118 Tue-Everyone Has a Side (6)

“Do-yeon Kang is seeing results.”

“Yeah. I can see it too.”

Eve was able to see the field situation through the Hive consciousness, and I was able to see the situation through the screen.

To others, we might look like we’re having coffee at a leisurely cafe, but now we’re both focused on something completely different.

“…I’m sorry. From what I heard from the testimony, the ability of the Dark person was amazing.”

It was a little bit so I turned my gaze away from seeing the tortured scenes of people screaming. At the same time, regrets about the blood magic that I had not yet obtained arose again.

According to the testimony, their leader, Dark, had the ability to extract all information without having to torture the opponent.

Unfortunately, after a bloody battle, Dark was crushed to such an extent that even fragments of the corpse could not be found, so Eve was unable to acquire the ability.

“The rebel coalition, called Refecto in their language, is certain. The 7th Fleet stationed on the planet Liam.”

But Eve didn’t seem particularly interested in what had already happened. Above all, it was a matter of efficiency, not a necessary ability. In fact, no one has ever endured the corps-style torture that directly manipulated the nervous system.


[Is there anything else you are concerned about?]

As my expression hardened a little, the letters came to mind. I glanced at Eve who was next to me and just nodded.

“Are you that guy again?”


“I don’t like it.”

Eve, who could not see what I was seeing, noticed the moment I reacted to the text, and showed the discomfort of planting.

I think I know everything about me, but that’s what got in the way.

Even Eve’s power could not exceed the system’s power in the end.

[If you want to hide it, you can hide it. Eve doesn’t know what you think, but I’m different]

And the observer acted as if he knew all about our situation.

[Are you worried about Kang Do-yeon? With growth and evolution as an excuse, it seems that the child gradually becomes one with the corps and loses even the appearance of the past]

It wasn’t a lie. He was piercing right through my mind. Even Eve, who knows everything about me, can’t even look into people’s heads, isn’t it a scam?

[Certainly, Kang Do-yeon is changing rapidly now. There is no longer the high school girl you knew, who suffered from the trauma of the past. Its inner side is also gradually worn out and worn out. Past trauma? Now for her, the scars of the past are not even scars]

The screen has changed. The point of view was no longer the victim being tortured, but my younger brother Kang Do-yeon, who had the legionaries torturing people.

It was different from before, when Eve had to wear a mask to control her emotions whenever Eve tortured people to extract information.

It didn’t look comfortable, but now my brother was watching the scene with his eyes open.

Growing up is good, but seeing how you change makes me feel anxious.

[But is that the real problem?]

The letters that pinpointed the reality I had been ignoring so much were reversed in an instant.

I opened my eyes wide at the unexpected letters. At the same time, beyond the translucent screen, I could see Eve, who was biting her lip and looking at me.

‘Look at me. Now that we’ve become one, I’m the only one who sees you. From now on, forever.’

Eve’s will, which opened her unshakable red eyes towards me, flowed into me in a connected Hive consciousness. Its obsession, its dependence instinct, its possessiveness.

Even after they met and became one, there was no relief at all. On the contrary, it seemed to have gotten worse.

[Which one is stained? Can you stand it?]

If I, like my brother now, gradually wears out and is completely stained with the Legion.

Everything I had previously envisioned went awry.

Eve will do nothing to stain me, and even my spirit, who is completely one with the Legion, will be at the forefront of the destruction and gluttony I was trying to stop. Also from around me.

[You seem curious about my stance]

In this situation, one question is what is the intention of the alternative observer.

He was now indirectly warning me on the subject of making Eve the strongest and worst unit ever.

[That’s right. Raising Eve to be the strongest. At the same time, finding happiness for all of you is all I want.]

“Why the hell. Who are you?”

I made a sound with my voice. Eve flinched and focused her attention on me.

No matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand. why do you care about me

Having become one with Eve, I have paid a great price. At the same time, a large load was removed. I can’t disturb you anymore.

Am I that important? I… am nothing now.

[You are the center, you are the player. Don’t devalue yourself. Others may see Eve and Legion as the main body and center of the game, but I am not as good as myself. From the beginning until now, you are the most important thing. Maybe the world thinks so.]

“…I can hear what you see now. He’s talking to me too. But he’s not wrong. You are the most important thing.”

As soon as the words came to mind, Eve opened her mouth saying she heard it too. Although the meaning of just talking to each other is important, it was just the opposite.

And in fact, the confusion did not go away even after hearing such stories.

“Huh, let’s go. It’s flight time.”

I got my things and got up. Eve grabbed her hand and followed her.

After passing the crowds, we arrived at the departure hall.

The purpose was to cross over to a foreign country and go through the gate to our assigned mission site.

“I’ve got everything I need to know.”

‘Now what do you think?’

“In my opinion, I think you have two options.”

not on the plane. I could see Kang Do-yeon and Eve communicating with each other through the screen and the colony consciousness.

Eve asked Kang Do-yeon for her opinion first. It’s something you’ve been seeing a lot lately. Now I am starting to become aware of this.

Although it is limited to the sub-mind that can be said to be a part of herself, it seems that Eve’s sociality has improved a little anyway.

“The first option is to be bold and to quickly accomplish the goal, even if it reveals our identity. The reason is that they don’t know where we are now. The second is to move slowly as we do now and completely hide our identity.”

Kang Do-yeon briefed her thoughts as if waiting. The thing that bothers me is that the more the interaction with Eve increases, the more the younger brother gradually becomes dyed with Eve in proportion to Eve’s sociability.

‘They’re going to make the land completely theirs. I can never tolerate that. If you give me more time, it might get more annoying later.’

“It sounds like you need to keep it in check.”

Eve finished the calculations and took the first option.

He knew well from his past experience that he could certainly bring great benefits by hiding his identity.

But sometimes it can be more effective to show up and move.

“I’ll go right now.”

His brother’s body, which was shown on the screen, was twisted and suddenly became the commander of the corps wearing a mask.

The guy with his wings spread out flew into the sky without hesitation.

[One thing is certain, Kang Ji-yeon is also feeling confused in her heart. So it’s all up to you. you color eve Balance it]

Indeed, a kind commentary that tells me what to do after a long time came to mind.

Of course, you know, that’s a problem. Color Eve? Without any strong convictions or beliefs, what the hell am I?

“…what are you doing?”

“Well, the person in front of you said it was a gift for the Hunters… If you accept it, we’ll upgrade your seat.”

After being bruised for a while, I was startled by Eve Duck’s hostility towards the crew and woke up.

“Gifts? I don’t understand. How can I have a favor when I don’t know? I’m suspicious.”

“What we are doing now is protecting them.”

I moved around to comfort Eve, who was grumbling sarcastically.

The recognition of the Hunters, especially the Hunters belonging to the Guardian Alliance, was good from the beginning and it is getting better now.

“You’re going to protect them? Am I these guys?”

“…and others think so.”

To be honest, I don’t even think it makes sense. Eve, the Legion itself, was crossing the skies of another world to kill people at this moment.

But here, at the same time, they were flying in the sky to protect people.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Maybe, really if.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Maybe this other side and contradiction could be the answer.



Kang Do-yeon, unaware of the situation elsewhere, quickly lowered the altitude.

Together, they are six high-class species that can fly together.

Forming a squadron, they turned towards the city where people who had been thwarted by last night’s events were fleeing in horror.

‘The purpose is to capture the senior level of the rebel coalition and keep them from knowing that fact.’

She checked the plan once more. It was after he found out who to kidnap and where the target was staying with the information he had already extracted.

‘Localization battalion commander, Lt. Col. Robinson.’

As she recalled the brown-skinned man she had targeted, she accelerated further. The moment when the speed of flight is about to break through the speed of sound.

A blue beam flew in from the city side and collided head-on with her shield while she was on the run.

‘…The beam weapon, one of their form powers.’

The power of the high-ranking species, including her who stopped in the air, resonated.

A corps-only group tactic that Reina greatly improved the magic of the Stars Society and raised its limit several times.

The beams continued to fly in, but they couldn’t break through the resonant shield.

“That’s a wing that calls for despair…Hurry up and tell the fleet! They’re crazy monsters that can’t even be scratched by a small beam cannon!!”

The field’s top commander, Robinson, who was watching the scene on a magnified screen from the garrison on the ground, urgently requested support from the fleet in space.

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