Legend of the Overlord of the Heavens

Zhu Tian's Hegemony Legend Chapter 442

So I at this time, Wei Fire has been placed, directly lie down, and it needs to be restored.

Then the body that was bound by the rear gradually opened his eyes. In the shouts of many researchers, he easily broke the bondage of the body, directly on the distance.

So the movement, naturally make the two groups in the military base clearly clear, they helpless, they can only don't pay, don't mention, follow the direction of Wei Shun, chasing the past.

Soon, the two sides meet in a hidden mountain cave in the mountains.

"My body, what is the situation, now I can see it." Wei burned.

Yu Bing Yi's brother went around Wei's burning, and took a few important energy nodes on him, and the horrified call came out. "Are you a one-piece soul ?!"

Wei Bun was also surprised by his sentence, "What do you mean?"

Yan Bai Yi brother smiled, cold: "Don't understand this? You are not the original owner of this body, but it takes advantage of the original soul silence, occupying his body's lonely ghost!"

This matter is related to this source, but it is not only shocked by the other party. He is not only shocked, but more flustered.

My body is not mine? How can it be like this? Don't I fake in the original world experience? Or when I haven't consciously, my body is ... I am not right, is it to capture this body?

He is a mess in his brain, but he didn't see the whispering and his brother. He quietly left Wei stunned, but his eyes stared at him, it seems to be waiting for something.

Wei Bun suddenly roaring: "It's impossible! I can determine 100%, I am the original master of this body, I have all memories since birth! And ... my body is completely destroyed once, then I have experienced After that world, rebirth ... How can I not be mine? You are lie to me! "

He suddenly thought of the Tang Tang World. After all, when the world of biochemical crisis, his body was fried into a bunch of carbon powder. If it is a hidden body, then the soul of the original Lord must destroy with the destruction of the body. .

After that, I renew it in the Datang World, and the whole body of the body, he has, you can determine that you are the original master of your body, there is no need to win!

"What is your favor ?!"

Weimen suddenly killed the murder, the blood mode broke out, step by step, the Bingbian Yi brothers walked.

Both two obviously did not expect that Wei's flaws broke the lie, but it was a bit surprised, but it was more shocked by Weiming at this moment.

This is also casually crushed in their peaks.

Chapter 32, three corpses

"Don't give you a unforgettable lesson, it seems that you will not give me honesty."

Wei Burn is now flashing now, before he is easy to repair, but even the basic reaction is not, it is smashed by Wei burning.

He hurriedly running the cell, mobilizing the anthology of the anthropod trip in the body, do full of wearing the arm, but everything is futile.

Wei Bun also spotted its strength, it seems to have more obvious breakthroughs. The previous one is absolutely no possible, I will happen to the uniform, the soul is separated from the body, I must have happened.

Yan Bai Yi brother saw that a sword came to Wei blame, but even his body suffers could not be broken, but he was shocked, and he was in the body, and he had to go far. Wheavline avoided, first forced into the body.

The two finally realized how big is the difference between the strength of both parties, and the brother of the white Yiyi quickly shouted: "Taoist friends! It is not intentional to deceive you! I know your body, please let go of my brother. "

At this time, the fur of Yao Yilong is suffering from the violent impact of Wei combustion, almost always fragmentation, even seven ostrich, no resistance.

Wei Burning, one of the winds, the whole hole, the whole hole, the whole hole, a dramatic shake, the white is easy to spray a blood, the face is pale, but the madness of the impact Jin Dan has been pumped, let him seem Such as Mongmian, squatting on the ground vigorously coughing, and the fear is more boiling.

Wei Bun is red, like the flooding and beasts, the genus is generally staring at the Shibai Yi's brother, "I know what to say, don't want to disturb my heart, otherwise you will let your teacher brothers die!"

He looked at his brother, his heart was nervous, swallowed oral water, avoiding the eyes of Weimon's murder, slowly talk about the knowledge they know.

"The so-called one-piece soul, in addition to might of being swallowed by the original soul, the two are more possible, there is a possibility ... is the three corpses!"

Wei blaming knows how the three corpses is going on, no matter the Buddhist Tao, the three identities represent the three kinds of confidence, but I don't know what to say in Tiand.

"Three corpses? The one of my body is one of the three corpses?"

"It's not good to say, I will be a Saint, and the three corpses are self. I am, really, these three can be said to be yourself, but you can't say it. So can't say that your body is sinking The one of the sleep is one of the three corpses, or yourself is one of the three corpses. "

Wei Burn, I asked: "That means, I and the soul of sleep must be removed, can I restore the original situation? Or, I will be able to get into the body, and he is I don't have to sleep? "

"I don't know, in general, practice to a certain realm will experience the process of three corpses. Usually, it will be self, I, I really, I am into the first day, or put it into other worlds. In one, I have never heard of you, maybe I am not right. "

Wei fang is sitting in place, enters the sea, he wants to see the powerful soul, although it is until this can cause himself to be swallowed by the other party, but either born with him, or he is born with himself, both One. Even if you die, he must figure out what happened to him.

In the case of the large-locking of the sea barrier, Wei burglary has emerged here, he heard a heartbeat, slow and heavy. Although I can't see the existence of the soul, he knows that the other party is here.

"Who are you, or say, who I? Answer me."

The abyss consciousness swept from Wei burner, "It's too weak ... You want to know who you are? So do you think you are?"

Wei blaming silence for a moment, replied: "I am Wei , it is just Weiurn."

"In this case, why?"

"Because my body is occupied by you."

"How do you know that this is your body?" The abyss awareness was launched, as if you are talking about it?

"Because my memory will not deceive me."

"Those things experienced in this world, how do you know these memories true?"

Wei ignant remembered the man who was faked by false memory and giving a lifetime.

Thinking of this, it is slightly fascinating, and then firmly.

"If I have been guided by false memory, then I will not walk today, I don't have this level. I don't cultivate my heart, and how to break the second layer of sea barrier ?!"

"It is a bit mean, my source host."

Wei burning , "So, you are really an intruder?"

"Invasion? You just have an individual who has formed by the fascination of the fascination of the fans. Although you are influenced by me, I recall the memory of multiple reincarnations, but those who are seal it. But there is no movement. Do you know that you are the first time? "

Wei burner, "I am not the first time this?"

"Remember that Lu Henga guys said to you, he wants to break the reincarnation. He knows more than you, and he is actually another obstacle, but I am full of negative breath. The obsession is not interested, so they are boarding in your heart. "

Wei Bun was crazy at this time, I wanted to know what I have happened, I am asking, but I looked at this huge bronze lock in front of him. He silently silently.

"Although I am curious, although you said that I am a discourse you have made. But I don't agree with you, I am me, the only existence of the world, not anyone! Unless you kill me, I will not admit Is your part! "

"Heart cultivation is good, maybe you will like this gift, the premise is that you can digest it."

The awareness is sincerely appreciated, followed by the shadow after the huge bronze padlock, flying out of a chaotic atmosphere.

Wei ignit is very familiar with this, which is the residual force of the ancient god, but it is obviously to be swallowed, only the residual is like this, but still has a very powerful soul pollution.

"The gift of the chaotic industry has weakened many, you can take him, he is your gift. If you can't get, just when I went to this obsession."

The group chaotic breath was spotted to the existence of Wei Guyuan, like a bloody shark, and flutmed directly to him.

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