"Parker, you're not feeling well yet. The fire has been lit." Bai Qingqing's voice came from the main room.

Parker said hurriedly: "Oh, okay."

After scooping up rice randomly, Parker walked out quickly, then went to the river to wash rice, and picked up all the fishing baskets in the river. Use the hollow bamboo tube to easily pour out the prey from the fish basket.

As the saying goes, when the water rises, you fish, and when the water recedes, you become a shrimp. This time, the river water surged and there was a lack of oxygen in the water. The fish floated to the surface. The fishing baskets hidden at the bottom of the water caught basically river shrimps. Only three or four small fishes were all suffocated to death.

Parker cleaned up the fish and shrimp and came back covered in rainwater.

"Wow, there are so many shrimps today!" Bai Qingqing was delighted. This kind of river shrimp is the most suitable for steaming.

Bai Qingqing threw the burned bamboo tube into the fire. She felt that cooking rice in this way was not environmentally friendly, so she decided to steam the rice too.

The stone pot was heated, water was added, a few pieces of wood were used to build a shelf, and then the bamboo tubes filled with rice, the bowls filled with egg liquid, and the bowls filled with fish and shrimp were put in to steam.

After Bai Qingqing covered the newly made stone pot lid, Parker asked suspiciously: "If the water is separated by the bamboo tube, will the rice be cooked?"

It doesn’t matter if it’s fish or shrimp, the raw ones are delicious anyway. Parker sniffed the fishy smell in the air and took a greedy sip.

"Don't worry, it will be cooked as long as the temperature is enough." Bai Qingqing said confidently.

Parker stopped asking, looking forward to what would happen this time.

After steaming for more than ten minutes, Bai Qingqing realized that she had done something wrong.

The eggs, fish and shrimp should be cooked by this time, but steaming the rice still takes a long time. If they are cooked together, both dishes will definitely be cooked.

"Well... no matter, let's bring out the dishes first."

"Okay." Parker acted immediately and quickly opened the hot stone pot, making Bai Qingqing gasp.

"Be careful! It's hot!"

Parker rubbed his fingers together nonchalantly, stretched out his hand towards the pot, and quickly took out two bowls of vegetables.

Bai Qingqing hurriedly put leaves on the lid of the pot and closed it to prevent Parker from touching it with his bare hands.

As soon as Parker finished his work, his nose suddenly twitched rapidly and his eyes suddenly widened.

"What does it smell like?" Parker hissed, looking back at the vegetable bowl, his eyes fixed on the fish and shrimp.

"You like it?" Bai Qingqing glanced at Cai, then looked at Parker suspiciously.

I don't smell anything special. Isn't it just steamed? Is it that exaggerated? Parker is complimenting himself!

"Gulu~" Parker swallowed and made a loud sound.

Bai Qingqing was silent, maybe this really suits Parker's taste.

"Try it first." Bai Qingqing handed Parker a pair of chopsticks.

Parker's response was to grab a shrimp as fast as he could, stuff it into his mouth, chew it and swallow it wholeheartedly.

The speed was so fast that Bai Qingqing suspected that he had not tasted it at all.

Is this guy a cat?

"These shrimps should be dipped in some sauce." Bai Qingqing hesitated for a while and then said.

Parker was so excited that his eyes welled up with water, and he licked the corners of his mouth carefully, with an afterthought on his face: "It's delicious!"

He originally loved to eat fish, and he also secretly ate raw fish. The fish hot pot that Bai Qingqing cooked before was delicious, but the various heavy seasonings masked the deliciousness and fishy aroma of the fish and shrimp, and it always felt like something was missing.

This steamed fish and shrimp with only minced garlic brings out the deliciousness of fish and shrimp to the extreme.

Thinking of the top-notch delicious food that can be obtained so easily, Parker was so excited that he wanted to transform into a beast and roll around on the ground.

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