Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 638 Crying poor and begging! (Thank you again to Mr. Nuanyang for your golden alliance)


At the training ground, the soldiers of the fourth company were training with great momentum today.

The army commander personally came to review everyone's training results. This was definitely the first time for everyone in the fourth company, and it was also something everyone could brag about for a lifetime after they retired.

How can this not work hard?

Holding the stick in one hand, holding it in the front and clamping it in the back, the straw man targets placed there were knocked into the air and lifted up.

The commander who looked directly at this scene narrowed his eyes.

"You asked me to use a long stick?"

The army commander turned around and looked at Wang Ye, who was one step behind, and asked.

"Report to the chief, yes!"

Wang Ye responded, and then Wang Ye continued: "The advantage of cavalry is mobility, and long soldiers combined with the speed of mobility can be invincible when they collide!"

After a pause, Wang Ye continued: "When I go to the battlefield, it's me and no one else. Defeating the enemy with one blow is what I want now!"


Nodding, the commander said nothing and turned back to continue watching the training.

But in just two seconds, he looked back again: "How was your riding?"

"Report, I am now their combat riding instructor!"

Wang Ye didn't answer directly, but he wasn't modest either. His words made the commander laugh again.

"So powerful? I heard that you couldn't ride a horse before?"


"Wang Ye turned around and shouted!"


Xiao Zheng ran over in a hurry.

"Bring me my horse!"


Xiao Zheng ran away in response.

At this time, Wang Ye looked at the smiling commander again.

"Chief, when my horse comes, please review my riding skills!"

"Okay! I want to see if Wang Ye is bragging!"

The army commander laughed.

When he comes here, the people below are under pressure, but he is not under any pressure.

Nearby, Lu Xiang and the instructor heard the conversation between Wang Ye and the army commander.

The two of them were really convinced by Wang Ye and the military commander's attitude in speaking.

If the army commander had asked them just now, they would have just said a few words in a very humble manner. How could they dare to be like Wang Ye and just call the correspondent to lead the horse.

Of course, they had no doubts about what Wang Ye said.

Because that's what it is.

To this day, the fourth company's cavalry tactics have been modified a lot by Wang Ye.

The two instructors of the cavalry company used to practice saber.

Long stick, or holding a long stick immediately, they also have no experience.

The current moves of the entire company holding long sticks on horseback to fight are nine moves that Wang Ye came up with based on the saber fighting method and his own experience and speculation.

Soon, the soldiers of the Fourth Company on the training ground stopped training, and someone immediately went up to replace the straw man targets.

After a while, after it was done, Xiao Zheng came back over there.

However, before Xiao Zheng could lead his horse closer, Wang Ye saluted the commander: "Chief, I'm passing!"

"Okay!" The military commander smiled and nodded.

The next moment, Wang Ye ran towards him.

After walking to Xiao Zheng and holding the horse, Wang Ye looked at the soldiers lined up nearby: "Squad leader, give me your weapon!"


The squad leader quickly ran out, and the long stick he was holding was handed to Wang Ye.

It's still the long stick made of two steel pipes connected together from the previous training.

After getting on his horse, Wang Ye looked at the military commander on the side of the training field.

"Let's begin!" the military commander said.


Wang Ye responded, clamped the horse's belly, pulled the reins with his left hand, and controlled Heifeng to move towards the starting position of the training ground.


After arriving at the starting point, Wang Ye put his legs under the horse's belly, shook the reins with his hands, and with a shout, Heifeng rushed forward in an instant.


On horseback, Wang Ye held a stick in one hand. He leaned to one side and thrust the long stick into the middle of the chest of the straw target in front of him.

The support stick inside the straw man target was instantly poked off, and it was poked on the long stick and sent flying.

But soon, Wang Ye turned around and swung his stick outward, and the straw target was thrown away.


On the horse, Wang Ye let go of the reins with his left hand, and the long stick that was thrown out of the straw target was held by the end with his left hand.

The long stick quickly flipped over, and after changing sides, he released his right hand, held the tail of the stick in his left hand, and stabbed towards a straw target on the left hand side in front.

Teng Zhuan made a move, he was on the horse, and his hands were no longer holding the reins.

Heifeng kept charging forward, but Wang Ye knocked down all the targets on a training ground that was originally designated for the two of them to train consecutively.

Poke, hit, chop, sweep, Wang Ye only taught everyone nine moves, but now Wang Ye used more than nine moves.

Especially in the middle of the battle, Wang Ye had a move where he would hang directly on the side of the galloping horse, swipe his stick, and make a big chop.

For others, this action, let alone chopping with a weapon, would make many people unable to get back on their horses if they were able to perform such a skill on horseback riding, and there might even be a risk of falling.

After all, horses are always running.

The commander's eyes narrowed.

Wang Ye's drill is simply a visual feast.

"Damn it, why didn't the deputy battalion commander teach us these moves? He's so cool!"

In the queue leading the horses, there were soldiers from the Fourth Company whose blood boiled with excitement and couldn't help but murmur.

But the next moment, their squad leader turned around and glared: "You want to run even though you can't walk? Are you afraid that the enemy won't kill you? Why don't you fall to death yourself first?"


The soldier shrank his neck in embarrassment, but did not dare to continue.

The army commander is still watching over there, so we must pay attention to queue discipline.


But at this moment, the army commander shouted loudly.

But Wang Ye has already finished practicing on this training ground.

After a good sound, the army commander took the lead in applauding.

The next moment, the secretary next to him, instructor Lu Xiang, and the soldiers in the queue immediately took the stick in their arms and started applauding.


Amidst the applause, Wang Ye ran back on horseback.

He came directly to the army commander and dismounted. The reins were given to Xiao Zheng who ran over. Wang Ye held a stick in one hand and saluted with the other.

"Comrade Chief, the Iron Bone Heroes, the deputy commander of the second battalion has completed the drill, please give instructions!"


The army commander laughed and said: "It is said that Comrade Wang Ye is outstanding in martial arts. Today I saw that he truly lives up to his reputation! The ancient Zhao Yun was probably nothing more than this!"

"Haha, this..." Wang Ye was ready to accept the commander's praise, but now the commander pulled Zhao Yun out, which still made Wang Ye a little unexpected.

Scratching his head and laughing.

The army commander laughed again: "Wang Ye, you are very good. Train your troops well and make the fourth company look like you. I look forward to the day when you can shine on the battlefield!"

"Yes!" Wang Ye suddenly became serious. After responding loudly, Wang Ye shouted again: "I hope this day comes too!"

Wang Ye had really been looking forward to this day.

"Come on, come with me for a walk!"

The army commander stepped forward with a smile and patted Wang Ye on the shoulder. After saying a word, he turned and walked towards the empty grassland on one side.


Wang Ye responded and quickly handed the long stick in his hand to Lu Xiang. At the same time, Wang Ye said in a low voice: "Inform the cooking team to have extra meals. In addition, the entire company is disbanded!"


Lu Xiang responded quickly.

Wang Ye didn't say what he was going to do after disbanding, but he knew it very well.

Go back and clean up, and sort out the housekeeping urgently!

How can we be careless when the army commander is here?

There are usually no pickets here in the Fourth Company, and the instructors lead inspections for internal affairs.

Normally, it's basically enough, and Wang Ye won't say anything. After all, the front-line troops' internal affairs are not very harsh.

But not today.

The army commander is here. How can he see substandard tofu cubes?

So now I have to go back and catch up.

Of course, there is no need to talk about extra meals. The army commander is here, so how can we not prepare two delicious dishes?

"Quick, where's the car? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

At the battalion headquarters, the battalion commander stood anxiously in front of the dormitory building and looked in the direction of the garage.


The Fourth Company actually said that the military commander was here.

At that time, the battalion commander couldn't sit still when he heard the news.

He quickly asked someone to drive, and then he ran out quickly.

And this situation actually happens not only in the battalion headquarters, but also in the regiment headquarters.

The regiment leader happened to go to the division headquarters for a meeting today, and now he was in the process of hurriedly arranging the car.

As for the division headquarters, there is not much reaction now. The main division headquarters is a bit far away, and the roads here are not good, so it takes four or five hours to drive here.

In this case, when they come over, maybe the army commander will be gone.

Therefore, the division headquarters could only call the official and ask him to explain the situation on behalf of the division!

"I didn't believe in geniuses before, but now that I see you, I really believe it!"

On the grassland, the army commander was in front, and Wang Ye was a little behind. When he heard the army commander's words, Wang Ye smiled and said: "The chief has given me a reward!"

The commander smiled and said: "I have not won any prizes. The feeling you give me is just like that of an ancient M who grew up on a horse!"

"Hey!" Wang Ye smiled and stopped answering.

It cannot be said that cheating is not the case.

Looking at Wang Ye, after taking a few steps forward, the commander changed the subject: "The formation you came up with is very useful. Recently, our frontline has used the formation to achieve great success in several small conflicts! "

Wang Ye smiled and said: "Chief, I didn't do this. This belongs to our ancestors. I just moved it here!"

"Haha!" The Army Commander also laughed: "I didn't say you developed it either!"

After saying this, the army commander paused.

Looking at Wang Ye, he said: "The cavalry company may have to hold back for a while.

You are like a knife being sharpened in the house. I hope you can sharpen the knife again. "

After a pause, the army commander continued: "White elephants are constantly looking for trouble at the national border because of our road construction.

We are still within the tolerance range and are trying our best to negotiate with them. But in the end, if the negotiation fails, or at a critical moment, we may still have to deal with them severely! "

Wang Ye immediately stopped smiling.

"Yes! I promise to sharpen our knife quickly and sharply. If it is not unsheathed, I will chop off their heads cleanly!"

"Well, I believe you have your strength!" The army commander nodded with a smile.

Take a few steps forward again and look around the pasture.

Suddenly, the military commander changed the topic again: "It's almost the Chinese New Year again!"

"Yes!" Although Wang Ye didn't know why the army commander suddenly lamented this, he still responded: "There are only more than forty days left."

"Yes! There are only more than forty days left!" The army commander still said with emotion.

He turned around and looked over: "Wang Ye, I'll give you another mission!"

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment, but then he immediately came to his senses: "Yes!"

When the army commander gave him a mission, Wang Ye naturally had no reason to refuse.

It's just that the commander of the army spoke very relaxedly about the mission this time, and his expression was always smiling: "I will ask comrades from the army's propaganda department to come over in two days, and then you will cooperate in shooting a video recording of New Year's greetings!"


Wang Ye was really shocked this time.

But then Wang Ye also knew the army commander's intention.

Crying poor!

Use the current cavalry company to cry poverty.

An army man rides a horse and holds a stick. He doesn't even use a gun. He doesn't have any tanks or artillery. He just rides a horse on the grass and salutes you with a stick.

Handsome and poor!


"Chief, are we not suitable?

Aren’t we going to hide it? "Wang Ye said softly.

The army commander smiled and said: "Just don't use blunt weapons. Our country has cavalry and it's nothing to make a fuss about. When the time comes, you can change to sabers."

By the way, don’t you have the best sword in the world?

Take that one, and don’t cover your face this time. Show your face openly, it’s okay! "

"Okay!" Wang Ye was helpless.

This is because I want to make myself famous again!

When the commander of the Key Army spoke, he couldn't refuse.

Of course, he also understood what the military commander meant.

Anyway, Wang Ye is a famous celebrity in his own right, although he has long lost his popularity on the Internet.

But once this face comes out, if they add fuel to the flames later, the heat will easily rise again.

When the first-class hero is seen riding a horse, holding a knife, and not even a gun, the people will be collectively confused, and then collectively ask where the annual military expenditures go?

"Haha, what's your expression!" Looking at Wang Ye's expression, the army commander laughed and said, "How many of our soldiers want to pay New Year greetings to the people across the country but haven't had the opportunity yet?"

Wang Ye smiled bitterly and nodded: "Yes!"

In fact, he really doesn't want any popularity. He is not a star, so why does he want this popularity?

But it’s all for military expenses!

"Chief, I also have a request!" Suddenly, Wang Ye spoke.

"Huh?" Now it was the commander's turn to be surprised.

"What request?"

"Chief, before I say my request, can I tell you a story first?"

"Okay!" Although the army commander didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Wang Ye's gourd, he nodded.

Immediately, Wang Ye talked about his previous visit to the Iron Bone Heroes Cemetery.

Naturally, the focus is on the part where you meet the pregnant woman.

For a moment, the army commander was obviously attracted by this story.

When Wang Ye said that the pregnant woman personally said that she wanted to bring a martyr home and show them this prosperous flower-growing family, the army commander turned away.

Wang Ye looked at the way the military commander turned his head and continued: "That family told me at that time that they were not the first. There were pregnant women in front of their village doing this!"

Having said this, Wang Ye stopped!

The army commander, at this time, raised his hand behind Wang Ye's back.

Ten seconds later, the military commander turned around and came over, his eyes obviously a little red.

"Then what?"

"Then I asked for their contact information, and I also told my old regimental commander, who is now the commander of Brigade C, and he said that he wanted to go and see the child in person when he was born!"

"Well, sure, I want to go take a look!" The military commander nodded heavily.

Wang Ye looked at his appearance and guessed that the army commander must also have a past.

But this is also nonsense. Most of the leaders of their age group had actually been on the battlefield back then.

It's strange that he doesn't feel anything about this kind of thing.

But that's not what Wang Ye wants to say now.

"Chief, I know that our army is reorganized and downsized, but there are still 1,182 soldiers of our Iron Bone Heroes quietly waiting at the borders of the motherland.

They have no one to guard the tomb, and no one cleans the cemetery on time.

Before we changed our defense, our group would go there two or three times a year. But since the change, the Iron Bones Heroes Group is responsible for patrol duties and cannot spare time. In addition, the journey is too long. This is the first time for us to go there this year.

When I went there, there were weeds in the cemetery there.

I would like to ask the leader to retain the establishment of our regiment if possible.

If it is impossible, I also hope to keep the establishment of our Fourth Iron-Blooded Company so that the martyrs of our regiment can still have people to visit them every year in the future.

Even if we can't get away to see them, at least we must remember them and let the backbone and blood of the heroes and martyrs continue to flow in the troops! "

The army commander looked at Wang Ye, and Wang Ye's eyes did not dodge, and he looked into the army commander's reddish eyes.

"Okay!" The Army Commander nodded solemnly: "I can't guarantee too much about the Iron Bone Heroes, but I promise to keep the Iron Blood Fourth Company!"

"Yes!" Wang Ye stood at attention and saluted, then thanked with a smile: "Thank you, chief!"

"It's my turn to thank you, thank you for telling me such a beautiful story!"

After the army commander said this, he turned around again and moved forward.

And he also waved his hand towards Wang Ye: "You go and do your work, I will wander around this pasture alone and breathe some fresh air!"


Wang Ye stood at attention and responded.

He knew that the story just now had really caught the heart of the military commander.

The current army commander must have thought of his former comrades.

However, Wang Ye has nothing to be embarrassed about. He made a vow in his heart before leaving the cemetery to protect the Iron Bone Heroes, and he will definitely bring it up when he sees the army commander this time.

In fact, Wang Ye will not only talk to the army commander, but also talk to his father-in-law next time the reform is approaching.

Although Wang Ye hates guanxi households, he doesn't mind becoming the person he hates most for the sake of the more than 1,100 martyrs.

Of course, Wang Ye didn't really leave.

Watching the military commander go forward and backward, he and the military commander's secretary slowly followed the military commander behind him at a distance of twenty or thirty meters.

What can he do now?

The biggest thing is to receive the chief.

If they really had to go back, there would be no one around the military commander, so Lu thought they might have to jump up.

After just a few minutes, the military commander in front was gone.

Standing in front of a row of horizontal and parallel bars on the grass field.

He stood there blankly for a while.

Suddenly, the army commander turned around, glanced at Wang Ye behind him, waved and said, "Wang Ye, come here!"


Wang Ye ran over quickly.

At the same time, the army commander came to the parallel bars.

"Put your hands on it!"

"Chief, slow down!"

The secretary behind him hurriedly shouted and ran over.

You know, the chief is elderly, and the parallel bars are still a bit high.

"Chief, let me help you!"

Wang Ye was even more quick-sighted. He rushed to the commander's side and helped him support him, allowing him to slowly sit on it.

"Haha, man! I really can't stand it anymore!"

Sitting on the pole, the commander sighed with emotion.

Then he waved to the secretary, indicating that he should continue to the side. Then he looked at Wang Ye below and patted the side: "Come on, come up and sit down!"


Wang Ye was not polite. He grabbed the pole with both hands and got up and sat down very lightly.

The army commander looked over and said: "I really envy you young people!

I think back then, I could also do well on the parallel bars.

But I can’t do it now, it’s hard to even get on the bar! "

Wang Ye smiled and said: "The chief is still very strong. I was just worried about the chief just now. In fact, it is definitely okay if I don't help the chief!"

"Haha! Come on, open your eyes and tell lies. You Wang Ye is a first-class meritorious official and a hero of the country. Don't be a flatterer!"


Wang Ye smiled naively.

At this time, the army commander reached into his pocket.

A pack of cigarettes was taken out.



Wang Ye was not polite. He was the commander of the army, and he didn't pretend to be a good boy.

What's more, smoking in the military camp is not considered a bad boy.

On the battlefield, cigarettes are an essential military commodity.

But what surprised Wang Ye was that the cigarette the chief took out was actually from the front door.

The army commander noticed Wang Ye's eyes and said with a smile: "I'm used to smoking. When we went to the battlefield, we were so addicted to cigarettes like this. We usually smoke Liu Sanjie's brand!"

"Haha!" Wang Ye smiled and put the cigarette in his mouth. At the same time, he quickly took out a lighter and helped the commander to light it first.

Then he lit it himself.

Wang Ye had never heard of Liu Sanjie's brand of cigarettes, but that didn't matter.


The military commander took out a puff of cigarette and looked forward: "Let me tell you some stories too!"

Wang Ye's story just now brought back memories of the commander. At this moment, the commander really needed to find someone to talk to, otherwise he would feel depressed.

"Hello, battalion commander!"

At the checkpoint on the edge of the grassland, an off-road vehicle stopped. The sentry came over and saluted immediately when he saw the passenger in the car.

But the current battalion commander had no intention of returning the greeting and quickly asked: "Where is the commander?"

"It's at the parallel bars training ground over there, and Deputy Battalion Commander Wang is accompanying us!"

From the checkpoint side, he could directly see the situation there, so he could answer directly.

"Open the door!" Without another word, the battalion commander gave the order directly.


The sentry didn't hesitate, turned around and raised the railing.

The car drove in quickly.

Then on the track cleared in the grass, dozens of meters away from the parallel bars training ground, he was stopped.

"For what?"

The chief's secretary stopped him and came directly to ask.

Yu Junwei is only a major, and the secretary to the army chief is a lieutenant colonel, so there is no need to be polite if he stops him at this moment.

"Hello, comrade, I am the commander of this battalion!"

Yu Junwei spoke politely.

"Don't go there, the chief doesn't want to be disturbed now, just wait with me!"


Yu Junwei nodded readily. He guessed that the lieutenant colonel in front of him should be the secretary of the chief, so he was naturally very obedient now.

On the parallel bars, the army commander also noticed Yu Junwei's arrival and finished telling Wang Ye a story: "Okay, that's it for today. Who is that person over there? Is it your battalion commander?"

"Yes!" Wang Ye nodded.

"Well! Come on, let's go down!" The military commander thought about going down by himself as he spoke.

Wang Ye was immediately shocked.

"Chief, wait, I'll get off first!" Wang Ye hurriedly slid down first.

Although he flattered the commander and said he was still very strong, if he really fell down somewhere, the division commander and regimental commander promised to come and hold him accountable with a dark face.

After helping the commander down, Wang Ye followed him towards Yu Junwei and the others.

"Hello, Chief!"

As he approached, Yu Junwei hurriedly stepped over the secretary, stepped forward quickly and stood at attention to salute.

"Well, you came very quickly!" The Army Commander nodded and asked, "Is there anyone else behind?"

"Report, our league committee is on its way!"

"Let him go back. I have nothing to do here. I will have a meal at Fourth Company later. I will go back after the meal!"

The army commander came to Wang Ye this time just to relax and see how the cavalry company's training was going.

Including asking Wang Ye to shoot a New Year greeting video was a last-minute idea, and now he doesn't want many people to join in the fun.

"Yes!" Yu Junwei responded without any hesitation.

But Wang Ye knew very well that he couldn't stop the official from coming. At most, he could just say something on the scene and contact the official later, but he would still come when he should.

"Wang Ye, let's go, it's already late, take me to see other places in your company!"


Wang Ye responded.

At this stage, he knew it would definitely happen.

Not long ago, Lu wanted to take people back to rectify the internal affairs for this reason.

He led the army commander straight to the row house where the Fourth Company currently lives. After looking around, he went to the stables.

Finally, we came to the cafeteria together.

Unfortunately, the journey to the main course was a bit far, and we didn’t catch up with the meal.

But after everyone finished eating, and after another symposium was held in the afternoon, he finally arrived before the military commander left.

But after he arrived, he just sent the army commander away.


Outside the car, as the battalion commander shouted, the entire fourth company, including Wang Ye and the main officers, collectively raised their hands.

The vehicle started and slowly drove out of the pasture.

Afterwards, the Fourth Company stopped training.

Wang Ye's office was requisitioned. The official and the battalion commander dragged Wang Ye inside and kept asking questions. They just barely asked how many puffs Wang Ye had taken when he and the commander were smoking.

"Wang Ye, you must make arrangements for the New Year's greeting video. Today I will ask the officer from the propaganda department of the regiment to come over and help you rehearse it, so that we can do it in one go!"

In the office, after the questioning, the official watched Wang Ye speak about what Wang Ye had said before.


Wang Ye did not refuse, but after answering, he also said: "It's just a video recording.

That's right, I don't want to take up too much of our time, just rehearse occasionally during the break! "

At this moment, the conditioned reflex was to scold him and tell him that he didn't care about training now.

But looking at Wang Ye and thinking that the person in front of him was Wang Ye, he suddenly couldn't scold him and even nodded: "Okay!"

According to Zhengwei's thinking, what the Army Commander told us is the top priority now. As for training or not, we should finish this matter first.

But Wang Ye said this, he must take care of Wang Ye's thoughts.

After all, this is no ordinary deputy battalion commander.

Of course, although he said yes, he also decided in his heart that if nothing happened in the future, he would come and visit often.

You must not relax in the rehearsal work, you must keep an eye on Wang Ye to get it right.

That night, after sending off the official, Wang Ye received a call from the division headquarters, and not long after that, a call from Commander Hong also came.

The army commander's visit is just a casual schedule for the army commander, but for the people below, it is a big deal.


Brigade C, Brigadier Hong, who was holding the phone, suddenly shouted excitedly.

He originally just knew that after the army commander went to Wang Ye, he wanted to make a phone call to find out what was going on.

But little did he know that Wang Ye gave him a big surprise.

The Army Commander promises to keep the Iron-Blooded Fourth Company, and the Iron-Bone Heroes will do their best!

For Brigadier Hong, this promise was really better than hearing any news.

The Iron Bones Heroes were my home for half my life in the military.

It is his starting point, and the number is an indelible mark integrated into the bone marrow and blood.

Now that the military is being reformed, even if he is a brigade commander, there is nothing he can do.

I didn't expect Wang Ye to be able to get such a guarantee.

Holding the phone, Wang Ye smiled and said: "Well, captain, don't worry, I have guaranteed the number of our Fourth Iron-Blooded Company, and I will try my best even if it's our group.

If the army commander can't do it, I'll find someone else! "

"Okay! I believe you!" Brigadier Hong responded heavily through the phone.

After finishing his words, he paused and said solemnly: "Wang Ye, thank you!"

Wang Ye smiled: "Captain, I am the 3988th soldier of the Iron-Blooded Fourth Company of our Iron Bone Heroes!"

Today, Golden Alliance was indeed going to add an update, but Boss Nuanyang said no, mainly because my hand speed is really not fast, so I can only update more than 7,000 words every day, which means I will add half a chapter every day.

If nothing unexpected happens, I will update this month to express my gratitude!

Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Nuanyang again for his golden alliance and ten alliance leaders!

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