196 Tue – The True Legion (10)

The federation that started its activities in earnest, no, Ares, was unstoppable. By taking full advantage of the fact that they obtained information a little earlier than others, they widened a huge gap that other powers could not keep up with in a short period of time.

“Think carefully about what is most important right now. We need to jump on the new wave and unite.”

Ares’s representative persuaded others with words that were practically intimidating.

The purpose is, of course, the hegemony within the federation that has been competing for a long time. They were trying to move the federation according to their taste.

“Oh, Senator. It’s a big deal.”


However, at that time, one of the subordinates who received the communication hurriedly handed the communicator with a contemplative face.

This urgent communication came from none other than the commander of a friendly fleet facing off in space. It was also a place where there should never be any setbacks for successful operation.

“What’s going on, Commander? I wonder if there’s something wrong with the space containment…”

“That’s right, there’s a problem, Senator. That’s a pretty big problem too.”

However, the news from the commander was disappointing. The commander looking at the screen while aboard the ship rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

“Sa, Commander. How should we respond? If we go on like this, back and forth…”

“Now, say that. Now explain the situation to the Bern National Guard and have the ship turn around!”

The commander soon changed the ship’s position to the opposite side of his own accord. So did the other Jacobs.

All Jacobs who were facing the Bern National Guard at a certain distance changed their positions. By making the barrel point in the opposite direction.

‘Can’t the National Guard strike us in the back in this crazy situation? To see those aliens that only appear in the records in my life.’

The commander wiped the cold sweat. Of course, the category of aliens has expanded considerably now, but in fact, to the human race of the Federation, the term alien refers to only one race.

“It looks like they’ve all been warped. Fortunately, it’s not very large.”

The appearance of the fleet approaching here after warping was heterogeneous and mysterious. The commander reported all this to the ground, keeping tension and vigilant about their movements.

“Ka, Kasaras? Why are those aliens…”

“Do we know that?”

Thanks to this, lightning also fell from the ground. At best, the Ares side who were interrupted just before the achievement of the goal, as well as those of the opposing side who were threatened, couldn’t help but like it.

“Now it looks like their delegation will arrive on the ground.”

“…Is there any other way. These are the ones who reappeared after 120 years. Let’s hear the story first.”

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Moreover, there was no way the opponent would look at this situation. Eventually, the two camps reached a dramatic compromise and agreed to a temporary ceasefire.

They were busy cleaning up damaged facilities and changing conference rooms to welcome the sudden foreign guests.

“Is this here?”

And right after you’re ready. A tall, blue-skinned man led some of his people into the new chairman, where the representatives of the Federation were seated.

“It’s a very urgent visit, so I’m confused. That one…”

“I couldn’t help it because of an urgent business. I’m Karcos Schnez. I came here to inform you humans of one thing.”

Before the president of the federation, who had coughed in vain, could open his mouth as politely as possible and finish the explanation, Schnesth, who had come as the representative, elegantly raised his finger along with a fluent human language and cut it off.

The attitude was high-pressure and arrogant. Naturally, to Schneth, the humans in this place were nothing but little things.

“Notification. What are you talking about after appearing after 120 years now.”

“Don’t lie. You already know. About the ‘unobservable’ worlds beyond the veil.”


Schneth refuted the exasperated chairman’s words. It was the people of Ares who were most surprised by their reaction.

Because I know what the unobservable world he is talking about now is referring to.

“The veil has been lifted and the laws have been twisted. The case will be investigated by us, ye shall not engage in those worlds.”

“…I can’t listen. I’m the foreign minister of a country. But you don’t know what I’m talking about?!”

Schneth did not know and did not disclose what the alliance’s force composition was.

Of course, the powers of the Federation, except for Ares, who were unaware of the situation, strongly objected.

And the representative of Ares, who rolled his eyes with a frown while looking at Schneth, bewildered by the reaction that he knew nothing and that he would die of unfairness, finally made a decision.

“We cannot accept that request. We have already entered into agreements and alliances with the various powers of the world, and we hope that they will also cooperate with us.”


At that moment, the golden eyes of Schuneth narrowed.

They didn’t know if they would dare turn down their offer, even if everything else was over. Schneth, who now thinks that she has conveyed her intentions in a very mild manner, had no choice but to be upset.

“And one more thing, don’t you dare treat us down and try to control us. Now we humans are different.”

“Follow the pacts of your ancestors, child. You are obliged to listen to our counsel!”

There was a sudden gust of wind at Schneth’s shout with powerful power. Most of the scene, who were ordinary people, was crushed by the momentum, their faces turned pale and their bodies trembled.

“Now the world has changed, you blue bald alien. Your powers, that’s all? Now we know what that shallow trick is.”

However, the representative of Ares, although surprised, was not suppressed. The reason was because of the existence that created dark blue magic by his side to offset Schneth’s shouts.

Schneth’s eyes widened at the new form of figurative power that they thought was their only property.

“Okay, the same goes for you guys who pretend to be noble, who don’t know anything. Commander. Mobilize the entire fleet to drive out those populace-filled aliens. And General Leteo, subdue those aliens!”

“It’s a pretty strange power.”

In the suit standing next to him, the black werewolf giggled and growled, revealing his teeth.

He wrapped around his body with the exploding dark blue magic, pulled out his sword and swung it as it was. The huge slash that was shot flew towards Schneth in great bewilderment.

The slash, locked in the hurriedly surrounded shield, exploded and blew up part of the building as it was.


“Sah, Commander!”

“It was expected. War, war! The entire fleet cannon fire!”

At the same time as they attacked Schunes from the ground, the fortress-class Zakoffs, which received orders from their superiors from space, all at once fired firepower concentrated from numerous barrels at Kasaras’s fleet.

Jacob’s firepower was beyond their reach. They weren’t even armed for war, and now they have numbers.

“Hey, the enemy ships are being sunk. The ships of Kasaras are under our shelling…”

“Because it’s true that we grew up.”

The commander muttered blankly as he watched the enemy fleet hurriedly retreated in half.

As a soldier, he didn’t really care about anything else. The only thing to be concerned about was the great war with the aliens to be fought after the declaration of war openly.

“Don’t relax, stay armed. From now on, no one knows what’s going to happen.”

The captain waited for the situation on the ground. One good thing about this situation was that now the National Guard is watching the scene from behind.

There was no action towards the Jakovs who had turned their backs on them as if they were quite embarrassed.

‘Because things have already happened, and there are no options. Now, all we have to do is unite and fight those blueberry aliens.’

The commander didn’t really care. Because the forces of other alliances were forced to know who the real enemy was.

[Chapter 10, entering the final battle]

and this moment. Some were greatly perplexed by the sudden announcement.

“What bullshit? Why do you keep stopping at 9? We haven’t accomplished anything more yet.”

[The set special condition was suddenly achieved. Only those who survive among the underperformers will skip the remaining chapter and enter Chapter 10]

CNU, who was unaware of what had happened in the middle of the universe right now, was bewildered by the sudden message.

“What’s going on?”

[The reason will be revealed soon. First of all, it means that the flow of the world is prepared to some extent. In the meantime, players and units have been competing and developing freely, so this means an opportunity to showcase their achievements. Of course, it won’t be much different

The observer did not stop guiding whether he knew his heart, who was bewildered by the sudden development.

[We will open all functions of the system to all players and give new missions at the same time]

“…Okay. What is it?”

[This is a mission to determine the rank of the current unit. This is only visible to you, and others still do not know the identity of Eve.]

[Unit Name-Eve: Current Ranking No. 1]


He blinked in surprise. Eve was evaluated as the strongest of all units and achieved 1st place.

In a way, it was normal. Because no other unit has been able to occupy multiple planets as a unit yet.

[All I have is a reward for growing up to this point a single cell mass that was only a possibility]

“You’re big yourself…”

[It is a task given to the 1st place. [Conquest], literally conquering all the units participating in the game. Maybe it’s not that different from before.]

“Wait a minute, the others.”

[The same mission given to other units is [Survival]. The purpose is to survive the attacks of conquerors and sometimes other forces. Of course, it is essential that conquerors and survivors use neutral forces well]

“What the hell, what’s your real intention?”

Cinwoo finally burst out laughing. Seeing the game’s overtly changed attitude, I couldn’t help but laugh.

The spectator looked at such CNU through the screen and shut his mouth firmly without sending any more messages.

The model and progression of the game, which is now in full swing, was too explicit. it has no choice but to Because when this game was first made, it was designed with an unfair, yet clear purpose of sacrificing, and the flow continued to change direction to move according to the designer’s intentions.

The result, which I thought was just a success, was rather the worst, and in the end, others had to press the reset button instead of the disappeared designer. Because of that, it was impossible to modify the direction of the game once designed except for reset.

‘The most ideal thing is for everyone to face each other’s strength intact. If so, that’s enough. But is that really possible? Is that right?’

The hand holding the mask trembled. Roughly speaking, we are almost there, but in reality the road to go is still difficult.

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