Let's be an Adventurer! ~Defeating Dungeons with a Skill Board~

Let's destroy the monster of Kamuikotan! $ 3

Seiki, who reached the foot of the Kamui Rock, first looked into her bag.

In the bag, a dead fish-eye cep was blowing bubbles.

Ella is not moving.

Did you die?

For the time being, Haruki hits Chep's cheeks.

Then, as if the soul had returned to the body, "Hah!" Cep resumed breathing.

`` Ah, you're going to kill me !? ''

Seiki's new way of moving seems a bit radical for Chep.

The round and big eyes are bloodshot.

Of course, Seiki has no intention of killing Cep at the moment.

I just wanted to try a moving method that floated in my mind.

Seiki's method of movement is that of a stereotyped ninja.

Kick the trunk in the same way as a wall kick and jump to the next trunk.

Jumping from trunk to trunk was not a difficult task for Seiki, who improved her skills in the dungeon and improved her skills.

It was more difficult to control the direction of travel than to move.

Depending on the angle at which you leap, your next route will be limited.

(This area needs improvement)

"... Wow, I've been terrible."

Seiki looks up, ignoring the crap that complains.

Kamuy Rock is a steep cliff to the top and there is no walking route.

So I have to go free climbing.

Take your hand and look at the rocks.

If you're convinced that it's OK, go to the next platform.

Analyze the shape of the rock, verify by hand, and accumulate data.

By the time we climbed ten meters, we could see where the scaffold could be made.

From there, Seiki goes smoothly without hesitation.

"Wow ..."

Did you look down?

Chep is trembling in her bag.

But she doesn't care at all.

I couldn't afford to worry.

Rock climbing is Seiki's first experience.

The reason I'm climbing now is because Haruki is pushing my physical ability.

If you don't mind, you make a mistake and you're still upside down.

Seiki climbed over Kamuy Rock while remaining focused on the noise of Chep.

"......... Wow ..."

Seiki, standing on the top of the Kamui Rock, sighed in sight before her eyes.

Nature where mountains, rivers, and the blue sky are all united.

Seiki shakes her heart in the sight of Kamuikotan.

"Amazing. It's beautiful."

"Isn't there any more to praise me now?"

"Not you!"

To Teru's voice, Seiki dropped his shoulders.

The impression of the corner is ruined.

As he reached the summit of Kamui Rock, Seiki dropped the cep from her bag.

Until recently, Chep had sweared by Haruki when he was disturbed and unclean, but his expression seemed a bit nervous, probably because he had reached Kamuy Rock.


Seiki tightens her mind.

What is there from here ...

Contrary to the throbbing of the chest, the body calms down quietly.

There are no signs of monsters other than Cep in the detection range of Haruki.

Probably not suddenly attacked by demons.

But I can't afford to relax.

Currently, there are monsters around the Kamuikotan that cannot be controlled by stampedes.

In addition, this situation.

What happens here?

What is Chep going to do?

Tension Haruki was already expected.

Seiki, who has a habit of collecting myths, can't tell what Cep is trying to do on the top of Kamui Rock.

Therefore, Seiki went to this place in spite of being in the midst of his most important "Operation to Increase Presence".

Kamuikotan is the battlefield between the evil god Ninekamuy and the hero Samikel.

And Kamui Rock is said to be a trace of Samakiru's attack-Samikel's attack on Ninekamui, creating a steep cliff.

That "the best salmon dedicated to God" visited that place ...

「――Tsu !?」

As Chep traveled to the center of the Kamuy Rock, a severe chill ran across Seiki's entire body.


Haruki spreads the detection and places his hand on the dagger.

Nothing has changed so far, visually or by detection.

I just felt chills that I couldn't help.

But that chill is a problem.

This intense chill was comparable to the rare species of deer that appeared in the garage dungeon.

Concentrate on one breath,

Consolidate disturbed consciousness.

In the center of the Kamuy rock, a chep with his knees prays up looking up at the sky.

--At that time,

Darkness came from the sky.

It fell from the center of Kamuy Rock-directly above Chep.

It falls, raises the sound of the ground and disperses storms.


With his arms crossed in front of him, Seiki bites his back teeth.

It was black that flew from the sky.

Black Nana.

His eyes turned to Haruki's eyes.

A clear murder.

Intense malice.

The back of Sekki and Haruki was millet.

The raised earth smoke is swept away by the wind.

Then, the whole appearance of the black Nanika that appeared was revealed.

Sharp claws on skin covered with black scales.

A thick neck that is above the human thigh.

The eyes are round and the irises are elongated like cats.

The black Nanika was a limbed fish variant-a fish-man demon.


As soon as Seiki prepared himself, the fishman pulled out his claws.

In a hurry, Haruki pulls out the dagger.

Claw contact was coincident with lifting the dagger.

With incomplete defense, Seiki's attitude collapsed at once.

In addition, the fishman pursues with claws.

Seiki moves her limbs desperately and evacuates with all her power.

The claws glanced at Seiki's upper garment.

If the evacuation was delayed by even a second, the claw would have digged deep into Haruki's neck by this time.

Avoiding a deadly blow, Seiki immediately regains her posture.

On the 15th floor of the garage's dungeon, Haruki, who hasn't defeated the Werewolf opponents, has defeated him, despite his disadvantageous position.

Seiki is very alert about the situation.

This may be a monster that cannot be defeated alone.

So far, Seiki has not gone through all battles alone.

There was a rare on his back and a lotus behind him.

When fighting rare deer species, Esta was also very active.

If your opponent is equal or less, you can fight enough in solo.

However, from the experience of Haruki's battles, the enemies that appear now seem far more superior than themselves.

I want an adventure.

I want to test my ability.

But even if you adventure, you will die ...

A terrible future glazes Haruki's brain.

Escape with all your might and ask Kagemitsu for help?

Seiji shifted his feet.

Then, behind the Black Fishman.

A thin, white foot, jumping out of a crack in the Kamuy Rock, jumped into the view of Haruki.

Immediately, Seiki got hungry.

There is nothing for the adventurer to protect here.

If Seiki escapes here, no one will die.

If you move quickly and report to Kagemitsu, you can siege and defeat the Black Fish-Man before the nearby town is damaged.

That is the safest way for Asahikawa and the most viable for Seiki.

However, Seiki did not take that path.

He himself kicked off his choice from a high cliff.

Seiki is an adventurer.

And there is a demon in front of you.

Then one thing to do.

Defeat the demon.

That's it.

Haruki concentrates her energy and concentrates on the center.

Focus on the opponent's movements and start analysis.


Parry the claw attack and go around.

The fishman swings his arm while rotating.

That movement burns each of the muscle fibers to the head.

Make assumptions, imagine, and make assumptions from the data obtained.

Perform the attack.

Corrected and played again.

The accuracy of the assumption of Seiki rises dramatically.

At the same time, the speed of continuous attacks increases.

Being able to fight normally was above all the happiness of Seiki today.

Seiki was delighted to bite the happiness of being able to move normally.

"Ha ... ha!"

You can go anywhere.

You can run anywhere.

So more, more ...!

The excitement that heats the chest, the numbness of the whole body,

I will accelerate Seiki's movement more and more.

As Seiki increased speed, the fishman's response gradually slowed down.

Seiki's speed exceeded that of a fish-man.

You can press as it is!

Yes, at the tip of the arrow, the fishman retreats.

Haruki's nape, who was about to pursue her pursuit, was numb.

Braking suddenly with the foot that came forward.

Immediately left sideways.

In front of that bright light,

"GYAAA !!"

A transparent lump passed out of the fishman's mouth.

Haruki was familiar with the attack.

――It's magic.

Seiki did not expect Black Fishman to use magic.

If he wasn't following the nape's warning, he was surely hitting a magic hit.

Oil sweat runs down the temple of Seiki.

The fishman released a type similar to the white compression magic fired by the lotus.

The compression ratio is about the same as the full power of the lotus.

If it hits ...


Haruki, imagining the power, was a little scared.

The fishman noticed that scariness, and his mouth was beveled.

It is the smile of a person who looks down from a height, never to cover.

I'm really angry.

But that's why my arms ring.

Haruki laughed deeply behind the mask.

The opponent is just a monster that only powers to overrun.

Then there is no need to respect the “strong”.

Let's fight cunningly and dirty to survive and survive.

Seiki put his hand on the mask and removed it.

Immediately the fishman's eyes slipped.

Seiki gets into the air and jumps with all her might.

I approach my breath.

It wraps around the fishman and flashes the streak of light.

Discover weaknesses.

Seiki's blow touches the light.

before that,

-Yii in!

A fish-man's claw prevented Haruki's dagger where it was crucial.

However, the cost of receiving Seiki's full-strength attack in a half-hearted position is significant.

The fish-man's position has been greatly disrupted.

In the meantime, I flash with the other dagger.

"... Chit!"

However, the attack was avoided.

The fishman took advantage of the collapsed position and rolled on the ground to avoid a fatal blow.

Avoidance that doesn't matter.

A blow that cannot be avoided if it is a normal monster.

Seiki, who avoided both of them, laughed without disappointment.

How nice.


Perhaps the opponent felt Seiki's murder and evaded precisely with his intuition alone.

Seiki was impressed by the height of the sense, despite being in combat.

If the current reaction can be made into something, it will increase the possibility that it can be avoided even if it hits unexpectedly in the future.

In addition, your opponent may be aware of Seiki without the mask!


Seiki laughed.

While laughing, he continued to launch a weak spotting attack by stealth.

The black fish-man who was attacked by Seiki was somewhat confused.

Why did this happen? When.

When he descended into the world, the fishman was full of omnipotence.

I suppose I can control everything I see from here ...

Even the masked man in front of me can be twisted lightly.

I thought so.

In fact, until shortly after casting the magic, fish-men were overwhelmingly dominant.

The physical ability is high, but there is a trump card called magic.

You can never lose to your opponent.

The fishman who thought so was now fully pressured.

The cause of the pressure was his atmosphere.

The air surrounding him changed by 180 degrees from when the mysterious mask was removed.

Overwhelming "nothing" felt from a light sign.

A majestic emptiness that swallows and erases all violence, violence.

Because there is nothing, it accepts and rules everything-the gods' sign.

Too different.

The fisherman frightened by the vicious atmosphere.

Why, why, why ...

The fish-man was embarrassed while surviving the opponent's attack barely.

Why do humans have such a sign?

Why didn't I notice the other person's ability from the beginning?

Why did I end up fighting such monsters !!

Fears and fears swirl, and fear of death accelerates.

Under pressure that would normally break his heart, the fishman faced with his blood running.

Fishman did not overcome pressure.

Swallowed by pressure, only the strongest urge of the creatures-survival instinct has been revealed.

Signs that cannot be felt.

An attack approaching from an invisible angle.

This Reaper is surely coming to reap his life.

Scary, scary, scary, scary, scary !!

Like a hunted rat, a fishman confronts an invisible grim reaper.

Just to survive ...

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