin felt that Gu Siwei was not as easy to get along with as he thought, and he was not as squeamish, temperamental, etc. as he thought.

The two of them have had more contact, and the solidified personality in their hearts has become an equal sight, and they naturally find it easier to get along with each other.

Gu Siwei didn't want to talk anymore, he didn't even want to open his mouth, he just carried the basket and went to his yard. He knew that if he stopped now, he would have to spend the night here. It took him only a few hours to stand up. It feels impossible.

He walked mechanically into the yard, not even hearing Liu Fulin standing at the door of his house shouting at him to take the oil in his backpack home.

Return to the yard.

Gu Siwei was about to push open the door, but found that the door was stuck from the inside.

Just when Gu Siwei was thinking about who it was, he saw the door open again, and a little girl standing at his waist stood in the door, looking at him with a look of fear.

Gu Siwei was confused now. He wondered if he had gone wrong. He turned around and found that he had not gone wrong.

He really wanted to ask the little girl who the film was, but he really didn't want to talk at the moment. He was so close to his bed that he could hardly raise his eyelids. How could he be in the mood to ask anything else.

So he stumbled back to his room, threw the basket on the ground, and lay directly on the bed.

As soon as I lay down, an indescribable feeling of happiness rushed directly to my forehead.

So beautiful, I'll fall asleep in seconds!

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