Let You Take Charge of Xihong City, It's the World's First City Now?

Chapter 114 The most beautiful translator, Xihong City is outstanding!

Early morning on April 8.

Xihong International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Cui Yidong, director of the Xia Guo Internet Information Office, had a sad face.

The first Digital Summer State Construction Summit will be held soon.

The summit was attended by representatives of various countries, which required a large number of translators.

Unfortunately, the two translators who were supposed to be in charge of simultaneous English interpretation suffered from a bad stomach and were hospitalized with a fever in the morning.

At this summit, two English simultaneous interpreters came.

Others are translators of minor languages.

after an hour.

The opening ceremony of the Digital Summer Kingdom Construction Summit will be held.

No English simultaneous interpretation is possible!

The secretary beside Cui Yidong suggested, "Director Cui, it's too late to send someone from Yanjing, we can only ask the official translators from Xihong City to help.

"Can not be done!"

Cui Yidong frowned and said: "The speech at the summit contains a lot of poems.

You also know that poetry translation is difficult, which is the consensus of the translation community.

For a long time, poetry translation has been in the blank stage for a long time in the translation industry and writers.

Xihong City has just become a city under separate state planning, and its foundation is still shallow.

The translators from other cities are competent for ordinary translation tasks, but they cannot serve as simultaneous English interpretation for such international summits.

In case of inadvertent use of words when translating poems, it is easy to cause accidents.

"Director Cui, let me go!"

The secretary suggested: "I am a Ph.D. from the English College of Yanjing Foreign Studies University. I have deep attainments in the field of English language and literature. At that time, I was almost selected by the translation department of the national diplomatic institution."

"Or not!""

Cui Yidong shook his head: "You have been working as an administrator for the past few years, and it is difficult to keep up with the translation rhythm of the summit. 39

After he finished speaking, he said again: "In this way, you contact the official of Xihong City and ask them to send the best English translation. If the other party's level is not as high as yours, then you go!"

"Yes, Director! 99

The secretary nodded and left.

Twenty minutes later.

Li Hao, deputy secretary general of Xihong City, brought a beautiful girl to Cui Yidong.

He opened his mouth and said, "Director Cui, this is Yuan Jie, our official best 093 translator in Xihong City, and she is also a first-year graduate student at Xihong Foreign Studies University. 55


Cui Yidong frowned slightly: "Secretary-General Li, why did you bring a student here?

Li Hao explained truthfully: "Yuan Jie is the national champion of simultaneous interpretation for college students, and his translation ability is very outstanding.

In addition to completing her studies, she also serves as the official translator for the official news agency of Xihong City.

In terms of professional level, Yuan Jie is definitely at the national level!""

Cui Yidong looked at his secretary and asked, "Xiao Chen, do you take the exam for Yuan Jie. 99

Secretary Chen nodded, and said to the school: "Student Yuan, may I ask Yu Zhi's kindness, even though he has died nine times, you have no regrets, how should you translate it?"

Yuan Jie blurted out: "For-the-ideal-that-l-hold-dear-to-my-heart, I-do-not-regret-a-thousanddeaths-to-die."

Secretary Chen continued to test: "If you can't do anything but ask yourself, how should you translate it?"

Yuan Jie didn't think much, and directly translated: "Turn-inward-and-exammine-yourself-when-you-encounter-difficulties-in-life."

Secretary Chen asked again: "Gou Li's country is life and death, why avoid it because of misfortune and good fortune?"

Yuan Jie translated: "I-shall-dedicate-myself-to-theinterests-of-the-country-in-life-and-death-irrespective-of-personal-weal-and-woe."

"very good!

Secretary Chen said to Cui Yidong: "Director, Yuan's translation level is very high, and he is absolutely qualified for the position of simultaneous interpretation at the (cccj) summit.

Poetry is the brightest pearl in Xia Guo literature.

Poetry translation is also a bridge to convey the country's excellent culture.

From her point of view as a Ph.D. from the English School of Yenching International Studies University, Yuan Jie's translation is impeccable!

It is no exaggeration to say.

The translation of these three poems alone is better than the two English translators from the Xia Guo Internet Information Office.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a national translation level!

Cui Yidong nodded and said: "Then let Yuan Jie try it out, Xiao Chen, give Yuan your speech and let her get acquainted with it as soon as possible. 99

Simultaneous interpreting sees live performance.

Yuan Jie's specific performance still needs to be verified on site.

9 am.

The first Digital Summer State Construction Summit was officially held.

The summit includes opening and closing ceremonies, main discussion tanks, separate discussion tanks, achievement exhibition, report release, best practice promotion and other links.

The sub-discussions also include e-government, digital economy, smart society, new smart city, big data, digital Xihong, Internet of Things and other sub-discussions.

The entire summit lasts five days.

This morning, the opening ceremony took place first.

at the same time.

Yuan Jie took his place in the simultaneous interpreting room, with a focused expression, shorthand and fast translation, all in one go, showing a strong professional level.

The eloquent voice of translation spread throughout the venue and acted as a bridge for national cultural exchanges.

in the audience.

Secretary Chen nodded frequently.

In her eyes, Yuan Jie's speaking ability and vocabulary are very good, and he is a national-level simultaneous translator.

at the summit.

Cui Yidong opened his mouth and said, "Xia Guo has an old saying that the grace of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring."

Yuan Jie translated in a clear tone: "An-old-Chinese-saying-goes, Receiving-drips-of-water-when-in-need, and-1-shall-return-the-kindness-with-a-spring ."

Cui Yidong continued: "Thousands of miles are good friends, and they are stronger than gold and stone.

Yuan Jie translated: "Our-partnership, stronger-than-metal-and-stone, defies-geographical-distance."

Cui Yidong: "How can you say that you have no clothes, and you have the same clothes as your son."9

Yuan Jie: "Are-you-not-battle-dressed? Let-us-share-armor-and-the-rest."

Cui Yidong: "Combining benefits both, and fighting will hurt both. 55

Yuan Jie: "A-peaceful-and-harmonious-bilateral-relation-ship-between-these-two-countries-will-make-both-winners, while-a-confrontational-one-will-make-both-losers. "

Cui Yidong: "Knowing that I have sinned against me is only the Spring and Autumn Period.

:"There-are-people-who-will-appreciate-what-l-have-done.But-there-are-also-people-who-will-criticize-me.Ultimately,history-will-have-the- final-say."

Cui Yidong: "Keep your duty without giving up, and do justice without returning. 35

: "In-my-last-year-in-office, I-will-not-waiver-and-carrying-out-my-duties, and-will-remain-true-to-my-coneviction."

Cui Yidong: "When you enter, you are sincere and loyal, and when you go out, you are humble and regretful.

Yuan Jie: "When-one-is-in-office-he-should-discharge-his-duty-conscientiously. When-leaving-office-he-should-conduct-himself-with-humanity-and-exercise-self- reflection.”

Cui Yidong: "Hehe!"

Yuan Jie: "Hmmm...How-interesting! 59

in the audience.

Secretary Chen was stunned.

These poems and proverbs, if she were to translate them, would definitely not work!

Many of these proverbs are not in the speech.

Obviously, this is Director Cui's temporary intention and free play.

But after Yuan Jie heard it, he translated it without much thought, and it was extremely accurate.

Yuan Jie's simultaneous translation has a terrifying vocabulary and cultural heritage beyond ordinary people.

In addition, her poetry translation is both faithful, expressive and elegant, spreading the traditional culture of the Xia Kingdom to all countries in the world, which is really very professional.

After two and a half hours of opening ceremony.

Cui Yidong was full of praise for Yuan Jie's professional ability.

After he played freely at the summit, a cold sweat broke out in his heart, for fear that Yuan Jie would not be able to translate it.

Fortunately none of this happened.

Yuan Jie's rescue really helped them a lot.

Otherwise, there may be mistakes in the first digital summer country construction summit.

As for the translation in the next few days.

Now I have translated it from Yanjing, and it is completely in time!

on the Internet.

Many English majors have watched the live broadcast of the summit.

The students of Yenching Foreign Studies University, China Foreign Affairs University, Yenching University and Huaqing University were all dumbfounded after hearing Yuan Jie's simultaneous interpretation.

Knowing that I have sinned against me, it is only the Spring and Autumn Period.

Observing duties without abandoning, doing justice without returning.

Enter with sincerity and loyalty, and leave with humility and self-repentance.

These old sayings, they must not be able to translate them.

They were even more surprised when they learned that the translator was a first-year graduate student of Xihong Foreign Studies University.

Such superb translation ability is completely national level.

For a time, countless students majoring in English translation regarded Yuan Jie as an idol.

on major social media.

Netizens also praised Yuan Jie.

"Mom, I'm in love! Yuan Jie is the most beautiful translator! 35

"The goddess Yuan Jie has a very high appearance and her eyes are full of stars!

"Have you noticed, the translation of 'hehe' is simply divine!

"Yuan Jie's beauty and wisdom coexist, and she is a well-deserved translation goddess!

"Xihong City is really full of talented people! Logically speaking, this kind of talent should be in the diplomatic institution of Xia State!"

"I heard that Yuan Jie is now not only a student, but also the official interpreter of the press statement department of Xihong City. Now think about it, Xihong City is really outstanding!


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