In fact, it is the bureau under the interested part of Degola, his purpose is to kill this, the most helpless Qinglong.

After the Degula's body was destroyed, he broke the four major sacred beasts and turned to the media, and the murderer was born with the cloak.

Qinglong did not make a scream, and the scene was completely dissipated, and only one broken spirit was falling, and then burned it to ashes.

The four major sacred beasts are assisted, and now there is a huge flaw when they are missing, and there is a huge flaw in the time of being closed.

Without Qinglong's protection, with the strength of Degola, he is really a sword to open the martial arts.

Under the horror, the Lianxim method will replace itself into the auxiliary role of Qinglong, and it is intended to limit Degola from the side. But at this time, the loss of the loss does not exert the powerful restrictions on Qinglong, even if there are hundreds of columns, there is no utility.

And there is no time lapse and backtracking to harass, now, now, can fully play its own strength, do not have much, reversely with the power of the white tiger, deliberately cracking into a number of spatial cracks into multiple copies.

Among them, the right arm of the weapon was sent to the white tiger. Under the control of Degula, the neck was passed from its most soft abdomen, and the white tiger was disappeared on the spot.

Then, never condense the real, the sky bat, four flying dance, Suzaku crazy exudes the flame, but always burned. A bat near the body, and then the concrete Gergulan sword.

There is only the only Xuanwu, the hard anti-German three swords, the hard turtle and the snake head is crushed.

At this point, the bottom card is completely discarded, and he has also fully tried his best, and there is no surgery, and it is desperate to look at Degula.

He uses secret treasure, intended to transfer the spatial channel to return to heaven, but in this alien space, he is waiting for the lack of high-level powerless delivery, which is caught by Degula.

"Let me ... Try your blood!"

Chapter 69 Release

It is absolutely tried by Degola, with his death, the cover of the battlefield is immediately collapsed, and De Guula jumped behind Wei Fei.

At this time, Wei-burning uses the advantages of heavy fire power, kills the following monster blood sea.

These monsters not only use pure fleshy to push Wei burning, but also use their own magic energy, soul control and other techniques. But the strength is far from Wei ignition, all the offensive is basically unacceptable, and can only be killed by Wei.

At this time, Wei Bun and the gun tube became popular, standing on the heavy magic body, back to Degola, and raised a pot of wine in the quarter ring, and there was no scruple.

"I have tasted the taste of human blood, can I remember what the wine is?"

Degula did not take the opportunity to attack, that is, he is noticeable, even if the sneak attack is no potential, in front of this man, you can always refresh your own awareness.

"I have tasted the taste of the blood, I know how the wine is inexpensive."

At this time, a holy light is approaching, and the hundreds of columns have been chasing it straight, and Degla is erecting a bat, and it is easy to avoid his sword.

Degula, condensed in the distance: "Add hundreds of columns, it seems not enough, rest assured, the next retaliation will make you withstand eternal pain, let alone you have darkness."

Plus hundreds of columns a little bit, but the extreme anger is once again ignited, and it is about to attack, but we will hold it with Wei.

"Your current strength, it is also sent to death, really want to play with him, and you have to become a form."

The Wei Dimu is pulling, and then looks to Degola, "and I have been so long, to the limit."

Degula looked up to see the sky, and I was separated from the auxiliary of the hot weapon, and the physical strength was still very good.

"Originally, I want to use these slaves to pick up your companions, but you have a hidden weapon, it is really unexpected, it's timeless. But you don't affect the overall situation, you are two! For me to share the last eternal curse Let's! "

Wei Burns suddenly collapsed heavy machine guns, recruited swords with victory, and smiled: "When you can't hold, you can't think about it, you think too much."

Wei Hard has passed the hundred columns, waving the Sword of the Sword of the Sword. But it is very uncomfortable for Degola, which is preparing to release the power of the ancient god.

Moreover, Wei Bun is launched, and I have rushing down to siege, and it is not willing to converge, and the deep dark force is actively released, and the isoe is the main force of offensive.

It is hard to imagine the strength of the ancient gods, and the strongest offensive of everyone broke out and repeatedly killed several times, but he always re-aggregates in this space.

Just getting it back, he is more difficult to control his strength, when starting a counterattack, often do not hit me, together with the monster in the same space together.

The whole power of the battle is repeated in the blood-red space consisting of faces.

Those faces are destroyed, and they grow up again, their faces are originally painful, with only a panic.

Just like those monsters, it is a lot of killing, even if the sacrifices in front of the battle, even if they are, they don't dare to go deep into the battlefield.

Degola is born with blood red, Wei burning and other people's toughness is out of his expectation, he can't rely on the strength of the ancient gods with many remembals.

The body is not from autonomy to produce alienation, first turn into a giant bat, and then grow up from the bat to the head, and the limbs.

This form of Degula has exceeded threeth order, and entered the point where you can rush Wei burning.

In the forefront, there is almost no ingredients of ingredients, and the strength of Fangyang et al., The strength of Fang Yang et al. Is not allowed to close to the battlefield, only a boxing wind will make them rush.

Only Wei burning and suffering from suffering, waiting for Degula can't help the explosion. When you come to quickly call the army, you can take a dissipated force to go.

At this time, Degola seems to be completely rational, crazy attacks, there is no support from the three strokes, it is necessary to hold it by the other side.

Wei Bang did not take other, and he didn't take care of him, and the residual power was desperately intercepted.

The Half of the short, and the other half will go out. If the strong vitality of the body is already dead.

I was also able to escape, but I was still kicked by Degula, and I didn't play a half point.

"The dead thing, Fan Hai Xin, you are lucky!"

Wei furnace whole body is to the dissection, is sucked by Degula, and the other hand will suck the same seriously injured.

"I still have the last ingredients, and now no one can stop me!"

Weimer felt a chaotic, filthy, cold, and full of power to rush into his body.

The other side is also the same, and the two are in the air, and the power of the ancient gods is madly.

At the same time, the Holy King's reminder is also in the two people with the transfer of the ancient god. The inerting holy king will be missed, and the desire of an exciting of the ancient gods is not interested, and it is still holding a natural attitude.

Fang Yang et al. Naturally unable to sit, rushing up, intention to save Weburn, but Degola set off the injection in the week, so that the strength of Huge Shouyang and others were not a matter.

I slammed directly, I hope he can intervene immediately. After all, the power of the ancient god and the holy king of the Holy King are still partially in overflow.

When the army was very anxious. "It has been transferred back to the world without control. But the unable to interfere in three in the body, my strength is huge in the world's barriers, that deThe yin and yang fish, the yin and yang fish, is the mark of the Holy King stay in this world. It has a large barrier ability to cross space! You must find a way to ruin it! "

I will stand up, even if I take the drug, I can't restore the power in a short time. Now I can't afford it half of the yuan, how can the Legionguan tips?

Fang Yang et al. Also has a little power, but even the imprisonment can't break through, the strength gap is huge, how to do the tiger mouth tooth extraction?

At this time, the blazing of black eyes in front of him, I feel that there is something that is eroding the soul of the pollution.

His soul has been integrated with the flesh, so it is clear from the flesh.

The whole body can see the skin, which has floors in a general green black, and the skin vessels have formed a strange inscription, highlighting the surface of the skin.

The ancient god seems to be very meaningful of this body, increasing erosion, and the inert holy king will naturally follow the soul and body of Weiurn.

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