And she is still one of the fiercers of Mongolia, and she is not like Wei Bun, and she has a strong national feelings.

She just wants to use the East's extraction to fight against the Degula who is far from Central Europe and even reach Central Asia.

Help the decaying Southern Song against Mongolia, the hope of success is too embarrassing, and with the south Song Dynasty people, it is impossible to have the determination and desire to expand in the Han Dynasty.

So she simply helped Mongolia to explore the Southern Song, accelerated this process, and became the leaders of the East World.

When I said this, Wei Bun didn't spit a few words. However, she was a demon, and she could not accuse her with the national righteous position. She just did something that she was most beneficial to her.

The Mongolian army in Degola has a small loss in the hands of Degola, and I took the opportunity to ask the Khan Wang at the time. At that time, the East World Zongmen Elite was the first troops, with the Mongolian army, to Durgola I launched a direct attack.

Degola is also the first time to face the strong army from the Oriental world, although they are mortal, but their tactical execution is simply smashed in Ten Street, Central Asia and European multinational army.

They know that the vampire is afraid of the sunshine, most of the battles are done during the day, and at night, they are resistant to the nodes from the east.

After continuous removal of several important strategic strongholds, De Guula was gradually forced to the wolf of the decisive battle. At this time, European residual super resistance will also get a knife from behind.

However, under the fight against the blood group, I also gave an extraordinary super-power strike that Leaders led. Most people lived on the spot, so many paramenities lost important inheritance.

This battle is a major cause of the overall decline in the East, but it is not to become the model.

Chapter 14 Failure

I have to say that the Mongolian army at that time is very powerful. When I caught anxiously with the blood group, another 30,000 people's light cavalry troops, after three nights of three nights, from behind, they broke into the hinterland of the blood group.

The battle time is just dragged to dawn, and the blood group army is still introduced to the wilderness area in the case of continuous operation. Under the World War, Degola's Undeading Legion completely died.

But I didn't kill Degola himself on the battlefield. At the beginning, Degula is still quite strong, and I is not his opponent, and there are many people around.

In this high-level battle, the mortal army has no great role, but will become a good supplement of Degola and a sophisticated vampire to restore injuries.

Therefore, even if the Mongolian army won at the time, I also struggled to fight, and I did not stop Degula with a group of primary vampires.

Since then, I will swim in the world, and I will take a high-level vampire.

Degola also develops his forces towards the dark, no longer so crazy to set up a huge unmantened army, attracting the collective siege of the human world.

Wei Yi heard here, guessing, "You said Degola hidden in the dark, and many rulers have received his initial embroidery, then he is not able to manipulate the power in secret? "

I left the head: "Although I don't know much about Degola, but after the unfamed legion is completely destroyed, he seems to have returned some ministry and began to take a conspiracy route.

He has rarely actively develops a first-generation vampire, although there is not much, but everything is a pivotable person.

So I will follow the Ascence organization of the Central Asian world, specializing in the high-rise of these aristocratic high levels, really smashing a lot of primary vampires. "

It is said that she sighed here. "Even so, I still can't stop their development. Although the Holy See is reorganized, there is no longer the original power, the Shenshi is not falling, and the beginning of the literary revival, all kinds of thoughts continue to collide .

Since then it is the two industrial revolution, two world wars. After this, mix the complicated struggle between the European royal family and the ethnic groups, but they are full of blood ghosts.

Interestingly, although these vampires will control the civilized development of Europe, they will also be almost stranded in the world. At least I have never seen the evil shadow. "

Wei Bun said: "He only controls the process of European civilization behind it, then?"

"How can he forget the Oriental world like that

I will continue to tell the history of history, "There are many righteous army and the leaders of the Yuanjun warlords that have become a first generation vampire.

During the war, the majority of the majorities also watched the majorities. Some vampires were engaged in ghosts behind, under civil war, causing a serious shuffle against the entire extraction, until I helped Zhu Yuanzhang established Daming.

Then use the whole truth, positive, Zen as the foundation, support a number of martial arts in the north and south, and the latter Shaolin, Wudang, and Longhu Mountain are basically from which of the doors will be released, and there is a slight recovery. .

During my practice, I don't know Degola has already laid out, and there will be a chaos in the end, and the over-the-ranking army hides many bloody officers.

Just Degola didn't expect that the eight flag forces were all made to each other, even if the luck is good, the leak is generally occupied. The person who truly be the emperor is absolutely impossible to be a blood family.

For example, as the Tanto of the blood family, it is intended to replace the rule, but it is besieged by the eight flags, and it is unknown. Then, the internal blood group was cleaned.

It is expelled from the chess pieces of Degola hidden, but it is the trauma caused by the three hundred years to rule the middle soil. The trauma brought by the conspiracy is still big, this point I don't think so.

The next world is basically the world's dominant world. In response to the decaying Multi-Of Opium War, the Eight-Powerful Armed Forces invasion, engage in semi-colonies, the salmon war, and the war ... These all have caused the scene you see now. "

Wei burning is silent, and I have sighed to sigh. "Do you have a few hands with Degula?"

I extended out three fingers. "The first time was in Mongolia, the second time was derived from the high-rise of the Holy Roman Empire, the third time in the US President Lincoln was assassinated, and people with me It is a hundred columns. "


"Yes, I almost forgot to tell you, adding this guy inexplicably lost memory, actually remember your pseudonym and Degula's name.

He still remember that Degola is an enemy, so mistaken thinking that Fan Hai Xin is his own, so you will be hunting in the world with your name, and it is a final hunter in this world.

Of course, I see him very pitiful, did not tell him that he is a waswolf. "

Wei ignit is very interested in adding hundreds of columns, "How is the guy strength?"

I was too thick. "I am very strong, when I teamed up with him to deal with Degola, he couldn't change his hand with Degola. Once become a wolf, it will also force Degula. Bat form. "

"So you can't kill Degula?"

I am depressed: "I have been playing, but I can't stay. His spell is very strange, and the speed is very fast, when I don't want to play, I will stop it at all. But he looks too strong, It seems to be smashed with a part of the ancient god of the ancient gods. If you can succeed, De Guula should become stronger. "

"So listening, I am interested, can you find him now?"

I was shrugged, "I heard that I have been sleeping. It seems to be in order to absorb the power of the ancient god. Of course, I don't know, otherwise the old lady will find the door, but it must be in the United States."

Wei burned and said: "In this case, we will go to the United States, even if you find a clue, it is easier to find him in the United States."

"What should your body do? Don't tell me that you have to consign, this is not a large hand!"

Wei burned looked at himself, and his mouth took a moment, he really couldn't ...

I was smiling again: "An, gave it to me, I can control your body with a sly, but it is only limited to normal activities, and fighting is definitely not."

Wei furnish in front of him, what is the most troubled now, immediately touched his hand: "It's so fixed! Tomorrow will go back to Mao's home, and how to say that this time is also taken care of him, it is the identity problem is also him help. Resolved, you should give him a difference. "

Chapter 15

Wei burning and suffering from the morning, Mao's hospitality, Mao Xiaofang and others disappeared against the body of Wei burner, both surprised and panic until they saw their "three".

Wei burning saw that Ma Zi's true teacher and Yu Peng Cheng did, and nodded to them. After expressing thanks, it explained the intention and detention.

Siwei, according to the amount of Weishi commercial, alone, to tell Mao Zhifang, as for Mao Xiaofen, convey to Yu Peng, will look at his will.

And the dishes will have the spell of the spell, and the internal repair method has passed on the Mao Xiao Fang and the horse. The reason why the two is discussed, and it is also hoping to leave a heritage to the East extraordinary circles. It does not expect to return to the most prosperous time before a thousand years, but at least the minimum should have certain resistance.

At the same time, it is also considered the reception and care of Mao Xiao Fang.

Mao Xiaofang and others are also because of disaster, although I don't want to burn, but also know that Weiurn's origin is unusual, with his strength, the goal to deal with it is not what they can fight at this stage.

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