Faced with the strong resistance of the Allied Forces, it was overwhelmingly impossible to trample it, and when Eve understood the alliance’s intentions, she completely decided on the policy.

For the time being, the plan was to reduce all-out wars, stock up on power, and take advantage of gaps.

‘Of course, I don’t want to just be right. I have to make sure they don’t find any time to relax.’

‘How are you going to do that?’

‘I’ll find out the coordinates of the headquarters of those who belong to the Union and attack them in reverse.’

The answer that Eve found was still through an attack. In particular, the worlds of the barbarians and fairies who were newly added to the Allied Forces would have less defense facilities against the ship’s hull compared to the Rebel Alliance’s planet.

It was a very evil idea to attack the headquarters of the Union members and shake their foundations.

“I’ll get off at the station now! Everyone get ready!”

It was then that the ship that was sailing in space after the warp came to a slow stop. Confederate soldiers took us and led us to the ship’s junction.

“But why did you bring me here?”

Eve grumbled among the crowd. It has improved a lot now, but it was because of the tendency to be reluctant to be with people.

“It wouldn’t be so clean intentions.”


And the answer to that grumble was Cha Ji-yeon, who had already approached me. Eve reflexively covered my face with her body.

“Do you think so too?”

“Yeah. You don’t know, but I didn’t like their behavior in the first place.”

I shoved the struggling Eve’s head away and talked to her. Cha Ji-yeon, too, was aware that the activities of the Federation were not, as they say, a fight to defend justice.

“Why did you bring us to nature right now? I can only hear it as a political use.”


Cha Ji-yeon’s prediction with a frown is probably correct. Right now, every country on the planet was trying to use the emergence of the federation politically.

And her prediction was made clear by entering the interior of the planet.

“Ah oh my, I asked for restraint as much as possible, but I think our citizens wanted to see the heroes from outside in person.”

A member of the local cabinet, Christian Christian, who looked down at the crowd that filled the city center, opened his mouth with a shudder.

Even if they were citizens of the space force, ordinary ordinary people, such as working, were no different from Earthlings in the end.

What kind of existence they had described us to these ignorant citizens, the gathered people were enthusiastic like a superstar.

‘I don’t think it’s a very wise choice. Eve, of course you’re going to get the coordinates here, right?”

‘…no. Impossible.’


‘Something is interfering with getting the coordinates of the gate here.’

I spoke casually, but the answer that came back was different from what I expected.

‘Of course it’s not impossible. I’m sure these guys have already joined hands with the other guys. But I definitely feel bad.’

The gate was not an all-around magic, and there were obviously loopholes. Eve tried to calculate the coordinates based on her avatar, but failed.

Of course, Eve wasn’t obsessed with finding out the gate coordinates of this place, which is their nature right now. Because there is still a lot of work to be done in other places.

“Relax here and listen to stories about detailed plans and organization. The goal is to prepare thoroughly and minimize damage.”

Our guide, Christian, led us to a building that looked quite tall. Anyway, I came here to fight as a team in cooperation with them, so detailed discussions were essential.

‘That’s boring.’

‘So do i. There are many other things to be concerned about.’

In fact, it was more convenient for me, who was not yet experienced, or Eve, who had no interest in the circumstances of humans, to do what they told me to do.

While listening to stories with others, I looked elsewhere through the player’s privileged screen.

I didn’t even need to look at the other places Eve was in charge of, so what I saw was the group under my direct control, which is currently stationed in the Demon Realm and increasing its power.

As a certain amount of time had passed, the 100,000 troops that Richard had promised him had finished production and were waiting in the nest.

‘It looks like the preparations are over.’

“Yes. In the meantime, I downloaded the data of the military types stored in the corps database, and produced and combined them according to the design. However, there are some dissatisfied parts.”

‘dissatisfaction? What is that?’

At that time, in the deepest part of the nest, Richard, who had his body connected to the gigantic auxiliary brain, moved his mouth with his eyes closed and spoke unexpected words.

“Existing soldiers, who have modified and combined tens of thousands of stored creatures as needed, are all set in the Hive Mind system that receives detailed and immediate control. This means that there are some parts that we are not able to deal with now.”

‘Is it because of the difference in the command system…’

I understood Richard’s point. Eve’s corps and mine had a different command system. Unlike Eve, a super creature that controls hundreds of millions of troops at the same time by using its bigger brain, my corps is like a kind of robot that goes through a submind called Richard and moves with commands.

“Give me your time and budget! No, give me a little more energy.

In such a situation, Richard showed enthusiasm that surprised me. He even asked him to give him the power of the Legion, the ability to manipulate genes.

If Eve found out, he would probably be very angry. Because a sub-mind from a human being declared that he would challenge his abilities head-on.

‘great. Try it somewhere.’

Of course, I accepted his offer. Anyway, it evolves in a different direction from Eve and builds my own corps, so this process is essential now. The way Eve roars with anger is cute rather than scary.

‘I can’t hand over authority to you instead. So make me a detailed genetic blueprint and upload it. Then I will proceed with the combination as it is and make a sample, so you can mass-produce it as it is.’

“Don’t do that!”

Having received the permit, Richard was delighted and started working right away. This place is definitely unique.

A strange land where glaciers and deserts, swamps and alpine areas coexist with borders. Obviously, if there are legionaries specialized to work in this harsh and anomalous environment, their combat power will inevitably increase.

‘So, what kind of form do you plan to create for the newly assembled legionaries specialized in the Demon Realm?’

“Except for the native beasts, according to the data, the enemy with the largest size is the troll. After calculating the efficiency, we decided that it would be better to increase the number rather than increase the size.”

Richard read a lot of data and calculated it at the same time to set a theme and designed the legionnaires according to that theme.

“We will lay out various insects as the base, divide the roles as before, and select the disease type that suits the role and mass-produce it.”

He focused on insects and crustaceans among legionaries of numerous types and types, including quadrupeds, crustaceans, insects, flying creatures, scaly reptiles, and bipedal beasts.

The blueprints of the new legionnaires that maximized the advantages of the insect-type legionaries among the existing legionnaires began to arrive at me one by one.

Seeing them, I laughed out loud.

What if someone like Richard was a player of Eve? The synergy would be unpredictable. It would have been the strongest army by inducing and designing Eve’s growth from the cell level.

Even he would have been happy if Eve had devoured the entire universe except for himself.

“But I have to keep recruiting soldiers, but there’s a gap. Now what?”

‘I was worried about that too, but the enemy’s movements were suspicious.’

While Richard and I were talking, Kang Do-yeon, who was sitting on a rock near the nest, murmured into the air.

The part that my brother is worried about is that we, who have just revealed our identity, have to move in earnest, but there is a gap there.

‘Earth people aside, our information must have entered their heads through the goblins, so why are we so quiet while we mass-produce our troops?’

“You’re going to leave us alone on purpose? Why?”

Kang Do-yeon laughed as if she didn’t understand. Of course, I don’t know every single one of their thoughts, but somehow I heard déjà vu as if I was in a situation similar to the one I have now.

‘Like the Alliance wishing for the annihilation of Eve and the Allied Forces, the demons may also want us to fight the Earthlings.’

“They’re funny.”

Kang Do-yeon, who heard my explanation, laughed openly.

In the first place, we are people with different tendencies from Eve’s corps. Of course, we are not on Earth’s side, but we have a grudge against the demons and are expanding our power here to expel them from this land.

We’ll have some containment, but we won’t have much of a fight with the humans before we deal with them.

“Hey, I think there’s one variable.”

However, when I saw what Yoon-ah Oh, who had sent reconnaissance to a more distant place, found them, I had a gut feeling that my plans for the future might change a little.

‘It’s a federation.’

The ground forces of the Federation, which provided the hunters in return for recruiting them, began to participate in this battlefield in earnest.

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