147 Tue-Invaders(7)

‘Have you given up on life? Have you lost all hope?’

“Damn… get out of my head, monster. Just kill me…!”

‘What should I give to convince you?’

Eve deliberately conveyed her will through the Hive Ceremony, shaking Liam’s mind. And I looked through the data I had researched about Liam.

Surprisingly, the main source of this data is the Federation, not the Rebel Alliance. Richard, the head of the spy lab planted in the League, and Pires, the researcher, found the materials and informed them.

‘Liam Christopher, 42 years old, the rank is Major General, from the planet Riemann, and the singularity is that unlike others who took the elite course, he made a major as a minor soldier and became an officer.’


‘After that, on the Western Front, he was called the Maw of the Rebels. Because it ate too many of the Alliance’s troops. But my personal inclination is anti-confederation and anti-union.’

“It’s a very biased data. I wonder if my background investigation was also obtained through the Federation. You guys… Are these combat biotechnology experiments created by the Federation?!”

Liam, avoiding the fact that the content of the material Eve recites was too focused on the point of view of the Federation that was fighting with him, immediately crossed his legs and widened his eyes.

In fact, as Eve repeated the nuances of words and actions that seemed to have a deep connection with the Federation, it was a reasonable suspicion in a way.

“Shut up. Don’t you dare entangle me with humans. No one can be above me. Especially you savages.”


However, Liam’s remarks on the subject were very offensive to Eve. Liam groaned, crushed by the sudden wave of intense power.

‘Do not continue the story, Commander.’

Still, Eve did not rush any more and quickly calmed down. Because I could roughly ‘sympathize’ with why Liam thought that way.

Once you calm down, the change is quick enough that you can control your emotions on your own.

In fact, Liam’s face turned pale as if he had seen some kind of ghost as he looked at Eve’s ever-changing expression.

‘There was one thing that stood out. He had a very good reputation with his subordinates. It is said that people around him trust and follow him to the extent that political work is difficult with his unique ability.’


Liam tried not to listen, but closing his eyes was all he could do. But Eve, who already had control of his nerves and muscles, forced his eyes to open.

‘How about this if you care for your subordinates like that.’

Based on the information, Eve chose the means available right now.

The mucous membrane of the floor was torn, the flesh walls were split, and likewise, fragmented corpses were entangled in tentacles and began to rise.

Who can see those pieces of meat as human and alive? But Liam’s eyes began to shake, and he couldn’t open his mouth.

It was because he was living in the same situation as he is now, and those pieces of meat were the same.

‘Even if I don’t have a heart or lungs to check, I think I’ll know. Do you want them to live now?’

“Ah… no, I…”

‘Besides, he reacts to this face more than others.’

Eve, observing his reaction carefully, moved its tentacles to reveal what remained of the head and upper body in front of his eyes.

He couldn’t avoid it and he couldn’t deny it.


It was his assistant, Amy, who became a tragic corpse. Eve, in his unhindered reaction, was convinced that Amy was the device that could shake his heart.

Then all that’s left is to persuade and negotiate.

‘What kind of world do you want? As you may know, there is no world where you can have everything. Even this me gives up something else to get something. So you choose.’

The devil’s whispers. That fatal temptation flowed into Liam, who could not even close her eyes voluntarily, along with the face of her lover who had turned into a cold corpse with her eyes closed.

‘When you become one with me, give up everything you have as a human being. But in return, I will spare this woman and keep her by her side. forever. You two will live forever in a world just the two of you.’

Eve used all the knowledge she had acquired. Among them, the most useful knowledge was none other than the human psychology driven to the limit.

Data acquired while becoming humans with Shinwoo and fighting with them, moving the body, including numerous legionnaires, and killing humans.

Eve pushed Liam to the limit and forced her to make a choice, using the knowledge that even a brain that started in a cave and had already grown to the size of a city has not yet fully understood it.

“It can’t be. It could be… Amy is already dead.”

‘Of course it is now. But I can save you. the proof? The proof is you now. are you alive now Are you dead?’

Eve replied with a smirk to Liam, who denied it with a trembling voice.

That was enough. After all, Liam was not in a normal state right now.

“Really, really, is it possible to live in a healthy state?”

‘I’ll show you.’

Eve, judging that it had almost passed, moved the tentacles and injected Amy’s corpse with pluripotent cells used to craft higher species.

Cells receiving an indefinite supply of nutrients began to divide and grow at a tremendous rate, forming a new body.

Soon she, Amanda Lin, completely restored her existing body and slowly opened her eyes. Tears flowed from Liam’s eyes as he looked at her.

‘But Eve. That person…’

‘right. In the end, it’s because of me, it’s definitely a different existence than before. But what is it?’

At the words of Kang Do-yeon, who was watching the scene, Eve snorted.

Opinions on whether Amy, who has been saved in this way, is the same person as before, or whether it is right for her to be resurrected, will be divided among human beings. But Eve didn’t blink.

‘Even though she lost her soul. But Amanda Lin is one with the Legion and shares our souls. Some of my memories were blown away by brain damage, but I still have most of my memories. preserving the self. That’s enough. What more do you need?’

Eve laughed as she watched Amy hug Liam’s weeping head. Even if he got to know humans well in the first place, Eve’s values were firm.

“Have you made up your mind, Commander? How about the aide who came back alive?”

after some time has passed. Eve intervened between the two.

Amy transformed her skin cells before she knew it and perfectly reproduced the uniforms, hats, and stockings she was wearing before. She flinched and blocked Liam with her body.

“Hey, that’s a monster.”

And then he showed hostility towards Eve.

She became one with the Legion, but Eve did not touch her ego, which she had no intention of subminding into, nor did she tell the truth. To put it bluntly, he was in a similar state to Richard and Pires, the spies planted in the League.

“Because no one can be a submind. You have to be able to withstand the rebuilding of your own body with your bare mind.

Eve pointed a finger at her and her eyes twinkled.

In the first place, the ruler of the corps and itself, the Hivemind Eve, was approached as an instinctive rejection by constantly increasing a new self in the middle rather than a submind that could be said to be completely on his side with his body, mind, and soul inside himself.

“It’s okay, you can get out of the way, Amy.”


And Liam, determined to do something, made the small back that was in front of him get out of the way.

“What exactly do you want from me?”

“I want you to be the commander of our fleet.”

“…are you telling me to take sides with monsters and kill people?”

“Think of it as flexible and diverse as a human being. You’ve already killed a lot of people before my existence was even born. Does that mean that the soldiers of the League you killed aren’t even humans?”

Eve snorted as he spit it out. At that moment, both Liam and Amy’s faces hardened. Eve never described the sometimes fast-changing human attitude as hypocrisy or selfish.

“I said. There is something you have to give up. You got that woman alive, and in return, you have to throw away the past. Good or evil? That’s just an illusion created by you weak people. The struggle to survive. That’s the essence of life. everything.”

Eve’s eyes shone softly as she preached her beliefs. At the same time, Liam’s eyes sank deeply.

His mind, being forced to have only two options, reached the limit.

If he agrees here, he becomes a member of the monster and has to kill the people he tried to protect.

But what if you’re against it? He saw Amy standing next to him, helpless. I couldn’t lose her alive again.

“Especially, I won’t give you a mission to destroy your hometown with your own hands.”

One last suggestion from Eve to put a wedge.

Eventually, Liam accepted Eve’s offer and agreed to become part of the Legion and use his abilities.

‘I think it’s a human’s strength and weakness to be shaken by just one pun like this.’


Eve turned and turned against Liam, who was undergoing renovation.

Eve was going to attack Liam’s hometown of Liman as well. I just don’t leave it to him. Kang Do-yeon looked at Amy, who was crying while hugging his body covered in mucous membrane, with complicated eyes.

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