エ ネ ル ギ Energy was absorbed from the dungeon core≫

≪The condition has been achieved≫

申請 Application for release of demo / graph function when conditions are met-Approved ≫

≪The item enhancement function has been released≫

If this log is true, the stage that Haruki touched is a dungeon core.

Dungeon core-the core of the dungeon.

The "Naro" bulletin board continues to say that this core exists somewhere in the dungeon.

The core is a gem-like stone with enough energy to maintain the dungeon.

The idea that there is no core in the dungeon is now widespread because it has not been discovered yet.

However, there is really a core.

Haruki never thought that such a shabby stage was a dungeon core.

But if the logs are true, it's no wonder that no adventurers at the bottom can find them.

Seiki thought that the dungeon core looked more brilliant.

For any adventurer, don't think that just a stone stage is a dungeon core.

Then, the phrase "I absorbed energy".

This may be related to the stage changing color.

Energy is accumulated on the bright side, and the dark side is the side that has lost energy.

That said, the condition was achieved because the energy of the dungeon core flowed in.

So, ha! And Seiki gasped.


After all this, I'm bad ...

"What's the matter, Sky Star?"

"No ... oh ... yes"

Haruki drips and sweats.

In that state, the eyes of the lotus gradually cool down.

Ah, after all the culprit was Sky Star.

Look, that's not what I said.

"So what exactly did you do, Skystar?"

"Guh ... but it looks like this stage was a dungeon core."

"... What? Dungeon core is that dungeon core !?"


"But no one has ever found a dungeon core before ... but, haven't you cleared it here too?

"Everyone will notice that this is a dungeon core?"

"Yes, but ... is it really something you don't notice?"

Fire Lotus looked at the dungeon core with a suspicious look.

What he thought, Lotus came close to the core and put his hand on it.


"No change"

When the lotus touched the core, the color did not change at all.

Looking at it, Seiki touches the core this time.


The color changed and Seiki quickly pulled out.

エ ネ ル ギ Energy was absorbed from the dungeon core≫

The log clearly describes the energy absorption.

"It will not respond unless you are a sky star"

"... Oh, but I see."

Apparently, this core only responds to people with skill boards.

Or is this skill board capable of absorbing energy from dungeon cores?

Either way, the board is definitely a key item.

"What happens if we remove all the energy from this core?"

"In a bulletin board, the mainstream was that the dungeon would die."

Others said that the dungeon collapsed as soon as the core was broken.

It's a nightmare that the dungeon collapses at the moment you lose all your energy.

Maybe you can erase the dungeon for the first time from the world!

Contrary to such expectations, anxiety about the dungeon collapse has passed.

"……what will you do?"

"That's all, why not try removing all the energy?"

"What if you collapse?"

"Escape with all your strength!"

A lotus with light in his eyes clenches his fist.

Apparently she is not worried about the Indiana Jones escape.

Certainly, if you have good luck skills, you are likely to survive ...

"Well ..."

Haruki was worried for a moment and put her hand on the dungeon core.

More and more colors are lost from the core.

The way it was lost was as if the light lit inside the stage was falling.

The last mouse shard is lost from the stage.

At that time, light suddenly jumped out of the stage and touched Haruki's chest.

The bursting light melted in so that it could be sucked into Seiki's chest.

Everything on the stage turned black.

Immediately, Seiki and the lotus are ready.

If the dungeon collapses, the change is immediate.

5 seconds. 10 seconds.

Hold your breath and watch for changes.

20 seconds, 30 seconds.

However, nothing changes inside the dungeon.

"... nothing."

"……is not it"

Seiki and Firenze nodded with each other and relaxed slightly.

I still can't be completely off guard, but I don't think there's any fear that it will collapse soon.

Haruki took out the skill board again.

エ ネ ル ギ Energy has flowed in from the dungeon core≫

全 て All the energy of the core has been absorbed≫

≪The core temporarily stopped working 活動

≪The next stampede occurrence time has receded≫

"…………this is"

Seiki looked over the log several times and became weak at once.

"Soraboshi, did you understand anything?"

"Oh, the dungeon doesn't collapse. It's just a dormant core .... apparently this core was involved in the stampede outbreak."


Fire Lotus made a strange voice.

The ending is questionable, but that doesn't mean you don't understand Seiki's words.

The evidence is wide open.

`` Is stampede caused by a dungeon core !? ''

"If you interpret the log, but this log is a bit short."

I would like to add a little more explanation.

The wording of the log alone is too broad for interpretation and cannot be determined.

"The log says that the core has temporarily stopped working because I've absorbed all the energy."

"Temporarily stopped ... what is it?"

The fire lotus dropped his eyebrows.

There is certainly no regrets about Seiki.

Temporary means reviving one day.

It's not even mentioned in the logs when it will happen.

It is also ambiguous what the suspension of activities is pointing to.

From this log, it is not possible to read whether it is a dungeon activity or an activity that generates stampede.

"Because the energy was taken off and the activity was stopped, the next time the stampede occurred was receded, so the energy of the dungeon core might have been used to generate the stampede. "

"Stampedo is a phenomenon where many demons are born at once and overflow from the dungeon."

Assuming that energy is used to create a large amount of monsters, Seiki's idea should not be out of the question.

"In order not to generate stampede, Sky Star needs to absorb energy."

"I can say so ..."

However, if you do so, you will be highlighted by the savage of Haruki's skill board.

You can develop your talents, strengthen your skills and tree, and also control stampede.

If it were known that stampede could be suppressed, the inhabitants and adventurers of the dungeon, which had reached the bottom of the dungeon where the dungeon core would be, would be threatened with petition at once.

You can help people.

Many people are saved because stampede does not occur.

However, those who have been rescued by Seiki can easily turn their palms over when they can no longer go around the dungeon with the power of Seiki alone.

"Why don't you capture my dungeon! "Can you help me out!" "Do you think we should die! "" None! "" Discriminator! "I'll kill you !!"

This is no longer a personal item.

However, how to transfer the skill board to someone is unknown.

After a certain distance from the skill board, you will return to Seiki's chest. If you give it to someone, you will return to Seiki just after you leave.

Then, as a last resort, kill-and rob.

"More and more, I can't speak out of the skill board."

"is not it……"

Suzun, and Haruki and Fire Lotus sink.

If the presence of the skill board comes to light, Seiki will be eternally targeted.

"... In the event of an emergency, strengthen stealth to Kanst-"

"No, no sky star! Do you abandon your hope !? What if you can't see it!"

"But that is the only way I can do it"

"No matter how small, don't throw away your presence until the end!"


That's exactly what Fire Lotus says.

Seiki wipes the tears in her eyes.

No matter how small a “presence” is, what?

――Is it dissected by a lotus?

Seiki looks at the lotus with his eyes steadfast.

The person who seems to have distracted feels no malice.

If this is the real intention that overflowed without malicious intent ...

――No, I wear too much.

There must be no such sad feelings!

Apparently, Seiki was a bit naive, with the skill board getting too reinforced.

The speculation in my mind was about to break my mind inadvertently.

Wiping the overflowing tears, Haruki shakes his head and switches his thoughts.

The skill board's abilities have been somewhat enhanced, but Haruki will continue to do so.

Helping people is only within their reach.

Instead, reach everything you can.

The most important thing is that Seiki stands out.

And get a full presence!

"... finally, the most important new feature check!"

As if shaking off the dark atmosphere, Seiki taps the board aloud brightly.

Swipe to display the page of the new function [Item enhancement].

"Um ... what is this?"

The item enhancement that Haruki imagined was a function that literally strengthened the items in hand.

There is no big mistake in Seiki's idea.

If there is a difference,

[Item enhancement]

[Enhancement points] 3089 pt

Pebble 0

Pebble 0

Pebble 0

Pebble 0

Pebble 0



The items displayed in the item enhancement are all stones.

Apparently, the board recognizes everything around Seiki.

Seiki moves one step at a time.

After moving about 10 steps to the side, a new "Dark Giant Tree Branch" is newly displayed.

Looking around, Seiki spotted a branch that fell below her feet.

"The recognition range is relatively small."

The distance from Haruki to the branches is about 3 meters.

If it is wider than this, the display of garbage that does not want to be strengthened becomes enormous.

Seiki, who has returned to her original position, then swipes down the page lined with pebbles.

Even if you swipe, pebble pebble pebble ...

Is it no longer an item enhancement but a pebble enhancement?

When Seiki gave up,


Found an item other than a pebble.

[Item enhancement]

[Enhancement points] 3089 pt

Kokko feather wheel 0

Potato stone 0

Potato stone 0

Potato stone 0

Potato stone 0

Potato stone 0

Potato stone 0

Kokko's feather ring is a necklace with Seiki.

Potato stones are without a doubt.

The only items that we could see at this point were the planters with rares and the daggers of the brilliant silver wolf.

Armor equipped by Seiki has not been found yet.

"Maybe you can't enhance items above a certain level?"

There's a good chance that all of the equipment will appear, even if Haruki's equipment appears.

However, there is no way to confirm whether the board can be strengthened if the grade of the board rises, or whether it can be strengthened even if the grade rises.

Eventually, the decision will be taken until the grade rises again.

It would have been much easier if I could strengthen the main gear I was wearing now.

Haruki was a bit discouraged, as only the low level items could be enhanced.

Taking care of it, Seiki taps the Koco's feather wheel that is the most obvious.

"Do you want to strengthen Kokko's blades? 』

"Strengthened 0/3"

"Points needed to strengthen 50 pt"

"Y / N"

Even with the impeller, it was difficult to experience the change.

How this changes with reinforcement ...

(Perhaps if you strengthen it, it will quickly become a high-end accessory level !?)

You can get high-end for free if you have enhancement points.

The heart rate of Seiki rises due to the euphoria.

"Wow ... wow ..."

Seiki pressed "Y" vigorously while suppressing the rumbling of her chest.

The second stage is 100 points. The third stage is 150 points.

And max 200 points.

With a total of 500 points spent, Haruki swiftly strengthened the wing ring to the maximum, with the momentum brought by the sense of excitement.

Probably, the strengthened impeller has changed.

The neck glows slightly and becomes hot.

`` How about !? ''

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