After making a good appointment, Qi Yu looked at WeChat and spoke to Song Jingjing Pang Shanshan. She planned to return to the emperor to get her diploma in two days.

I didn't say much about the other things. Song Jingjing hadn't slept yet. She knew that she was very happy to return to the emperor. The two talked for a while, and Yuyu fell asleep and said good night.

Early the next morning, Saitama made porridge by himself, fried a cabbage, the cabbage was planted in the vegetable field, the seeds sprinkled half a month ago, when it was the youngest, it was only palm high, and it was taken with water when picked from the vegetable field. Beads, rinse well with well water, pour rapeseed oil into the pot, pour the oil into the cabbage and stir-fry, add a little salt, the other seasonings do not need to give, the taste is fresh and refreshing.

Saitama ate two bowls of porridge with cabbage.

She feels that her cooking technology has improved, and the fried cabbage is delicious.

At eight o'clock in the evening when the time for exorcism was set, Saitama first went to Taoyuan to pick peaches.

At the end of June, more and more ripe peaches are growing, and because of the watering of the Lingquan, many small fruits that will squeeze out the big fruits also start to grow slowly. The peach trees are full of fruit, and the pressed peach branches are heavy. There are many green fruit in the peach peach.

In the morning field, the mist has not yet dissipated, and the greenery in the distance is clear, and the air is full of clear vegetation.

Xi Yu walked in the field, before she reached Taoyuan, her cell phone rang, she glanced out, caller ID, Qi Lan.

Saitama's pupils shrank, her fingers cramped, and she was flustered, and her heart was all over her throat.

When she returned to Qinghe Village to farm, she was most sorry not her grandmother but her elder sister.

It was her eldest sister in high school who went out to earn money for her college education. I hope she can make a name for herself, but she is not the real Saitama. She rejects the capital of high-rise buildings and does not understand the workplace, or even the profession that Saitama learns. In the imperial capital, she ran back to her hometown to spend her leisure time.

The bell rang for a long time.

Saitama switched on, and her voice was a little dry, "Sister."

"Xiao Yuer." On the phone, Tong Lan's voice was very gentle, soft and soft, with the unique Wu Nong soft language of Jiangnan, "I have been working overtime some time ago, I didn't call you, what about work? Anymore? "

Xi Yu is very confident in her younger sister.

"Sister." Saitama nervously, "I'm back in Qinghe Village."

She Lan gently said, "Have you gone back? You can go back and play for a few days, just look at Mom and Grandma, when are you going back to Emperor? Are you enough money? I just paid my salary yesterday and I'll call you later." Knowing that my sister had no money, the imperial capital was expensive, no job was found, and eating in the house every day was a problem.

"Sister, I do n’t need it, I have enough money, and some." Saitama was anxious. "Sister, I have graduated. You do n’t need to care about me later. I have the money, and you keep all your money. Here I am. There are some, sister, don't you use the money? Do you want to buy a house? I'll help you with a down payment. "

She Lan laughed, "What did the silly girl say, I never thought of buying a house in Qinghang City, where the price is ridiculously expensive."

The city she stays in is a provincial capital, a second-tier city, and the house prices in the city center are tens of thousands of yuan. The price of the third ring road has soared to more than 20,000. Buying a house in such a place is basically a family's blood, and the down payment is dozens of dollars. Wan, Lan Lan has been wandering in this city for six years. The only thing I pray is that my siblings will be able to finish college.

"Sister, I have something to tell you."

Saitama didn't plan to hide it. She told her sister about her thoughts and future plans.

She said very urgently, including the craftsmanship learned from the old man Hu, and the one million yuan that helped break the battlefield, the contracted mountain, and the bun shop at home. "So, sister, I want to stay in my hometown. You can also make money. Now the net profit of the bun shop is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. The peaches in Taoyuan, which are kept by Grandpa, earn about 2,000 a day. The continuous income of Taolin is about three months, and the watermelons at home are all When I ’m done, I want to plant some hilltops. I may need some investment in the first two years, and I will make money one after another. Sister, I want to stay at home. "

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

After a long while, Lan Lan said, "Yuer, can you think clearly? Your road is also not easy to go. Taolin may have a good rally this year, it is delicious, it can make some money, but it all depends on God eating. The rain is full of sweet fruits. The initial investment of the contracted mountain is very large. Even if it can be harvested in the future, the convenience of sales is also a huge problem. In addition, when it comes to natural disasters, one year's effort will be spent. "Her voice is soft, but A little hoarse.

Saitama certainly heard her sister was sad.

She also followed with distress, "Sister, I want to try, I prefer this kind of life, and not only rely on these, I can also help people fortune-telling to see Feng Shui to make money." She will work hard to make money in the future, she also wants to give her sister Buy a house in Qinghang.

She Lan thought for a long time, and laughed: "Okay, what sister you want to do will not be blocked, you have grown up, and everything you do is well thought out. You ca n’t decide on the future after four years of college. It is a journey in your life that makes your horizons wider. My sister hopes that your future life will be more exciting and that Yuer will be smooth sailing. "

As for her sister's fortune telling about Feng Shui, she always felt unreal.

"Big sister." Saitama's heart is sour, "Thank you."

She's family always gave her infinite tolerance. For such things, she returned to her hometown to farm after four years of college. Other families also had them, and they were usually attacked by their parents and relatives.

The sisters talked for a while, and Lan Lan had to go to work before hanging up.

In fact, Saitama can feel the loss in her sister's words, and she is also worried. She understands that her sister is worried about her future. After all, going home and farming is really not easier than making a living for the emperor.

Now everyone is going to the big cities, and no one wants to go home.

Saitama walked towards the orchard with some dismay, and she planned to make money more diligently in the future and went to meet the agent at night to ask him if he had any other work.

Carrying a bamboo basket to the orchard at home, I found a man standing at the entrance of the garden, wearing a loose gray t-shirt, a bit strong, in his thirties, with a thick gold chain around his neck and holding a Peach mouthful of peach juice.

Saitama recognized him as a fruit merchant in the village who bought fruit.

Every year he collects the fruits of the village.

The man heard the footsteps and squinted his eyes and looked at Saitama for a while. He probably recognized the man and smiled, "Is this the granddaughter of Grandpa's family? I'm Shi Feng. I come to your village to buy peaches every year. The peaches are about to mature this year, so come to the village. Your grandpa has good skills. The two acres of peach forest are well managed. This peach tastes good, or should it be collected at the price of previous years? "

He is a businessman, how can he not taste the peach more than good.

It was the best fruit he had ever tasted.

Saitama asked, "What was the price in previous years?"

Shi Feng's eyeballs rolled down. "The price I collected last year was five dollars, but this year the peaches have grown well. I add 50 cents? How much is two yuan per pound?"

Pu Yu laughed. "Two?"

Shi Feng nodded. He knew that this Taoyuan was owned by the grandfather of the Tai family. After his death, the Taoyuan family was left to the Taiyu family. The little emperor went to college. He did not understand the business of these curvy roads. It's fascinating. He can pack the peaches in these two acres of Taolin for ten times and twenty times.

Saitama slowly said, "Boss Shi, I'm sorry, this year's Taolin peaches are not for sale, or you should ask someone else."

There are many peach growers in their village.

Shi Feng treated her as a child and laughed, "Your grandma? I'll talk to your grandma later."

Saitama leisurely said: "Boss Shi, you are useless to find my grandma this year. This year's Taolin's peaches are not sold. We sell them by ourselves, but you can still sell the watermelons in the watermelon field. Don't fool us with the price. Five For a pound, the fruit taste in my orchard this year is definitely the best in the village. "

It can be said that it is the best in the world.

The watermelons in her family have also started to mature in large scales, and the watermelons are troublesome in the town. Now the price of watermelons is usually two or five. In large chain orchards, any unicorn melon can be sold for more than four. The watermelon taste is not strong. Watermelons are priced at around five yuan.

Prices are generally quite expensive now.

"You girl." Shi Feng smiled a little. "This is not just ordinary watermelon. I want to sell it for five dollars. It's a lion's mouth. I won't tell you. I'll go to your grandma."

He hadn't tasted the watermelons in her house, but the peaches were bound to be obtained.

"It's up to you." Saitama started picking peaches.

Shi Feng strolled around again, went to the orchard of someone else's home, and found that the taste was not as good as that of his family.

The Saitama family is really rich in peach sweetness, which is enjoyed in eating.

He thought about adding a little more price when talking to grandma.

Xiuyu planned to go back after picking half a basket of peaches. She was pregnant and now she pays a little attention.

Listen to Grandma's words and dare not lift too heavy things.

As soon as she turned around, Saitama encountered a personal figure, very tall, almost blocking her eyesight, in black clothes and black pants, she leaned back in shock, hitting the thick peach branches behind her, and the tall man behind was probably I wasn't expecting to frighten people. I saw her rushing forward and leaning forward to stretch her arms around her waist, pulled them back, and quickly retracted her hands.

It was fast, but it took a moment for Saitama to stand still, and she frowned. "How did you get here? Stand still behind me silently."

This is Qin Yusui.

Xi Yu stepped back two steps away from him. He walked without a sound and stood close. He was tall and very oppressive. She didn't like it.

Two steps back, Saitama noticed that he had lost a lot of weight, but he was still tall.

Since that day, he has been away for almost two weeks. Saitama thought that they did not intersect in the future. Who knows—

Qin Yusui said, "Sorry, it scared you." His voice was still hoarse.

It is the habit of these years that almost no sound is heard when walking.

Saitama saw that there had been a big change in him, and it was difficult to ask anything.

Qin Yusui glanced at her peach basket, "I help you."

Having said that, when he entered Taoyuan and began to pick peaches, he could recognize the ripe peaches, and soon picked a basket full of them. He helped mention the outside and asked Saitama, "Are you going to the town?"

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