Chapter 17 False Memories

At this time, the door of the room opened, a middle-aged man came in, as if not seeing two people, take off the jacket, sitting on the chair of the living room, self-speaking, some words.

Wei Bun frown: "Do you know with you?"

, "

Wei Bun then remembered a question, "You are wanted everywhere, and the body structure is clearly different from those of this world, and the slum is easy to be patrolled.

Since you are all cultivated, why not directly win a local person, is it not more free to do with their identity? "

Bai Yi helpless: "I have been thinking about it before, until I have some bad things from this guy, so I don't do it."

He pointed at this original master in the house. "What do you listen to him?"

Wei burned frowned, only listened to this man to say: "Wife, as long as you save 30,000 yuan, I can send children to the noble school to study, when you should come back, forgive me so poverty, Can't find a fixed work, can only make zero to maintain your livelihood, is my incompetence to let you leave ... "

This is like a tragic middle-aged man, although his mental state looks not normal, but still has logic.

Wei Fang Suspectedly, Yu Bing Yi, Yan Bing Yi said: "When I just hide here, I once had a hypoted this person, and I didn't want to see him from his memory. I didn't have a child.

He is basically a person from a small to the big, and it is a living, which can be used to find some smart robots. If you can't get zero, you can't marry him.

However, in his memory fragment, there are some things that have been forcibly transplanted, and they are mistaken by him, such as the so-called wife and daughter. "

Then, the white is very serious, "the so-called false memory is the interface from him. This world's so-called network is very dangerous. It can make you no longer think that it is yourself in the case of God. It is something else. This is also one of the reasons I have not whered. "

Wei Shi's eyebrows also looked tightly, he remembered the memory modifier that Irina had mentioned. Humans have aware of self-cultivation, some of which come from memory, from the past options in life.

If this memory can be modified by people, then I can still call me? And those who can manipulate others, do you mean that you can control others at any time?

A living person has become the NPC created by others? Think about it, this is a terrible thing.

"You only try to win him, and didn't you try to win other people?"

, "How can I try it, I actually tried every one of this building, but I found a terrible fact. Here everyone has been modified to memorize, and false life experiences let them think they There is another kind of life, but also hope, you can continue to change.

But in fact, their lives here, it is a dark, there is no future. Some of our Tianstrings controlled a mortal man, some magic repairs the people to kill, take their soul cultivation. The most cases are to let go of self, do not use any tube bundles, which will be like this to control everyone's thoughts and memories. "

It's really cold and chestnut.

Wei burning, if everyone is in the slum, what about other people living in the middle class? For example, is it before the body has been deleted by the brain interface? What about them? Their rebellion, their revolution is also the result of remembering the modified?

Weimen did not want to think about it, forcibly transfer the topic, "How can you act back later, can this spiritual stealth?"

"It is not a big problem, but this thing can only work for people within a certain range, and the artificial intelligence of this world is a joke, and it is a joke. There is no spirit of artificial intelligence. Moreover. My research is already able to lock my aura from me, so ... I have no good way. "

Wei Gun, "What you mean, can you rely on me when saving people?"

"Currently, I can only worship Li brother."

"You don't busy please, it is better to go to a place with me, say that you can solve the problem you easily expose."

Time to meet the next time, at this time, the man who has just been in the house is sitting in the house, stand up again, go outside the door.

Wei was imagined, and the whispered, I found that I was still early, Wei Bun is bored, and I'm inexplicably follow the person.

As he took public transport, he came to the industrial area of ​​urban pollution. Here, he saw the other side of the world.

In the industrial zone, the order is more well in the well-imagination, because all production work is completed by the robot. As long as there is sufficient energy, these robots can have been returning to the factory.

Therefore, the production in the industrial zone has almost endless, and various needs in the city are basically coming from this.

Weishi is curious about that more than 80% of the world is thoroughly poor, and can only eat the slums of government relief.

In addition, 19% is the working class like Qian Yu, but also rely on the skills of studying to learn to have a certain amount of living standards, there must be certain consumption.

Only 1% of the population is the nobles of this world, firmly occupying the top of the pyramid, has more than 90% of resources to control them.

Only the 1% extremely rich group is impossible to drive the consumption of this society, and 19% of the middle class, consumption capacity is still very limited, so the economic cycle of the whole world can be said to be close to the crash, a lot Wealth and resources are more concentrated, and the bottom layer is getting wilted.

This situation is reasonable that the factory is not so live, if only low-protection materials are produced, it is not going to work on day and night. So Wei Bun is very curious about these factories, what is done in the end.

He still following the deep area of ​​the industrial area, this man is numb, and the eyes are in the world's dead houses in the online game world.

Wei Bun, I don't know if this basically only needs to rely on the machine to complete all the production tasks, what is the job is suitable for him.

I saw him to the core area of ​​the industrial zone, and after the security robot from the door, the facial features and the pupil were scanned, and they were released.

Weishun is very curious about what is doing, and it is also ready to go behind him, but is stopped by the security robot.

"Mr., you are not the employee of the company, no permission entry."

Weimen's consciousness wants to show violence, but immediately reacts to the current situation is not suitable for trouble, ready to turn, go to other places.

However, I still asked a word. "Do you still miss people? I think it is interview."

The security robot's electronic eye flashes, and finally made a smile of manicing. "The company has long been recruited. Welcome any human citizens to become the company's employees. If you want to interview, you can bring this badge to the personnel department."

The security robot handles a special badge to Weimon, Wei is worn with the bike, according to the route from the ground, will go to the personnel department.

Chapter 18 Interview

Unfortunately, the internal road is different, he can't see the specific production process of this factory. And there is no other permissions to enter other regions, and can only go to the Personnel Department.

Not long after sitting, there is a robot to interview him.

Wei Bun is very surprised, here is an interview, also use the robot? And you don't seem to say what position is going to interview, how do it interview yourself?

The electronic eye of the robot seems to have special functions, scans for a while, especially the brain, spends longer.

After the end, it said: "The company currently only recruits a catalyst calculation, as long as you are healthy, there is no special disease, you can get on the job. Just detected by Mr. Zhang Jin, fully compliant with this job demand, please ask Zhang Mr., is you interested in adding the company? "

Due to the existence of the brain interface, the other party can be identified as long as the special tool scans the puppet. Weimen's identity was organized in the federal citizen information library, and used another peripheral organization member, so the other party thought that Weiurn's name was Zhang Jin.

"I want to understand the work of this job, as well as related salary, working hours, etc."

Wengui strives to make this metal, and even the shelves of the bionic skin are omitted as a human, export inquiry.

The other side's electronic sound can't be used for any emotional change, of course, as a weak artificial intelligence, it is impossible to produce this kind of thing.

"There are more than 100 billion neurons in the human brain, up to 100 trillion neurons, so the human brain is more likely to handle some complexity problems. Even if simple calculation is more than the computer, it has powerful Learning ability and creativity.

The company is affiliated with the Sixth Sixth Subprumbra Group, the main attack project is a strong manual intelligence. At present, weak artificial intelligence has developed for four hundred years, and technology development has reached the limit. The only thing that can be used as a breakthrough is to explore the mystery of human brain, and simulate it to artificially intelligent.

The catalyst of the biodine machine is under specific stimulation, and the brain enters the extent of high-speed operation. We collect results of the brain operation in this state of each employee, and put it into big data for analysis, find the law, introduce the future development of strong manual intelligence. "

Weak artificial intelligence is full of strange feelings, how to see this practice is a bit more than ordinary moral ethics, and this research is actually legal?

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