"The rest is mart ..."


Mart, who came out of the wing ring, squinted while swelling his body.

It's like saying, "I can't do it.

Haruki breaks down with the attitude of such a lovely Mart.

After seeing the terrible princess (self-proclaimed), he was healed very much.

Mart (??) gender: woman

Skill points: 17 → 21

Evaluation: Healing Spirit Emperor

Guardian: The Last Judgment


├ Stamina: 3

└ Natural recovery: 2

-Muscle strength <->

├ Strength: 1

└Damage reduction: 2


├ Energy 2

├ volume 3

└ Power operation 5

-Magic power <->

├ Magic power: 7

適 正 Suitable for magic: 5

└ Magic operation: 8

└Change : 4

-Agility <->

├ Instantaneous power: 3

└ dexterity: 4

-Technology <->

└ Arms mastery

└ Feather: 3

-Intuition <->

└Detection: 6


├Protection: MAX

└ Scale: Non


Although you can shake it freely, the mart tree is so high that you do not need to shake it at this time.

There was anxiety that if I forcibly shake it, I would break my current skill balance.

Thinking a bit, Haruki never taps a skill.

Skill points: 21 → 0

Evaluation: Healing Spirit Emperor

Guardian: The Last Judgment


├ Stamina: 3 → 5

└Natural recovery: 2 → 3

-Muscle strength <->

├ Strength: 1 → 3

軽 減 Damage reduction: 2 → 7

-Energy <-> → <+1>

├ Energy 2 → 3

├Capacity 3 → 5

└ Power operation 5 → 6

-Magic power <-> → <+1>

├ Magic power: 7

適 正 Suitable for magic: 5

└ Magic operation: 8

└Change : 4 → MAX

-Agility <->

├ Instantaneous power: 3

└ dexterity: 4

-Technology <->

└ Arms mastery

└ Feather: 3

-Intuition <->

└Detection: 6


├Protection: MAX

└ Scale: Non

Overall skill level has been raised while reducing damage.

Looking only at the average skill level, it is at the same level as Kagemitsu.

With all this, there will be no problem if you do not apply skills to the next floor.


At last it came.

The long-awaited vessel has finally reached the floor they want.

Ability is enough.

Nevertheless, the vessel continued on a sidewalk without going straight to the floor.

For those who only look to the far peaks, they couldn't understand it at all.

"In this case, if he could pull him earlier ..."

"No, no. There is a spirit nearby."

"I guess he didn't work with him even if he used a spirit!"

"It's really annoying"

"But at last"

"We are finally-"

The second stage can be achieved.

Yes, they have spoken.

It is a longing for them.

It is a target point and a passing point for guiding humanity.

This is biological, cultural, technical.

It was an indispensable test to get out of the dead end of life.

Therefore they did their best for this day and set up a trial.

A trial for those who have a “vessel” that reaches the top ...

They are ready.

After that, just raise the voice of execution.

They had no idea that those with brute force would fail.

However, he was waiting for the moment when he could overcome the test.

"A vessel of a true hero"

"A great hero!"

"Show your power"

"Hero power"

"Great power!"

"If you do, the road will not be opened"


There is nowhere in this world, even a space.

They strictly signaled the start of the trial.


Two days into the 19th floor, Van's timber collection was over.

Seiki received the wood collected by Van.

Van returned the battle ax at that time, but Haruki did not accept it.

"Use it a little more, because you don't want to sell it right away."

"U ... mu, but--"

"If you fight with an axe, you might get some flashing?"

His main weapon is a sword, but for some reason his ax is growing.

It has a skill level of 3 and is quite high (if not trained).

So Seiki probably has Van's aptitude, not his sword, but his ax? I thought.

The ax may actually be suitable. Whether he knew it or not, he said that he was equipped with a great sword because it was the most convenient to capture. That's quite possible.

That's why Seiki suggested that.

Hopefully this will help Van break through the wall.

"You may see something with different weapons. In fact, when I was a student, I belonged to the track and field, and once a week I practiced another sport seriously. I was doing it.

We played baseball, soccer, basketball, badminton, table tennis and so on.

By practicing different sports in that way, I was able to balance the muscles and feelings that running alone would lack. ''

"……So that's it"

"So I thought Van could use an ax ..."

This is a plausible proposal for the average person.

But from an adventurer's point of view-developing secondary weapon skills without training the main weapon skills is a bit far from the standard.

Adventurers save their lives in weapons. It is not unusual to put a weapon that has been used for years and equip it with another.

However, I can't say the truth, because the skill level of the ax was high when I looked at the skill board.

So Seiki recommended that he go a long way and equip the ax with equipment.



As expected, it was reckless to advance the weapon change to the senior adventurer ...

Yes, it was Seiki who gave up,

"... Okay, let's try it."

Did you feel anything about Seiki's words?

Van looked at the battle ax as he stared, and pulled his chin to make a decision.

Along with Van, equipped with a battle ax instead of a large sword, Haruki and others aim for the 19th floor.

Van is also planning a dungeon capture from today.


Haruki et al. Behave differently from Van.

But if you fight together on the same floor, you'll surely find yourself fighting someday.

You are witnessing a lotus using magic.

I'm asking you to say, "Don't tell anyone if you see them fighting," but if you do, you'll have to ask again.

Haruki stepped from the gate to the floor while simulating that moment in his brain.

that moment,

「――Tsu !?」



Without any warning, suddenly the view of Seiki changed.

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