Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 346: Playing cards with a guy who has clairvoyance enabled is really disgusting

Ouyang Xiangnan did not pay attention to the national competition.

In fact, as a ninth-level life card master, he doesn't pay much attention to news about life card duels. His focus has always been on how to carry forward Ouyang Jiazun's career.

Under this mentality, his professional performance is actually not ideal.

But being able to defeat Tan Song, even if he defeated Tan Song through cheating, was enough to prove that he still had a certain level of strength.

Ouyang Xiangnan glanced at Shen Sui and didn't recognize him.

That's easy to handle.

Not knowing it means you are not strong, and not being strong means you can fight.

"Does the Exploration Bureau only have this little information?" Ouyang Xiangnan readily accepted Shen Sui's duel invitation. "They actually sent an unknown person to stop me? Isn't You Wenqi in Linhai City? Let him come and die."

After defeating Tan Song, Ouyang Xiangnan's self-confidence has exploded.

As the secret spy's power was triggered, he had read Shen Sui's heart.

Shen Sui suppressed his instinctive reaction of power and let Ouyang Xiangnan see his superficial thoughts.

He was also curious about how the other party would respond after knowing all his thoughts.

Ouyang Xiangnan seemed to know that the Exploration Bureau had the means to force a duel, and did not give Shen Sui a chance to do so, and directly issued an invitation to a duel.

Shen Sui was honest and clicked accept.

The duel field instantly unfolded.

It blocks out all the surrounding mental pollution. This should be regarded as one of the mechanisms of this world.

"My first strike." Shen Sui glanced at the cards in his hand.

A very perfect start.

You can even send the opponent home in one turn.

His thoughts were completely transmitted to Ouyang Xiangnan's mind through the power of the secret spy.

At the same time, through the power of peeping, he could see all the cards in Shen Sui's hand.

Want to FTK me?

Ouyang Xiangnan was secretly shocked that he didn't even know about the players who could possess such abilities.

What a pity

"Hmph!" Ouyang Xiangnan smiled slightly and said, "It seems that your starting hand is very perfect."

Just when Shen Sui was about to speak, he saw the trigger at the right moment.

Ouyang Xiangnan drew a card from his hand and shouted to Shen Sui: "When the opponent's main phase starts, I can activate the effect of the follower card [Princess on the Card: Nilu] from my hand. , discard it from the hand to activate, both parties shuffle all the cards in their hands into the deck, and then draw five cards from their hands."

Is this the beginning?

Do you dare to use this card?

You only dare to rely on your extraordinary strength, right?

Shen Sui complained secretly in his heart.

Just as he was about to say a few flirty words, he suddenly remembered that Vivian had told him that if he wanted his opponent to summon the Secret Peeper, he needed to be appropriately weak and give his opponent the ability to resist.

Thinking of this, Shen Sui showed off his full acting skills, showing a very unwilling look, as if he was being tough, and said: "Even if I reshuffle the cards, I will still have no problem defeating you!"

After that, Shen Sui drew five more cards from the deck.

Shen Sui guessed that the princess on Ouyang Xiangnan's card should have a tomb effect, otherwise this card would be unlikely to appear in the deck of a ninth-level life card master.

I took a look at the five cards in my hand. Although I no longer have the ability to FTK, there is still no problem with normal expansion.

"Thank you for shuffling the cards." Shen Sui didn't forget to mock Ouyang Xiangnan, raising the opponent's blood pressure. Maybe the opponent would force himself to be the spy, "I drew the key card!"

After saying that, Shen Sui paid 5 soul points and normally summoned [Pure Horse and Golden Ship] from his hand.

Activate the effect of the Golden Ship, draw a card from the deck, and then Special Summon [Magic Apprentice Alice] from the deck.


Ouyang Xiangnan, who has seen Shen Sui's subsequent development route through his ability, is not used to Shen Sui at all: "When the opponent gets a life card from the deck outside the card drawing stage, I activate the [Princess on the Card·Ni" in the graveyard. Dew]'s effect is activated by removing her from the graveyard, selecting up to three cards from the opponent's hand and returning them to the deck. At the end of the round, the opponent can draw three cards from the deck."

Depend on!

What a disgusting ability.

Shen Sui watched Ouyang Xiangnan put his key expansion card back into the deck.

With the ability to peek, Ouyang Xiangnan, who already knew Shen Sui's hand and its development route, returned the three key cards in Shen Sui's hand to the deck without making any mistakes.

Sure enough, playing cards with a guy who has turned on clairvoyance is the process of being disgusted.

Shen Sui decided to punish this guy severely when he summoned the secret spy.

Of course, this idea cannot be seen by the other party.

However, with this tomb effect, the effect of [Princess on the Card: Nelu] is not right. Letting the opponent discard the Fairy's starting hand is only superficial. After discarding her into the graveyard, her holder will also draw five cards according to the effect, which is equivalent to stacking a grave without damage. The main purpose of Nelu's tomb effect is that when you draw cards from the deck in the main stage of the initiative round, it will directly cut three cards in your hand, and a slightly weaker deck will shut down on the spot.

Decided, if you can, take this card.

Such a sunny card is perfect for your deck.

Moreover, if you don’t have a good back attack, you can still use this card as a luck card. Isn’t it wonderful?

With this thought, Shen Sui suddenly stopped feeling sick. Who would think his life card was disgusting?

Although it was interfered by Ouyang Xiangnan, the chain of golden ship + Alice has been achieved.

Shen Sui directly cut into Alice's form and came directly to the form of [Gem Merchant Alice], and then specially summoned the sacrificial doll Aida based on the effect of the golden ship.

After activating the Aida effect to summon the tokens, Shen Sui directly liberated one of the tokens and normally summoned [Elf Queen Fremea] from his hand.

If Ouyang Xiangnan hadn't returned [Fairy Rose·Jiyue] to the deck, Shen Sui's step was actually to find Fairy Rose.

According to the effect of the gem merchant, Shen Sui had to pay an additional 3 soul points this time.

Fremea's summons requires paying 14 soul points, and the liberation of the sacrificial doll derivatives reduces the cost by 9 points, so Shen Sui paid 8 soul points, and his remaining soul points came to 3.

Shen Sui once again released a token and covered up the last card in his hand.

"My turn is over."

As the round ended, the effect of the princess on the card was triggered, and Shen Sui drew three cards from the deck.

These three cards have no place to hide in the eyes of Ouyang Xiangnan who has activated his abilities.

Very good, no hand traps.

Ouyang Xiangnan confirmed.

"Is this the only level you have? Huh, you actually dare to challenge me." Ouyang Xiangnan sneered and drew a card from the deck, "It's my turn next!"

"My main stage! Pay 10 soul points and activate the spell card [Treasure Card of Choice] from my hand."

"Only used once per Duel, five minion picks for my deck."

"Each time the selection succeeds, I can draw a card from the deck."

"If all five selections are successful, the cost of using the card will be refunded."

Three chapters today.

Ahem, my today refers to two o'clock ago.jpg

Tomorrow, if nothing else happens, it will be 10,000 words.

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