In the deserted corner, Bai Qingqing took off her disguise, and the tears she had been holding back finally moistened her eyes.

Curtis stood at the door and said, "The meat is cooked, come and eat."

Bai Qingqing immediately secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, raised her head from Parker, and pretended to be relaxed: "Oh, it's so fast."

Curtis's meat was not as well roasted as Parker's. It was just a tree rat the size of a basketball. The skin was slightly burnt, and when the meat was torn open, there was still blood inside.

Bai Qingqing didn't mind either. It was great that a snake that was afraid of fire could be roasted like this. When she saw the bloody meat, she picked it up and roasted it in the fire, but it didn't have a special flavor.

It was already afternoon, and it was early time for the orcs to eat. Naturally, Curtis did not prepare Vincent's food. Bai Qingqing ate alone for a while, but she always felt that it was very rude.

After swallowing the meat in her mouth, Bai Qingqing called softly: "Vinson."

The white-haired man sitting in the corner raised his head.

"You haven't eaten yet, have you? Go hunt and eat. You don't have to guard me, I have Curtis." Bai Qingqing said.

Vincent sniffed the fragrance in the air, swallowed secretly, and said solemnly: "I have eaten, I have nowhere else to go."

"How is that possible?" Bai Qingqing asked in confusion, "Where are you staying during this time?"

"Walking outside as you like. Rosa doesn't allow me to live in the Tiger Clan's house. I don't have the crystal to buy a house at the moment." Vincent said in a calm tone, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Bai Qingqing didn't expect Rosa to do such a cruel thing to Vincent. Thinking that Vincent offended Rosa because he helped him, there was no way he could say anything to drive people away. But having said that, this time it was thanks to Vincent that he had been wandering around, otherwise Parker would have been in trouble.

"Okay then." Bai Qingqing relaxed, "I'll get you a piece of animal skin."

There was a smile on Vincent's face, but because of the scar covering half of his face, the smile made him look even more ferocious and ferocious, "I'm not a female."

Bai Qingqing wanted to say something else, but Curtis gave him a cold glare and immediately shut her mouth.

After eating the meat, the water in the stone basin on the fire was also hot. Bai Qingqing asked Curtis to bring the water into the bedroom and briefly scrubbed his body. Vincent turned into an animal shape and slept next to the firewood.

The next day.

Because of Parker's incident, Bai Qingqing lost a lot of appetite. She complained of hunger early in the morning a few days ago. This morning, she ate some perfunctorily after Curtis made breakfast.

If Curtis was indifferent to Parker being bullied at first, he is now a little angry.

"Why isn't Parker awake?" Bai Qingqing was more worried than yesterday. The wounds on Parker's body were scabbed, but he seemed to be dead in sleep and didn't even snore.

Curtis looked at the leopard on the grass with cold eyes, and suddenly swung it away with his tail in annoyance.

Useless things.

"Parker!" Bai Qingqing screamed, and at the same time, a howl that a leopard would make when it was beaten echoed in the room.


Bai Qingqing: "..."

Curtis: "..."

The white tiger in the main room also walked to the door and looked at the leopard.

Bai Qingqing was speechless for a moment, and was actually woken up by the beating. Did the leopard just fall asleep from exhaustion? !

No matter what, it's worth celebrating that Parker is fine. Bai Qingqing hurriedly ran to Parker, "Are you awake? Are you okay?"

Parker raised one front paw to scratch his face, and at the same time licked the soles of his feet. He raised his eyelids to reveal a pair of beautiful golden eyes, "Ouch~"

Bai Qingqing's heart was completely relieved. Parker was in a trance for a moment, his eyes became ecstatic, and he lay on the ground and turned into a human form.

"Qingqing, I almost never see you again." Parker's face was filled with a smile as bright as the scorching sun at noon, and his golden eyes became brighter and brighter.

Bai Qingqing opened her eyes wide: "Your face..."

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