Legendary Hollywood Producer

Chapter 64: Screening (1) (please ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket)

On a very ordinary day, Bai Ling returned to her bedroom after dinner and turned on a computer not far from the bed as usual.

She just went to university this year, and she always spends her free time on the Internet on weekdays, but because of this, she seems a little bit out of gregariousness. Every time a girl or boy asks her out to play, she always refuses. Bai Ling didn't want to go to play with these people, and there was nothing fun in the nightclub, even if the classmates around liked to go, so what.

Opening the website skillfully, Bai Ling quickly immersed himself in the world of the Internet. The computer is still fun, Bai Ling told herself exactly in her heart.

This website is a place for everyone to discuss the content of the movie. Usually many people will post some things about the movie here. Since Bai Ling discovered it, she has liked it.

In addition to her love of surfing the Internet, she also likes to watch movies, which is one of the few things she is interested in.

"Hello everyone, I’m Resett. The news of the movie today is that Kim Carrey’s new film "The Hangover" is about to be released. This movie still follows the line of comedy, and people who like to watch comedy movies Friends, don’t miss it..."

This person named Resett has a certain reputation on this website, because he can always get some gossip about movies, and Bai Ling has also followed him.

There is a series of reply messages below.

A person on the first floor named me Superman said: "I know the news that Kim Kerry's new movie is going to be released. I can see the movie posters in many places when I go to work these days. The schedule is fixed. It’s November 20th, and I will definitely go to the cinema to watch it."

The ignorant on the second floor said: "Go and go together. It's been a long time since I saw a comedy movie played by Kim Carey. I must go and join in."

On the third floor: "Cry and dizzy in the toilet. I have to go to work. I can't squeeze time out this week. I can't go to the cinema to watch a movie the first time.

Fourth floor: "I have time to see it, but I don't want to go out."

On the fifth floor, the host Resett spoke again: "Do you want to know more about the new movie? Please click on the link..."


It contains a link to a website, and Bai Ling clicked it with her mouse with curiosity.

After a while, a somewhat rudimentary website appeared on the computer screen. Bai Ling browsed and found that this website contains a lot of information about the movie "The Hangover". The introduction of the career of an actor, the introduction of the director and the people behind the scenes, is very complete.

After reading this, Bai Ling discovered that the director Steve Oldcock had collaborated with Kim Carey for the second time. Last time they had also worked together to film the first part of "The Detective Plane".

This is also a very good movie, and Bai Ling has seen it no less than 3 times, which is still fresh in her memory. This movie fully brought out Jin Carey's funny ability, and from then on, Bai Ling fell in love with Jin Carey's performance. He is an actor who can bring joy to everyone.

This website must be known to more people.

With such thoughts in mind, Bai Ling expertly returned to Yahoo's search page and clicked on another website. This website has a lot of popularity, and many people express their opinions every day.

"The new movie "The Hangover" starring Kim Carey, has a lot of information about this film on a website." There is also a click link attached.

After finishing this, it was a bit late. Bai Ling took a shower and went to bed.


On the other side of Western European Films, Roman is talking to Shulman.

"There are four days left, the movie will be released, and the publicity will continue to be strengthened tomorrow." Roman put forward his own suggestions.

"Yeah" Shulman nodded and talked about another thing, "Oh, yes, Roman, the last time you looked for the promotional website created by Naria, the number of views and clicks has increased rapidly recently. , Have you invested in new funds again."

"No." Roman was also a little confused about this. He invested nearly $3 million in this one time. After the website was established, the increase in pageviews for two consecutive weeks was not an exaggeration. As a result, the funds were almost used, and suddenly the website became popular again, which also made Roman a little confused. Is it because he underestimated Kim Carey, the attraction brought by these three words, Roman thought slightly.

Although Roman and Shulman, as well as the operator of the website Naria, are a bit surprised, why the number of page views of the website has been increasing these days, but this is always a good thing, right?

The Internet in 2004 has begun to show its fangs in film promotion, and the popularity of the "Hangover" website is the best proof.

A new and important way of film promotion has begun.

In fact, Roman and Naria's operation of the movie "The Hangover" on the Internet is still very simple. After all, the investment is not high.

That is, under some of the more popular websites, find someone to post information about the release of Kim Carey's new movie, and then leave a link to the movie promotion website below.

Except for this step, there are no other actions, but the number of website views has increased by an exaggerated increase.

It is estimated that Roman himself did not expect that offline resources such as offline posters, media layouts, and TV broadcast trailers, combined with online Internet propaganda, would explode so much power.

People are happy to share the news and opinions they know, just because the interpersonal circle in real life is too small to see anything, but it's different when it is put on the Internet. Many people have spontaneously promoted the news of the new movie of Jin-Kerry on the Internet. You tell me, I told him, and I forwarded it to more people to see. In this way, after the scale is formed, More people who are online will learn this information. This is the charm of the Internet.

"How much is the browsing data of the website today, Naria?" After saying goodbye to Schulman, Roman went to the Internet Propaganda Department and found the department head Naria.

Rubbing his eyes, Naria reported, "Today, more than 500,000 page views have been added, and the total number has exceeded two million." With a little sigh, Naria went on to say: "This is not the case. By 3 days, the number of visits has exceeded the total number of people in the previous week, and there are still 4 days left, and the data still has a lot of room for improvement."

Roman nodded in satisfaction. Today's page views are still high, which makes him more assured, not just a flash in the pan. But, it would be nice if all this data could be transformed into movie box office, Roman couldn't help thinking.

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