Chapter 0073 – Only Earning 20 Million, It’s Really Not Much!!

Chapter 73 only earned 20 million, it’s really not a lot to see the father-in-law who doesn’t believe it, Ye Tian smiled.

Then he took his phone and walked towards the tent.

Seeing his confident face, Father Dai had some doubts in his heart.

“This kid, has he really scooped up tens of millions worth of gold? No way! When pigs fly! ”

Shaking his head, he directly dismissed this idea from the bottom of his heart.

If only in such a short time, ten million could be earned, and people in the country would have flocked to it long ago.

A few decades ago, Ghana was the poorest country in the world.

Now although there is a lot of development.

But most of the local people are still living in dire straits.

Dai Xiaomeng’s peach blossom eyes were full of curiosity and looked at the figure on the screen.

“Xiaotian, you won’t really have already scooped up gold worth tens of millions! The corner of Ye Tian’s mouth smiled. ”

“You’ll know in a moment.”

At this time, Dai Mu also came over.

Put the washed strawberries on the table and take another one to feed to my daughter.

She looked puzzled and asked, “What ten million gold?” ”

Dai Xiaomeng looked up at her gentle and delicate goose egg face, looked at her mother and explained with a little excitement: “Mom! Xiaotian may have dug up tens of millions worth of gold! ”

Without waiting for Dai’s mother to be surprised, Dai’s father said lightly: “There is no glimpse of the eight characters!”

I admit that Xiaotian has dug up a lot of gold before.

But 10 million is not a small amount.

Your mother and the two of us have worked hard for most of our lives to save a million deposits, you can imagine how difficult it is to earn 10 million!

The little genius went to Ghana in less than half a month, and it is already very powerful to earn millions! ”

Mother Dai, who reacted, squeezed her daughter’s shoulder and comforted with a smile: “Mother knows that you want your husband to become a dragon, and I hope Ye Tian will come back and marry you as soon as possible.” But 10 million is not something that can be earned with hard work.

Our family is not short of money, even if Xiaotian earns less, there is no problem! ”

Dai Xiaomeng, whose mind was debunked, had a faint blush on the face of the goose egg.


She shyly buried her head in her mother’s arms.

Dai’s mother smiled and gently stroked her daughter’s back.

The two are such a child, and the daughter can meet people who like each other.

And people who are good to her.

When parents are naturally in favor of both hands.

Although Ye Tian’s family is a little more ordinary. But in other respects, it is almost impeccable.

and her daughter is also talented and beautiful.

On the other side, I heard the words of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and looked at my girlfriend’s coquettish appearance.

Ye Tian smiled even happier!

Nothing is better than achieving something.

Showing off in front of your parents, relatives, and loved ones is even happier!


Unzipping the tent, Ye Tian walked in.

On the other side, Dai Xiaomeng turned her head from her mother’s arms and secretly looked at the screen.

Last time, Xiaotian found millions worth of gold in one day.

There should be a little more now!

Back in the tent, Ye Tian put the mobile phone on the triangular stand on the side.

“Mom and Dad, Xiaomeng, wait a minute, it’s a little troublesome.”

Ye Tian looked at the camera with a smile on his face. Father Dai raised an eyebrow.


Even if you find a few million gold, it will weigh about ten kilograms! Isn’t it okay to take it out directly?

Dai Mu and Dai Xiaomeng were also curious.

Inside the tent.

After putting away his mobile phone, Ye Tian directly put the camp bed to the upper side. Instead of taking the gold bars out piece by piece, it’s still so simple and hassle-free.

Saw that he moved all the camp beds over.

The curiosity in Dai’s father’s mother’s and Dai Xiaomeng’s eyes was even greater.

How much gold is worth such a toss!

Seeing that after Ye Tian put down the camp bed, he walked towards something wrapped in gray rags and Dai Father nodded with satisfaction.

Although the gold found is not too much, this caution is commendable to buy such a large safe.

Cover it with rags, even if someone walks in, they won’t think there is gold hidden inside.

“Ye Tian, this kid, is really smart! The most dangerous place is the safest. Dai Mu couldn’t help but praise. ”

Living with my husband for so many years, I was very impressed.

She also learned a lot about the police.

You can infer from the clues, at least from the clues, what is hidden under the rags.

Only Dai Xiaomeng was confused.

“Dad, Mom, what are you talking about!”

Xiaotian is smart, and people are also smart.

Seeing her daughter coquettish, Dai’s mother gently praised: “You are also very smart, guess what is under this rag?” ”

Dai Xiaomeng moved her gaze to the phone screen.

Then, her eyes lit up with surprise on her face.

“Is it all gold underneath?”

Hearing his daughter’s childish words, Dai’s father had a kind smile on his face.

Only then did he feel that he was not too old.

He explained with a smile: “It’s not all gold down there. The density of gold is much heavier than that of ordinary metals.

Such a large volume, if gold.

That’s amazing.

More than twenty years ago, I was young.

A gang of thieves robbed fifty kilograms of gold from a bank.

Later, when they were arrested, Master took me to the scene.

The fifty kilograms of gold were not as large as the things under the rag in front of you, and such a large box should be a safe.

The safe should contain gold!

Xiaotian wants to find tens of millions of dollars, and he has to keep up his efforts! ”

Father Dai said solemnly.

Dai Xiaomeng suddenly realized after hearing this.

Also, if the bottom is all gold, how can Xiaotian cover it up in such a simple way.

If others see it, it is dangerous!


Inside the tent, with a smile on his face, Ye Tian directly lifted the gray rag on it.

Underneath, there is also a layer of rags.

The eyes of Dai’s father, Dai mother, and Dai Xiaomeng all fell on the rags.

They were all guessing what was underneath.

Soon, Ye Tian directly lifted the second layer of rags.

A brilliant golden light directly attracted the attention of the three people.

No one could have imagined that under these two rags, there were so many gold bars piled up, large and small, and each piece looked extremely attractive.

The largest piece of it, people who look at it are reluctant to look away.

This is the real mountain of gold.


The sound of swallowing saliva sounded.

But no one cares about this at this time.

Dai Xiaomeng’s slightly stammering voice sounded: “Xiaotian, there is too much gold under this, more!” ”

Ye Tian said with a smile: “Compared with those who regard gold panning as a livelihood, these gold can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket!”

Dad also said just now, I still have to keep trying! ”

When Father Dai heard this, his old face turned red.

The gold in front of me is more than fifty kilograms.

Even if calculated according to fifty kilograms, there are twenty million! Dai Mu’s face also had a faint blush.

Just now, she still felt that Ye Tian was good at everything, but her family situation was a little worse.

Now it really compares, compared with Ye Tian, their family is not a star and a half.

Only Dai Xiaomeng looked delighted.

“Xiaotian, you are also too powerful!”

Ye Tian smiled.

The gaze fell on the father-in-law.

“Dad, now I can help!”

Father Dai was a little embarrassed in his heart.

This kid doesn’t know to save some face for himself.

“Can help! If you can keep up with this rhythm, it can help a little. ”

Ye Tian smiled when he heard this.

Then his brow furrowed.

“Dad, it’s hard for you to be strong, keep this rhythm? Then I must not starve to death?

My initial goal was to conquer all the gold mines in Africa. ”


Look at the black line on the father-in-law’s head opposite.

Ye Tian couldn’t help but smile very happily.

Now I should be able to completely dispel the idea of the second elder thinking about helping him, Dai Mu looked at the camera and said with a smile: “You kid doesn’t have a door on his mouth when he goes out.” So much gold, already worth a lot of money! ”

Or you should come back and marry Xiaomeng quickly!

When the baby was about to be born, I also retired early.

When the time comes, I will help you at home with your children.

When Ye Tian heard this, his heart couldn’t help but move.

Looking at his girlfriend’s beauty of the sinking fish and goose, he wished that the two were crooked together every day.

Speaking of giving birth, Dai Xiaomeng lowered her head and blushed, and did not dare to look at Ye Tian, “Ahem!”

It’s still early, it’s not good for your health to give birth too early! ”

As a daughter slave, Dai’s father did not want his daughter to be abducted so early.

If Ye Tian came back now, he would definitely buy a new house.

The thought of returning from work in the empty house filled him with reluctance.

Hearing this, Ye Tian also echoed: “I also want to go back, but now there is a new situation here.” It will take a while! ”

Dai Xiaomeng looked over and asked nervously, “Did you encounter any danger?” ”

Ye Tian replied with a smile: “It’s still very safe here, don’t think blindly!” ”

The blacks who were killed: “You are the only one who is safe!” ”

Seeing the three of them looking curious, Ye Tian explained with a smile.


The two pairs of eyes brushed together to look at Dai Father.

One hopes to hold his grandson and granddaughter as soon as possible.

One hopes to marry his lover as soon as possible.

When she heard that Ye Tian did not want to come back, it was because of her husband (father), Dai Mu had a bit of blame in her eyes.

It’s like saying that you know that your daughter thinks about Ye Tian every day, why don’t you let him come back.

Dai Xiaomeng’s eyes were a little incomprehensible.

Before my father thought about letting Xiaotian come back early.

Why don’t you let it now!

After hearing this, Father Dai thought to himself: “You boy, if you don’t want to come back, you won’t come back.” And let me back the pot for you. ”

Facing the eyes of his wife and daughter, he covered and said, “Xiaotian still has important things to do over there, and it is not convenient to come back now.” ”

Listening to this, Dai Mu and Dai Xiaomeng looked at Ye Tian again.

With a smile on his face, Ye Tian praised Father Dai: “Dad! You are a god!

I did have something important to stay here.

And it’s all about you! ”

Father Dai was a little surprised when he heard this.

I’ve already helped you cover, why are you still pulling this way.

We already know the gold!

The three looked at Ye Tian puzzled.

Seeing this, Ye Tian whispered: “Dad, you just said that you are about to take over the supply of raw materials for an important enterprise.

That enterprise produced materials for the military and astronautics.

Countries are scarce and prices are scarce.

The raw material you said is rare metals! ”

Father Dai was a little surprised in his heart.

Unexpectedly, he briefly mentioned it, and Ye Tian guessed it.

He was surrounded by people close to him, and he did not hide it.

“That’s right! Because rare metals are scarce.

The military and space institutes are ready to stop placing orders under this enterprise! This enterprise is the backbone of the provincial capital.

If you lose the orders of the military and the space institute, I don’t know how much favor and relationship it will cost to apply in the future.

Moreover, the impact on the economic development of our province is also huge. ”

Father Dai’s face was a little lonely.

Although they are all from the Dragon Country, who doesn’t want to make their hometown develop better!

I don’t know how hard the orders from the military and the space institute were won by those old-timers.

It would be a shame to lose it in their hands.

Seeing that he guessed correctly, Ye Tian said with a smile:

“I found rare metals in the gold mines here!”

Rare metals?

Although Dai Xiaomeng and Dai Mu have heard this term, they don’t know what it means.

However, the word rare metal and rare has shown that these metals are not ordinary.

The two of them brushed their gazes to Father Dai in unison.

At this time, Father Dai’s face no longer had the indifference at the beginning.

I saw that he looked excited, his eyes looked at the screen tightly, and he asked in disbelief: “What you said is true?” ”

Ye Tian smiled and nodded: “Of course!” But the number is not very large. ”

The biggest problem was solved so easily by his son-in-law.

Father Dai was excited for a while, and he couldn’t help himself!

No one could have imagined that a gold mine that his son-in-law bought casually had rare metals in it.

It’s not just a matter of rare metals.

This is also related to the economy and people’s livelihood of a province.

Compared with an enterprise with aerospace and military orders and an enterprise without these two orders, the gap is absolutely huge.

“Yes! It’s good to have it! ”

Father Dai’s lips were trembling.

The old policeman who can make him a few decades excited like this, you can imagine how important these rare metals are.

Then, Ye Tian asked again: “Dad, what kind of rare metal is that company lacking?” ”

Father Dai hurriedly replied: “Palladium and scandium, these two rare metals are very scarce in China, and the import price is quite expensive!” ”

No, the current situation is that it is difficult to buy it even if you have money.

Ye Tian nodded.

Palladium is an important material needed in aerospace.

Because it is expensive and reserves are scarce.

It is very scarce in all countries.

Scandium is even more important.

It can be used as an additive for high-temperature tungsten and chromium alloys.

Because of the characteristics of high melting point, it is also used in high melting point light alloys such as scandium titanium alloy and scandium-magnesium alloy.

Whether it is scandium or these alloys, the rank is very expensive! Turning his head to look at the rare metals he had collected in the beaker.

At first, seeing that there was already a slightly thicker metal dust on the rare metal detector, he poured it into the gold fusion device.

I thought about trying it, but I didn’t expect that rare metals could also be fused. And still beans.

But these beans are much smaller than golden beans.

One is only one gram.

Ye Tian asked, “Dad, what is the price of these two rare metals?” ”

Father Dai thought for a while and replied: “Palladium is $72,500 per kilogram, and scandium is $44,000 per kilogram.” ”

Although that business lacks these two rare metals, you should not be pressured.

You can try it if you can really get it.

I will apply for a special route to pick up the shipment.

Ye Tian nodded.

Now I have only collected such a little, it is of no use at all.

Later, because of the great shock in his heart tonight, Dai’s father and mother went to bed early.

Dai Xiaomeng chatted with Ye Tian for quite a while.

Towards late night, the two hung up the phone.

Put away the collection, cover the gold with rags, and put the camp bed back in place.

Ye Tian walked out.

Outside, Zhou Long was still digging a deep ditch.

Tang Hong’s night snack has been prepared!

Ye Tian walked over and filled a bowl.

It wasn’t long before the workers left work.

Zhou Long also rushed over.

After eating a night’s snack, the workers and the guards fell asleep.

At this time, it was time for Ye Tian to work again.

Walk out of the tent and come to the mine.

He put the gold detectors into sacks one by one and brought them back to buy.

The gold financing process goes aside.

Gold dust is directly turned into gold bars.

The leaves were eighteen for a few days.

Eighteen thousand kilograms.

It’s about the same as yesterday.

With these gold barcodes on top of the gold bars at the bottom of the bed, Ye Tian fell into a deep sleep.

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