173 Tue-Third Force (8)


The two beings thought only of that at this moment and swung their weapons towards the other. The air echoed in the shock wave that exploded, and the ground on which I stepped on it shook.

At that time, Eve’s sword amplified the energy it had absorbed from Garr’s ax in reverse, and then spewed it out in the form of a slash.

He was taken aback for a moment, offsetting the slash with a power-down slasher, breaking the ground, and even attacking Eve.

“I can never lose to you as much as to you.”

The ground ripped apart and exploded in one blow as he glared at Eve with scorching eyes. The whole area shook, and the ground covered by the nest was dug deeper than the size of a regular playground, revealing its flesh.

‘Everyone I’ve dealt with so far has been desperate and desperate. This guy is no different.’

Eve, who had restored the cracked barrier, struck the ground with her sword, straightened herself and ran again.

Eve did not understand what he meant by carrying a burden. eagerness? Until now, among those who risked their lives to fight, there was no one who was not desperate.

And the result was always his own victory. Based on that experience, Eve was convinced that her nature was never inferior to the strength of her opponent.

“Retreat, ugh… we must retreat!”

The soldiers continued to fire at the influx of Legionnaires, and shouted urgently at Gar, who continued to clash with Eve in the pit.

However, Garr was not in a position to answer that call now.

The ax and the sword flew around, not knowing they would fall apart. In order to cut off the opponent’s body at once if it finds a small gap.

The terrain changed little by little due to the power they radiated from each other. Buried pipes burst and water flowed, or bodies fell into the collapsing pits.

“It’s the same as other monsters called high-ranking species! Only the power contained within it is incredibly high, and your sword, which is raging with rage and slaughter, can never cut me!”

Gar’s ax shrieked at Eve’s sword. His red speculation, which had gathered together, finally exploded. The resonance method that suppressed it was broken. It had never happened before.


The slash of the warrior who had reached the heights was spurted towards Eve with authenticity. Anticipating the worst outcome, Eve flooded all the output of the avatar and invested in defense.

“One thing is different. That anger, it feels quite different from those of the higher ranks.”

Eve casts the most powerful defense magic that can be unfolded with the energy she has raised. The intricately overlapping magic circles stopped his slash in a state of cracking.

‘This is the last.’

Gardo, who radiated energy beyond human limits, and Eve, who blocked it, sensed that each other’s strength was almost exhausted.

‘I can’t. I’m not tired of… no.’

Eve and Garr slam the ground once more at each other. At that moment, Eve denied the result of the calculation. This was not a matter of efficiency or calculation. I just wanted to win unconditionally.


Even though they lost a lot of strength to each other, they still had the anticipation to kill the other.

Garr, who was shaking even his mustache, managed to block the sword that was about to stab his chest with his wiggling arms.

“I have to admit… just one obsession.”

Garr, who was gasping for breath, was gradually pushed back. The muscles of the avatar, which were created by gathering the essence of the legion with tens of thousands of biological data, began to burst and burst out of bounds. Still, Eve did not withdraw her strength. Only to kill him, he risked everything.

“But I can do that too. Fighting to protect is always greater than fighting to take away. This is for comrades retreating, not for revenge.”


The center of gravity of Gar, who smiled brightly, suddenly collapsed.

Eve’s sword, which he had been shooting with all his might, was sucked in in an instant and cut off one of his arms, which was holding the axe.

But in return, Eve was beaten in the chest by the regime he wielded properly. The specter wrapped in the fist exploded, creating a powerful shockwave, smashing the carapace and crushing the inside of the body, damaging the power engine of the heart.


Eve’s consciousness was thrown out and the avatar stopped moving.

Now, seeing him recovered through the eyes of the legionnaires was all he could do.

[The battle is over. They eventually can’t stand our offensive and retreat. But which one is the real victory?

The legionnaires finally drove the enemy out of the territory completely. Looking at the overall result, the defense seemed to have succeeded in the end.

‘I lost.’

But Eve asserted that she had lost. This was not the result he wanted.

As long as he had grown up to this point, he did not wish for an easy and simple victory. He had to be superior in every way, and he had to overwhelmingly crush his enemies.

From that point of view, it was unacceptable for the opponent to engage in a mud fight on an equal footing with him, and to even damage the avatar he had worked hard to create.

‘Their fleet has appeared over here.’

‘know. In Senzel, in Valen, and even in Eden. Is their counterattack starting now?’

Besides, the real offensive of the Allied Forces had only just begun. Upon receiving Reina’s report, Eve was able to spot the Allied Forces approaching her entire force. If it had been before, she would have rather enjoyed and liked the struggles of her opponents, like the appearance of the Alliance’s giant ship, Jacob, but now Eve felt empty.


“Isn’t it because you can’t defeat the Allied attack with newspapers?”

“…not like that.”

At my words, Eve, who is now busily leading the troops, shook her head blankly.

“It’s possible to fight. It’s also possible to win by leading to attrition. That’s our own strength.

Eve struggled to comfort herself. It was clearly what he wanted. Enemies unite and fight against yourself.

However, the reason Eve became so depressed is that, at best, she made her enemies unite, but she couldn’t absorb their strengths.

And in the end, it was because the inner sword he had forged was broken without being able to overcome the opponent’s.

“It’s meaningless to just win. Unless you trample all those confident noses.”

“…Yeah. For now, let’s deal with the things that are right in front of us.”

There was nothing I could do right now. Eve’s feeling of defeat is actually just a personal reason, and objectively speaking, the nest is a little damaged.

Besides, the possibility of our unilateral defeat in the upcoming battles was low.

I left Eve and went out alone. It’s very busy outside. It is not long before we leave Earth as a demonstration case.



Then, I just met her. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other face-to-face, not in the media, because we’re busy with each other’s work.


“How are you here?”

Embarrassed, I spoke to Cha Ji-yeon, who looked astonished as well, asking how she was here.

“As you may know, I’ve been very busy in the meantime.”

“Have you been working all the time in Korea?”


Cha Ji-yeon, who was sitting next to him, nodded blankly. I took a peek, and the atmosphere had changed a lot compared to before.

At first he looked very tired. His eyes, which were deep and clear, were cloudy, and his expression hardly changed, and he was hardened like a doll.

“I recently realized what it means to be worn out or exhausted.”

“Isn’t it the player’s work?”

“Yeah. Even the intervention of outside forces in the Guardian Alliance, which openly checks the unit’s competition. It seems like they’ve almost given up and are obsessed with earning points instead. Or use us to engage in diplomatic means.”

She, who belonged to Chris, said something similar.

“As I said before, I didn’t care. As long as I could kill demons and protect people. But now I’m a little tired.”

“I was… on the list to be dispatched this time.”

I clicked my tongue. This dispatch includes several Evolution Hunters, including her. It was me who volunteered of my own will, but not her.

“I don’t care anymore. I think it’s better to die on the battlefield. As I am myself. Did I ever tell you about Soul Resonance in Spiritualism?”

With her head down, she told me about a technique called soul resonance. Literally, it is a technique that uses a string of souls, and a technique that maximizes abilities by resonating the souls of those who are connected.

However, in return, the souls of the connected beings gradually mixed into one and became a mess, and it was the worst spell that could eventually lose their self.

“How many times are left? 3? 5? I think it’s better to die honorably before becoming an empty shell doll. Of course, the player doesn’t care.”


I licked my mouth. Her situation was more serious than expected.

And the reason why she cares so much for her is simple. Because I definitely had time with her.

helping? Maybe it’s possible with Eve now. However, I wondered if it would be possible for her, a true hero who hates monsters and protects people, to become involved with the corps itself, which is gluttony and slaughter itself.

“Are you still going with him?”

Then, she first brought up the story of Eve.

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