Level Up

Chapter 317

Delegations were made in secret.
In each country that spoke to the mission, a few armies were included as an excuse.
The number of troops is not very large, but it was the elite army of each country. Armed with the latest equipment.
It was the position that I should prepare enough because I do not know what will go.
In fact they did not worry much about the fight against Atlantis.
I'm still looking at Atlantis through satellites, and the level of civilization is far from coming along.
If that was all, if the real war broke out, it could be done within a month.
Everyone believed so.
So the means to bring the troops together was not to fight Atlantis, but to fight against the military forces of other countries.
Anyway, I organized the delegation so the problem was how to contact Atlantis.
There is no such thing. I will not be able to talk anyway. If you hit yourself, you'll see a solution.
So the delegation departed.
There were a lot of players in the mission, but everyone had learned the skills related to defense to the extreme.
It was the power to prepare for a terrible attack in Atlantis.
Only one huge ship moved. It was to remove as much as possible the situation that might be misunderstood in Atlantis.
I do not think that several ships are going to fight if they go at the same time.
So the ship that carried the delegation departed.
Robert was one of the delegates to the United States.
Robert gathered in the cabin with representatives from other countries and led discussions on future work.
"If you have the latest information on Atlantis, let's share it."
Everyone at Robert's mouth asked me like a shell. I did not want to say it, I did not have any real information.
"I guess everyone is the same."
Robert shrugged his head, saying so.
Recently, it became increasingly difficult to get information about Atlantis.
In fact, at the beginning of the appearance, we were able to identify every corner with satellite images. It was also possible to keep track of people who live there.
The more time passes, the harder it gets.
As satellite imagery became increasingly blurred, it could no longer be distinguished as if clouds and fog were tight.
Though there are places to see, it was literally in the middle of a forest or desert, or a part of the sea.
There was no one on the stomach, not even the beast.
So it became natural to get more and more information about Atlantis.
Now I had to go inside to get the information.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to move with the existing information."
In fact, the existing information was just fine. I made a detailed map of Atlantis.
They also tracked people and deduced people with high status.
"Let's try to organize the contents while watching the map."
Robert started talking about Atlantis evangelism on the table.
"I think that Atlantis is divided into four forces. Once here in the forest, and the desert tribes here. "
Robert talked with his fingers in a huge forest and desert, then looked around at others.
Some were nodding, and some were listening with their eyes shining.
"And there are forces living on the islands surrounding the sea. The rest is a force made up of numerous castles and castles on this plain. "
Robert finally fingered the Imperial Palace next to the city on the plains.
"This is where the rulers of this continent live. What It's just speculation yet. "
Of course, Robert was 100% sure of the speculation. In the meantime, the Imperial Palace was obvious here.
Robert looked around and said with eerie eyes.
"If things do not work out … … I will bomb it here. "
Everybody's eyes have turned. I have never shared such a story yet.
"This is a one-sided notice!"
Somebody got up and shouted at the table. Some have agreed with him.
But Robert said with a little unwavering glance.
"It's already been discussed. Do you think you will inform the mission in advance of this important operation? "
Everyone asked their mouths. So their position was clearly recognized.
No way. Are you going to use us as bait? "
Robert shook his head.
"Would you have followed me here? It is only to prepare for the situation to the last. One of the things that might happen in the Gulf. "
The expression of everyone has settled. No matter how you say it, you are anxious about being uneasy.
What would happen if they bombed the Imperial Palace when they were near Atlantis?
Maybe it will not be easy to get back to life.
"If you think about what we have brought you will feel a little easier. Have you ever dreamed of flying in the sky at their civilization level? "
I was relieved to hear that.
They have carried a few helicopters on the ship. There were two transport helicopters and three combat helicopters.
Everyone was reminded of the expression of what Atlantis people would look like when they saw the helicopter view.
"Maybe it'll be fun."
Robert laughed pleasantly.

* * * A ship carrying missions enters Atlantis. I saw the floating sailboats far away.
"What shall I do?"
The captain asked Robert. Obviously Robert was in a position to lead the ship as well as the mission.
It was thanks to my hard work during this time.
"Let 's go slowly. I instruct the players to prepare for defense. "
The Captain hastened to give orders to his followers. The ship's crew and players, as well as troops from all over the country, were busy.
Then the ship slowly moved toward Atlantis.
There was not much response on that sailboat even though it was close enough.
"I do not think there is any kind of hostility."
The captain nodded at Robert 's end.
"Yes. When I came here from the former Rexon Energy, it seemed to have been attacked from a far distance. "
Robert did not respond to that statement. But I laughed inside.
Rexon Energy attacked them first. Do not you think they are not just adults, but those who shoot missiles first?
Robert 's expression of confidence in the face of a little more intense.
"Let's speed up."
The Captain followed Robert's words faithfully. Even as the ship came closer, Atlantis' sailboats did not react at all.
Perhaps you would have thought it was an empty sailboat if you did not see the people on the sailboat as you were approaching.
"Ego, now how do you communicate with the door Jain … … "
Robert was worried about how to talk when the sailboats of Atlantis approached him.
But his worries collapsed on the sound of the sailboat.
"Do not come any more, but please reveal your belongings and things."
Robert 's eyes became a lamppost. Too clearly English was coming into his ears.
"English… … Learn
Then the man who just shouted on the sailboat smiled and said.
"Why is it weird? Is the person behind you from France? "
The inside of the company was made in French. Then everyone looked at him blankly.
English and French are available at the same time. Their common sense was shattered at once.
"Do not you … … Now
Robert was really surprised to say that there was Atlantis.
"Is that the name of your country?"
The man proudly sprang his breast.
"The Atlantis Empire."
The ambassadors' expressions including Robert were complicated. I could not figure out whether the situation was going well or not.
'But it's better than not being able to communicate.'
Robert so convinced and asked again.
"Is the language of Atlantis English and French?"
The man shook his head.
"I will not. I may have some guests coming from the outside. We write a separate language. "
Robert's face was stiff.
"Do you know about us?"
The man laughed.
"You thought you did not know."
That is not Of course. There is not even one person or organization that interacted with Atlantis.
"Please tell me what you belong to and what you want to visit."
The man again made the same request. Robert answered urgently.
"I am Robert of the United States Department of Defense. And those who are next to us are representatives of mission from around the world. The purpose of the visit is … … "
The man laughed and broke Robert 's words.
"If you are a missionary, you are here because you want to say hello."
"Yes. Yes."
Robert said so quickly. Once I got a landing permit, I decided to show my superior strength.
It was hard for the ship to get closer to the mainland.
'Maybe I'll be surprised enough to be stunned.'
Robert muttered to himself. I wonder when they saw a helicopter.
But on the other hand, I had some uneasy heart. The fact that I was fluent in English and French might mean that a lot of research has been done on this side.
"Actually, I just follow the instructions from above, and I follow the procedure."
At the end of the company, Robert nodded his head.
"The landing permission has fallen. Welcome to Atlantis. "
Thank you. Then I will land. "
Robert said so and tried to prepare the helicopter. But the Atlantis guy blocked it.
"It is not yet possible to bring your stuff here. We will take you to the land. "
Robert roughly gauged the distance to the land. The expression was a bit of a ridiculous expression, so if you crossed a breathtaking line, your opponent might be offended.
However, Robert has been very good with his accumulated experience. So I was able to make a smile that was really strange.
"I think it will take too long to go to land by boat. As you can see… Is not there some distance? "
The man laughed. Somehow it was a strange smile that seemed to be similar to Robert 's expression.
"When did I say ship?"
As soon as the words of the company fell, a transport helicopter flew in every nearby sailing boat.
Head headhead.
The wind blew madly all over the place. The unique noise of the propeller knocked on everyone's ear, including Robert.
Everyone looked up at the helicopter.
They were building the look they were looking for.

Robert landed on the land and was amazed again.
What is this It's so different from what you know! '
There was a landscape that was different from the one I used to see in satellite images.
Of course I only saw the beach, I still have to go inland to check more, but if I judge it alone, the satellite picture was wrong. It seemed to be believable even if it was fake.
There was a lot of state-of-the-art buildings. It seemed like a military facility.
Only the costumes of the people were different.
'But the dress is still in the picture. The weapon is a little different. '
The weapons they were carrying were mainly knives and bow. But it did not mean there was no weapon like guns.
There were people who had guns. But those with swords and bows seemed to have a relatively higher status than those with guns.
"You can stay in this building for a while. If you want to contact your home country, you can use the communication equipment inside. "
Everyone made a dumb face. Communication equipment. I could not figure out what the hell was going on.
I was hurriedly going inside and it seemed that my mouth would be open.
There were a lot of well-furnished guest rooms to go to the hotel.
And each room had a computer and a telephone.
The delegation was surprised when it was supposed to be.
There was no more surprise power now.

End of mission

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