Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 20 No camera, very good!

Liu Fulin's expression changed after hearing this. He felt that Gu Siwei would definitely settle the matter next. How could a young man of his age be so angry?

But what stunned Liu Fulin was that Gu Siwei didn't look angry at all. Not only was he not angry, but his smile became happier and more sincere.

With Gu Siwei's small appearance and smile, let alone a woman in her forties, the average female cannon in her twenties has to lose seven or eight points of her anger.

"Auntie, what you said is the truth. If you don't have food stamps, let alone eating farts, you can't even eat hot farts." Gu Siwei smiled and held up the woman's smelly feet.

When the woman saw Gu Siwei's attitude, she felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Young man, you are so good at talking. Where did you come from? The provincial capital or the magical capital, or is it from the capital?" the woman asked.

The woman felt that the young man in front of her was good-looking and had a good personality. If nothing else, she felt like a spring breeze when talking to others. This was better than all the men in the town put together.

Coupled with the appearance of thin skin and tender flesh, and the tall and handsome appearance, if it was dark and no one was around, the woman might have some inappropriate thoughts.

In the eyes of women, someone like Gu Siwei must be a kid from a big city. Not even a small town, not even a small town, would be able to raise such a young man.

"No! I am not from a big city. Only someone like me is from the capital city."

Gu Siwei is very shameless.

This kind of performance directly made Liu Fulin open his mouth so much that he could put an egg in it: I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people. Just now, they scolded you, and you rushed to praise them. Just now, I was feeling I shouldn't be holding you back.

If someone who knew Gu Siwei came here, he would definitely know that Gu Siwei was Mao.

The more he smiles, the more angry he becomes. Beating people is a basic operation. After a few decades, entering the bureau will not be done once or twice. In short, in the past two years, no matter what, you have to go in and squat for two or three times. Back. There are not many reasons, just hitting someone or fighting.

Even though Gu Siwei was only 1.6 meters tall before, he could be considered a little fierce fighter in a fight.

However, this time Gu Siwei was not prepared to fight.

If he does it here, then Father Liu won't be able to have a hot meal of soup.

Gu Siwei was not prepared to let these people go. If he didn't pay them back if they made him angry, then he wouldn't be Gu Siwei.

Before this, that is, before he was twenty-four years old, Lao Gu had a really good temper. He was a good man. He would rather suffer some losses himself, but also wanted to leave a good impression on others.

Later, the society taught him a good lesson, and he realized that you think you have to be a good person, and you would rather feel a little wronged yourself, but also want to make others happy and satisfied.

In fact, in the eyes of others, you are just a coward. Who else will bully you?

After understanding this, Gu Siwei stood up. After waiting for him to stand up, he realized how happy it was to be a 250-year-old in everyone's eyes.

Later, Gu Siwei understood that to mix in society, one must be polite, beneficial, and disciplined.

This is the wisdom of life.

When you draw the line and others don't dare to take you seriously for fear of trouble, how comfortable can you live this day.

"Young man, you have such a sweet mouth."

When the woman heard this, her small eyes were now like two slits.

Gu Siwei was chatting with the woman, looking around, and soon he spotted what he liked. There was a jar on the table not far away, and the jar was full of mustard.

So, Lao Gu raised his hand, and it seemed as if he didn't take away a single cloud.

But, the mustard on the table is gone!

It was the first time he performed this trick. A fight was a fight. Gu Siwei really didn't have anything like this to 'borrow' from others.

So I still felt a little guilty, so I looked up and looked around, subconsciously trying to see if there were any cameras hidden in the corners.

When Gu Siwei came back to his senses, he almost slapped himself: You are stupid!

Where are the cameras at this time? Let alone this small broken town, there is no doubt whether there are any in the main square of the capital.

When he thought that there were no cameras, Gu Siwei suddenly felt a little dizzy all over his body and his breathing became easier.

There is a charming feeling in the air: Fu Rui Duumu! .

No camera,

What a sweet air.

Soon, the big pot of meat in the kitchen was gone, and it disappeared together with the pot.

After chatting with the woman for almost ten minutes, all the things on the table in the kitchen window that Gu Siwei liked almost disappeared.

Gu Siwei continued chatting with the woman. The handsome young man Gu Siwei was holding the conversation, but the woman was so happy that she thought it would be great if time went on like this. The handsome young man in front of her had better treat his useless dog. Things have been replaced.

Then day and night I would look at such a handsome young man and look at him with affection.

It's like what is sung in the play: The handsome young man reads by the light of the lamp, while the concubine adds fragrance to her red sleeves...


If the woman in this picture were replaced by the one in front of me, 90% of the men in China would have to spit out their gall.

No matter how stupid Gu Siwei was, he could still see how coquettish this woman was.

His eyes were all scratchy, even a fool could see it.

At this time, he really had no intention of continuing the conversation. Why? I took everything I needed to take, but the thing in front of me looked disgusting.

Then there's nothing to talk about.

Not to mention that he only looks 17 or 18 years old now. Even when he was in his early thirties before coming here, he had no interest in fighting with a man in his forties who had just brushed his teeth at him. Like a woman flirting.

It doesn’t matter if she’s not good-looking, but if she has a bad personality, she is considered a bad person. Don’t even talk about such a woman, it’s disgusting to think about it.

"I'm sitting back." Gu Siwei smiled and pointed next to Liu Fulin.

The woman was really elated at this time. She was in a good mood as if she had sniffed honey. She wished she could throw herself on Gu Siwei and say "Little Lover".

"Okay, boy, wait a moment, I'll go see if the soup is ready."

The woman was thinking at this moment that she would give the young man a bowl of thick soup when she was serving the soup later. If nothing else, her appearance and sweet mouth were worth a bowl of thick soup.

If she hadn't been afraid of the nonsense spread by her co-workers, the woman would have given Gu Siwei a bowl of shredded pork noodles for three taels of national food stamps.

From this point of view, who is to say that you can’t get food and drink just by showing your face?

In the eyes of a woman: Spring is here, everything revives, and it's here again... It's a big mistake, it's all wrong.

Watching Gu Siwei return to the table, he was just about to see if the noodle soup was ready when he heard an angry curse.

"What bastard stole everything? Your eight generations of ancestors didn't show a single glance..."

The man in the kitchen is like a raging lion.

As the manager of a hotel, also called the person in charge, it doesn’t matter how many people there are, but size matters. If people secretly take something home, it doesn’t matter how big they are.

Normally, he would just turn a blind eye and let the matter pass. Besides, some of the food he ate must be bad, so he could just report it and fool him.

But today this matter is a bit off the mark.

The half-pot of meat that was just cooked yesterday, weighing several kilograms, is gone!

Most of the pot of shredded pork and pickled vegetables is gone!

Even last night, when he got off work, he saw that the four big cabbages placed in the corner were gone.

You said it’s understandable that you stole these, but why the hell did you take the row of large porcelain bowls that had been painted in the cabinet into your home? !

Is this still a person?

Not to mention there was a curtain of leftover dough pancakes from yesterday, and the bamboo curtain was gone.

"What's the matter?"

The woman looked at the leader who looked like he was losing his mind and asked, "Why are you acting so crazy?"

At this time, workers really have no fear of leaders, because it is just a matter of social division of labor.

You, the factory director and secretary, want to fire a worker?

Under normal circumstances, we really don’t have this power. Workers are the masters of the country, so why don’t you just fire them if you want to?

At the very least, you are out of touch with the masses, but at the most serious level, you are a reactionary with capitalist ideas.

That’s right, firing people at will was something that reactionaries in the old society could only do.

"You all come here!"

The man came back to his senses, gathered his men together, and wanted to ask who took these things. There is no way to steal things!

When he saw Gu Siwei and Liu Fulin sitting at the door, he frowned: "You guys go out, we won't open the door this morning. Go! Go! Everyone, go out."

At this time, Liu Fulin was a little unwilling.

He had to beg for mercy just to drink the hot noodle soup. Now that he couldn't drink the noodle soup, Liu Fulin, a mountain man, was about to have a bad temper: he couldn't bear it anymore, and there was no need to bear it anymore. Liu Fulin was ready to quarrel, and he could get through it if necessary.


Gu Siwei, who had benefited, now pulled Liu Fulin, who was about to get angry, out of the hotel.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he heard a man's roar from behind.

"What's going on here?"

Liu Fulin felt that this movement seemed a bit unusual.

How did he know what happened.

"Who knows?"

Gu Siwei said, pulling Liu Fulin away from the hotel.

Looking for a place with few people, Gu Siwei took out a piece of cake from his sleeve.

The pancake is a white flour pancake, a serious white flour pancake, slightly larger than the meat buns sold on the street decades later. It is also baked, but thicker, almost three to four centimeters thick.

"Where...does this come from?"

Liu Fulin was stunned when he saw this pancake.

Gu Siwei took another one by himself, put it in his mouth, and wanted to take a cool bite, but he found that his plan to look cool failed. This thing was really hard.

Liu Fulin saw Gu Siwei's appearance and smiled and said: "How can you bite this pancake? You have to put it on the fire to soften it before you can bite it."

As he spoke, Liu Fulin took the cake and carefully took out a cloth bun from the basket behind his back.

Unfold it, there are several colorful pieces of money inside, the largest one is 20 cents, the one with the Yangtze River Bridge printed on it, and the smallest one is naturally a penny with a truck pattern.

After all the calculations, I don’t know if I have even thirty cents. This is all the money Liu Fulin brought.

Wrap it up carefully and put it back in the basket.

When Gu Siwei saw him, he also gave the pancake in his hand to Liu Fulin.

Liu Fulin pushed back: "You can keep it. Don't do this next time. If you get caught, it will be over."

Gu Siwei didn't want to explain more, he just forced the pancake to Liu Fulin, and then said: "This pancake is the fault of them for criticizing me. I scolded me for no reason, and I don't take anything from them."

Liu Fulin didn't react at all. The old man thought that Gu Siwei had just stolen two pancakes, but he didn't expect that Gu Siwei had moved away the meat ingredients that had been in the small restaurant for almost three days.

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