Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 236 A Carload of Ammunition (Please Order, Please Support)

A confrontation exercise, in fact, is still very effective for the Iron Bones Heroes.

After at least one confrontation, everyone's attention was no longer on Deng Hai after the end.

The whole group, resume normal training.

It's just because of Wang Ye's existence that the recruits and veterans of the fourth company are actually feeling very difficult now.

Getting up in the morning is a load-bearing eight kilometers.

In the morning, the exercise class started with another 400-meter obstacle, and then I went to teach the recruits some military skills.

And let alone after lunch, this is the most difficult.

Although we will rest for about half an hour before pulling out to run 400 meters.

But if you eat too much, half an hour is not enough to digest.

A trip of 400 meters can reach you.

This also made the recruits and veterans of the whole company put down their chopsticks when they only dared to eat seventy percent full for lunch.

I dare not eat too much!

"Brother Wang, what did you say we need to do today!"

The armored car made a "bang bang" sound. Sitting in the car right now, Peng Yuhang, who was beside Wang Ye, couldn't help but leaned over and asked in a low voice.

In fact, he was asking Wang Ye superficially, but when he asked, his eyes turned to the other side again. He hoped that Ban Qiaoxuan would give him an answer.

However, Qiao Xuan held the gun with a serious face and closed his eyes to rest there, completely ignoring it.

Wang Ye glanced at him and said with a smile, "How do I know, just wait!"

Up to now, Wang Ye is also used to Silian's style.

It’s just that before doing something, I basically don’t tell everyone what I’m going to do first, and I only tell you when I get to the place.

It doesn't matter to Wang Ye, he has this awareness, and now he is just a soldier, a private soldier.

Just do what you are asked to do, why ask so many questions.

Anyway, it is impossible to sell yourself.

"Okay!" Peng Yuhang nodded silently, then glanced at Qiao Xuan next to him, he leaned over again, stretched out his hand and pulled it in his pocket: "Here, Brother Wang, eat candy!"

He took out a solid fruit-flavored candy and stuffed it quietly.

Wang Ye glanced at him, smiled, didn't make a sound, took it, opened it, stuffed it in his mouth, and then put the wrapping paper away.

This guy must have secretly brought it with him after he went to the service agency to buy it.

In fact, Wang Ye also had it in his pocket.

If you are hungry, eat a piece of candy to top it off.

This scene, others have not noticed yet.

Wang Ye and the others are still sitting side by side. Qiao Xuan closed his eyes and rested his mind. Zhang Wen, who changed his position to the back, closed his eyes tightly, holding a plastic bag tightly in his hand.

He was motion sick, and now he was struggling to adapt to resistance, so he didn't have the mind to look around and care about other things.

Amidst the bang bang, the infantry chariot was not stable, it went up and down suddenly, and it had been driving for more than half an hour before it stopped.


As soon as it stopped, Zhang Wen beside him vomited.

This made Wang Ye squeeze in hastily.

Fortunately, here we are.

Wang Ye wouldn't have endured the unpleasant smell in the car like last time.

After he vomited for a while and the platoon leader came over to help him off, Wang Ye and the others got out of the car!


After getting out of the car, Wang Ye, who had just taken a big breath of air, was stunned.

Because he suddenly realized that he seemed to be in a place he was familiar with.

Of course, he is not the only one familiar with it.

"Wow, you actually came to the shooting range!"

"Are you going to shoot a target today?"

The recruits and veterans who got off from the fourth company, not to mention the veterans, the recruits, those who came out of the training camp are naturally not familiar with this place.

But the recruits from the Iron Bones Heroes Recruit Company are no strangers to them.

Because this is the shooting range that I visited on the afternoon of the first day of camping and training.

It was also here that they contributed five bursts of live ammunition for the first time in their lives.

Wang Ye was also a little surprised that he came here.

"Beep beep ~ assemble!"

At this time, Wu Jianfeng whistled and roared.

Immediately, everyone ran over in a hurry, and even those in the class who were lying on the back of the car and still vomiting were helped up to follow.

"It's been twenty-five days since the shortest training session, but you haven't fixed your posts yet. In fact, this is already seriously delaying the progress of training!"

Wu Jianfeng stood in front of everyone and spoke loudly.

"However, after today, you will be appointed.

At the same time, today will give you a complete refreshment! "

After speaking, he pointed to the parking position, where there was a car that no one knew when to catch up with the convoy.

"Come on, veterans, tell your fellow recruits what kind of car this is!" Wu Jianfeng shouted with a smile.

"Ammo cart!"

In the queue, all the veterans shouted in unison.

This made the recruits a little confused.

Everyone looked at the box truck.

This thing, loaded with ammunition?

How much is in it?

Soon everyone will know.

The carriage door was opened by two platoon leaders.

I don't know how many are piled inside. Anyway, Wang Ye and the others saw a lot of ammunition boxes piled up outside the carriage.

"The ammunition is for us today!"

Wu Jianfeng yelled with a smile, which made all the recruits feel excited.

"Fuck, fuck, it's really embarrassing!"

"How much ammunition does this cost! How many rounds can we fire today, at least a whole magazine?"

"It's so cool. The squad leader of our recruit company told me that he actually fired fifteen rounds in two years. At that time, my heart was still cold. Now I feel that he must be lying to me!"

The queue couldn't keep quiet for a moment.

When recruits join the army, in fact, everyone has a strong interest in guns.

Although up to now, everyone has actually had little interest in the gun wife in their hands, and many people even wish to keep it sealed in the armory.

But, that's because there is no bullet in the gun, and holding it in your hand can only increase the burden.

So much ammo supply now.

How can everyone not be excited.

At this moment, Wang Ye was also very excited, and his spirit, which was a little bit of a ride in the car, was instantly lifted.

The opportunity for revenge has come!

During this period of time, Zhou Qi used the fact that Wang Ye's recruit only had 40 rings to encourage the other two recruits in the class.

In his words: "Wang Ye is also a man and not a god. Seeing him shoot, he only got 40 rings, and only got a good one.

So you have to work hard, don't ask you to surpass Wang Ye in other aspects, at least try to keep up. "

What he said, can the two of them try not to work hard to say something else, anyway, this guy Peng Yuhang has actually approached Wang Ye several times during this period.

Every time, he took Wang Ye seriously to discuss shooting skills, and even told Wang Ye some shooting essentials.

en this guy, the shooting score of the recruits is 42 rings

He turned his head to look at Peng Yuhang in the queue, and it happened that this guy also turned his head to look at this time.

At this moment he was laughing.

Shooting is his only strong point.

Although there are only 42 rings, being better than other events is a personal highlight, isn't it?

What's more, among the recruits, misses and even below forty rings abound. His performance is actually not bad among the recruits as a whole.

"Brother Wang, wait and see me!"

The guy whispered to Wang Ye confidently.

"Okay, stand at attention~" Before Wang Ye could speak, Wu Jianfeng shouted in front.

Immediately, the group fell silent.

Looking at the recruits in the queue, Wu Jianfeng still smiled: "In fact, I can tell you that there are more than just rifle bullets here today."

Pointing to the ammunition cart, he said: "Today there are still machine gun bullets, the sniper rifle bullets you have been thinking about, as well as pistol bullets and rockets.

These, you can play today. "

Wu Jianfeng's words made the recruits short of breath, while the veterans looked at the recruits with playful expressions on their faces.

Someone was even grinning.

The recruits feel good, they don't.

As a field force, and a front-line combat force on the border, their chances of firing live ammunition are not comparable to that of ordinary troops.

Anyway, the fourth company will definitely happen once a season, at least every time it is an ammunition truck, the shoulders are sore, the brain is swollen, and the ears are ringing.

After the initial recruiting phase, they really don't want to be on the shooting range.

But now looking at the recruits on the side, they all find it very interesting.

Once upon a time, they were so excited.

I just don't know if they will be so excited next time after today's fight.

"Okay, target shooting is to be carried out during the practice class today, now let's have breakfast first!"

Wu Jianfeng waved his hand, and the two platoon leaders immediately closed the door of the ammunition truck.

Afterwards, Wu Jianfeng looked at the queue with the same smile on his face.

"Disband now, the monitors will take people to find breakfast!"

When Wu Jianfeng gave an order, all the recruits who were still excited were collectively stunned.

What's the meaning?

Looking for breakfast?

Isn't the cooking class following?

Their dining car is in the back.

I've mispoken?

Do you want everyone to have breakfast?

Soon Wang Ye knew it was not the case.

Because after the disbandment, Zhou Qi directly led the team not to the dining car, but to the woods on the left

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