Chapter 263 Human magician! Galactus and Eternity startled

More than a dozen multi-universe powerhouses gathered together.

They were all very excited when they heard that the rune was killed.

There is only eternity, I feel something is wrong.

He knew Galactus.

This guy is also a sly guy.

As one of the two strongest among the five gods.

How could he be something simple?

Tarzan collapsed without discoloration, which was fundamental to Galactus.

There must be something wrong with him showing his expression now.

“Galactus, what the hell is wrong with you, is something wrong?”

“The rune is indeed dead, what else is there?

Eternal frowned.

He felt it carefully.



The road carried by the rune has collapsed.

Those powerful origins have been re-summed into the avenues of the world.

Everything is very normal.

Why does Galactus have such an expression?

“The rune is indeed dead, that’s no problem.

“But the person who killed him has a problem.”

Galactus shook his head.

“What, what’s wrong?

“Speaking of which, who is the hook?”

“Could it be that some indescribable existence did it? 93

Eternal asked.

“If that’s the case, that’s fine, I don’t have to worry so much.

Galactus smiled wryly and shook his head.

“The one who killed the rune was the junior of Agamotto!”

“That human magician!

Galactus opened his mouth.


“It’s impossible! You must be kidding me, right?

Eternal stared at Galactus and said.

What a joke!

Agamotto himself is no match for the rune

Even if it is a powerful god formed by their three-in-one, Weishan Emperor.

In front of the rune, it was nothing but ordinary.

His junior, killed the rune? What an international joke!

However, Eternal’s expression changed and he asked.


“That magician is a mutant?”

Eternal asked directly.

In the world of Marvel, there is a very special group of humans.

They are not weak like ordinary humans at all, on the contrary, they have incomparably tyrannical power.


Some become unspeakable beings.

This is the group of mutants.

The most perverted and most unreasonable human body in the Marvel world.

Although it originated from an experiment of the Tenjin Group, it now possesses unimaginable power.

If that magician is a mutant, everything can be explained.

It is not surprising that mutants do anything to fish, and it is not incomprehensible to kill the rune.

“Do not.

“Eternal, this kid is not a mutant, this is what shocked me.

“His power is not an external thing, not innate, but obtained through his own practice!”

“You know what that means?

Galactus looked at Eternal and said.

Eternal body shook.

“You’re serious, you’re not joking?”

“You know, this kind of thing can’t happen!”

Eternal said in a low voice, for fear that their communication would be discovered.

“How could I be joking about something like this, I’m pretty sure.”

“Those powerful forces have never been hooked in this world. 99

Galactus opened his mouth.

“You mean, the power of this kid comes from outside the world? Unknown, unthinkable, indescribable?”

Eternal looked around, saw that no one was paying attention to him, and continued to ask.


“Otherwise he wouldn’t be able to cultivate to this point”

Galactus spoke with certainty.

In the Marvel world, there are also some ways to practice by yourself.


Most of the methods are only planetary level.

The most powerful thing is to be able to cultivate to Level God Father.

The police say that it is a multi-universe level, and even if it is a single level universe police, no one has ever reached it through practice.

It can be said.

In the world of Marvel, all the powerhouses rely on ability.

Either it is born strong, or it is strong by swallowing it, or it is by the universe.

Relying on practice, there is not a single one.


There is actually a person who has reached such a powerful level by practicing!

Never heard of this, never seen it!

“Are you sure he didn’t use some other god’s power?”

Eternal asked.

In this world, there are exceptions to the so-called non-cultivation.

Like some gods, they can write their own way into rhyme, and they can also become a method.

But these methods are flawed.

The upper limit cannot exceed the gods, and most of them will be manipulated by the gods, so they cannot be regarded as real cultivation methods.

If Lin Yu used this, he would not be surprised.

“I’m pretty sure he’s using his own power.

“And it’s all the power that he hooked from his own practice. These powers have never been hooked.”

0… ask for flowers·

Galactus opened his mouth with promise.

“Then, this world is really going to make a big mess.

Eternal said a word.

in his eyes.

Shocked, worried, confused, and eager!

He is an abstract entity, born divine, and their power is very powerful once they are born.


Their caps are also locked.

After being born for so many years, the multi-universe has restarted more than once, but its eternal strength is still the same.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to break through his strength and become that kind of indescribable existence.


He doesn’t have the ability to do so.

In this world, no one has the ability to do this.

Except for those mutants, there has never been a strong person who can break through their own limits.

Those mutants are just born with this potential, not that they can practice.


What does he depend on.

All are abilities!


Lin Yu’s hook now seems to open a new door for him!

turn out to be.

Some people can achieve this level through practice!


What if they could also practice?

Will he be able to gain power beyond the limit? Will he be able to go further?

Finger of Eternity, looking at Galactus.

Their couple saw the flame in each other’s eyes, it was the flame of ambition.

They don’t want to have this strength in billions of years in the future!

They want to become stronger and become indescribable beings.

A powerhouse beyond the boundaries of the multi-universe!

“Galactus, secrecy.

We’ve found him undercover.

“Then, let’s discuss how to obtain that powerful method.”

Eternal said with a hot face.

“I know better than you.

“Don’t worry, we have time, we will definitely be able to find him. 99

“And, we know where his universe is.

“Ours can come to the door in person, and then go and ask for the key to the future of the same sound.

There was a frenzy in Galactus’ eyes.

Even the talisman thing has been forgotten.

Clearly, he has begun to look forward to a better future.

“What are you two doing?”

“From there?”

“Come on, we’re going to celebrate and kill the rune.

A multi-universe god spoke.

Galactus and Eternal looked at each other.

Laughing and walking past one hundred million,

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