186 Episodes – The True Legion (1)

‘It’s meaningless to fight like this unless you catch the skull of that goat, the boss.’

Gang Do-yeon, who was fighting with the legionaries, found Asrald, who had disappeared. The victory was completely captured, but the only thing I’m going to kill now is an undead made of dirt and magic.

‘…Is it over?’

However, before they could find Asrald, the skeletons all at once turned into a handful of dust and the battle was over.

Even the surviving goblins fled without looking back, so the fortress, which was the center of the goblins who took over this area, was occupied in half a day.

“Did you win?”

Oh Yoon-ah, who took off her mask, approached. Kang Do-yeon took off her mask as well, but looked at the sky without saying a word.

‘Get out of there at once. There are more people who have just killed than the goblins who escaped, so the goal has been achieved.’

Soon, the command from the higher-level entity she had been waiting for fell. At the same time, the legionaries, who had been hardened like mangbu-seok, received a new command and began to move again one by one.

“You saved that skeleton gourd. It’s sure to become a stumbling block.”

“I know that, but I’m never a spunky guy.”

Kang Do-yeon frowned. It was never without experience. It was she who even fought hundreds of meters tall ships alone.

But the universe was wide and there were so many different enemies. At least, judging by her experience so far, Asrald, the high-ranking demon undead king, was a strong enemy that could be counted in her hand.

“…let’s go. I’m hungry.”

She flopped down onto the giant bell. It has an all-around body that doesn’t feel like an empty stomach, but when nutrients run out, the body becomes heavy and dull.


“For the Legionnaires moving by command, 75,364 of a total of 103,467 individuals died, and 896 out of 1,268 individuals, including higher-ranking individuals, who operated by their own power survived.”

‘Individuals with weak brains and ego have a high survival rate. Is this normal?’

“It has its pros and cons. Is this high survival the result of an immediate and anomalous improvisation, or an instinctive fear?”

There were some interesting points in the report that Richard calculated. For example, some of the legionnaires who are in the midst of experimentation are growing up.

“Of course, I don’t think that’s what’s important right now? We succeeded in destroying the target goblins’ stronghold and slaughtering at least 100,000 to take away their power, but an unexpected variable appeared.”

‘It’s not really a new variable.’

I snorted at Richard’s words. This wasn’t the first time he’d met a powerful skeleton that suddenly appeared.

When I first called Eve here. Even then, there was definitely a skeleton that suddenly appeared.

“Observed power isn’t everything, do you have any plans to change your plans?”

‘You expected resistance. If that’s the case, it’s not in the expected range. The plan goes as it is.’

“Okay. Then, in the future, the mass-produced Legionnaires will all focus on the newly designed ones.”

I had the leading sub-mind, Richard, to carry out the plan. It wasn’t such a grand plan. It was a simple plan of resuming activities by replenishing the consumed legionaries this time.

Now that the goblins who had hegemony in this area were driven out, they planned to completely devour this area.

“But in order to do that… we have to push out the Earthlings stationed in the south as well.”

‘I can’t help it. It’s not like we can politely ask you to leave.’

The taste is bitter, but I can’t help it. If we can’t balance either side, there is a possibility that we will be pinned down, and above all, the people of Earth had to leave this place anyway.

‘Send troops as planned. Focusing more on destroying equipment.’

“Then, as previously decided, we will dispatch a corps composed of the 1st Squadron Beetle, the 2nd Squad Two-headed Dragon, and the 4th Squad Stingray.”

Richard moved the numerous troops that had been waiting at once. It is purely thanks to the system he designed and established that he is able to achieve this level of efficiency with his computational power and consciousness manipulation ability, which is significantly lower than that of Eve.

A logical and systematic system reminiscent of a computer, the system that Eve coveted, the legionaries quickly escaped the nest and began to traverse the land.

The 1st Beetle, which means ground assault force, has already proven its effectiveness against the mercenaries of the Federation.

The two-headed earth dragon of the 2nd Division, which means the ground artillery unit added to that, is a two-ton truck-sized using the genes of the earth dragon previously operated by the corps, a bombardment-type legionnaire that doubles the head and doubles the firepower.

The Stingray of the 4th Squadron, which means flying raid squad, was a flying species that had a floating device instead of feathered wings, looked like a stingray, had a sharp poison stinger and 6 legs resembling a spider to pierce through and kill the enemy.

‘There must be hunters from the Guardian Alliance in the Earth Allied Forces, would it be ok with only the mass-produced ones?’

“According to the information, there are only 10,000 garrison troops. Now, there are more than 600,000 legionaries, so what are you worried about?”

‘…I guess so.’

Even an S-class hunter can’t fight all day. As demonstrated in the universe in the first place, the weak point of the strong who has limits in physical strength and energy is the overwhelming amount.

The productive power of the corps, which Richard began to recognize and develop by establishing a system, exploded, and the quantity was now in a huge mass and traversing the land of the Demon Realm.

‘I’m taking a break for a while. That skeleton will surely reappear before us.’

“What is your brother doing now?”

‘me? Now boarding the ship.’

After changing my consciousness for a moment, I looked around the busy surroundings. Now we had a long way to go.

Eve was talking to Cha Ji-yeon by her side. It seems that the two of them are getting closer, no matter what has happened in the last few days.

“Are you okay?”

‘I don’t know if it was before, but now it’s better to worry about you first.’

I grinned as I watched my younger brother insert a tentacle into his lumbar spine and replenish nutrients. Even if the ship I’m on is destroyed, I won’t die.

“…I think my growth has stagnated these days.”

‘I’m serious?’

“Because of the lack of experience.”

Kang Do-yeon shook her head and muttered blankly. A little perplexed, I looked at it objectively. It’s been 10 months since my brother and sister got involved in this game. During those 10 months, what kind of existence did Kang Do-yeon become from an ordinary high school girl?

“What does that mean. It’s a relative evaluation, not an absolute evaluation.”

‘Then what you want now.’

“To be stronger, I want to fight more. That’s what I want.”


Kang Do-yeon’s eyes didn’t waver as if she had made up her mind. It was a strange feeling. That kid is definitely my younger brother and family. But since we are no longer human, it would be a negative factor if we were bound by a human way of thinking.

Even if you die, it’s okay if you can resurrect it anyway? Even so, it took a big decision to force my younger brother to die.

‘You don’t have to worry. Because I have no intention of keeping the strongest special species in the current group.’

I reassured my brother, who was worried that he would treat me like a brother. We’ve already crossed the line a long time ago. I thought that the only answer is to evolve and grow until the end…

“But it wouldn’t be good to treat it too carelessly.”

“…what does that mean all of a sudden?”

It was Eve’s whisper that brought my consciousness back as I was examining the demon realm.

Eve, who was obviously with Cha Ji-yeon, suddenly came closer to me, leaning on a chair. Cha Ji-yeon couldn’t see where she had gone, but only saw people who were busy moving.

“Cha Ji-yeon said she had some business to do. But if you look at the observed biorhythms, it’s the bathroom.”


Eve’s voice was heard at the same time through the upbringing and the consciousness of the colony. It was one of the remnants of Eve that I couldn’t do that extreme multitasking.

‘The advantage of Submind is that we can use the power of the Legion to power those who have what we don’t have… or what I don’t have. Especially on the basis of intense aspirations of anger, hatred, greed, vanity, etc.’

‘What does that have to do with my brother? He’s the first submind, but he’s still just a kid.’

‘Is that so?’

Eve chuckled. Because it was related to my younger brother, I couldn’t speak too hastily. Come to think of it, Eve sometimes knew more about humans than I did, as a human being.

‘If Kang Do-yeon loses her heart, she loses the value of the sub-mind, so it’s better to keep paying attention.’

‘…that’s not going to happen.’

Only then did I know what Eve was saying and shook my head. Kang Do-yeon, my brother will never lose himself.

‘It’s still a long way off. However, I have already looked into the decades ahead and planned the supply and demand for the next submind. Whether it’s Reina or Liam, it’s bound to change someday. It is a fact that cannot be denied.’

‘If that’s the case, I’ll change too.’

‘right. I don’t care. Because that change will definitely benefit us.’

I saw Cha Ji-yeon walking in the distance. The conversation with each other’s eyes, which would be strange to others, ended there.

However, I felt like I had one more assignment while I still had a lot of work to do.

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