Her strong desire to survive shakes Seiki's heart violently.

At that moment, Seiki's thought exploded.

Concentration exceeds the upper limit.

All the power goes to the current breakthrough.

Immediately, Seiki noticed something wrong.

--I care about.

The entire Kamuy rock was covered with chi.

Mountains and forests are not covered with energy.

Nevertheless, only the Kamuy Rock was covered in the same way as the dungeon.

In other words, here.

At the same time as convinced, Seiki quickly thought.


Did it change from the beginning or from the middle?

Either way, it was clear that this was in a dungeon, as a spirit not found in nature was covering the whole rock.

If this is a dungeon, you can take out the skill board.

As Seiki was convinced, the skill board appeared in Seiki's hand without a time lag.

To advance this battle to an advantage.

To avoid the worst situation.

Seiki taps the board as hard as she can.

Skill points: 3 → 0

-Agility <+1> → <+2>

├ Instantaneous power 5

└ dexterity 5

Strength and skill are overwhelmingly dominated by knights.

However, only with regard to its instantaneous power, Haruki was slightly balanced with the knight.

This is thanks to Seiki's upfront strengthening of Kokko's wings and opening the agility tree.

If you can increase your agility and avoid the opponent's attack, you have the possibility to escape.

However, Seiki has already kicked her escape under the cliff of Kamui Rock.

Seiki is an adventurer with a monster in front of her.

Then there is only one thing to do.

Immediately erase the skill board and hold a dagger.

Did you notice Seiki's killing? The black knight paused slightly and turned the face of the invisible helmet toward Seiki.

Hostility and killing sharpen the air.

Currently the knight has no great sword.

If you don't pick up a big sword, you can advance the battle.

At that point, the knight shook his hand lightly forward.

Next moment.

The knight was holding a large sword.


Do they have the same properties as skill boards?

I never imagined that I could get a big sword without picking it up.

However, there is no way to return.

Seiki deepens consciousness into battle.


Rare throws with a signal of Haruki.

These were all hit by swords.

In anticipation of being played, Haruki accelerates.

It wraps around behind and flashes with a dagger.

Defense is hard.

Seiki's attack only slightly scratched the surface.

But this time, don't panic.

Seiki concentrates her consciousness only on tossing the opponent.

Concentrate, consolidate, converge, converge.

Pour consciousness compressed to the limit into only one point of battle.

Observe behavior, sense behavior, and detect attacks.

Perform counterattacks, fix and retry.

Thanks to the skill board enhancement, the quickness of Haruki slightly exceeded that of the knight.

However, she was still unfamiliar with her ability to move so much that she had a chance.

The knight matched the gap.

It was just a moment.

Terrible reflection, terrifying technology.

Really disgusting.

The attack,


Esta jumps up and parrys.

However, Esta, who was parryed, was not intact.

The laceration created earlier has spread further.

"Esta. Don't overdo it!"


Esta shook his tactile sensation and told Haruki that he was OK.

Believe me.

"……all right"

I am worried about my friends being hurt.

However, Seiki lightly pulled her chin.

Rare throws continuously.

Meanwhile, Seiki backsteps.

Rebuild your position.

The knight was lawfully playing rare potato stones with his sword.

(While my attack is being received by my body, why is it ...!)

Seiki reinforced potato stone at the deepest part of Kamuikotan.

Unlike a dagger, it is not received by the body because the knight is aware of the enhanced potential of the stone.

(... the possibility is quite possible)

Haruki immediately assembles the strategy.

I shared that awareness with Rea and Esta.


Haruki raises his voice and approaches the knight.

The knight's movement was only slightly delayed from the movement of zero preliminary movement learned from the rainfall.

Haruki clenches his back teeth and swings his dagger down with all his might.

The goal is-a great sword.

-Yii in!

The evil sword and the Werewolf dagger almost simultaneously contact the great sword.

In the center of Seiki and the knight, a golden sparkle flashed.

The contact was about 1 second.

Seiki, inferior in power, was easily pushed backwards.

However, if you have one second in a battle, you can attack three times.

In a fraction of the time that Haruki earned, Rea threw her best.

--Dadadada !!

All potato stones thrown by Leah hit the knight's mask.

The mask that hit directly dents little by little.

The direct hit of the throw destroyed the knight's balance.

The body leans backward greatly.

The knight quickly lowered one leg.

Did you want to avoid the big gap caused by falling?

The knight survived the fall.


"This is a reward!"

Behind the knight.

There was a lotus, sprinkled with blood from his forehead, wielding a cane.


When the great sword struck herself, Lotus had no idea what had happened to herself.

I didn't even know I was attacked.

It is not surprising that the knight's attack is not noticeable in a Lotus with no physical ability to fight as an avant-garde.

I realized that I had been attacked when the lotus returned to consciousness.

Severe pain irritated her body.

"Ugh ... gu ..."

painful. I'm sore and crying.

Just move your fingertips and your whole body screams.

I don't want to move at all.

For the first time in his life, a serious injury was inflicted by the firefighter's fighting spirit.

The high-pitched sound of striking the iron reached such a lotus ear.

(Soraboshi ...)

Fire Lotus noticed immediately.

That demon-like knight and Haruki are fighting.

As soon as he notices, Lotus regains his fighting spirit.

――If you were sleeping in a place like this. If I leave everything to him. I will return to my useless again!

The lotus clenched his back teeth and desperately moved his screaming body.

When I lifted my upper body, blood dripped from my forehead.

While misleading a terrible headache with heavy breathing, Fire Lotus approached the wand at hand.

Traces of contact with the lotus were clearly visible on the ground.

The trace continues about 10 meters from the base of the lotus.

How terrible was the one knight's attack? Fire Lotus understood from the traces.

The reason they did not fully reap their consciousness after such an attack was the presence of the lotus armor and bracelets.

A mysterious bracelet that emerged from a capsule received from the hero Masatog.

By sending power through it, the film covered the lotus body.

This film increased the defense of the lotus by several levels.

The bracelet was a magical armor dedicated to witches, raising their defense by consuming their energy.

Fire lotus stands up with a cane.

At the same time, remember to put your energy into your cane.

Every time I arranged and understood my situation, the passion inside the lotus glowed.

A weak self who had no damage given the tree fortification.

He leaves alone, fighting alone and leaves his heart broken for a moment.

And above all, against the unreasonable power of authority at hand.

Anyway, the fire lotus did not seem to be convinced that I had to hit it with all my strength and diverge.

It's just a resentment. It is a reverse gire.

But that sentiment drove the lotus fiercely.

Contrary to emotions, Tuen calmly analyzed the situation.

If this is Akane vs. Lutz, it is the flow that Akane is swallowed by Lutz.

The lotus must cut off this useless flow.

To cut it off, a single blow like the one above is meaningless.

Even with his maximum magic, he couldn't even stop the knight for a second.

Magic cannot be passed on to knights.

-Is that true?

Fire Lotus asks her own questions.

Even against the huge tree of the dungeon master who was so huge, the lightning of the lotus passed.

If you have a body, you will definitely do the damage.

If a knight doesn't have magic, there's a reason why it doesn't--something that raises magic resistance.

(Due to the armor worn by the knight?)

And was the lightning strike the biggest one for me? With you ...

In the meantime, Seiki continues to fight.

I want to help him soon.

The urgency turns into energy and flows into the cane.

The cane has so much power that it can't usually be controlled.

However, thanks to the level up of the tree, the lotus was under the control of the last minute.

-To ensure this blow.

To take advantage of the great opportunities created by battle.

Fire Lotus slowly approaches the battlefield.

Desperately following the movement of Seiki and the knight.

Watching the battle, the signs finally appeared.

Haruki, who had been waiting until now, is now on the offensive.

Fire Lotus ran without overlooking the signs.

Willpower turns into magic.

Isn't this property working for knights in an advantageous way?

In other words, if you don't convert it into magic, just hit your energy.

Thinking so, the lotus shook his cane.

――If magic does not reach your body.

-It's just magical rather than magical.

Seiki thrust a large sword with both hands.

There, Rea fires a potato stone.

The head was struck and the knight turned back.

Behind the knight-a lotus.

Fire Lotus was waiting for this.

(――It is double turn!)

Fire Lotus made a full swing with his cane at the back of the knight.

The energy put in the staff explodes in a runaway manner.

A blow with a magic wand with the highest power of lotus,

Knight's defense was blown away.

-Paaaan !!

`` Uh !? ''

The knight's helmet exploded as if it had melted.

Seiki saw the firepower of the magic wand, and was surprised at the impact.

It was a fatal blow for a normal monster.

But for the knight, the attack was not fatal.

There was no head in the helmet.

The knight had no body.

Ordinarily, he would have stopped with his current blow confident of victory.

However, Haruki does not lose his offensive posture.

Immediately move to pursue.

But still, Lotus was earlier than Seiki.


A lightning strike from just above ran across the armor.

The fireflies were thrown backwards by the impact of their own lightning strikes.

――No, not just shock.

No strong shock wave was generated.

The fireflies flew backward in response to the shock.

To avoid counterattacks from knights.

`` Fire Lotus, this! ''

When she notices her intentions, she quickly turns her back, removes her mask from her bag and throws it at the lotus.

It is a mask that has the property of masking its presence.

Fire Lotus now causes the most damage to the knight.

Since he makes a lot of hate, the knight will next aim at the lotus.

However, the lotus cannot avoid the knight's attack. I can't escape.

In that case, the only way to disguise the knight's eyes is to wear a mask with stealth performance.

He probably understood the intention of Haruki.

The lotus glanced slightly, but pressed the mask against his face as determined.

Immediately, the sign of the lotus became thin.

Seiki who saw it drew blood.

"... What a brutal performance!"

This is exactly what the devil does.

If Seiki is going to equip it by mistake ...

With just that, the sky star Haruki may disappear from the earth!!

Rather, the presence of Seiki is dangerous even if it is nearby.

Just thinking that it may be slowly eroding will make you feel cold.

"Uh ..."

The lotus, who received the mask, shook his body in the intense cold.

The body temperature suddenly dropped due to the continuous use of the magic wand and the lightning strike.

Consuming energy usually results in a state similar to fatigue.

Concentration is difficult to maintain and the body becomes heavier.

The drop in body temperature this time may be due to the large amount of energy consumed in a short time.

In addition, the usual symptoms of energy loss are added to it.

The body is as heavy as lead.

I can't fight for a while.

As was said by Seiki, the lotus struggled with a mask that thinned the sign and pressed down on the face, while suppressing the shaking of the body.

Try not to imagine the terrible shape of the mask as much as possible ...

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