Lawrence sees, after losing a hand, decisive is honest, do not dare to make the pigs to move, can only fight with its own techniques. The two sides re-stalemate, showing the situation of consuming war, no one can take the hand to help others, can only deal with the enemy of the face.

The four-day Qianzhun one of the four Tiangui, which looks particularly young vampire. Rayne handed the shank that Wei stunned once.

He is good at body integrity and mental spells. When handling, he has repeatedly used illusion to disturb the women's five senses. At the same time, use a differential skill to harass with a weird-and-test body, seek the cramps.

The cultivation of the woman fell in the first place to be absolutely lower, the environment and the siege, and it seems that the strength did not play at all. Seeing this disadvantage, she immediately took the black cloth on the surface of the hands of the hand, and the inside was actually a long gun full of sacred breath.

The guns are lit in the gun, immediately disseminated the illusion of Renne, and simultaneously break Rayne's branching in the exclusive guns.

Rayne looked at the long gun in the hands of the people, caught in meditation, from the knowledge of the past, barely recognized this long gun.

"Holy Gun, Langques? Are you a Clemenite family?"

The talents unveiled on the head, almost covering the face of the face, showing the persistence of perseverance, "Mitra Clemet, Italy's red coach of Clement II, now with the name of the Father, sanctions you This group of evil! "

The prayers of the Langquin's guns have skyrocketed, which makes the strength of the holders themselves double, just for Rene, it can only be considered slow motion, it is now almost difficult to capture.

Both sides have done, and the battle remaining is spread to the surrounding, and no one dares to be in front of 50 meters.

Erupines are the strongest existence in the four kings, but almost never left the name in history, it is low-key to almost not participating in the bloody things, if it is not controlled by Degla source, It has been detached from the blood group.

This person named Gerard, is an Austrian Parliament being abandoned in this world, and I have brought the troubles of Wei Burns.

Since a thousand years ago, the captain of the Otfa Parliament Kalin and Hui Yao Monastery Fali Jay were killed by Degula, Gerard did not have more aura to open the space channel returned to the Offa Parliament.

Since then, in the war, I was extremely revenge, in order to retaliate the opponent, De Guula has brought him a premature blood group and controlled the most stringent means.

Jerard, which is forcibly converted into the blood group, has been contaminated, and it is impossible to return to the Austrian Parliament. Since the violent, although the strength is the strongest in the premature blood group, but under the strict control of Degula, even the basic freedom No, the fate since the millennium can also be very tragic.

Chapter 37

Today, this battle is entered by Degola, and is added to the battle by the source of blood. Therefore, there is no intention to play, even so, only one of the priests before him a vampire has been suppressed.

The old monk is the same as the nun, it also has the secret law, otherwise how it may become one of the three leaders of the opening day.

His body squash squash, exposed an internal dry and thin body, but the body surface was engraved with Sanskrits. The scriptures do not seem to be engraved with ordinary means, but incorporate some kind of strange plants, like a golden generally in the skin surface.

They have already grown to a piece of blood vessels in the body, so that the true elements of the monk itself can penetrate, trigger the Dharma true words, one time Buddha light, light four shots.

He threw it almost not played any effect on any effect, with an empty-handed external slam, and he brought the Buddha's true printed. Gerard only couldn't be any cheap, and the Dharma entered into the brain, so that he could not recall the memories of self-reminders.

Everything happened in Vatican for a thousand years ago, as well as later siege, one scene entered into the brain.

Originally, this is the purpose of letting the enemy lose the war, caught in confession. However, for Gerald, which is full of illegal, this Dharma is still not enough to resolve it, but it is fully excited that this is completely excited.

Gerald hugged his head, doubled, and made a scream full of regrets. A pair of batons came out. He looked at the changes in the body, showing weird and painful laughter, "Hahahaha, I can't go, I I can't go back !!! All my companions are dead, I am still alive! This damn task! This damn world! "

In the eyes of long eyebrows, Gerald suddenly broke out, taied into vain, and launched a continuous and violent offensive from all directions ...

When the outside world is not allowed, we also have troublesome.

He is ready to enter the basement and hide the ontology according to the previous arrangement. As a result, the heart of the heart seems to panic, escaped from the outside, four second generation vampires and a first generation vampire was chasing her crazy, but it did not seem to kill.

Otherwise, this is quite comparable to Ma Xiaoling, it is impossible to resist it.

Since the situation of the people who know the knowledge is critical, Weiurn can only be saved, and a fight is also delayed for a lot of time, and the five vampires are solved.

Weishun saw a lot of vampires in the sky. In addition to fighting, more seems to be looking for someone, he looked at the heart of the eye.

"The fight here must have caused a vicinity of vampires, let's hide first." Wei Bun did not want the other person to discover his secrets.

Su Yixin is still afraid, and a little bit is nod, followed by Wei Yu. Suddenly a few vampires chased, Wei burned to the heart of the heart into a nearby house, leaving himself to intercept the vampire and attracted them elsewhere.

After a battle solves them, Wei Bun didn't want to find a snow, and I believe that the other party has been temporarily safe. He needs to control the body to give full strength to cope with the current chaos.

After returning to the original room, he will equip the equipment and then throw it next to the body, then enter the basement, lying into an iron coffin, blocking the coffin from the interior. This coffin has a breathable design, and it will not be depressed, and the locking device is also inside, but it can't come out after waking up.

The most important thing is that the inside of this coffin is discovered by an array, which can shield the living, and will not be discovered by the vampire, absolutely safe. Then Wei blasted his eyes and started to transfer awareness.

The huge figure of the stupid watching TV in the living room suddenly became a lot. He blinked and stood up and moved his bones, then wear the quench on the sofa, picking up the mouth of Wei burning on the ground.

Wipe the smell of the younger blood, guide the lotus suffocation, as if you have a lot of money, and you have your life awareness.

Weimang, who woke up with the body, raise the improved paint black arm from the quite, although there is a high-tech modification, but the overall looks still like the product that can be manufactured in this time, so There is no big exclusion in the world awareness.

Weimen put on the plate armor, activating the rune in the board, and deliberately discussed his own momentum and walked out of the house.

When he came, the heartbeat, so that all the battlefields within the entire town can hear it. Everyone in the fierce battle did not pay attention, but in a period of time, the weird and strong heartbeat appeared to affect the energy of all people.

If it is self-owned, the battle of the entire town is temporarily quiet, and there is a place to search for the powerful heartbeat.

- -!

This is not like a heartbeat, simply like a thousand tons of heavy hammers from tens of meters from the high-altitude blessing, all people who have heard themselves are unpredictable, whether it is human or a bloody or iswolf.

On the streets like the end of the ruins, a man wearing a black armor holding a white bones, step by step, the silver moonlight slowly came out, the strong bloody flavor was drifted from his body.

Everyone is inexplicably falling into a strong fear, consciousness and body can't move, can only look at him to go to the most core area of ​​the battlefield.

There is a place where Gerald bombarded long crub and Shang, although the strengths and strengths were weak, and the spirit was cultivated to have been demonstrated, dealing with the second generation of vampires and even use the eyes "to see death", but in the face of violent Gerard didn't have the power of the hand, and it was bombarded on the spot for more than ten minutes.

Gerard has just killed long crub and still rush into the self-contained extraordinary, and did not expect that it once again saw the man who became his dream.

That's right, Wei Burn gives him the impression, even more horrible than De Guula, he didn't expect this guy contaminated by the ancient gods to be alive, and it became more horrible than before.

At this time, even if he presents a very crazy state, it still feels that the chills from the spine bone.

"Is that guy, the damn hound! I ... I am not an opponent, escape, you must escape! You can't be caught up!"

Just started this thought, Gerald turned to escape from outside.

Wei Burn has long noticed his existence, even quite surprised, did not expect the mission of the Austrian Parliament failed to make a mess, this guy actually lived.

Since it makes you live in white, then today, it will be a general bill, there is no new hatred, but there is an old hat that can't finish, just use your life as compensation, draw a rest.

Chapter 38

"Fan Hai Xin !!!"

Gerard called the name of Weimen in despair, and the sound of almost the entire town can hear, and everyone is surprising to make Yunlong nine newly furnish.

This name is obviously the last hunter, how do he also called this name?

The Rayne who is fighting with the Mittrah, and the shock in the gods is not complex.

Others have such an initial vampire from the millennium, and the killing that is inevitably will stop, and the brain is blank.

Wei ignition to Gerard, Gerard made a full counterattack.

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