After Robert Downey Jr. joined Iron Man, other roles continued to be screened by Kevin Feige.

Ryman only reminded one point, that there should be one or two black people.

In recent years, the popularity of black people in Hollywood has become more and more prosperous. It seems that a film and television drama without such a face is a crime and will be greatly criticized.

At the Oscars in February this year, some judges even made public remarks, saying that the Oscars suppressed black people, otherwise why do black people always fail to win awards?

Later, studios quickly followed the so-called black trend.

The main reason is that everyone found that if there were no black actors to join, they would lose a part of the audience. Those black people seemed to be a little difficult to fool and began to pursue more right to speak.

Taking into consideration, hiring one or two black faces, that is, a small amount of salary, can use this promotion to attract black movie fans who are gradually becoming a movie-going group that cannot be ignored.

Moreover, Lehman knows that when this wind is far from stopping, he must of course cater to the mainstream wind direction compared to the cost of benefits. Qiqi's novels are first published on the whole network

in the movie market.

Shrek 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 are still reaping the box office, but Spider-Man 3 has gradually started to fall behind, mainly due to the early screenings and lack of stamina...

Marvel Entertainment.

The Return of Heroes team had several contacts with Universal, and finally had some loose intentions.

Soon, Lyman made a personal trip to Universal Headquarters and met with Nassim Ellison, the executive in charge of the matter.

This guy got a high-level order and knew how to negotiate.

In the beginning, Universal didn't have any idea about Marvel's proposal, but then it felt like Marvel really wanted to remake the Hulk, which was sincere, and it was inevitable that some thoughts had arisen.

You know, the superhero theme that is gradually becoming popular in the Hollywood market, is Universal really not interested at all?

If it was, she wouldn't have asked director Li Press, who was relying on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, to direct the Hulk.

Although some unfortunate losses are lost, Universal still has ideas about the character image of the Hulk, especially the role models of the X-Men and Spider-Man remind them from time to time that Marvel's first-line traffic is really good.

But that time it fell too badly, and several executives were forced to resign to explain. It is normal for global executives to have concerns. In addition, the reputation of the Hulk is bad, and it is still unknown whether the audience will buy it again. If it loses again, That's the end of the calf.

Then, Universal saw Firefly entering Marvel, and immediately began to adapt its characters.

Although he laughed a little, but after all, Lehman's record was there, maybe it really changed.

Moreover, everyone has been begging for it, and Universal has no intention of investing in and developing by itself, and has taken advantage of the production risk, so why not try it?

The two greeted each other warmly and sat opposite each other.

This kind of his own son was reduced to renting and shooting, and it was also the face of Universal that Lehman made up for in the past.

More importantly, the situation seems to be a little off.

Lehman remembers the original time and space, and Marvel Entertainment soon discussed with Universal that the Hulk would return to the Marvel camp.

Of course, he wouldn't know that the key to this was him. Who made Firefly's production capabilities generally recognized by everyone? Universal was naturally reluctant to let go of it. What if it really happened?哽噺蹓帽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

Wouldn't that give away the only superhero in the world, or one of Marvel's most famous characters?

Global does not do such a loss-making thing.

In other words, Firefly took over, Marvel went from a tattered state, its assets have risen, and the benefits of evaluation are different.

Therefore, it is normal that the world is not as happy as the original time and space.

Different people have different values.

After the chat, both parties knew what to talk about, plus Lehmann really needed the Hulk, even if the remake was completely lost, he must put up this sign. tension in the plot.

Don't go around in circles too much and go straight to the topic.

"Jointly develop Hulk, what do you think?"

Lyman asked first.

After all, this is also what he cares most about. If Universal does not agree with this, then all talks will be put aside. Marvel must have no reason to work purely to help Universal with projects. He is not a philanthropist.

Nassim Ellison hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "This has already been negotiated."

The hero's return to the team also did the right thing.

It's just that they don't have the right to be responsible for such a big thing, and that's why Universal wants to talk to Lehmann about the final distribution of benefits.

Lyman, who put down a stone in his heart, gave a little compliment to those Marvel veterans. It seems that in addition to stabilizing people's hearts, they still have the ability to work, except that some like to mix things up.

Obviously, Marvel Studios has been split up, and I still want to add sand to it to maintain its influence.

Because the adaptation of characters involves various interests, after all, the author of the comic adaptation copyright is also profitable, and coupled with the larger market such as the surrounding, how can the veterans of Marvel not be tempted and do not want to reap the benefits?

This in turn made Ryman more determined to maintain the independence of Marvel Studios.

"So, what about your conditions?"

Nassim Ellison thought about it and gave a slightly higher target expectation than the global executives.

At the negotiating table, how could he leak his underpants once, doesn't that mean that his work ability is not good.

"You are responsible for the production budget of the remake project, and Universal is responsible for the distribution. Only 15% of the channel fee is taken. In addition, it is responsible for the cost of publicity and distribution relative to the market. The copyright belongs to Universal."

"Ha, doesn't Universal want to shoot the Hulk?"

"How to say?"

"No sincerity at all. If that's the case, then let's go."

"But at the beginning, we used formal means to win the copyright of the Hulk and its related characters, and Marvel sold it voluntarily. Besides, it was your company's first proposal to remake the Hulk."

"The past is in the past. What we are talking about now is whether you want to start the Hulk. Is it impossible to hide it like this? Personally, I really want to cooperate with your company amicably."

It's very troublesome, Lehmann said, thinking about it from time to time.

Nassim Ellison smiled, turned the subject back, and kicked the ball to Lehman, "I don't know, what kind of sincerity does Mr. Rust have?"

"When the Hulk is remade, we will consider incorporating it into the linkage plan and share this part of the income of the Hulk. The character is valuable, famous, and can be accepted by the audience. The peripheral authorization is also a big business. Presumably Universal should not keep staring at the box office and offline market.”

Nassim Ellison listened and wanted to complain.

Hello, is the copyright in our hands?

How do you feel that we are begging Marvel to shoot? Besides, the initiative is not calculated like this. The box office doesn't care. Compared with the copyright market, it is a small amount of money, and that is the profit we should How can we share the equal share? already?

What's more, what kind of linkage plan is included after the remake, you should tell the plan.

Empty hand painted cake this is...  

In this circle, they are really unwilling to take any loss, even including themselves.

But cooperation, Universal still wants to.

The main thing is that they don't spend money or production budget, and let Marvel help film the Hulk. They come to enjoy the added value of the fame and fortune market and image after this. No matter how this business looks, they have the urge to do it.

It's just that Lehmann wanted to share it evenly. The worst thing was to ask Universal to take out the commercial use of copyright and put it on the negotiating table, and the box office should be divided closer to the producer, that is, Marvel.

This is completely different from Universal's expectations.

After all, they just wanted to come here with empty gloves.

Anyway, the Hulk has long been thrown into the copyright vault and frozen.

Universal executives are now thinking of letting Marvel be in charge of project development. It’s best not to split up the surrounding copyrights. As for the linkage, Nassim Ellison doesn’t want to think about it. Obviously, this is a negotiating convention. Are you raising expectations? I'm not fooled.

But if you want to completely complete this wishful thinking, it seems that you can't convince Lehmann, and people are not stupid. If you don't mention copyright, you have to use other things to satisfy Marvel.

what to do? How to talk?

Nassim Ellison had a momentary headache...

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Lehman took another step back, "Well, we'll pay for the budget, and Universal is responsible for the distribution, but Marvel should also have the right to use the corresponding characters, it's impossible for us to pay, and you don't say anything at all. ."

"Mr. Rust, we will consider your request carefully."

Nassim Ellison can't decide, and plans to hold a high-level meeting to discuss...

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