winter day

The snow disappears and the sun begins to clear.

The sun was shining brightly and it was a rare warm day.

mountain village

Cats in winter

Like groundhogs emerging in spring, they came out of their houses. They were either sitting in the yard or squatting on the edge of the road outside the yard, leaning against their own walls.

While chatting with the villagers, he was busy with the work at hand.

There was a rhythmic clicking sound throughout the village.

As long as they were a little older, both men, women and children were holding something in their hands and cracking hard-shelled fruits like chestnuts.

The fruit is not a chestnut, it is smaller than a wild chestnut, about the size of a broad bean. After cracking the hard shell, there is a beige fruit inside, white with yellow.

There is no one in the village who does not wear patches. Not only are there large and small patches on the body, but also the old cotton-padded jackets and cotton trousers worn on the body are not stiff. They are supposed to be soft cotton. It was as if the body was wrapped in a layer of cardboard.

This shows that the clothes on his body have been worn for many years, which means that the village is so poor that it has not bought new clothes in many years.

When you wear cotton-padded clothes to this extent, you are talking nonsense if you say they are more frost-resistant.

Because of this, even under the sun, all the children still had runny noses on their faces, their little faces were red from the cold, and most of them had skin on their faces.

Among this crowd, there was one person who stood out in particular. He stood out to the point where one could easily understand at a glance what it meant to stand out from the crowd and what it meant to stand out.

A young man of sixteen or seventeen years old was leaning against the earthen wall by the roadside like many others, but he was different from the farmers next to him who were all in ragged clothes and patches.

The Green Army coat and the Leifeng hat on this person's head are all new. If there is anything that is the same as others, they only have a pair of fur nests on their feet. This thing is made of reed flowers. The whole village has made it by hand. A pair, a winter artifact for the poor.

The young man's complexion is also different from others. Others look bitter and resentful, but the young man has a face like a crown jewel and skin as white as fat. He is a fair and clean young man.

Not only is he fair, he is also tall. Even when he sits down, he is one or two heads taller than the average person. When he stands up, he must be more than 1.8 meters tall, and he has to be able to go up.

He's tall, and he's so handsome.

The Chinese-shaped face is in line with today's aesthetics. The face is firm but not stiff, and the corners are rounded, which also brings out a bit of handsomeness. The square forehead is matched with thick hair, and there is a pair of thick eyebrows under the forehead. The tip of the pen hangs straight from the temples, coupled with a pair of piercing red phoenix eyes below, giving the young man a sense of hope and brilliance when he looks at others.

A hanging nose rises from the eyebrow arch, is slightly sunken at the eye socket, then straightens up in a gentle arc, pulling up a perfect hump line, ending with a drop-shaped nose tip above the philtrum, and the wings of the nose are as delicate as cicadas. harmonious.

Under the nose is a standard wide lion's mouth, and the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, revealing three points of power and seven points of toughness.

Just this face, whether it is in a model drama or an old movie, whenever it appears, it is definitely a decent one, and it is definitely a protagonist, not even a second supporting role.

But at the moment, the boy was lying a little lazily.

Although everyone is a bit lazy, but thanks to his skin, the young man can still look like a rich man who has read poetry and books even if he is lying lazily.

The young man was holding a branch in his hand and was drawing aimlessly on the ground, but his eyes were a little blurry. It was obvious that the young man's attention was not on his hand.

The boy was incompatible with the countryside and the villagers. It was obvious at a glance that the boy was not from the village. It was impossible for such an ordinary small mountain village to raise such a smart young man.

The nearby villagers also glanced at the young man from time to time, and gathered together to talk a word or two from time to time, but the young man turned a deaf ear and was immersed in his own world.

Not only did the young man not belong to the mountain village, he also did not belong to this era. It was just that this matter was so unbelievable that even if the young man told others, they would not understand.

To be precise, the boy came from decades later, and he didn't look like this at that time. The boy at that time was just a migrant worker in his thirties, about 1.6 meters tall.

It is said that he is a worker. In fact, according to the young man's thinking, the attributive in front of it should be a successful worker. In his early thirties, relying on his own ability and his ability to program CNC machine tools, he bought a four-bedroom apartment with two living rooms in Sanshi City. The house was paid for in one lump sum, and the young man was very satisfied with his life.

Let's put it this way, if he knew he was going to come here, the young man would definitely do everything possible to avoid this happening, because he was very satisfied with his life and had no intention of opening an account elsewhere.

But God can't help him!

In fact, this was his own fault. When he was visiting the ghost market, he saw a wooden sign that had nothing to do with it. It was bare on both sides, but under the light, he seemed to be able to see a pattern of a fairy guiding the way, so he looked at it. I liked the price and it was not expensive, so the boy bought it.

As a result, there was a night of lightning and thunder. The young man was wearing a thunder cap and a military coat, sleeping in his Afghan-style four-bedroom apartment. This thing caused a flash of thunder and lightning.

When he opened it again, the young man saw the dirty faces of an old man and a young man. He told himself with concern that they had saved the young man.

The boy is confused!

Big confusion!

What made the young man even more confused was that he actually understood out of thin air that the wooden "Nothing" sign was not an ordinary wooden sign, but a key, a key to a mysterious place that ordinary people could not understand.

For a few days, the boy was like this, confused again and again, his mind as chaotic as a train running.

"Comrade Gu!"

The young man was startled, came back to his senses, and looked at the person who called him.

The young man's surname is Gu, the surname of Gu Hongming.

What, you don’t even know Gu Hongming?

Well, you are an illiterate, and you are an illiterate who has no knowledge of modern history.

Gu Siwei, this is the nickname of a young man. In addition to the surname Gu, Gu Siwei and the weirdo in the late Qing Dynasty, each of them is proficient in nine foreign languages. Gu Hongming, who has 13 doctorate degrees, is not related at all. The two families are not compatible at all. They are at most five It was one family a hundred years ago.

The man named Gu Siwei is an old man. In fact, he is not considered old in future generations. He is only fifty-seven years old. But at this moment, a fifty-seven-year-old person seems to be less willing to give in than a seventy-year-old man in future generations.

Liu Fulin was his name, and it was this Liu Fulin and his grandson Liu Dezhu who dragged Gu Siwei back to the village.

"Dad Liu, if you have anything to say," Gu Siwei smiled politely.

Liu Fulin felt a little unsure about talking to Gu Siwei. The old man had no education and couldn't express it with his mouth, but he understood the meaning in his heart. What does wealth mean?

This is called wealth and wealth.

Obviously everyone is chatting together, but some people just make you feel inferior to others, even if the person is wearing a military coat and a Lei Feng hat.

"This... this, Comrade Gu, how are you recuperating?"

Liu Fulin was embarrassed to say it.

But there is nothing we can do if we don't say it. The food left in the village will not be able to sustain it.

It’s not that Liu Fulin and the villagers are stingy, but that now in the village’s granary, a mouse can’t even walk around without crying. The whole village doesn’t have enough to eat, let alone a 16- or 17-year-old boy!

Gu Siwei looked at Liu Fulin and sighed in his heart: People nowadays are so sincere. Look, they clearly want him to leave. There is not enough food in the village, but when he talks about it, he doesn't even wait for him to do anything. When people arrive, they blush at first, as if they have done something outrageous.

If you leave this for decades and want to stay at the landlord's house for a few more days, your luggage may be thrown out.

Gu Siwei has encountered this before, not that every landlord is like this, but Gu Siwei has really experienced it personally.

"I'm almost done. I'll leave some thank you gifts for everyone before I leave," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

"No, no! I didn't mean that".

Liu Fulin waved his hand immediately. Although that was what he meant, now that he heard that Gu Siwei was leaving, he still felt as if his face had a fever.

Liu Fulin felt embarrassed for no reason. The habit of the older generation in the village was to welcome guests instead of chasing them away. Even strangers should be well entertained.

The village is remote and located among hundreds of miles of mountains. If you want to survive in such an environment, the most important thing is to stick together and be united.

Because only people can guard against wild beasts and bear risks, the villagers have never rushed to drive guests away since they came here in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's time for me to leave. I've been a bit annoying these days." Gu Siwei said it as if it was true.

He wants to leave?

Where could he go?

If Gu Siwei was a totally messed up person a few decades later, even if his appearance returned to the ordinary look he had a few decades later, he would still be able to smile from the corners of his mouth to the back of his ears.

But in this day and age, where can he go?

go outside?

He looked like a little brat, and even if he didn't die, he would still be skinned.

Become a hermit in the old woods?

Gu Siwei answered accurately: I will hide from you, uncle!

If you want to survive, what can you do without food, rice, oil and salt?

What's the difference between hiding in the mountains and committing suicide now? Even if you want to be a Zhongnan hermit in the future, hiding without 1.8 million in your pocket won't be safe.

Gu Siwei naturally wants to stay, but he can't stay forcibly. He just refuses to leave like a deadbeat. That's not Gu Siwei's style.

Gu Siwei's idea was that he not only had to stay, but he also had to stay in an upright manner. If he acted like a rogue, he might as well starve to death as a hermit in the old forest.

When it comes to integrity, Lao Gu thinks he still has some, not much, but certainly some!

At this moment, when Gu Siwei and Liu Fulin were chatting awkwardly, there was a sudden clang.

This is the sound of a hammer striking an iron piece.

Gu Siwei knew that this was the sound made by the village leader banging half of the iron plow, telling the villagers that it was time to eat.

clang! clang! clang!

This relieved Liu Fulin's embarrassment, and he immediately said: "Let's go eat first."

For Liu Fulin, he was relieved when Gu Siwei said he was leaving.

Again, it's not that he doesn't want to stay, it's mainly because there is really no food in the village. With this food only until spring, the whole village has to go out to dig wild vegetables and mix it with walnut powder to satisfy their hunger. Where can there be food to raise a big baby? living person.

It is only right to send this man away as soon as possible.

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