Chapter 0057 – Chen Feng Incarnated as a Stadium Ghost and Sealed His Throat with a Sword!!!

The whistle sounded in the second half of the game, and tens of thousands of fans exploded again, and tens of thousands of people undressed and waved on the scene.

As soon as Londrina kicked off, Flamengo’s defense was very tough, first of all, he continued to strangle Chen Feng, and there were always four defenders around him who kept a close eye on him and did their best to prevent him from taking the ball!

Chen Feng simply chose ‘stealth’, it is better to be a court ghost.

Flamenco has long smelled a trace of something wrong, Chen Feng, this kid has too many ideas, he can’t guard against it, and he can’t blindly put all his troops into suppressing Chen Feng.

In the first half, Flamengo forcefully suppressed Chen Feng, but was shown back by Chen Feng, and the ghost kicked out Beckham’s famous stunt Pei Arc!

So flamengo slightly relaxed his suppression of Chen Feng and began to return to his defensive position!

After Walter took the ball, he dribbled continuously, trying to shake past the defenders to pass the ball to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was surrounded by flamengo and could not get through, and there was no passing angle.

Striker Louis aimed at Walter’s hesitant timing and made a sliding tackle on the flank to cut off Walter’s ball.

Flamengo quickly completed the offensive and defensive switch, Louis single-handedly plunged into the heart of Londrina, and after shaking a few defenders, Louis still had no idea of passing the ball, it seems that he is cross-hearted and ready to fight!


Seeing this, Chen Feng was secretly shocked.

I have to say that Louis offensive firepower is very ferocious! It seems that Londrina’s first 2 goals completely infuriated him!

Londrina’s defensive line was instantly torn apart by him, and if he didn’t take countermeasures, he was afraid that he would succeed!

“When you are impatient, you are prone to make mistakes!”

Chen Feng suddenly started to accelerate and ran towards the box, causing the defenders to misjudge him to stop Louis from shooting.

Several people accelerated to chase and intercept Chen Feng, Louis was about to shoot, several defenders, as players in the Baja Liga, naturally knew how to prevent offside, and tried to press Chen Feng to avoid offside.

But beyond that, they also need to keep an eye on Luiz’s ball, and if the ball is saved by the goalkeeper when the shot is taken, they must always shoot straight in

As a veteran of the Baja Liga, Luiz naturally knows how to time his shots and prevent offside!

Once a goal is scored offside, not only will all efforts be wasted, but it will also seriously blow the mentality of the players!!!

On the field, offside balls and own goals are very frequent, and almost any veteran has a lot of experience to avoid them!!! However, Louis still underestimated Chen Feng, who had a lot of tricks, and at the moment when Louis got up to pass the ball, Chen Feng seized this opportunity and instantly withdrew half of his body, and Flamengo’s defender Silva was closer to Londrina’s goal line than Chen Feng!

Silva did not find himself in an offside position, but only watched the incoming ball shake his head hard and smoothly pushed the ball towards the goal!!!

Londrina’s goalkeeper flew to the ball, but due to the excellent angle, the ball went firmly into the net!!!

The few fans of flamenco instantly boiled, holding high the flag and shouting with all their might!!!

Silva scored the first goal of the Copa Brasil final and turned his head in excitement on the field, and the entire Flamengo team ran towards Silva and Luiz and lifted them high!!!

Although it was Silva who shot on goal, the ball was fed by Louis, and without Luis, Silva would not have had a chance to score.

Louis is the biggest contributor!!!

Just as the Flamengo team cheered, the linesman suddenly raised the flag to signal that the goal that Flamengo had just scored was offside.

The reason why the linesman did not raise the flag at the first time was because he was not sure, so he communicated with the referee in the headset, and then the referee also gave an answer, Silva was indeed offside!

Seeing a goal scored after so much hard work and being blown away like this, Silva’s mentality collapsed.

Silva couldn’t figure it out, his eyes never left Chen Feng’s own receiving the ball, Chen Feng was obviously closer to the opponent’s goal line than himself, how could he be offside?!

Without knowing Silva, the mentality of all the members of the Flamengo team was hit hard.

I thought that I had won a goal with difficulty, and the whole team was also celebrating wildly, but I didn’t expect that it was an offside ball for a long time!!!!

It’s a shame to the extreme!!!

And the few flamenco fans are lamenting, and the faith in their hearts is gradually collapsing.

Hearing that it was an invalid offside ball, Londrina’s fans once again raised their hands and cheered, and the whole court exploded again!!!

And the deafening cheers, once again hammered the mentality of flamenco.

“Chen, you are such a strange group”! ”

Walter saw the key to the problem, and it was Chen Feng who teased the opposing defender Silva.

No wonder Chen Feng didn’t snipe Louis, it turned out that he wanted to remember the offside ball to hit the opponent’s mentality again!

That’s smart!!!

Walter gave Chen Feng a thumbs up.

“Chen, why do you have so many ghost ideas? I really want to see what you have in your head? ”

Xiao Hei came over and put his arm on Chen Feng’s shoulder and looked at him with admiration.

“Isn’t anti-offside the consciousness that a professional player should have?

Silva only cares about guarding me strictly, but forgot to strengthen skills training, scored a goal for nothing, deserved it! ”

Chen Feng grinned and stuck out his tongue at the camera.

This scene made the netizens in front of the TV and the live broadcast room completely fry: “I leaned on, engaged for a long time, this is another ghost trick played by Chen Feng.”

“Before playing the goalkeeper and breaking the mentality of the goalkeeper, this time playing the defender, is it possible that Chen Feng wants to break the mentality of all the players of Flamengo?”

“This evil laugh and tongue sticking out made me obsessed. If I can spend the night with Chen, even if it’s only one night, I will definitely squeeze him dry!” ”

“Upstairs, it’s excessive, watch out for Uncle Internet Police to talk to you!”

“Hahaha, flamenco estimates that the mentality has begun to collapse again, it’s really pitiful, and it has suffered critical hits again and again!”

“It’s like buying a lottery ticket and winning five million, going crazy with joy, only to be immediately told that the number was wrong, ahahaha!”

“Silva and Luis don’t know if they can withstand this critical hit!!!”

Thousands of miles away in the Dragon Kingdom, netizens collectively fryer.

Although most of them are fans of Messi and Ronaldo, after all, as the bipolar world of football in the world, they are at their peak, and their aura is extremely dazzling, and they are also the most watched by the world.

But because of watching Chen Feng’s game, many people gradually fell in love with Chen Feng, a serious player on the field, who was extremely handsome and coquettish.

“It’s so thrilling, I thought Flamenco got a round back.”

Sarana said worriedly.

“I thought it was strange at first, why didn’t my cousin snipe at Louis, it turned out that he still had a hand!”

“Originally, Chen was a rookie, but these veterans were all turned over by them, and this role changed quickly!”

Alice, Sarana, and Sandra discussed flying.

The game went on and Londrina took possession of the ball and it was clear that the offside goal had hit the mentality of all Flamengo very hard.

The offensive advantage has been sharply reduced, and it can be seen that confidence has been greatly hit.

But Silva, encouraged by his teammates, still cheered up, set his eyes on Chen Feng as soon as he came on the field, and repeatedly warned himself that he could never make mistakes again.

Chen Feng was still chased and blocked by four defenders, there was no chance to get the ball at all, he was too lazy to break through to trick the other party to strengthen his suppression, anyway, there were only twenty minutes left in the game, and Flamengo did not have many chances.

Blackie and Walter formed a striker combination and went straight into the Flamengo penalty area.

Blackie kicked straight to Walter, and Walter pushed sideways, but was fiercely surrounded by flamenco and had to pass to Blackie again.

In the fierce fight with central defender Renato, the two had a fierce physical confrontation, Xiao Hei’s right foot stepped on the edge of Renato’s thigh, the whole foot was severely bent, the ankle was bent 90 degrees, and Xiao Hei immediately let out a violent scream!!! The referee immediately blew the whistle for Renato’s foul.

Seeing this, Londrina’s team doctor hurried to the field to check on Blackie’s injury.

It is obvious from the lens that Xiao Hei’s right ankle is extremely swollen and swollen into a ‘pig’s trotter’.

Due to excessive pain, Xiao Hei grinned in pain.


Sandra in the stands stood up abruptly, her face full of horror.

“I’m going to go over and take a look!”

Sandra got up and wanted to run towards the court, but was pulled back by Alice: “Don’t be excited, now the game is not over, you can’t stop the stadium so many team doctors have already gone, rest assured, it won’t be a big problem!” ”

“yes, don’t worry, it’ll be fine!”

Sarana also exhorted.

In the middle of the game, Chen Feng hurriedly walked towards Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei’s ankle was swollen into “pig’s trotters, it seems that the injury is not light.”

Although this is an accident that occurs in the normal fight process, Renato cannot be blamed, but if Xiao Hei cannot play, then Chen Feng will lose one left arm, and his combat effectiveness will decline rapidly.

The team doctor checked Xiao Hei’s injuries and preliminarily determined that he could no longer play and must be rushed to the hospital.

“Chen, Walter, you must come on and win the game!”

When he was carried away, Xiao Hei encouraged loudly.

“Don’t worry, you go to the healing!”

Chen Feng (smiled indifferently.)

As the well-deserved ‘team soul’ of the whole team, Chen Feng at this moment showed an incomparably calm temperament.

Even though Xiao Hei was seriously injured, the military must not be disturbed, and he must stabilize the emotions of the players.

After Blackie left the pitch, head coach Kosyouri replaced a substitute striker.

After being carried out of the arena, Sandra ran towards Blackie, and Alice was worried that Sandra was alone, so she also ran over.

Sarana chose to continue in the stands, she must cheer for Chen Feng, must see the moment when Chen Feng won the championship!

The game continued, without Xiao Hei’s organization and cooperation, Londrina’s combat effectiveness dropped a lot, plus Chen Feng was still in the formation of being strangled, and only the veteran Walter remained.

After all, Walter is older and inferior to younger players in terms of physical strength and endurance.

With only the last twenty minutes left in the game, Walter was visibly exhausted.


Chen Feng knew that he had to stand up, otherwise at the last moment, flamenco still had a chance to take revenge!

Walter dribbled sideways all the way frontally, pushing hard towards the Flamengo penalty area, and Chen Feng was also deliberately because the opponent relaxed his defense of Chen Feng

Reduce your presence and let the opponent relax their defense even more.

I saw Walter advance the opponent’s small penalty area, facing the opponent’s defense, Walter chose to pass to the central defender, and after the central defender deceived the defenders, he shot with his right foot but was saved by the goalkeeper.

Seeing this, Chen Feng instantly turned into a ghost on the pitch, and appeared in front of the opposing goalkeeper strangely, taking advantage of the goalkeeper’s lack of attention, Chen Feng jumped high, and the ball saved by the goalkeeper was blocked by Chen Feng’s chest.

In the electric flint, Chen Feng’s chest stop and a barb score, the ball bypassed the goalkeeper in an instant and slammed into the net!!!

The score is 3-0!

In the second leg, Chen Feng scored twice again to help Longdrina throw off Flamengo 3-0!

At this moment, the audience was boiling again!!!!

There is a female fan with a perfect body and super good looks, because she is too excited, she stands on the table and directly lifts her underwear to celebrate, and also turns to face the person behind her, and then raises her hands and shouts!!!

At this moment, all the male fans in the stadium looked straight at each other.

You must know that in the stands, it is very rare to dare to sacrifice your own stunning stunner!!!

The male fans not only saw the great game, but also feasted their eyes!!!! And at this moment, Chen Feng no longer chooses to be silent, this is Brazil’s top event, or the last game of the championship battle, Chen Feng scored twice, completely showed the whole game, excited he broke the goal and ran wildly, completely announcing to the world that Chen Feng has conquered the whole Brazil with his skills, and he will conquer the world with his perfect performance!!!!

One by one, Londrina’s players ran madly towards Chen Feng and lifted him high!!!

At the same time, the Flamengo players were all confused, what was going on just now?

Why did Chen Feng suddenly come to the front of the goalkeeper?

You must know that the four defenders have been keeping a close eye on him, and it is logical that he cannot break through.

But Chen Feng is still like a ghost, the ghost appeared in the most appropriate position, and what is even more incredible is that he chose to stop the ball and barb the goal in front of the goalkeeper’s face!

This is even more treacherous than Inzaghi the fox of the forbidden area!!!

At this moment, the mentality of the flamengo players has completely exploded.

Prevention is not, not prevention is not, what do they have to do to strangle Chen Feng?

“Chest stop and barb score? And in front of the goalkeeper, my God, this operation is terrifying! ”

“Where does King Chen Wu come from with confidence? That’s too confident, isn’t it!!! ”

“It’s so exciting, I watched the replay of that shot just now, I watched it a hundred times.”

“National football: This is impossible, this is absolutely cheating, impossible!”

“In other words, how did King Chen Wu float to the goalkeeper? I really didn’t see it clearly! ”

“Upstairs, I just looked back many times, Chen Wuwang’s speed is too fast, flamenco doesn’t have time to react.

“Too late to react? Like a ghost, a sword seals the throat, my mother! 1。 ”

“Lying groove, Chen Feng also began to stop talking about martial virtue, flamenco rat tail juice!!!”

“I seem to see the dawn of victory waving to Londrina!”

“With this game, Chen Feng’s worth can exceed 100 million, right?”

“Over 100 million? Yes, but it should be the euro! ”

“It’s terrifying, it’s unbelievable, the problem is that his movements are still so gorgeous, in one go, he can’t see half stiff!”

“Such a player, our Longchao Club is not unable to afford it, I have to write a letter to the national pawn and let them spend a huge amount of money to buy Chen Wuwang!”

“Upstairs, I advise you to wash up and go to sleep, you will only daydream all day long, and there are still ten minutes left, including the extra time.”

But Flamengo’s mentality was greatly affected, and he could no longer withstand Londrina’s strong attack.

For these last ten minutes, Flamengo had to choose ‘surviving with a broken wrist’ and do his best.

As soon as the Londrina team got the ball, Flamengo began to fight fiercely, including pushing, pulling, tackles and a series of violations.

The referee flashed five yellow cards in a row in the last ten minutes, all for Flamengo.

Chen Feng also knew that Flamengo was in a hurry, but he also made gestures to keep Londrina’s players sane and not form a match.

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