"Take it down, when did you confiscated those things and didn't take them home to see by yourself? I've seen you look at that kind of things in your room many times by yourself."

To say that her twin sister is simply a filthy demon king, Yaxiang doesn't know what to say about Riko.What do you mean by being a girl watching guys drool?And every time I look at it with relish, I really don't know which one is the boy.

Think about Riko's image in the school. She is all-rounder in sports, has studied taekwondo, and even has strong kendo skills. She works as a discipline committee in the school.However, the image is still relatively conservative, there is no room for sand in the eyes, and there is even a bit of shyness in it.

...But if those people in the school knew, Riko's shyness was not a reaction to seeing those things at all, but a blush that came when she felt a little excited about those things.Will the image of the perfect disciplinary chairman in those people's hearts collapse directly?

In the Tucao, the twins also came to the specific address provided by the customer.

"The client's surname is Sawada, um~ it should be here."

There is only one house in the entire street with the surname [Sawada], and there are no other extra options.

"It's two or three times bigger than other single-family homes on this street, so it's no wonder that it's so generous."

Li Xiang also glanced into the house, the envy in his eyes was almost already in his eyes.

The two sisters have been living in the apartment with their mother since they had their own consciousness. Although living in the apartment is not bad, Rika still hopes to move to a detached home one day.

Immediately, they lowered their heads in frustration. In the next time, the two sisters probably won't have to think about so many things. At least in terms of their own abilities, it is unrealistic to want to achieve such a goal in a short period of time.

"Shh! Don't say that in front of people."

"Okay, hurry up and ring the doorbell."


"Ding dong!"

The twin sisters both sorted out and stood at the door earnestly. Today is their first time to do housekeeping work. They have seen in the previous job description what impression they should give to the client.


Hearing the sound of the door opening, the twins were a little nervous.

"I've kept you waiting."

The people who opened the door were not the middle-aged uncles who appeared in the customer photos that surprised them, but the sunny and handsome guys who were not very old.

The person who opened the door was also a little surprised when he saw the two sisters outside. He heard that the people who would come today were twin sisters, but he didn't expect it to be two girls so young.

For the twin sisters, it was also a bit of a surprise.Originally, they thought it was a housekeeping service called by someone like a middle-aged uncle, but they didn't expect to be a sunny and handsome guy.

"Are you... your age?"

"Ah! Our sisters are sixteen years old this year."


"Sixteen? Look...a bit young."

Rixiang and Yaxiang were also helpless in the face of such doubts. The two sisters were born with relatively small skeletons, and their height was relatively short for girls of the same age.

In the past, they worked very hard to drink milk every day to supplement calcium, and often do some exercises to promote the growth of their bodies, but this effect is not very obvious, or even has almost no effect at all, which also makes them The two sisters are very sad.


"Since you are domestic service workers, then you all come in."

Opening the iron door outside the door, the twins and sisters walked into the courtyard of this single-family house.

"As expected of a detached house, it just feels different from an apartment."

"Well, it's much bigger than I thought."

The single-family house, Yaxiang and Lixiang, had also been seen before, but the single-family house in front of them was obviously much bigger.

In addition to the fact that the house is also much larger, there is also a wider courtyard, which makes this single-family house look bigger.In a moment of emotion, I followed the customer's footsteps into the house.

"It's a mess."

It is completely different from the situation outside the house. The inside of the house is a mess. The film on the furniture has not been torn off. There are quite a few boxes in the entrance. It seems that the workload is not ordinary. big.

Chapter [-] Warmth and concern from the first client

As expected of a job of [-] yuan, the workload here is not small at all. Yaxiang estimates that even if she and Rika handle it all day, they may not be able to handle it completely.

"I should have told the housekeeping service on the phone. The room I just moved in is still very messy."

"Yes, we knew that before."

Looking at this messy porch, Yaxiang can completely imagine what kind of picture is in the room.

She can already imagine how amazing the workload is. No wonder the manager said that it can't be done in one day, but even if it is a few days' work, the salary of [-] is still very impressive.At least if the two sisters do other jobs, it is absolutely impossible to get [-] yuan in just a few days.

"But Mr. Sawada, I'm afraid it won't be possible to clean this place today."

"Um...how long will it take to clean up?"

"It will take at least two or three days."

Yaxiang said that two or three days is already very conservative. This single-family house has just moved in. There must be quite a lot of places and things that need to be cleaned and dealt with. Normally, it takes about the same time for a week.

"Hey 133~ That's good. If you help me clean the house in two days, how about I give you an additional [-] yuan?"

Yaxiang's eyes lit up at once. The [-] yuan in the work needs to be taken to the Home Affairs Center, and part of the remuneration must be deducted.But if the latter [-] yuan is beyond the previous reservation, then it will be given to the two sisters alone, which is also a considerable amount of income.


"I know."

Li Xiang next to him was also taken aback by such a generous shot, but it was indeed a very good proposal, and she also quickly reminded Ya Xiang not to continue to be dazed.

Even if you don't need to remind Yaxiang, you don't want to refuse this proposal. Isn't it stupid if you don't earn an extra [-] yuan?

It may be difficult to clean this house in two days, but if you bite your teeth, you might be able to clean this place in two days, which is a good thing for the two sisters. , although it will be a bit more tiring.

"In that case, we will clean the room within two days."

[-] needs to be deducted part of the tax, and the other [-] is directly in the hands of the two sisters. No matter how you think about it, you have to work hard.

Originally, the work of housekeeping was not that easy, and now the level of labor has only been slightly raised by a few levels, but the remuneration is almost doubled.Yaxiang didn't know if such an opportunity could be found in other places, but now it was met by their two sisters.

"Then let me ask by the way, does your housekeeping service prepare three meals?"

"Ah, of course this is within the scope of work."

The preparation of three meals is naturally within the housekeeping work. Before, Yazi also made up for some work related to housekeeping at the housekeeping service center, which is considered to have a certain understanding of housekeeping work.

For example, the preparation of three meals, and various housekeeping work are regarded as their service ranks. They will naturally do these tasks, but they will only do it after the customer's request. cleaning job.

"In that case, it's better to eat lunch before starting work. I've been busy packing things since the morning, and now I even have breakfast..."


There was some drumming in the stomach, but this sound came from the stomachs of Rika and Axiang.

The faces of the two sisters were a little red. In fact, the weight of their three meals has been reduced these days because they need to save money. The two of them ate breakfast for one person and went out to work. Now that the time has passed, the stomach has begun to complain.


The faces of the two girls in front of them were a little embarrassed, a little embarrassed, but also a little bitter. A discerning person could tell at a glance that the two sisters must have some reasons for doing housekeeping work.

"It's not good to go out to do housework and go on a diet, it's not very helpful for weight loss."

Sisters Axiang and Rika could hear that they wanted to give them a step down.You must know that in the case of their two sisters, they don't need to lose weight at all, especially after their mother had an accident recently, they have lost a lot of weight, but because of the embarrassment of the living quotient, they can only save as much as possible. The place to choose to save.

"Then what are your two names?"

"My name is Ya Xiang, this is my twin sister's name is Li Xiang."

"Only the name?"

"...Well, for some special reasons."

Yaxiang and Lixiang originally followed their father's surname, but after their father and mother divorced, the two sisters directly changed their surnames to follow their mother's surname.

It's just that their mother was going to get married some time ago, and they had to change their surnames again, but this time there was an accident before they changed their surnames, so they still haven't changed their surnames (pure gospel nonsense, don't care. details), and now only his name remains.

"Then which of the two of you is better at preparing three meals?"

"It's me. When I'm at home, I prepare it now."

"In this case, Miss Yaxiang will trouble you to prepare lunch. By the way, make two more servings, so let's eat together."

"Hey? Is this... OK?"

Ya Xiang was a little stunned.

Recently, they have been through the blow, and work also depends on the person's face and humility. In the family where the mother originally decided to remarry, the two sisters could not feel any warmth, but now they feel it from their first client. A little warm.

"Doing one more serving is also doing it, and doing two more servings is also doing it. Besides, if you are not full, how can you have the strength to help me with the housekeeping work?"

Chapter [-] The Kindness Accepted by the Two Sisters

Yaxiang and Lixiang didn't eat less at all for lunch. Before they went out today, they didn't have much survival in their stomachs, and the things they ate before they walked for so long had already been completely consumed. , This lunch can be said to have completely let go of the stomach pain and ate a meal.


"It's delicious~"

Meimei hiccupped, and now Yaxiang felt completely relaxed after she was full.I haven't experienced this kind of relaxed and comfortable feeling for many days. The last time I felt that feeling was when my mother was still there.

"Lobster, abalone...it's expensive stuff, I can't imagine we - ate so much today."

These days, the clear soup is lacking in water, and Li Xiang has already eaten and was about to vomit. They used to be relatively frugal in the past, and it is impossible to think about enjoying high-end delicacies like this today.

"Ah! Mr. Sawada, we ate too much."

They came here to do domestic work, but they ate each other's meals before they even started.It's just that Yaxiang can only complain that her stomach is not good enough, and her stomach can't hold good things in front of her.

"It's not a big deal. Those things are bought for eating. If I prepare them myself, most of them will definitely be spoiled, and I can only make scrambled eggs and scrambled vegetables. "

Even so, Yaxiang's face is a little hot, are the two sisters a little too cheeky?But now their situation can only choose to be thick-skinned, and now the two sisters do not have the qualifications to pretend to be arrogant, and the level of capital that needs to be achieved is really not something the two sisters can afford.

"Miss Yaxiang, do you have any personal contact information?"


"Don't get me wrong, because I saw Miss Yaxiang's cooking skills, I can contact you directly next time if I need it, it's not in that job."

"There are some."

Axiang immediately understood the meaning of it. This is that Mr. Sawada will open a small kitchen for them sometimes, and there is also a chance for them to earn extra money and so on.

This is a very good opportunity for the two sisters. After all, the two sisters are tied to work in the domestic service center, which means that two people actually get a salary.

Although the monthly salary is already at the white-collar level, it is also a drop in the bucket for them. If there are other ways to earn a certain amount of extra money, it will be of great help to them.

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