`` Magic square !? Lotus, get away !! ''


Fire Lotus hurries off the stage.

The next moment, the magic square emerged and glowed.

The light of the magic square illuminates the dungeon wall behind.

The magic square is transcribed on the dungeon wall.

The magic square on the stage has lost light.

However, the transcribed magic square still remains on the dungeon wall.

After a while, the magic square was sucked into the dungeon walls, as if dripping water on dry ground.

"That was ... I saw it for the first time, what was it?"

"... I don't know. I saw it for the first time-eh ?!"

「――What !?」

Gigi, and the sound of a hard thing crushing sounded, and Haruki and Firenze decided.

Suddenly, the dungeon wall in front of them broke.

The crack spreads while making a dull sound with gogogogo.

"No way ...? A hidden door?"

What appeared in front of Seiki was an open reddish-brown door.

On the other side of the door is a plain staircase.

The direction of the stairs is up.

Is it an escape passage?

"I wondered if there was such a staircase on WIKI."

Seiki collects the necessary information to capture the dungeon at WIKI.

But the information we collect is minimal.

For example, "Kamuikotan" is the location and map. I only checked how to avoid tree roots.

Beyond that, the fun at the time of capture decreases.

Seiki does not collect information enough to take away the pleasure of adventure.

It's the same as adventures in a rat-dominated country.

Even if you collect information on an attraction, you will lose your pleasure if you carefully check the contents of the attraction.

If you try to find out what the dominating rat is, the dreams and hopes can be destroyed.

The investigation is moderate.

That is the way to enjoy life better.

It's important to note that dungeons, of course, don't have a safety system like a rat nation.

That aside-so if Haruki doesn't know the information on this door, it's not necessarily "information no one knows."

"Do you know the lotus?"

"No ... I'm sorry. I don't look closely at WIKI."

I don't know, and Lotus shook his head apologizingly.

Seiki looked at the door, looked at the steps, and looked back at the stage.

The magic square that has emerged on the stage has no shadow or shape and has disappeared completely.

"What is the condition that the magic square emerges ... time?"

"We talked a lot."

After defeating the Dark Giant Tree, Seiki spent some time examining the skill board's new abilities.

As Seiki stayed there, a magic square appeared.

If so, if the adventurer returns immediately after the defeat of the Dark Tree, the magic square will unfold in an empty space-a bit lonely phenomenon.

(Is time unlikely?)

Seiki crosses her arms and tilts her neck.

Are there any other conditions?

Seiki closely observes the area.

Then I found a piece of a dark giant tree at the top of the stage.

This shard was from a time when Chep mended from a rare.

Maybe this?

"Dedicating a piece of a huge dark tree to the stage-the altar, the magic square emerged and a new path emerged ..."

"I see! There is a sense of unity with the emergence of stairs."

sense of unity.

Surely, Haruki nodded.

Defeat the giant dark tree and devote materials to the stage.

A new corridor emerged as part of the body of the dark giant tree was dedicated.

The procedure is one flow.

"If so, what are you waiting for?"

Seiki narrows her eyes and stares into the back of the stairs.

`` A reward for defeating the dungeon Lord !? ''


Excitement runs around the whole body.

Seiki's body is sweetly numb.

It was early after that possibility came to my mind.

Seiki and his colleagues quickly checked their equipment and walked to the hidden doors that opened.

"... Okay, let's go!"


There is the highest treasure in the dungeon ahead.

Despite such feelings, they did not hesitate at all.

This is still in the dungeon.

Don't forgive your guard.

Haruki and others carefully climb the stairs, keeping their feelings away.

The stairs spiraled up.

Seiki climbs the stone stairs, checking for traps one by one.

100 stages, 200 stages.

How far will it last?

300 steps, 400 steps ...

"Is this the stairs for returning?"

"Maybe ..."

He must have been fed up with the rather long stairs. A lotus dropped his shoulders.

Around the 500th stage.

The end of Gaze's gaze became slightly brighter.

It is different from dungeons. Natural light.

"What is the earth?"

Seiki was greatly discouraged that the possibility of the treasure house had diminished.

Nevertheless, this staircase is the first road for Seiki.

Seiki was completely satisfied with the experience of climbing the secret stairs just because she had no treasure.

Exit 10 steps further.


"There is a road next to it."

As I walked through the exit, I saw a wall in front of me.

A narrow road extends to the left and right.

On the other side of the road are forests and mountains.

The landscape on the ground was spreading.

Apparently, the place where the sun is shining is higher than the entrance to Kamuikotan. The line of sight is very high.


"It's a beautiful scenery"

Seiki, who was looking closely at the landscape,


The scenery in memory and the scenery coincided, and I took a breath.

This is no way ...

A lot of cold sweat emerges on Seiki's spine.

"What's the matter, Sky Star?"

"No, Nandemonaiyo"


A lotus gazes at Gaze at the trembling voice.

What did you do? It is an eye that thinks.

No, not me!

I wanted to deny that, but I can't deny Haruki at all.

Seiki kicks the wall and climbs so that she escapes from the fire gaze.

After climbing up the wall, Seiki descends on the plateau.

"Is it really ... Kamui rock?"

Below, a vast forest and a river sandwiched between rock walls-Kamuikotan stretched out.

Up the dungeon stairs was the summit of Kamui Rock.

And the place where the shine came out is a well-known crack in Kamuy Rock.

"I'm not doing anything! It can't be innocent. "

"So what did Sky Star do?"


A lotus that came up in the crack turned sharply into Seiki.

"... Wow, Fire Lotus, it's awesome to be able to climb up that crack so quickly. It's been a lot better!"

"Are you trying to divert the topic?"


It was Barrebarre.

Seiki slowly steps back.

Smiles gradually appear in the expression of the lotus.

At the same time, a tremendous amount of energy swells from her body.

Haruki's body shakes.

The visualization of energy has increased the mental pressure of the smile of the lotus.

Under the intimidation of the fire lotus, Seiki is sitting on the spot.

He explained how Kamuy Rock was broken.

"It's probably because of Sky Star ..."

Surely because of Seiki.

But even Seiki never thought that would happen.

However, that may well be the case with Fire Lotus.

"Please weigh yourself now," grinned, and no further pursuit was made of the Kamuy rock rupture.

Escaped the search for fire lotus

In the brains of Seiki, breathing relief, a question pops up.

(... but why did we get here?)

If you just want to get out of the dungeon, it is more natural that the stairs are connected to the entrance.

There is no need to connect to the top of Kamui Rock.

It is also doubtful that the stairs ended with cracks.

"If there were no cracks," Seiki and colleagues could not get out of the stairs.

Stairs and cracks leading to Kamui Rock.

What do these mean ...?

(Is the stairs born by breaking Kamuy Rock? Or was the stairs only able to reach that much because of the cracks ...?)

An alarm bell resounds in Seiki, who is still thinking.

It's like missing something important ...

Seiki gazes at the scenery from Kamui Rock in search of a sense of incongruity.

There is no difference between the sky and the forest.

One thing that is clearly different from before is the river.

The color of the river was as if after a downpour.

It has a dark ocher color and the flow is rough.

During the dive in the dungeon, it was raining.

For that reason, it was a muddy flow that seemed to be a heart beat.


The spirits created as the dungeon's will are those who find qualified people and guide them to trials as challengers.

Spirits sometimes pursue unqualified people while remaining transparent in the dungeon, and sometimes appear outside the dungeon to guide qualified people on the right path.

Spirits are created and extinguished when needed and for the required time.

It disappears when it floats, like a bubble.

She was also a spirit created by the dungeon's will.

Produced as a spirit, she, like many other spirits, would have been willless.

But she embraced her ego.

Is it a dungeon mistake or a divine mischief?

When the dungeon's will created her, the earth's natural spirit (noise) was mixed.

It created an ego inside her that could not be born.

However, she did the job perfectly, without being fooled by her ego.

The challengers found in this area by the dungeon were guided without difficulty by the power to the ordeal.

There was no problem with her guidance.

If a problem occurred, it was-.

(Oh, Rea. Even if I'm gone, please live beautifully and correctly.)

It was just to guide the challenger to the trial ground and disappear.

The soul dwelled in a spirit that was only thrown away by the dungeon.

(The lower man in the mask and the lower woman who is not surprised. And the younger brother who is naughty will protect Leah-sama well ...)

I was a little afraid of disappearance.

I was worried that I could not hold it as a piece just thrown away.

(... I wanted to be more together with you)

she is--,

I hated the fate to disappear like a bubble.

She-Cep hoped.

The best future.

While knowing that it will never come true.

Chep could not help but hope.

If God is in this world.

If this wish is forgiven, please ...

Already, it was almost gone.

As evidence, Chep's consciousness is steadily lacking from the outside.

Until the moment of complete loss of consciousness, Chep prayed to heaven again and again, refraining from this precious memory of this short life.



Suddenly, Haruki shook his shoulder as he heard his voice.

Did someone whisper to Seiki? But no one is near.

The voice quality was that of a woman.

But the lotus is far from Seiki.

... is it a hallucination?

Seiki tilts her head.

At that time, Seiki noticed a slight discomfort.

The chep that had been in the pocket of the lotus had just moved to the center of Kamuy Rock.

What time is it?

At the same time as doubts, discomfort increases.

The light of will has been lost from the eyes of Cep.

She seemed to be sleeping with her eyes open.

So far, Seiki has never seen such an eye of Chep once.

――Only when it was going to be boiled fish in a mixed bath.

Did he get sick?

`` Daiyo-tsu !? ''

Seiki tried to ask Chep if he was okay.

A monster suddenly appeared before Seiki's eyes.

Appeared without any warning, no precedent, and no sign.

It was a monster whose whole body was made of armor.

He stabs a large sword into the ground and holds the handle with both hands.

The knight was all wrapped in jet black, and the back of Haruki was a millet.

The appearance of the jet-black knight is too abnormal.

Seiki had always triggered detection.

Nevertheless, Seiki didn't notice anything until it appeared.

I was not hiding somewhere.

The jet-black knight popped in this place.

The identity of the jet-black knight is unknown.

Seiki couldn't estimate the strength of the knight.

It's just strange.

I can't go unnoticed for a moment.

Cold sweat runs down on Seiki's back.

In addition, the knight, like the fire lotus, had a whole body covered with thick energy.

Overwhelmingly more than Seiki.

Haruki felt that he was aware of the overwhelming difference between himself and his enemy in his difference with his own energy.

The terrible fear that I had forgotten long ago peeped into my face.

Instinct shouts to escape.

However, Seiki did not move.

――No, I couldn't move.

Drunk in the air of a knight, Seiki couldn't move at all.

The knight stands quietly with his hand on the sword stuck in the ground.

There is no gap anywhere in that posture.

I could easily imagine a future where I would be able to respond immediately even if I was trying my best.

(What the heck is that ...?)

Haruki's tight voice was heard over Haruki's ears, with cold sweat on her forehead.

"--Soraboshi, your feet are down!"

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