144 Tue-Invaders(4)

“I understand why an unsafe warp is extremely toxic to both the person concerned and those around him.”

In outer space, where there was nothing, a lot of gruesome debris began to scatter along with the flash of light.

Reina leaned on the fortress’s god and muttered blankly as she looked around.

The purpose of the warp, which was carried out as if collided with the ground, was to ensure the complete withdrawal of the army and the continuity of the troops at the same time, but with only half success, only the ground was left blank due to the unexpected side effect of the emergency warp.

As a result, more than half of the troops who had been warping together were killed. In the course of the warp, the barrier of the divine tree could not withstand the impact and was broken, and in the aftermath, everything on the outskirts was crushed and crushed.

‘It’s not something you should try. The fortress also needs to be repaired. But, this is just the beginning.’

Eve, of course, calculated the loss. But it didn’t matter. Because this was just a small sacrifice. And because the enemies took more damage than themselves.

‘We bought a fleeting moment, but it’s literally just a fleeting moment. more time. And I need power. Before they come to their senses.’

“It will be possible enough. They will be trampled before us. We will become their incarnation of fear, true predators of the universe!”

Reina jumped up and shouted with her eyes wide open.

One, two, three. After that, keep going.

Numerous invading fortresses and ships appearing one after another while warping began to appear in the surrounding outer space.

Forced to cut the planet’s lifespan, the troops that were constantly spewing out from Redrium were now continuing to arrive.

The Legion’s nest never rests. Considering the energy consumed to maintain its gigantic size, the moment of rest without doing anything was the culmination of inefficiency.

‘There are 32 fortresses prepared right now, 2600 battleships, and the total number of fortresses and legionnaires aboard the ship is billions of units.’

“But the humans that can be killed will be double or triple that number.”

‘Let’s sortie, Raina. If you attack from all directions, you can eat more than half of a planet in the outskirts in the meantime.’

Eve, who had already fully revealed herself to her foes, would continue to harass and buy time, slaughtering two rabbits at the same time, rather than re-establishing new roots on a distant, unoccupied planet.

The newly created fortress and troops, including Reina, began to warp in all directions once again.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Most of them were destined for planets within the sphere of influence of the rebel coalition, and the rest were directed to unoccupied planets on the map.

Now, Eve will wage an all-out war with humans, and at the same time build up her power by creating nests in places she never knew existed.

‘Now I have to completely clean up the house.’

Eve’s gaze, who had sent the troops, turned to the planet beneath her feet, which was now to be completely swallowed. A place you can call your hometown, where you were born.

To Eve, he named this place, which had a special meaning, ‘Eden’ at his own will.


“It’s actually the first time I’ve seen you.”

“I understand what you mean. It’s a last resort.”

“…it would be difficult to send support from nature.”

Commander Liam looked at Austin, who had invited him to the command ship, and smiled hard.

“They were monsters beyond imagination.”

“…I knew it earlier.”

Austin nodded at Liam’s painful mutter.

Just before, a video arrived from the castle. As mentioned in advance, the planet Lemune was attacked unexpectedly, and it was a video explaining what monsters appeared there and how much damage it took.

“While they unilaterally warp and then unilaterally warp again to escape, dozens of ships were destroyed in a short battle of less than two hours, and there will be at least billions of casualties including the aftermath of the storm. The resulting economic damage is a bonus.”

Liam read the list of damage one by one in a trembling voice.

Eve grumbled that many of the troops she had recovered had been killed, but in any case, the human damage in the process was incomparable to that of the Legionnaires damaged during warp.

“We now have to choose.”

Liam said looking at Austin, the local representative, as well as his subordinates.

“Whether you fight to the end here, or even just a few of them run away. Repeating the warp of this command ship Zenas makes it possible to evacuate several people to Lehman, but it is impossible to evacuate everyone.”

Everyone’s faces hardened at his words.

No matter how large the command box was, in the end there was a limit to the number it could contain, and there was not enough time. No matter how much he evacuated, tens of millions of people, including his men, would remain and die.

“Then do one thing for me.”

Austin stepped forward.

“Let me preserve the future of this land.”


So Liam accepted Austin’s offer.

Immediately, the locals began to board the ship that had prepared as much space as possible. Regardless of their status, young and young people are the main focus.

Whatever method was used, it was to leave a ray of hope.

“Captain. Captain, please stay here too.”

“I’m with this ship. A human like me can’t do anything without a ship anyway. What’s the point of leaving your men on that exoplanet and staying alive for a while?”

Liam dropped off the rescued locals, and even refused the advice of his subordinates to remain in Liman. In this situation, living alone is meaningless anyway. He was already prepared for death.

“If it’s because you’re wary of the Führer, I’d rather…”

“Absolutely not, Amy. No matter how sensitive the Führer may be, there is no way he can fight for power in the present situation. Right now, all of us, or even the League, will have to work together. They are enemies of all mankind.”

“Then, I will be with you until the end.”

“…I’m sorry for you too.”

In the end, unsuccessful in convincing Amy to stay, Liam was forced to leave her homeland, where she had only traveled for a short time.

And when the commander Xenas on board warped once again and returned. Apparently, it was only then that other news began to come through the communication.

It was because many planets of the power were attacked by the same monsters, and they became paralyzed and asked for support from all sides.

“Yeah. It meant that it was a fight that had to be fought no matter where you ran. Rather, I felt a little more comfortable.”

Sitting in the commander’s seat, he laughed out loud when he heard the news.

To anyone who sees it, it would seem that he had put his mind on the news without hope or dreams, but in fact, his spirit was clearer than ever.

“Let’s begin. Our last resistance. Hopefully we can do a meaningful blow to them.”

Rather, he launched the ship at full power. All the ships that had been evading while holding their breath moved together.

So was the ground. To the legionaries who openly devour mountains and streams and increase their nests, those who had only been beaten for the first time released their defensive posture and launched an offensive.

Naturally, Eve also mobilized the entire force that could be mobilized to completely wipe out the humans who were trying to make the last move in a corner.

The clash between the two forces did not last long. They were waiting for each other.


At that moment, Liam and everyone else who was beside him sank.

At that time, the hulls of the corps that collided with the fleet in front were engaged in a battle with the escorts. Someone broke through the chaotic battlefield and landed on the function with a bang.

The glowing red eyes behind the mask, and the feathered wings that spread behind them, were pulsating. Those who have seen her at least once, whether locals or people from the rebel coalition, have black wings that will never be forgotten by her overwhelming appearance.

‘okay. It was a mountain I had to climb. what’s so unfortunate In the end, it’s a fight where you have to die and die.’

“Fighter launch!”

Looking down from the bridge’s command room, she was staring at the woman in front of her, and Liam gave the order.

Airplanes on standby took off, risking damage to the ship’s armor and bombarding the wings. However, as if it was natural, Kang Do-yeon, who blocked all attacks, exploded the planes with a slash from the wings he wielded.

“We’re going. We’ll risk everything, and we’ll have to drop those wings.”

“I’ll do my best to help.”

As expected, when the equipment of the rebel coalition did not work at all, Austin and other locals came forward.

The most elite combination of local wizards and knights ran to the function to take charge of the robbery.

As Austin ran with his beard waving, he could see the frozen ground in his eyes.

The appearance of the beautiful land covered with the legion’s nest again.

‘You’re persistently surviving. After all, it must be our fault for not trampling on it in the first place.’

A streak of regret flashed through his mind as he swung his staff and cast magic on Kang Do-yeon. But anger was greater than regret.

The knights in exoskeleton suits made time by splitting in half and exploding in her wings and hands.

“Tie up!”

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Meanwhile, the magical chains cast by the wizards wrapped around her body.

With one twist of the body, the chains were broken, and the shape power emitted by the spread wings exploded the bodies of the wizards in the form of rays.

And at her chest, which was revealed as such, Austin aimed the double cast amplification circle after finishing the spell chant.

The bullets to be strengthened with this magic circle were not the rock bullets he enjoyed.

A large-caliber railgun mounted in the form of a cannon on this command ship.

The bullet fired from the tip passed through the magic circle, absorbing magic power and shining brightly. And this attack they hit with all means paid off.

“You’ve been careless, monster.”

Austin smiled faintly as she staggered down as the barrier broke, the crossed wings broke and ripped and eventually pierced her abdomen.

‘…The cornered mouse bit the cat. go and recover If it was hit by a power organ in the head or chest, it would have to be reconstructed without fail.

And when Eve saw that smile through Kang Do-yeon’s eyes, it seemed to have filled them with confidence, so it felt a little uncomfortable.

The robbery-yeon, who had suffered an unexpected blow from the combination of magic and cannons, was recovered and moved to a safe place. If it is not for important organs anyway, super-renewal is possible through the high-speed division of pluripotent cells. However, it was obviously a burden for the enemies to have a Strike of Conversion.

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