Gangji looked at the back of the creator leaving, and he didn't mean to stop it. It's probably not a good thing to kill Miss Yiwen's mother here, and he still didn't mean to do it.

"Miss Konwei, deal with this dead man."

Shaking off the blood on his hands, Gangji asked Miss Konwei to deal with the situation of the dead here, but it is still possible to save if the heart is crushed, not to mention that Miss Konwei is someone who can save even the dead, just The heart is crushed or something, it's just trivial.

"Well! I'll be right there!"

Konoe Munoka immediately trotted in the direction of Tsunayoshi. She was a little dazzled by the battle just now, and she didn't quite understand it, but she just knew that Teacher Neji's father was taken out of his heart, and then he seemed to have recovered. normal status.

Now she knew that was enough.

"It's time to start, and his body only has a broken heart."

It's just... that's all...

These two words are used to make many people around them express a lot of pressure, and a broken heart has almost decided a person's life and death.

If there is no treatment within a short period of time, the fragmentation of the heart is the most fatal injury. Obviously, it is because the body of the Thousand Curse Master has died, which allows the Creator to be separated from his body, and the Thousand Curse Master from the Creator. freed from the bondage.

"Well, it shouldn't be a big problem."

It's just that a broken heart doesn't seem to be a big problem in Konoe Munoka, even if it is a real death, it can be completely pulled back, not to mention just a broken heart.But the real death needs to be pulled back within [-] minutes, otherwise even her contract props will not be able to save people.



After taking out his contract item, he immediately used the most powerful healing magic.

In just a moment, the blood hole in front of Thousand Curse Master's heart was restored as before, and the shatterable heart was restored as before, and the whole process was completed in just an instant.The flow of life was stopped at this moment, and the lost life also appeared to flow back, and the pale color on Master Thousand Cursed Master's face was quickly replaced by ruddy.

"Damn it! Wing Chun, your daughter is much better than you."

Seeing the whole process of resurrection with his own eyes, Jack Lachan was also a little surprised.He immediately saw that Najib's eyeballs had begun to show some signs of movement. The speed of healing and resurrection was too fast, right?

"Hmph, this is the contract item of Sister Konwei. Anyone who dies within [-] minutes can be resurrected. This ability can definitely make those people envy to death, but those people may not be envious now. Chance."

"...Old woman, is this your plan?"


With one punch, the muscular man Jack Lacan was knocked out, and the blue veins on Evenjielin's forehead could be seen faintly.

"Who are you calling the old woman!?"

Now she is a serious human, what old woman?Those are all her darkest histories, and all those dark histories need to be hidden from today!

For example, Gangji always used "Miss Yiwen" to call her, but this muscular tumbler is actually an old woman. Does this make her have a deeper impression of her age?I'm sorry, she still has an impression of her age, but she doesn't want to remember her age at all, but wants to remember things other than age.


The Thousand Cursed Master opened his eyes again, and this time he had absolute control over his body, unlike before, he couldn't even see with his eyes, only for a period of time. Only then can he regain control of his body, and the rest of the time is completely sealed in this body.


Seeing his father sitting up again, Neji couldn't bear it anymore, and ran straight to his father without anyone to stop him.


Looking at his son, Najib's consciousness was also somewhat complicated.

Twenty years ago, I subjected the woman I liked to that scene.

Twenty years later, I still haven't fulfilled my responsibilities as a father. It's a really uncomfortable feeling.What made him even more uncomfortable was the woman he liked, but now he was in another world, and I'm afraid he couldn't catch it now.

He didn't know if it was a good ending for him.

(PS: Happy New Year's Day!)

Chapter [-] The month when the dust settles

It's been a month since I returned to the old world from the magical world, and one month is enough to make all the time calm, and it is also enough to make the magical world undergo earth-shaking changes.

Within a month of the Union's fall, the Empire began to exercise a more comprehensive rule over the entire wizarding world.However, because the land of the Union has been completely nihilized, and any possibility of development has been completely lost, the empire does not want to waste too many resources in that kind of place, so it has set its sights on other places.

Now that the life of the wizarding world is coming to an end, the problems that were hidden in the past are beginning to explode.What the empire needs to do now is how to make a plan to change the magical world. This may not be done in a short period of time, but this is indeed what the empire should plan for now, and it may even be contacted. future changes.

However, because the situation in the magical world is not optimistic, the Empire also thought about the situation on Earth.

If the two sides are developed together, then the two sides will start to reorganize the world together, which will be of considerable benefit to both Mars and Earth.

That is to say, because of this consideration, Diotola has now begun to assemble manpower 387 to start the goodwill work of the earth.

It is also because the magical world has suffered a lot of changes, and the old world has also experienced many problems.Because of the goodwill activities in the magical world, many high-level officials in the old world already know the existence of the magical world.

Although people in the old world have a lot of ideas, they can't bear it, whether it is technology or overall strength, they can't be compared with the magic world, not to mention, the earth actually has the same problems as the magic world.

Resources have always been a big headache. Even the earth can’t say that the resources on the earth have always been unlimited. Solving the problem of resources is urgent. If there is excessive exploitation, even the earth will not be able to support it.

That is to say, in this case, the old world and the magical world have finally reached a certain consensus. The biggest problem is still in the aspect of resources. It is the most correct way to transform the two worlds at the same time.

It is because of a certain consensus that many people in the old world have entered the magical world for research, and many people in the magical world have come to the old world, which is a relatively normal contact.

Because the rules of the magical world have been completely changed, even people in the magical world can come to the old world from the magical world as long as they have proper procedures.

It is also a recently introduced rule in the magical world. Several members of the Red Wings in the magical world also have the opportunity to come to the old world to hold a class reunion.

"The world has completely changed."

"The general trend is bound to develop in that direction."

Albire Oima shook his head, as if he was not surprised by such a development.The shortage of resources in the magical world is an imminent problem, and it is also an inevitable result that the magical world is now actively engaging with the old world.

Only the cooperation of the two sides can solve the resource problems of the two worlds, but the efforts of one side may be difficult to achieve. Now that both worlds have begun to act, it is naturally the best outcome.

"The overall situation of the magical world has been completely stabilized. Her Royal Highness, the Great War Princess a month ago, completely wiped out the alliance from the magical world. The empire is now dominated by one family, and Ariadne can't make any waves, plus The collaboration between Diotola and Her Royal Highness has learned a lot."

"The magical world may be different from the past, but now at least the magical world has begun to develop in a better direction."

Albiraeuima knew that the magic world was now dominated by the empire, and even Ariadne had to choose to surrender, but now the magic world is more stable, there is no more war, and more The good direction began to change.

"There are also many problems in the contact between the two worlds, and it is inevitable that some big things will happen."

"This is not something we can prevent. After all, such a thing will definitely happen after the two worlds come into contact."

Will there be some war between the two worlds?

The answer is yes.

There are some contradictions between the world and the world. At the beginning, there were such and other problems in the magical world. Now it has evolved into the problem of the two worlds. Naturally, there are many problems, but it should not happen in a short period of time. A lot, but there will definitely be a lot of problems in the future.

"By the way, Najib, do you feel that the month-to-month war is too smooth?"

"...How did I know, I was the one under control at that time, how did I know the mind of that woman."

Najib really doesn't know why the war went so smoothly, and the last woman left so obediently. That kind of situation really makes him feel strange when he thinks about it now. I can't believe this is the decision that woman made.

"There are definitely some hidden secrets in there... but it's useless to know it now."

Knowing it at the time might have been useful, but knowing it now is really useless.

Now that the dust has settled, it is unrealistic to want to change.It's like the pattern of the magical world can they change now?

Unrealistic.It is the general trend that the empire controls the entire magical world. This cannot be changed. A month ago, Princess Yasna destroyed the alliance in the magical world too thoroughly.

"Let's talk about other things, Wing Chun, are you ready to be your father-in-law?"

This sentence made Konwei Wing Chun's face instantly turn pitch black.

Since his daughter came back from the magical world, she has been walking with that kid. It is not that there is a problem with his eyes. Naturally, it can be seen that the kid from the Mu Naixiang team is moved.

"Najib, no one will treat you as a mute if you don't speak! It's better for you to take care of your own son. Your son is a father control!"

Chapter [-] Then [the next moment] Goodbye

In the past month, the magical world and the old world have undergone great changes, but this change has not spread too seriously, it is just that some insiders know the more secret content.

In the entire Ma Fanliang, only the members of [Red Wings] know about the changes in the magical world and the old world. Those magic teachers in the Troublesome Academy have no idea of ​​such a thing. After all, Ma Fanliang's magic teachers are all too average. Now, it is the key to the development of the two worlds. Naturally, no ordinary magician knows about this.

Of course, in addition to [Red Wings], there are also a group of students who are also exceptional.

The girls from Class A of the third year of the junior high school who participated in the incident knew it. After all, as internal participants, they also knew some inside stories.It's just that everyone who knew the inside story was banned, and if someone said it, Negi Springfield, their teacher, would take full responsibility.

Even if the tone is not strict, their teacher will directly assume the responsibilities they need to bear, and these girls will still keep it a secret.

It's just that there are a lot of problems in the small group of Class A in the third year.

It's like it's been a month since the school started, but today [Kagurazaka Asuna], Hasegawa Qianyu, Konoe Kinoka, Miyazaki Kazuka, and Asakura Kazumi did not return to the class.

If it's normal that these few people's conditions are relatively normal, it's another matter, but the problem is that these people's conditions after returning are somewhat abnormal.

"Asuna-san, you...~ What happened recently?"

As a bad friend and good friend of the character of [Kagurazaka Asuna], the squad leader Xuehiro Ayaka is still a little concerned about the changes in her own friends.

Today, she felt that Asuna-san's expression was really cold, and she was completely different from the past Asuna-san.

"It's nothing."

Yasuna replied indifferently and no longer had any response. She had always felt out of place in this ordinary world.There is no way for her to integrate into the environment of this class like the personality in her memory. After all, she is still the [Princess of Twilight].

"Liar! The normal you..."

"I'm usually like this."

Glancing coldly at Xueguang Ayaka in front of her, Yasuna knew that another personality had a good relationship with this person.It's a pity that she is not that personality, so she can't fully accept the memory of that personality, because of her personality, she can't have the same hippie smile as that personality.


It wouldn't be too much pressure to confront Xueguang Ayaka face-to-face with classmate Asuna, but she really doesn't have a good temper when faced with such a cold-eyed and violent model.

In the face of the cold attitude, she became angry, and classmate Asuna didn't want to fight with her. It was simply two people who got along with her in the past.In the face of such a classmate of Asuna, she has absolutely no way.

"It seems that the squad leader has nothing good to do with Yasina."

"Who would have a good way to face that kind of cold violence? Even the squad leader who is most familiar with that personality is not helpless?"

"Hmm... But the relationship between Yasina and me has gotten better recently."

"...You have been together since then. Besides, the relationship between her and you has eased a little, and it is also because of the fact that you often act together. How can other people get this kind of treatment?"

"No, Yasuna has always been very good towards Sawada-san, hasn't she?"

Hearing this, Chiyu Hasegawa was a little speechless. It is quite normal for Yasuna and Sawada to have a good relationship, but it should be surprising that the relationship between the two people is not good.

The relationship between Sawada and Asuna was quite simple, and it was Sawada who helped Asuna handle the revenge work this time.During the contact, Sawada gave Asuna a lot of help. Asuna is grateful to Sawada, and naturally her attitude towards Sawada will be unusual.

It seems to her that this is relatively normal, if Yasuna treats Sawada coldly, then it needs to be strange.

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