Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 311 The height was lifted up suddenly (please order, please support)

The army commander didn't stay at the arena for long.

After the martial arts competition ended, Wang Ye called Wang Ye to come over to praise him, and finally patted Wang Ye on the shoulder and said: "Young man, do it well!"

Afterwards, he went to the martial arts arena, and after a close-up condolences with the members of the eighth team, he left accompanied by the teacher and the others.

Naturally, this wave of operations directly made the participants of the eighth team feel a little bit bombed.

When they threw the grenade one by one, they were three points stronger.

General, this is the first time Wang Ye has seen it with his own eyes, and although they have all been in the army for at least one and a half years, some even have been in the army for seven or eight years.

But there are very few people who have seen the general with their own eyes.

After all, the class gap is too great. Sometimes even if the commander really goes down to the army, such as the Iron Heroes, he will not let the soldiers of the whole regiment gather to see if the general is right.

Everyone was very excited, including Wu Jianfeng and the leading cadres.

Especially Wu Jianfeng and Kang Hua, now that the army commander and the others are hundreds of meters away, the red light on their faces has not dissipated.

Because when the army commander came over just now, he specifically asked who Wang Ye's company commander was, and then he stood up.

Even with Kang Hua, both of them introduced themselves in front of the commander.

At the same time, he also received encouragement from the commander.

What is this for a grassroots cadre?

This is honor.

Right now, they have returned to the off-court position where the leading cadres stayed.

But at this moment, his back was straight.

Especially after looking at the commander of the artillery company and the commander of the heavy machine gun company beside him, the red light on his face that was about to fade became more intense again.

He didn't say a word, but his posture and eyes at this time, silence speaks louder than words.


This is nonsense, let alone the commander of the artillery company and the commander of the heavy machine gun company, the commander of the fifth company who belongs to the second battalion is also sour!

If I had known today, last year I went to the job of recruiting and leading soldiers, and I had to rush to go there even if I broke my head.

If you snatch Wang Ye, then today's scenery will not be yours.

At this moment, the fifth company commander couldn't help but glance at the back of the team over there.

He saw someone walking behind.

That was the chief of staff of his regiment.

The leader of the Iron Bones Heroes, this time he and the group leader came here.

And just now, he naturally ran over to pick up the army commander with the division commander and regiment commander.

Witnessing Wu Jianfeng's limelight throughout the whole process, the chief of staff who was rumored to be defeated by a carton of milk is probably feeling uncomfortable now!

The fifth company commander felt sorry for him, and even felt a little sympathetic in his heart.

en also wants to watch the fun.

He glanced at someone beside him who was obviously still excited.

The Fifth Company Commander muttered to himself.

Come on, I will definitely come to watch the fun when the chief of staff finds you trouble!

"Two minutes and fifty-three seconds!"

In the wild forest area, beside a temporarily dug swimming pool beside a river, when Wang Ye put his hand on the bank, the referee on the bank reported the result directly.

"Damn, what a pervert~"

"Hey, I'm used to it, his physical ability."

On the shore, among the people who had already finished swimming and were still waiting in the queue, everyone couldn't help muttering.

In the 100-meter freestyle competition, if you only look at this result, Wang Ye is garbage and can no longer be garbage.

Even during the company's normal swimming training, if you swim well, your company commander promises to invite you to eat his beloved shoehorn size 42.

Kick you back into the water again, let you swim ashore within two minutes.

But today, if anyone can advance two minutes in this martial arts arena, then the army commander who is still here will definitely come over immediately and pat you on the shoulder to encourage you.

There is no way, the 100-meter freestyle in the divisional competition is required to wear clothes to enter the water.

This is also different from what everyone has trained before.

In the company training before, it was said to be the 100-meter freestyle, and there were no other restrictions.

But after coming here for the competition, everyone knew that the rules of this project had been temporarily changed.

Starting from actual combat, refer to the previous experience in fighting floods, so you don’t need to bring weapons and equipment, but you can’t take off your clothes and shoes.

Only the hat of the whole body can be left on the shore, and then go swimming in the water.

What does it feel like?

Swim a hundred meters, and you can tell by the appearance of Wang Ye who is reaching out and grabbing the shore.

He gasped for breath, as if he had just run another 400-meter obstacle.

In fact, this 100 meters gave Wang Ye the feeling that it would be better to run a 400-meter obstacle.

Put on your clothes and shoes and go into the water. When you swim, it seems that someone has been wrapping around you and fighting with you.

Whoever swims will know the feeling after the clothes, pants and shoes have water in them.

Anyway, yesterday's best result in this event was three minutes and eleven seconds.

Before today, the best results of the heavy machine gun company and the artillery company were three minutes and thirty-one seconds.

Moreover, among the 18 people from the fourth company in front of Wang Ye, only five of them entered within four minutes, and the rest were within five minutes.

"Come on, come up!"

On the shore, the referee waited for Wang Ye to breathe for more than ten seconds before squatting down and stretching out his hands.

This temporary swimming pool, the water is cold enough to die, there are no handrails and stairs on the shore, you can jump directly when you get down, and you need to be pulled to the shore.

Turning around, he stretched out his hand and was pulled up. Before going to change clothes, Wang Ye looked back.

This swimming pool has three tracks, and three people enter the water together.

Now there are two people behind the water, one is only seventeen or eight meters away from the shore, and the other is farther away, at least thirty meters away.

"Come on!" Wang Ye yelled, then turned and walked to the dressing room to the side.

There is a washroom here, where you can take a bath, and there is also a strong drying room. After you take off your wet clothes and shoes, you can wring out a little water and put them in to dry.

Dry within two hours.

It will definitely ensure that when you switch to an item that requires a weight-bearing assessment, the load will not be reduced due to taking out clothes and the like in the backpack.

Of course, Wang Ye and the others don't need to change the scene now.

In the morning, the four assessments ended, and the time was close to eleven o'clock.

Just wait here now.

After all the field competitions are over, continue to participate in the group competition in the afternoon.

However, this is just what Wang Ye thought.

But in fact, at twelve o'clock, all the team members who had just finished eating were gathered under the high stage before the competition yesterday.

"Hello comrades!"

"Hi sir!"

On the stage, the army commander with one wheat and one star stood there.

When the army commander came, it was natural to seize the opportunity to let the army commander give a lecture. It happened that the individual competition was over, so the whole division assembled and the army commander took the stage.

"Actually, I was planning to come over this afternoon to see your team sports.

I arrived early in the morning, and I was really surprised by your teacher A.

Very good, Division A has produced a strong dragon, breaking the military record in 400 meters, and my face is bright."

On the stage, the army commander spoke with a smile.

The words were very casual, but his words made everyone in the teacher feel a sense of pride.

Because the army commander is praising Division A.

Standing at the height of the army commander, Wang Ye alone is the achievement of the whole division.

And they are also part of Division A.

Of course, for the soldiers and cadres of other regiments, this sense of pride comes and goes quickly.

It is impossible for everyone to ignore the fact that.

Standing at the height of the army commander, they are all from Division A.

But stand on your own.

Wang Ye belongs to the Iron Bone Heroes.

So soon, among the people standing behind the army commander, only the two leaders and the division commander of the Iron Bones Heroes could laugh, while the leaders of the other regiments were all a little sour.

Sour, this good soldier is not from his regiment!

"My lord, you are so awesome!"

"Wang Daniu, from now on I will only call you Wang Daniu, the army commander is so flattering on you!"

Beside Wang Ye, comrades-in-arms of Silian couldn't help but whisper excitedly.

Wang Ye didn't return them. At this moment, Wang Ye's hands were clenched into fists.

Excited, and a little nervous.

The army commander has raised his height all at once!

In the past, I could only be regarded as a group treasure. Now, I should be able to become a master treasure, and even become a military treasure if I don’t prepare.

Soon, the army commander finished his speech, and he didn't speak for too long, just three or four minutes.

Immediately afterwards, the teacher and the committee member also came to the stage and gave a few brief words respectively.

Then, the award ceremony officially began.

"Private Wang Ye of the Second Battalion and Fourth Company of the Iron Bones Heroes!"

The colonel host on stage, the first name to call out was Wang Ye's.


In the audience, Wang Ye didn't have a speaker or a microphone, but Wang Ye's loud response was heard by almost everyone in the audience.

"Comrade Wang Ye, with a time of 16 minutes and 58 seconds, won the first place in the five-kilometer armed cross-country competition among the nine personal competitions.

At the same time, with this achievement, Comrade Wang Ye broke the record of the five-kilometer cross-country armed division, and became the new five-kilometer cross-country record holder of our A division. Everyone applauds! "

When Wang Ye appeared on stage, the host was announcing Wang Ye's record.

At the same time, it also explains what the awarding project is now.

I will stay up late tonight for another chapter. I will go home tomorrow and have to drive, so I can only update when I get home at night.

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