The destination is here, but ... how is it? There is no light, and only a few old safety emergency lights are still flashing green, and it seems to have not been there.

Wei furnrates to turn on the flashlight, and suddenly there is a person on the platform, Wei burning suddenly licking, full of vigilance.


"it's me."

"Come with me."

I only heard the other party is a man, but he wore a weird coil, the head was covered by the general helmet of the gas mask, distinguished.

Weishun is vigilant to follow him to go to the platform, because of the abandonment, the export of this station is blocked by some tattered and destroyed reinforced concrete.

Of course, they did not go to the upper, but at a elevator station, found a road to the underground. The darkness of the seven turned around, Wei Bun forced remembering each road route for preparation, which finally came to a place with basic power.

This is a secret-built small base, which is equivalent to the size of the five basketball courts, and has various Weimonian electronic equipment.

There are also some people like this leader, wearing a gas mask with a silver-gray dress, an indecent.

They saw that there were outsiders visiting, they were curious, and there were three people greeted them. The person who took the way: "The security system has no alert, he has no problem."

When I heard this sentence, everyone took off the gas mask and looked at Weimon with friendly smile. It turned out that Wei burned all the way, and after several security inspection equipment, it can be scanned to all parts of the human body, even inside the body to determine whether it is installed with a tracker installed, and even determines whether Subject to the government's spy.

When I saw the person who was the first person, Wei ignited was quite surprised. From the memories of Qian Yu, he remembers that this person is the spiritual leader of this social change organization. The appearance looks flat, it is a middle-aged man who is not a feature.

In order not to be seen, Wei Deco is surprised: "The city of Haicheng is not big, I didn't expect the mentor to be here!"

Ge Chong and Wei branched handshake and laughed together with people around him.

"In the real world, we are limited to geographic location. But in the virtual world, I and each comrades are ideal for ideals, there is no distance.

And now, I am also like you and you are all on the list of federal government networks. My rewards can be much higher than you. "

Humorous words have quenched a little laugh, and people don't conscious, people have done a lot of tension, of course, Wei is not a tension.

"According to Qi Yu's comrades you provide, plus you don't have road now, the organization does not accept you, then it is too sorry to organize the intelligence line to fight in the dangerous line. Since it comes If you are in peace, you will need to work with your comrades in the future. "

The other party is kind, but the Wei burning in the brain is recalling all of his information. Ge Chong, this is a revolutionary organizational spirit leader who is interested in changing social reality, breaking monopoly, breaking class curing, letting human civilization.

In the early years, I seem to be the same as Qian Yu, I was born in the network security engineer. The earliest thing to promote his philosophy in the media, interesting is that this is a self-media account that has no fan, and its influence is reasonable, but it has gradually developed, which has affected many people, and eventually received the federal government intelligence department. Tracking investigation.

As a result, Ge Chong has wanted, and the crime is spreading cult. Even so, he still steps this social change organization today, the power is spread all over the world, the organizer behind the dark screen, and step by step began to affect the federal rule.

Weishun is spoken, and the other people are greeted and prepared to introduce themselves. I didn't expect Ge Chong to introduce Weimer burning for internal staff. Since they are single-line contact.

Only Ge Chong can contact Qi Yu, Qi Yu is unable to contact him, to contact him to release the signal in the dark network, so Ge ​​Chong's basic information is also known.

Wei Bun only performed slightly in Ge Chong's introduction, it was temporarily integrated into this organization. Well, it is exactly that it is effective before Qian Yu, and has discovered the important secret, so that his merit can become one of the inner members of this organization.

After a introduction, I personally gave Weburn awarded a chapter, and made the corresponding oath. It is probably to rebuild the new and fair social order, breaking the inherent monopoly and oppression, and willing to take the lead in working hard. One type, the atmosphere is very solemn here.

The people here have basically used these as self-value and historical mission, and sincerely give sacrifices. After the oath, it means that Weiurn has become one of the backbone members of the organization.

Everyone here is very busy. After the Wei's oath is oath, most of them returned to their job positions, do experiments to develop, collect intelligence, and even training the soldiers.

Wenguang saw this situation and worried that they gave themselves to other irrelevant work, so after some self-introduction, I took the initiative to put forward myself to participate.

"Mr. Ge, about the secret that I found, should involve the latest Niki soldier in secret development. We organize the current lack of effective armed forces, I hope to participate in this project, pursue the latest voluntary soldiers data."

Ge Chong and several surroundings seem to be the person's person's eyes, but he is greeted Wei to have a room.

Ge Chong looks solemnly: "Comrade Qi Yu, the secret you discovered is very important to us. The power of our organization is too weak, compared to the federal army, is also far from the distance.

It is impossible to fight with the government's positive nature, the only thing to do is to use a small number of elite warriors to try to implement control and beheads on key departments and leaders. "

Weishun is so angry, it is not like a revolutionary force, and it is a terrorist.

Ge Chong, clearly saw that Wei Shun thoughtfully, and smashed: "You must think that we are training those with human meat bombs, don't hurt me, haha, just started to train our armed forces Basic all people think it.

However, the enemy's strength is disparied, and there is no other way outside of this. After all, all of our military technology industry must avoid the government's monitoring restrictions, which makes us unable to obtain the resources required by the production of regular channels, and they cannot develop their own military power.

And in this development of armed forces, it is not only for security, control, assassination, behead and other work. In fact, it is one of our organization's development phases, and since you are a member of our organization, then naturally knows our political programs and strategic programs. "

Said, Ge Chong is indifferent, there is a beautiful woman with light green long hair, from the side of the tactical light screen, the top of the very intelligent projection out of the content of Ge Chong to express.

Wei burning awareness of the woman, I feel that her skill is not simple, it should be in addition to the assistant, there is a bodyguard responsibility, but listening to Ge Chong named her Dr. Irena.

So young and don't seem to be a doctor? What ghost?

There have been several strategic stages of the organization on the tactical light curtain.

Under Ge Chong's explanation, Weimen's actions have gradually understood this organization.

The first stage: is the development of members of the organization's core value identity, developing from the underground people. Most of them are civil leeks without any background, but they have been unwilling to reality higher education, such as those such as Qi Yu.

After all, most underlying civilians have been implemented by large Torares, and the ** music cultural control, becoming a group of only knowing today, never thinking about how to change and think.

These people are either gathering in the organizational organization of the underlying slums, there is no life tomorrow today, or the home is either in public rental housing, adding the virtual game world, drunken dreams.

They are no vital social garbage, and any new ideas can't wake up their blood. It is only like Qian Yu. Higher education is accepted, but there is no hope for any hope in the future, there is sufficient motivation to transform this society.

Chapter 5 Torres's Northern King

The second phase: After the development of sufficient core members and the peripheral members, organizations can obtain resources from all aspects of society. Through these resources, it can be legally established in society to establish an entity industrial organization.

On the one hand, there is enough financial resources, and on the one hand, you can exercise the ability to organize members and secretly develop their own equipment.

By this stage, a political organization is basically stable in terms of talent and material resources, and it has the foundation of stable development, and it is possible to carry out deeper dangerous work.

Weishun saw here, and then looked at Geong et al., Knowing that the organization has already spent this stage. The first two phases are similar to missionary and entrepreneurship, seemingly simple, in fact, the development of the foundation is full of difficulties.

For example, in this second phase, organize and develop companies, who can ensure that the core members of the organization will not fall into the greedous capital money valves after they see many material resources and wealth?

After all, greed is human nature. If the core member does not have a very firm belief, it will be compromising with large Torares throughout the organization, and go to corruption, become a community of interest groups.

The third stage: After the organizational roots, it is the development of armed forces that belongs to themselves, which is what is doing at this stage.

Considering the enemy, my strength gap is huge, even if I rely on the masses, it is still not enough. Because the masses of the organization are now limited to higher education and unusual social elite classes.

This class has a wealth of knowledge and skills, which gives a great help. But most people in this class are still very weak, because their life is still able to live, and there is no absolute darkness that even survives.

Therefore, developing armed forces, what is going to do, the ultimate goal is to let more drunken dreams and the anti-wisdom of tomorrow, feel the pain of survival, and then join the organization's new order.

There is enough power to carry out the next strategy.

The fourth stage: is the final stage and the final stage of the class struggle - war! After organizing those who have been hit by social status, they have a wisdom, and they have developed formal military power, and they directly fight against the military power of existing interest groups, seize the political power and establish new social order.

At present, Weimang's most confused place is that in the third stage, how to ensure a small amount of elite troops to achieve the purpose of awakening the underlying anti-ingredients? This should not be something that the gun can be done, but the pole can do things.

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