"MD, it's so dark, it's really scary to walk alone in this forest!"

Wang Ye, the student who came to take over from Pi Xiajia in his junior year, also knew him.

Before the sophomore students came, he was the district captain of the fifth district team.

Scouts are basically the elites in their grades, and the recruits in the army are directly related to the arms. For local students, the physical examination before enrollment is also stricter.

Therefore, they will basically become the backbone of rotation training in the lower grades, and will serve as district captains and instructors to train them.

Right now, Liu Ye is wearing a night vision goggle, and while looking around, he is also using the headset in his helmet to chat with "Pi Xiaojia" and the two surrounding comrades who are leaving to take over.

"Indeed, the firepower is still insufficient. If the ammunition on my body is not blank but live ammunition, then I can walk with the wind even if I go to the mass grave in the middle of the night.

But I was a little flustered with empty ammunition all over my body. I heard that there are wolves and black bears in the mountains here! "

Listening to the voices of his comrades who went to take over from the headset together, Liu Ye looked around, pressed the headset and said, "Bah, I thought you were afraid of ghosts!"

"Ha ha!"

Laughter came from the headset.

But this time Liu Ye ignored him.

"Old Pi, what about people, I'm almost there!"

"Lie down, just come here!"

At a distance of seventy to eighty meters from the No. 8 sentinel marked on their junior map, Wang Ye stood behind a big tree in the jungle and looked at the forest not far away with the night vision goggles he had seized from Pi Xiaojia. The person who came, softly imitated Pi Xiaojia's voice and spoke.


Liu Ye didn't think much about it. After pressing the headset and responding, he complained again: "MD, two hours! Lao Pi, why don't you stay with me for a shift later? I'm laid off, please eat instant noodles! "

Wang Ye hid behind the tree and watched him, smiled and imitated Pi Xiaojia's voice and said, "I can think about it if you add something more!"


I'll go, Brother Pi, if you accompany me on the shift, how about adding a pack of seven wolves! "

"You can consider it, you come here first!"

Wang Ye was still thinking about finding an excuse to not let Pi Xiaojia go with the other junior students who were sent to the sentry, but now this guy actually came to him with a reason, how could Wang Ye not be happy.

"Old Pi, it's not like you, a bucket of instant noodles and a pack of seven wolves accompany a team of guards?

Why don't you help me watch class one, I'll give you two buckets of instant noodles and a pack of Yunyan! "At this time, the voices of other junior students who were going to pick up the whistle came from the headset.

"Get out, this is about me and Brother Pig, don't make up your mind!"

In the headset, before Wang Ye could respond, Liu Ye was a little out of breath.

"Okay, come here first, don't talk on the mic!"

At this time, Wang Ye watched him gradually approaching, and said something hastily.

He is hiding here, if he gets closer, if he speaks again, he will hear him.

He is ready to fuck him.

"Okay, here I come!"

Liu Ye responded, this time after letting go of the headset, he ran straight away.

The distance of twenty or thirty meters is crossed in a few seconds.

When he was smiling, he was still thinking about finding some reason to let Pi Xiaojia really stay with him.

Suddenly, he suddenly felt something rush out from the side.


With a bang, he was thrown down the next moment.

At this second, he was also very frightened. In the jungle in the middle of the night, something suddenly appeared and rushed towards him. Even if he was a soldier, but the soldier had not undergone gallbladder removal operation, he would still be frightened.

"Captain Liu, you talk a lot!"

On the ground, after being thrown down by Wang Ye, Liu Ye received the same treatment as Pi Xiaojia just now.

A strong man locks men with one hand.

The difference is that this time Wang Ye didn't cover his mouth with the other hand, but grabbed Liu Ye's hand behind him.

"MD, Wang Ye!"

With dead grass and fallen leaves stained on his face, Liu Ye's head was held high like a tortoise caught by its shell.

At this moment, he was so angry inside.

"Bastard, it's so scary!"

"Hey, Captain Liu, stop swearing, you can't beat me again, be careful and I'll beat you later!" Wang Ye threatened him with a smile.

In a word, Liu Ye was even angrier when he said it.

"If you have the ability, let me stand up and fight alone!"

With a blushing blushing, Liu Ye didn't think about anything else, and just uttered annoyed.


"Captain Liu, are you sure?"

Pressing him, Wang Ye laughed out loud.

In a word, it was like a basin of cold water was poured over his head.


A national quintessence represents his response.

Singled out, that is impossible to singled out.

Although he had never fought with Wang Ye, they had seen Wang Ye and senior students compete in martial arts last year, like a grandfather beating a grandson.

At that time, they were only sophomores, and they were not yet qualified to lead recruits. It was now their seniors, and even the students who had graduated from last year's seniors were educated by Wang Ye.

At that time, they said that next year they were really going to take the sophomore Wang Ye and the others, and they would definitely not be able to compete with Wang Ye in any military boxing.

"Hey, Team Liu, you're dead, please abide by the drill rules!"

Wang Ye stretched out his hand and wiped his neck, cutting his throat. After speaking, he let go and stood up with a smile.

After more than a minute, Liu Ye also sat next to Pi Xiaojia at the eighth post.

And he looked at Wang Ye holding his helmet and Pi Xiaojia's helmet in a daze, imitating their voices, and chatting with other sentries nearby.

Eyes wide open.

Liu Ye looked like he had never seen the world. After Wang Ye let go of the headset and stopped talking, he stared blankly at Pi Xiaojia, who was beside him with a helpless face, and said, "So, didn't you chat with me just now?"

"What the hell? Didn't you see that when you came, I didn't have a helmet?"


Liu Ye was speechless.

Of course, in an instant, he had his eye on Wang Ye, regardless of whether he was killed or not.

He was extremely interested in Wang Ye's ability to change his voice.

He wants to learn.

But Wang Ye had nothing to do, so he started to teach them with a smile.

He even continued to demonstrate to them, chatting with other sentries using their two helmets in front of them.

However, in less than half an hour, the people from the third district team outside finished their work.

After Wang Ye ordered everyone to close the team, he took the night vision goggles of Pi Xiaojia and the other two and said, "Okay, two captains, if you want to participate in the confrontation tomorrow, you can, anyway, I don't mind, but you are here now." Be quiet and wait for someone to find you as a dead body!"

Just now, Wang Ye had imitated Pi Xiaojia's voice, saying that he would stay with Liu Ye.

Now, just wait for the next sentinel to take over.

But it doesn't matter.

The layout has been done, it doesn't matter if they see it.

At night, Wang Ye would arrange for people to stare outside with binoculars and night vision goggles.

If someone came down to check, the team from the third district would not be polite.

This night, someone is destined to have no sleep.

Of course, this person is definitely not from the third district team. Now that the arrangement is over, even if there are still people on duty later, the duty is still on rotation.

This sleepless, said yes junior battalion commander and instructor.

I witnessed the work of the people from the third district team. They actually wore communication equipment before, and wanted to know why other people didn't respond to Pi Xiaojia's being dealt with and the people who came to take over from behind.

Then they were shocked to realize that Wang Ye would imitate the sound.


At the beginning of two o'clock in the morning, a series of gunshots woke up the people in the two district teams around the third district team.

"what's the situation?"

"Where did the gunshot come from?"

"What are you doing?"

The students of the third district team who heard gunshots on both sides of the third district team were all awakened.

In the third district team, everyone was also awakened.

But the team from the third district didn't make the same fuss as the people from the other district teams.

"Damn, someone really came!"

"It will definitely come, but don't worry about them, let's continue to sleep!"

The students of the third district team had expected this situation a long time ago.

The next shift of the junior year, after discovering the situation of Pi Xiaojia and Liu Ye, will definitely not be able to resist checking the situation outside, and then maybe they will come out to check the reality of the trap at a close distance.

Naturally, the third team now has two night vision goggles and a telescope.

They can completely guard the place where they set up traps, and if they find someone, they shoot directly.

However, the scout outside was also wary.

He came to check, and also made various tactical moves, rushing to the positions with bunkers everywhere.

So these few gunshots did not make him smoke.

But there was no smoke, and he didn't dare to move on now.

"what to do?"

Less than ten minutes after the sound of the gunshots, where the third-year students were stationed in the rear, the backbone students of the third-year students all got up and gathered together.

The instructor of the second company said with a serious face: "According to Cai Shien's report, the third district team has dug a lot of traps outside, and many of them must be fake, but now it is difficult to tell the real from the fake!" The director and the instructor said: "In this case, it will be difficult for you to fight against them tomorrow.

I think just change the target.

Change to another team's defense zone to attack, and after finishing this side, go to Wang Ye's side! "

His countermeasure is indeed the best way at present.

There are four companies in the junior year, and 13 district teams in the sophomore year.

Offensive, if there is no accident tonight, Wang Ye must be the focus of attention, not because the rules are restricted, they may have a battalion directly to Wang Ye's side.

Direct crowd tactics, hanging Wang Ye up to fight.

but now.

The company commander pulled his face: "MD, this Wang Ye is really good at making trouble!"

He looked at the third company commander beside him: "Then let's change.

Lao He, your company is going to attack No. 10 defense zone, we will fight No. 8, and after we finish fighting No. 8, I will go straight to No. 7 to clean him up! "


The third company commander nodded.

On the map in front of them, the town was divided into thirteen districts, and the team in the third district now corresponds to the seventh defense district.

Originally, according to the plan, they would fight together from the sixth to the ninth, and then push in to attack other defense zones after the fight.

But now, the first wave of Wang Ye must be free.

Things have changed.

The sentry was killed, and they couldn't figure out what was outside the No. 7 defense zone.

There are so many traps out there, who knows which ones are true and which ones are false.

So I can only avoid it and not go here.

Of course, Wang Ye must have expected their way of coping.

But for Wang Ye, now he is just acting district captain.

You only need to consider your own district team, and you can only consider your own district team.

He should not consider other regional teams.

Even because of the need to test the commanding ability of the acting district captains, the district teams in the sophomore year can't even communicate with each other, and the communication channels are all isolated.

In this case, Wang Ye naturally didn't care about the fact that after he was protected from the first wave of attacks, the attacks would fall on other teams.

All he needs to know now is that after they go to other teams, they will definitely be hindered and suffer losses, and even armored vehicles will find it difficult to drive over.

When that happens, he will naturally fight better.

The trap, Wang Ye actually never thought that he could really trap the junior's car in the first place.

They are not fools, unless they receive a death order and insist on being the first to fuck themselves, otherwise they can only take a detour.

Time passed slowly, and as the sky gradually brightened, there was a whirring sound from the sky outside the town.

The junior gunship is here.

And not only helicopters, drones can also be seen flying around as a small dot in the sky.

It's just that this thing has no sound.


After a while, the sound of armored vehicles came from the jungle.

In the small town, the students of each district team are waiting in full force.

"Everyone is ready, Class 7, pay attention to me, no one is allowed to go up to the second floor, hide on the first floor, be careful of artillery attacks, and be careful of snipers!"

Wang Ye ordered with a headset.

At this time, if you issue such an order, you don't have to worry about whether you will be monitored.

Anyway, even if he listened, his order was issued.

All of a sudden, everyone in class seven responded.

Armored vehicles and artillery are certainly not really just bunkers.

Yesterday, as soon as the junior entered the field, he demonstrated to everyone what it means that although my guns did not actually fire, I can still kill people.

They can contact dispatch and say which house on the side of the road was shelled, or which house was machine-gunned.

According to the situation, the dispatcher will evaluate whether the call made the person in the house to exit directly, announce that he was injured, or escape.

Naturally, this situation can only exist in houses that they can directly see on the side of the road.

But right now, although Wang Ye has to arrange for people to watch outside the town.

But the people Wang Ye arranged were not inside the house, but squatting in the corner outside the house through two or three walls of the house, getting up from time to time to take a quick look at the situation outside.

In this case, even if they fire with machine guns, the dispatcher standing behind the seventh squad will not announce that the people of the seventh squad are smoked and killed.

However, this did not happen.

"Brother Wang, they didn't come to our place, they went to the second and fourth district teams!"

Han Qi's voice came from the headset.

Wang Ye is also in the outer housing area now, but Wang Ye did not show his face.

Nonsense, he was shot down by a sniper rifle the night before, how could Wang Ye not accept his lesson now.

Even if the junior company didn't dare to attack their own zone team's defense zone head-on, it was still very easy to leave two snipers outside.

In this case, how could Wang Ye give them a chance.

If there is smoke coming out of the outcrop later, then Wang Ye will not be able to do a 5,000-word self-criticism.

He himself could not accept such a thing.

The bravery of a common man cannot be fulfilled, he is now a commander.

When you are in your position, you have to take responsibility.

The matter of charging into battle can now be left to the temporarily promoted deputy district captain here.

In wartime, the deputy is the commando leader.

"Okay, each squad will continue to monitor, and when it is confirmed that they are fighting, the seventh squad will stay behind, and be careful that there are infantry assaults in front.

Class 8 and Class 9 pay attention to both sides to be on call at any time! "

Wang Ye ordered in a deep voice by pressing the headset.

At this moment, Wang Ye took out a cigarette and lit it with a "snap".

The battle plan has actually been drawn up.

But the battle plan on paper was drawn up before the war. Even if there is an association with the current situation and situation, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. How can Wang Ye really only think about using the battle plan drawn up in advance.

The battle plan must always be modified according to the situation.



Standing at the window without any windows, Wang Ye looked at the firing helicopter flying in the sky next door.

At the same time, they could also hear gunshots from both sides, the sound of armored vehicle engines, and even occasional explosions such as shock bombs.

Both sides have already fought.

There is one district team on the left and three district teams on the right, but the defense zone of Wang Ye's district team is empty in the middle.

"The team in the second district is finished, and it took less than an hour. The casualties in the junior year are less than ten!" The duty room, now it's completely like a drill against the director's department.

Indoors, there are still many security personnel who can't see so many monitoring pictures on the big screen with computers.

Now, looking at the big screen in front of him, Old Zhou sighed.

Cao Guanlin next to him frowned.

He didn't curse, but he was holding his breath inside.

bad mood.

The second team is the worst in the four theaters that are fighting at the same time.

The battle plan given to him yesterday is not reflected at all now.

Looking at it from their perspective, it's just playing blindly.

In contrast, the other three district teams played well.

Although the loss was also heavy, the battle plan was still reflected, and the battle loss ratio was also better than that of the second district team.

He didn't say anything, he just looked at it with a straight face.

On the one hand, the junior battalion commander and instructor are also watching seriously.

The two were not proud of the situation of the second district team.

This is just an appetizer, the sophomore itself is a rookie.

What's more, now it's a team playing in a row.

Of course, the most important thing is that the name Wang Ye is now stuck in their throats like a fishbone.

Before the fishbone was pulled out, they didn't dare to laugh at all.

I'm afraid how loud I laugh now, and how painful it will be when my face is dumped later.

After all, the accident has already appeared.

In their junior year, they wanted to use the most elite one to eat Wang Ye in the first wave, but now, they force Wang Ye to watch the show with his legs up.

Dazhang, the words are a little less, only five thousand, and the debt will be repaid tomorrow, and today’s plus the previous one will be made up.

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