Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 485: Action, The Sixth Plan (Seeking Order, Seeking Support)

"Huh? What's going on, why did Master A's plane fly back? Did you leave something at home?"

In the director department, although the confrontation has not yet officially started, for the director department, it actually started to work when it decided to test the combat effectiveness of Division C.

Right now, there are not only news officers carrying cameras in the designated combat areas.

There are also some vehicles monitoring the battlefield and even the helicopters belonging to the director's department are also in working condition.

On the big screen in the director's department, there is a picture of the current march of Division A and Division C.

The headquarters at all levels have not been monitored, after all, it has not started yet.

Now it's like shooting a promotional film, only shooting pictures of troops gathering and marching.

But at this moment, in one of the pictures, a Z-9 flew back.

After seeing this scene, some bigwigs in the director's department immediately laughed out loud.

However, some people frowned.

Because this is confrontation, and to put it more broadly, it is combat.

When fighting on the battlefield, you lose everything, how can such a person do it.

What's more, they knew that the chief of staff of Division A was on this plane.

Of course, it is not sure if he really lost something at home.

"Ask what's going on!"

The chief of staff of the army spoke to the staff in the director's department.


Next, someone immediately went to execute the order.


"Chief, the Chief of Staff of Division A reported that he has an important battle plan and is going to discuss it with their division commander!"


The commander turned his head to look over.

And someone laughed and said: "It seems that Wei Laohei is trying to hold back a big move. Just now he asked us for the right to act independently. Now we just agreed, and his plane turned around directly!"

"Hehe, that's pretty good!" The commander smiled.

He is happy to see the commanders under him give him a little different way of fighting.

I am used to the same drills, and the following ones are like marionettes, moving at every command.

He has seen that kind of exercise too much, and now he occasionally comes to something different, and he still has a little expectation.

They didn't ask anyone to get to the bottom of it. Since they were given the right to act independently, they just watched.

If there are surprises, he will be happy to see them, and this is also an opportunity for the commanders below to show off personally.

As for screwing up, it's just a drill, and it also allows them to see the capabilities of their subordinate commanders.

So, just watch, they're just the director department.


It's on the side of the road not far from the A Division camp.

Helicopters circled overhead.

Wang Ye and the chief of staff entered a bulletproof off-road vehicle in the convoy that stopped on the road.

Right now in the car, the teacher fell into hesitation.

Just now the chief of staff has informed the division commander of the idea discussed with Wang Ye.

Mr. en's thinking was a little bit shocked.

For so many years, he has been conscientious and conscientious. Except for the recent change of the whole division due to the arrival of Deputy Teacher Hong, he is very disciplined at other times.

And now, doing such an outrageous thing.

"Teacher, the exercise is actual combat!" The chief of staff looked at the teacher's hesitation, and immediately stared at the teacher, emphasizing this sentence again very solemnly.

The teacher looked over.

Then, his eyes fell on Wang Ye's head.

Suddenly, the teacher smiled.

"It's really a generation of new people replacing the old ones. Maybe it's because I'm getting old, and I'm not as aggressive as you young people!"

After a pause, he looked at Wang Ye and said with a smile: "It's a waste of you to be born now. If you were put in the war years, maybe you have made great achievements in battle now!"

"Hehe!" Wang Ye smiled shyly.

Suddenly, the teacher's whole body vibrated: "Okay, then act according to what you said!"


Wang Ye and the chief of staff laughed together.

The teacher agreed, which means that Wang Ye's original idea has been realized.

Soon, Wang Ye and the chief of staff got out of the off-road vehicle and boarded the plane again.

Afterwards, Wang Ye was sent back to the reconnaissance battalion that had parked in front.

Right now, the battalion commander and several company commanders are already waiting here.

But now after the plane hovers

"Let Wang Ye introduce the situation to you!" The chief of staff didn't get off the plane at all, and didn't even show up. He just said this to everyone through the communicator, and then flew away again after Wang Ye came down the rope ladder!

The chief of staff has not informed everyone of the situation.

Originally, the division commander wanted to use the command system.

But the chief of staff said that he was worried that the other party would not talk about martial arts. If we monitor from the beginning, or have invaded our command system, then we will be ruined.

So, in the end, I still use the stupid way.

The chief of staff took the helicopter to the human flesh notification.

Anyway, if there is a plane, it will only take an hour at most, and the subordinate regiments can all be notified in place.


The sound of the propeller was loud.

The helicopter starts to fly away.

"Wang Ye, what's the matter?"

Looking at Wang Ye who had just come down in front of him, the battalion commander approached and asked.

The first company commander of en may still be angry with Wang Ye, so when he sees Wang Ye now, his face is obviously stinky.

Even now seeing Jiangnan, the third company commander, and the captain of the women's detachment all following the battalion commander forward, he didn't move his feet at all.

"battalion commander!"

Wang Ye didn't care about the expressions of the company leaders a few steps behind them, and saluted with a smile.

"Okay, don't come here now, what's the situation, what did the chief tell you!" At this time, Jiang Nan, who was a little behind the battalion commander, said something.

"Is such that!"

Wang Ye hastily reached out and took out a map from his pocket.

Several people gathered around, and even the company commander who had a bad face behind him came here reluctantly.

Wang Ye glanced at a few people, and then said: "According to the order of the division headquarters, our division's reconnaissance battalion is starting to move now. Instead of going to the assembly point, go to these points as quickly as possible!"

Wang Ye pointed to the three points on the unfolded map on the side of Jiangnan.

In an instant, the battalion commander who looked at the map frowned slightly.

Several people in Jiangnan were also stunned.

Because Wang Ye's words are matched with this picture, the meaning is already very clear.

"Hey, I like it, Wang Ye, you did a great job this time!" Jiang Nan smiled at Wang Ye.

Needless to say, this kind of change must be the result of Wang Ye's proposal with him before, and then he reported it.

"Is this a foul?" The captain of the female soldier team frowned and said in a low voice.

Jiangnan knew the situation very well, and the battalion commander knew it well, but the commander of the first company, the commander of the third company, and the captain of the women's unit were completely unaware of what happened before.

The battalion commander ignored what the female captain said, and looked at Wang Ye: "Is this just the decision of the chief of staff, or has it been passed by the division commander?"

"The teacher nodded!"

Wang Ye spoke immediately.

"Okay! Then do it!"

The battalion commander nodded immediately.

In fact, even if it was just an order from the chief of staff, he had to carry it out. After all, the reconnaissance battalion was directly under the chief of staff.

When he asked this question, it was just a question, and there was no other meaning.

"What did you do before?" At this moment, the third company commander couldn't help but quietly pulled Jiangnan down and asked softly.

However, Jiang Nan has no time to pay attention to him now, because the battalion commander has spoken.

"Come here, let's study this picture!"

The map is actually pretty obvious now.

One of them has a big letter C and everyone knows where it is.

The resident of Division C Division.

And because the division was changed to a brigade, the structure of the current C division, or what can be called the C brigade, is different from before.

In the past, Division C was the same as Division A, and some regiments under it were stationed separately.

But after the reform, the entire brigade station was concentrated.

So the word C now is the position of the C brigade.

And everyone look at the three punctuation points on the map.

They are all in the direction of the C brigade heading for the confrontation exercise, about 100 kilometers away.

Wang Ye said: "At present we don't know which route Division C marched from.

But no accident, they should have already set off, so we can only guess their marching route to intercept. "

Looking at the crowd around him, Wang Ye continued: "We have only one priority goal, and to set up their electronic warfare center is to keep an eye on their information processing vehicles.

This thing is much more advanced than us. I've seen it, and it's a generation gap with us. If we don't get rid of this thing, our exercise will definitely be beaten throughout.

Therefore, if possible, we will directly carry a row of bazookas and wait for them on the side of the road.

When they come over and see their information processing vehicles, give him direct coverage! "

"According to the distance between the map point and their C Division, the nearest one should be 120 to 30 kilometers away. With such a long distance, how can we be sure that they will go to the place where we ambush?" At this time, the commander said with a straight face. said a word.

Immediately Wang Ye looked over: "The point is just a target point, and it is the route that the headquarters infers that they are likely to march.

But the actual combat plan must not be so rigid. "

After a pause, Wang Ye looked at them: "We are scouts. We only need a part of our troops to ambush. The rest should go here, here!"

Wang Ye pointed directly to a point in front of Division C's camp.

"When the army is dispatched, we don't know their path, but we can definitely find traces on the path they have traveled.

We can send troops out for reconnaissance, and then infer their heading direction based on the traces. We are revising the battle plan. "

Speaking of this, Wang Ye paused again, and then his tone changed: "Of course, what needs to be noted is that in order to prevent the enemy from getting itchy when he just replaced the new equipment, we have kept the radar on, so we can't use our communication system.

The chief instructed that for our exercise, all communicators should be silent. "

"Then how do we communicate, send troops to their door, even if we find their traces, how can we notify our ambush troops!" The company commander said again.

Wang Ye smiled, and then, Wang Ye pointed to the map: "Look, there are small towns next to our three target points.

And here, here, here, there are some small towns too! "

Wang Ye looked up at them again: "Our communicator can't be used, but it doesn't mean we can't communicate.

For example, I believe that everyone should have a QQ, and the subordinate fighters should also have one! "

"You mean to use the civilian network to contact!" At this moment, the captain of the women's unit looked at Wang Ye with wide eyes.

The expressions of the others were also taken aback.

They really didn't expect this trick.

Of course, the chief of staff did not expect this move.

This was Wang Ye's idea.

Wang Ye looked at the female soldier captain and said with a smile: "Yes, the wireless signal of mobile phones is not safe. Let's go directly to these small towns to find Internet cafes."

Wang Ye looked around at several people: "The network with fixed civilian lines, even if they have radar equipment on all the time, they definitely wouldn't think of hacking and monitoring the civilian network now!"

"Absolutely!" The third company commander was amazed at this idea.

The battalion commander even looked at Wang Ye: "Is this your idea?"

He knew the chief of staff above him, he knew the division commander, and he knew the staff of the agency even more.

Arranging troops one by one, talking about deep interspersed, studying the tactics of the martyrs, playing outflanking, battlefield raids and sneak attacks, these orthodox tactics are very good.

But let them play routines that are all out of the army system, they are not good at it.

What's more, the chief of staff is in his forties. People of this age can even learn to work with computers, but QQ, a veteran who has been in the army for decades, might not know what it is.

"Hey, yes!"

Wang Ye smiled and nodded.

"Good job!"

Jiang Nan grabbed Wang Ye's shoulder and smiled as soon as he came up.

enHe wanted to remind the few people in front of him that this was his pawn.

Although Wang Ye's compilation has never been with him.

But now he is in the second company.

"Okay, since we have a clear battle plan, let's not waste time!"

The battalion commander ignored Jiang Nan, and immediately began to give orders after watching several people.

Three points, very good points.

One to three companies, one point each, and the women's unit was broken up again, and assigned to the three companies according to the squad.

A company is responsible for a point.

Of course, only part of the force will be allocated to ambush.

According to what Wang Ye said just now, about one company and two platoons went to the front to separate and ambush.

As for the remaining platoon, the battalion commander personally took them to Division C's hometown to find traces and routes of Division C's departure.

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